Chapter 54 Rodan, you really deserve to die! 【2-in-1】

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  Chapter 54 Rodan, you really deserve to die! [2-in-1]

  In the T world area,

  the Dragon Controlling World,

  in a wilderness near the Beast Abyss, three huge devices tens of meters high were carefully polished by the most ingenious craftsmen of the Lingren tribe.

  Their lifelong skills and unique knowledge were used in every detail. Except for some old craftsmen, most of them were young spirits who were apprentices of craftsmen. "

  Gilbert, what do you think these evil masters do to build this device?" "

  A young spiritual man wiped the sweat from his forehead, but there was no dissatisfaction in his tone.

  Moreover, when he looked at the Goblin Troll who was the "supervisor" on the periphery, his eyes did not resist disgust and hatred, but instead contained some yearning, "It would be great

  if I could also be favored by Lord Evil."

  "Get out of here. , don’t be an eyesore here.”

  Gibbert spat,
  “You are a bitch who forgets your ancestors.”

  “How can you be worthy of your dead parents like this?”


  Even if the young spirit Aku was scolded, he still smiled. Haha.

  But after hearing the last words of the craftsman Gibber, his smile suddenly faded and he asked,

  "Gibber, let me tell you, why have I been sorry to my parents?"

  Hearing Aku's rhetorical question, Gibber was surprised. Stunned for a moment.

  Before he could speak, he heard Aku continue to speak, saying in a calm voice,
  "Because we don't have the talent to control dragons, our family is poor and can only survive at the bottom of the city-state." "

  My father makes a living by scavenging, and my mother I made a living by knitting, and I got sick. Not to mention, when I was ten years old, my sister, sixteen, was snatched into the guardhouse by the city guards and died." "My father has been honest all his life and never dared to make trouble. He was killed by the guards just to collect the body

  . He was used as a living target to train to control the dragon, and he died."

  "I just rushed to see the laughing guards, and my mother died in depression."

  Aku looked directly at Gibbert, and his voice was so indifferent that Gibbert felt a little scared. ,
  "Tell me, who is sorry for my parents?"

  Gibbert responded in silence.

  Didn't he become a craftsman because he was born with nothing?
  In the past, he was still bullied.

  Feeling his conscience, after seeing the dragon masters who once oppressed ordinary spiritual people being killed, does he really feel no joy at all?
  I'm afraid.
  There are still some.

  Otherwise, he would not have signed up to build these devices that the demons valued.

  Even if the reason given is "to prevent the angry demons from massacring civilians if there is no response from the spirits."

  But of course he himself knew why he signed up.

  In the spirit society, each city-state is divided and ruled, and the city lord is the earth emperor. I am afraid there are not a few in their situation. Looking at the cheers and smiles
  around them, it seems that the race is not in name only but they are not.

  Gibbert knew that the sky of the Lingren tribe

  had collapsed!

  Time flies, and

  ten days have passed very quickly.

  Dragon City,

  above the clouds,


  Luodan looked at the prompts in front of him and couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised,
  "No, this is the third blessing."

  I saw the log in front of me beating rapidly——

  [Log]: The mythical profession "Goblin Titan Zan" was successfully integrated!
  [Log]: Do you want to spend faith points to transform the Goblin Legion?
  [Log]: The Yalong Lux is successfully created, waiting for you to spend your faith points to inject spirituality into it!
  [Log]: Do you want to consume faith points to give it spirituality?
  [Log]: More than 90% of the people of the Spiritual Race in the Dragon Controlling World regard you and the races under your command as legitimate rulers and as your subordinate races!
  [Log]: It is detected that the spirit race has not given birth to a super-level person, but has a fourth-level life, and is determined to be a high-level prisoner species!
  [Log]: It has been detected that your army of believers has occupied the Dragon Controlling World!

  [Log]: It is detected that there is a mark of your will on the will of the Dragon Controlling World, which is your subsidiary will!
  [Log]: Detected that Ye Chen of the Lingren tribe has completely ruled the Lingren tribe and condensed the hero status.

  [Log]: The hero Ye Chen has been detected as your follower!
  [Log]: Congratulations, you have successfully conquered the World of Dragon Controlling, an island-level world fragment!
  [Log]: Super Dimension Game has included this world and race, and added a new illustration!

  [Log]: Thank you for your contribution to Super Dimension Games!
  [Log]: The bronze level milestone event standard has not been reached.
  [Log]: You have obtained merit points +100!

  "I was actually rewarded with 100 points of meritorious service!"

  There was some surprise in Luo Dan

  's eyes. "I didn't expect that the bronze level milestone was not reached. After all, this is a very ordinary world war." "

  But he was actually rewarded with 100 points. Merit points."

  "According to common sense, this should be a reward for conquering a miniature planet." "

  Maybe it's an extra reward because I domesticated the heroes of the dragon-controlling world into my followers."

  Rodan shook his head. , no longer thinking about these innocuous details,
  but raising his sights and observing the world from an almost high-dimensional perspective -

  experiencing Ye Chen's "cleaning" over and over again.

  The total number of spirit people has dropped from tens of millions to more than six million, especially the existence of dragon masters, which is even more rare!

  After all, in the process of conquering the world, they are the main targets of killing.

  At this moment, because Ye Chen stopped his hand, the world seemed as if it had never experienced a war, and there was peace above the piles of bones.

  Rodan placed his eyes on the completed frame of Yalong Lux and gave a faint command,

  "Consume faith points to inject spirituality into Yaron Lux!"

  "Consume faith points to create a void curtain!"

  "Consume faith points to remove all the The Goblin Legion will be additionally armed, and then all the Goblin Trolls that have reached the advancement threshold in the previous final war will be advanced!" The

  next moment, the system started to operate.

  Rodan's faith points seem to be unable to be saved. Every time they are obtained, they are quickly consumed.

  But there was nothing He could do. The starting point was too low.

  Thinking of this, Luo Dan couldn't help but feel gloomy in his eyes.

  With his current social status and strength, it is still impossible to find out who has done anything to his original world and race.

  Moreover, even if he knew it, he might not be able to do anything about it now, so he kept it suppressed in his heart, and rarely thought about these things that were not helpful to his current situation.

  But that doesn’t mean He doesn’t care.


  Suddenly, a ray of light flashed through Rodan's will,

  "Didn't the Super Dimension Game official say that because I was promoted to a one-star citizen, they would compensate me, increase my luck, and extend the lucky time limit?" "

  Then Can I shorten the lucky time limit or lower the lucky value?"

  "Instead, get something related to this person, whether it's a 'tip' or a 'contact', it's related to him anyway, and make some exchanges. "

  "It's all compensation to me anyway."

  The moment the thought flashed through, an inexplicable will flashed away.

  Luo Dan didn't know, he just shook his head and smiled,
  "I've been very lucky recently, has it expanded?" "

  How can such a good thing happen?"

  "It's better to improve your strength first, and then push through directly."

  And Right now.

  Wandering in the void is a drifting bottle that symbolizes the "Devil's Contract".

  Without any warning, as if being gently nudged by the God of Destiny, the direction of the wandering was quietly reversed. Mud Hell,

  the palace on the edge of the palace complex,

  "Damn it!"

  A man covered in abscesses and possessed by mud The ugly humanoid creature was roaring with resentment,

  "What the hell did you do?"

  "Why did the consumption of my faith points suddenly increase so much!?"

  "Lodan, you really deserve to die!"

  Kameda Teizada His face was ashen, like a piece of rotten meat.

  Looking at the crazily consuming faith points in the super-dimensional mark, his heart was bleeding.

  In just over ten seconds, one hundred thousand faith points evaporated out of thin air!

  And this amount of faith points, for him now, a "waste" who has consumed the world treasures given by his fathers, obtained an excellent world and race, but cannot control his own race - even if he is a direct descendant of the Kameda family

  , It’s still a huge sum of money!
  "There are also super-dimensional games."

  Kameda Teizada did not dare to curse the super-dimensional games. He only dared to complain in a low voice with a gloomy tone,
  "Why should I bear the cost of Rodan's luck after being promoted to a one-star citizen? It was obviously you. I'll pay for it!"

  "It's better for you. You compensate me and I'll pay the bill."

  After a few breaths, Kameda Tingzhen thought of the Celestial Clan and showed a cruel smile.

  "The Celestial Clan Valkyrie?"

  "Very powerful?"

  "Every time. Every time I come to my planet, are you going to go against me and kick me out of my planet?" "

  Oh, you will die soon." "

  Then you will see, who do the Celestials and this planet belong to! "

  And Rodan, you don't even know who I am."

  "What can I do?"

  In the T07 world area,

  the Dragon Control world,

  along with the prompts in the log, various strange phenomena are also appearing in the sky. .

  [Log]: It is detected that the race of your believer is not Argonian. The faith points required to give spirituality to Argonian warriors have been greatly increased!

  [Log]: It is detected that you possess the dragon law, and the faith points required to give spirituality to Yalong Lux have been slightly reduced!

  [Log]: You spent 100,000 faith points to give spirituality to the three Yalong warriors!
  [Log]: You spent 200,000 faith points to create the Void Curtain!

  [Log]: It has been detected that after the final war, 129 more Goblin Trolls under your command meet the advancement threshold, and 12 more third-level Shadow Hunters under your command meet the advancement threshold!
  [Log]: You spent 36,000 faith points to advance them!

  [Log]: You have consumed 8,000,000 faith points to equip all goblin trolls/giant soldiers with blood and bone armor!
  There were so many majestic faith points that they even formed a golden torrent in the air, rushing to every corner of the Dragon Controlling World.

  Among them, the two largest streams flowed towards the wilderness where Yalonglishi was.

  All the craftsmen and apprentices looked at it in shock. They originally thought that this was just the evil god and some extravagant city lords who had the same hobby of "spectacles that harm the country", and the frames of these dragon heads and human bodies they built were just "spectacles".

  Unexpectedly, under the infusion of the golden torrent, these "frames" would open their eyes, exuding an emotionless golden light, as if they had come to life!
  The three sub-dragon warriors rose into the sky and soon arrived in the void outside the world.

  And after entering the void, their bodies expanded crazily like sponges that had absorbed water. In just a few breaths, they expanded from ten meters high to nearly ten thousand meters tall!
  They stretched out their palms, and golden "reins" appeared out of thin air. The illusory reins tied themselves to the world of dragon control.

  Just like that, they actually started running in the void!

  Wearing reins, they slowly dragged the Dragon Controlling World, and then ran faster and faster towards the direction of the T04 world area, the location of the Goblin Dust World!

  The other largest golden torrent formed by the faith point enveloped the entire Dragon Controlling World, and then turned into a pitch-black curtain close to the void, as if it was covering something.

  The "rumble" that originally "emanated" from the dragon-riding world that was moving rapidly in the void, appeared at the level of consciousness, and the slight "trembling feeling" of the void were just like that, disappearing into the invisible. "Unfortunately, the Void Curtain is only for civilians.
  " Three treasures."

  Luo Dan shook his head slightly. The Argonians only had the advanced version of the Void Warrior, the "Aragon Warrior".

  Otherwise, there is no need for Him to specifically check the covering effect of the Void Curtain.

  After careful observation, he found that the covering effect of the void curtain was indeed good, and the huge movement was almost gone.

  But there are still many subtle movements that cannot be covered up.

  And this may lead to the world encountering "void pirates" in the process of being hunted -

  they are often born void creatures that can survive in the void and move freely.

  Or some beings who have lost their "home" can move in the void through various methods.

  On weekdays, they make a living by plundering the world or traveling on void caravans.

  If you encounter weak void pirates, that's fine. If you're unlucky and encounter strong ones, it'll be troublesome.

  But Rodan wasn't too worried,
  "With my current luck, I shouldn't be able to meet void pirates, right?" "

  After all, this is the luck given by the world's treasures, and it has also been enhanced by the super-dimensional game."

  Thinking of this , Luo Dan felt relieved for the time being.

  Returning to the world, he came directly to Ye Chen, who had condensed his heroic character, and prepared to arrange the exploration of the Homo sapiens planet.

  As early as when the little green-skinned Gu Yuan revealed everything in his dream, he had already thrown the Anchor of the Void to quietly anchor the alienated world for easy investigation at any time.

  "Praise you, the great God Lord!"

  Seeing Luo Dan coming, Ye Chen quickly knelt down respectfully. He did not change at all because he had become a hero. He was still extremely loyal to Luo Dan. "When the

  God Lord comes, Ye Chen will be shattered to pieces. Share the worries for the Lord of God!"

  Luo Dan nodded slightly, with a slight smile on his handsome face,

  "Ye Chen, you have done a good job in the matter of the Lingren Tribe."

  As he said that, Luo Dan pulled out a piece of God's flower from his head. The lustrous hair was given casually, blending into Ye Chen's forehead and turning into a jet-black mark, exuding strong pressure. His voice was sacred and indifferent, "This is my reward, the one who calls me in critical moments.

  " Name."

  "And this time I come, I also have a new task for you."

  He casually opened a world passage that could only accommodate one person. Opposite was the alienated Homo sapiens planet,
  "You will lead Go to the other world according to my will, go and plant the nails, and prepare the vanguard for my battle!"

  At the same time, Rodan clicked his finger slightly, and a large amount of information about the Homo sapiens planet and the [Alien Abyss] turned into golden light spots. , was passed into Ye Chen's mind.

  "Kneel down and thank the God Lord for the reward!"

  Ye Chen became more and more respectful. Before the information flow in his mind was digested, he stepped into the world passage without any hesitation.

  "Ye Chen will definitely fight for the God Lord!"

  Looking at Ye As Chen left, Luo Dan also wanted to send a ray of will and explore it together with him.

  It's just a pity that there are other, possibly more important things bothering Him now.

  After all, in the memory of Gu Yuan, the genius of Homo sapiens, and among the alien beings who descended on the planet of Homo sapiens - there

  may very well be the existence of [super-order alien gods]!

  And even the super-level who was severely injured is an existence that he can't compete with yet!

  Therefore, this time the main purpose is to explore and obtain drops related to "wisdom".

  After closing the space channel, Rodan opened the space channel and looked at [Sequence Plan]. Just now it was the prompt issued by Sequence Plan.
  [Two-in-one Chapter]

  Please vote and reward!
  The young author bows and thanks!
  It has almost been confirmed that it will be on the shelves at noon on Saturday. Thank you all book friends for your continued support~!

   Thanks to book friend [Violet Red Fox] for the 500 points reward!
    Thanks to book friend [08a] for another reward of 100 points!
  (End of chapter)

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