Chapter 1028 Rune Application

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  Chapter 1028 Rune Application
  "Let's go to the scene first to check the situation."

  After reading the information given by Coraman, Ronald immediately led everyone outside.

  Just from the descriptions recorded in these words, he could feel the difficulty of the current situation. At present, if I want to complete the cracking of the ruins, it is more appropriate to see the actual situation within the scope.

  On the contrary, it was Coraman, the manager of the camp, who heard that Ronald was about to set off, so he advised him:
  "Mr. Ronald, you have come from afar, why don't you wait until you have a rest tonight and be refreshed before going tomorrow?" ?"

  "Don't worry, if there is a problem, I will never force it." Ronald saw the worry in the other person's eyes, so he turned back with a calm look, "All actions I take are based on ensuring everyone's safety as much as possible. ."

  "Besides, you [Nikos] also need time." "


  After Ronald said these words, Coraman immediately stopped talking.

  It was only when he led everyone away from the camp that he whispered to Ronald but in a very serious tone:
  "Mr. Ronald, please."

  "I know."


  The location of the camp, They maintained a relatively safe distance from the [Larchmont] ruins, so Ronald and his party left the camp and walked for a while on a rainy night before seeing the boundaries of the city's ruins.

  For security reasons, the boundaries of the ruins are guarded at regular intervals, and sharpened wood is inserted into the ground several meters apart as a warning. Even on a rainy night, these guards did not dare to be lazy at all.

  Almost as soon as Ronald and the others appeared, the guards in the corresponding area approached.

  Waiting to find out that Coraman is also in the team.

  He lowered his guard and came to a distance where he could see each other's faces clearly. While looking at Ronald and others, the guard opened his mouth to test: "
  Captain Coraman, did you come here so late? What happened?"

  Coraman said . Raman naturally stepped forward and explained: "These adults are [Greed] here to support us in entering the ruins."

  The guard suddenly realized: "That's it."

  Then the team continued to move forward, and Ronald's perception was that there was still some The vague magic power fluctuations gradually became clear.

  "Sir, be careful."

  Suddenly, the guard who was here warned.

  After stopping everyone's progress, he pointed to a patch of bushes beside the muddy road that had clearly been cut to create a passage, and said: "

  Through these bushes, the ruins are only two meters away."

  "We only need Knowing the approximate boundaries of this ruins, there is no way to lock the safety distance within one meter."

  When he said these reminders, the expression on the guard's face was frightened. He had obviously witnessed the thrilling scene of the ruins eating people before.

  Faced with his serious look...

  Ronald and others looked at each other before cautiously leaning over the bushes.

  During this period, as the leader of the team, Ronald recited a spell at the same time and once again summoned the black fog of hell.

  "Its name is Styx,

  and the black water flows down to the foot of the dark and steep cliff..." The

  spreading mist crawled on the ground.

  It was just as the guard said and as recorded in the documents Ronald had seen before. After crossing a certain range, the black mist of hell suddenly disappeared along an invisible border.

  Then a few more seconds passed.

  The black mist that was still on the ground suddenly disappeared, pushing the already dangerous border three meters closer to Ronald and the others.

  Regarding this dangerous situation, Ronald nodded silently.

  ——The actual data is completely consistent with the records.

  The black mist that disappears for the first time follows the rule of disappearing directly after entering three meters deep; the black mist that disappears for the second time follows the rule of ten seconds after entering the range.

  [Nikos] There is no problem with the data obtained by the people here.

  And there is good news from this.

  As time goes by, the scope of influence of the [Larchmont] ruins has not expanded or changed. Although they are not sure what the future holds, this is clearly a favorable condition for their exploration at the moment.

  Thinking of this, Ronald narrowed his eyes slightly.

  He tried to sense the black mist of hell that was engulfed by the ruins, but the feeling that was originally like using his arms and fingers became vague at this moment. Ronald was sure that the black fog of hell that he summoned still existed here, but he couldn't see or touch it, and he couldn't even control it as usual.

  As soon as you enter the ruins, everything seems to be isolated by something.

  Meanwhile, right behind Ronald.

  [Nikos] The expressions of several casters turned bitter.

  They looked at the clear boundary drawn by the black mist on the ground, with unconcealable envy and discomfort in their eyes. If they had such a convenient spell, I don't know how many unnecessary sacrifices could be avoided.

  It's a pity that the regrets of [Nikos]'s casters cannot be avoided.

  No one is paying attention to this aspect right now.

  After clarifying the direction of the ruins swallowing things, Nicole was the first in the Grid team to stand up and ask Ronald:

  "Ronald, can I try it first?"

  Ronald naturally nodded in agreement, but She did not forget to warn her:
  "Go, but pay attention to safety."

  "I know, I know." Nicole dealt with it indifferently, but after two steps to the border, the expression of the investigator girl completely changed. Become serious and never slack off.

  Facing the invisible boundary, Nicole no longer used the magic she was good at manipulating plants at this time. Instead, she took out a bullet and carved runes on it with her fingertips, and then shot it straight forward.

  There was a gunshot, and the bullet shot out of the gun chamber driven by gunpowder.

  Several spellcasters with strong observation skills present could clearly see that this bullet, like Ronald's black mist before, disappeared immediately after entering the ruins three meters away, and no trace of it could be seen again.

  Nicole's first trial seemed to be in vain?

  However, the next second, the investigator girl told people why she can now become an ace investigator.

  Facing the invisible wall in front of her, Nicole made a judgment with a very certain tone:

  "Ronald, my bullet continued to move forward intact, and it didn't completely lose kinetic energy until it hit a firm object."

  Ronald Of course I believe Nicole.

  But just to the side, someone at [Nikos] couldn't help but ask:

  "Madam, can you still sense the status of the bullet?"

  "Are you sure?"

  [Nikos]'s caster's tone was completely in disbelief.

  They have used every conceivable method, but they still have not been able to get a glimpse of the ruins. All methods will lose their original effect when faced with the air in front of them.

  But now...

  an investigator who just came here is still such a young girl.

  Can they achieve a state that none of them can reach?

  "Look here."

  Faced with the doubts of [Nikos]'s caster, Nicole generously stretched out her hand to show it.

  In the palm of the investigator's girl's hand, a rune that had been uploaded at an unknown time was lying there quietly, as if announcing to everyone that he was extraordinary.

  "The runes I just carved on the bullet and this are a symbiotic pair." "

  Although I have indeed lost the perception of the runes on the bullet, through their symbiotic relationship, I can still observe the changes in the bullet. "

  Believe me, this is definitely not wrong."

  (End of this chapter)

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