Chapter 1030 Origin Point

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  Chapter 1030 Origin Point

  "Mr. Kolaman, you go to the back to rest first, and leave it to me."

  After taking over the threads of the yarn ball, Ronald naturally ordered Kolaman to step back.

  At the same time, Ronald's eyes became more serious.

  The inward pulling force on the thread was quite large, and he really used all his strength to hold on to it. And while they were wrestling with each other, even the [Guardian Angel] passive defense was activated.

  Ronald was almost 90% sure that the force pulling him inside was not human at all, and would not be at the level that the master of this spell could achieve.


  Thinking of this, Ronald took a deep breath.

  In this case, he used all his strength to exert force outwards. After using all the superimposed power as all the spells were strengthened, the ball of wool was finally pulled outward by Ronald.


  At the same time, the surrounding magicians couldn't take their eyes away when they saw this scene.

  They almost all understand that the outcome of this wrestling match will most likely bring great progress to the breakthrough of the ruins.

  But in the eyes of a very small number of people, what they worry about is the strength of the yarn ball.

  People like Costat or Keya know how exaggerated Ronald's power is, and maybe the ball of yarn will break apart before the wrestling is over.


  A few minutes later, good news and bad news came one after another.

  As a person who actually wrestles, Ronald's mentality has also changed a lot.

  The first good thing is that the strength of the yarn ball is very trustworthy. This product created by magic is extremely difficult to destroy, even if it withstands such a strong pulling force.

  But the bad thing was that Ronald felt something was wrong with the magician inside.

  As the person who directly grabs the ball of wool, he can sense the overall change in the state of this magical creation. The current result is that the caster in the ruins seems to have insufficient magic power.

  Continue to pull like this.

  This ball of yarn will only disappear as the opponent's magic power dries up.

  Ronald, who had no relevant spell system at all, could not change this situation.

  In other words – a dead end.


  "Costat, come here and catch the thread."


  At this time, Ronald decisively called the maid to catch the thread. Although Kostat is not as strong as Ronald, he can still keep the ball of wool from being pulled in.

  Seeing this scene, Keya, who had just supported the caster to go in and explore, took a step forward:
  "Mr. Ronald, is something wrong?"

  Ronald immediately explained:

  "Of course there is no problem in continuing to pull the thread, but the companion inside , but the magic power is not enough to sustain such losses."


  After hearing the explanation, Keya immediately understood the dilemma of the current situation.

  However, she is an experienced mysterious old man, so she immediately had other ideas:

  "Even so, he is indeed connected to the magic. Can we follow this connection to intervene or fix his state, and then How about dragging people out again?"

  "Oh!" Ronald had indeed not expected Keya's idea before, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed a plan that could be tried, "This idea is worth a try." Definitely

  . Knowing Keya's plan, Ronald immediately changed his subject and continued in a commanding tone: "Keya, you are responsible for trying this method here first, and Costat will cooperate with your work." He grabbed the thread on the side

  . The maid naturally has no objection to this.

  But as the person being entrusted, Keya's expression became excited:
  "Mr. Ronald, what are you going to do?"

  "I just sensed something, now I'm going to verify it." Ronald explained to everyone, " In half an hour at most, even if I haven't finished the verification, I will use magic to convey the information to you." "

  Everyone, let's see you later." As

  soon as the words fell, Ronald recited the incantation of "Almagest", which turned into a spell in the blink of an eye. The arc disappeared into the rainy night.

  Others didn't even have time to stop him.

  Knowing that with Ronald's departure, the rain-proof effect of "The Hammer of Rain and Mist" would also disappear, the remaining talents quickly started to use rain-proof methods and conducted experiments according to Keya's previous plan.

  --at the same time.

  Ronald was flying in the air, still taking the time to correct his enhanced perception ability.

  Although this ability to extremely enhance perception has outstanding effects, it is not suitable for maintaining it all the time. The experience of being highly aware of the surroundings at all times brings extremely exaggerated pressure to people.

  If you want to give an example, it is like Superman awakening super hearing in the movie. It is definitely a very tortured experience.

  Just like this, he adjusted his body.

  Ronald also flew to his target location in the air.

  He is now on top of the entire island near the cliff. The area covered by the ruins includes the entire cliff, so this is almost a restricted area for exploration by the [Nikos] magician.

  As for what Ronald saw in the air...

  [Larchmont] This city once had an exaggerated level of construction. On the cliff slopes of the entire island, a castle covering an amazing area is located here, with many towering spiers. and gorgeous squares.

  Even if you look at the general outline in the dark, you can give people the feeling that this is the castle where the wizard lives.

  And the source of magic power that Ronald had tried so hard to perceive before.

  In fact, it is also in this castle area.

  "This is really big enough..."

  Ronald sighed in a low voice, then summoned the original scripture and recited the incantation again:

  "Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, we will begin to form our understanding!"

  Ronald activated the [Astrolabe] spell.

  As his ability to detect terrain unfolded, he not only confirmed the magnificent architecture of the castle, but also determined the location of the magic source.

  That is located halfway up the mountain, in the center of the entire castle.

  On the east side of the castle hall, there is a place that looks like a study, but contains a lot of mysterious experimental equipment.

  The source of magic that Ronald perceived came from this room, from a book spread out on the table.

  "It is indeed the original book..."

  The magic power he perceived was the cause of this special phenomenon, and as a starting point, the culprit was indeed an original book.

  It's just that the real situation has been confirmed.

  But Ronald still felt troubled and frowned.

  Take it out with your own magic?
  The magical conflict between different original texts was something Ronald had already experienced as early as Burrenwich Railway Station.

  But no magic is used.

  I can't forcefully pull out this original book from such a long distance!
  Faced with this impasse, Ronald thought for more than a minute and finally managed to piece together a plan.

  So facing the castle below, he began to summon the original scriptures he owned one by one:

  "Anyway... let's give it a try first."

  (End of Chapter)

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