92. Chapter 91 The [Emperor] is still alive! Bai Zhu Yishen: Sacrifice myself! The law of void resonates!

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  Chapter 91 The [Emperor] is still alive! Bai Zhu Yishen: Sacrifice myself! The law of void resonates!
  T01 world area
  Homo sapiens planet (small/alienated),

  outside the former Wisdom Palace of the Homo sapiens federation,

  Bai Zhu Yishen was severely mocked by Rodan, and his anger was instantly ignited.

  Especially because he himself was crippled by the aftermath of the master of Blue Star Civilization, and he has a huge hatred for the gods!
  So much so that Bai Zhu Yishen almost shouted the last sentence.

  His huge body roared instantly, as if a giant machine was burning and running wildly. A large amount of alienated energy was consumed in an instant, in exchange for a greatly improved fighting ability in an instant!

  The next moment, Bai Zhu Yishen's huge body tore through the space barrier of the Homo sapiens planet, jumped up in the dark space crack, and struck Rodan with a hurricane and dark thunder!

  The strangers behind him also immediately heard the news and tried to besiege Rodan together.

  "You are the only one who can shake people?"

  Luo Dan smiled and picked up the staff of royal power.

  The almost substantive points of faith all over his body burned crazily, and in an instant he manifested into the body of a hundred-meter giant spirit. A black and gold evil crown was worn on his head, and he greeted the white vermillion alien god like a god descending to earth!
  He is indeed no match for Bai Zhu Yishen.

  However, Bai Zhu Yishen's body was extremely mutilated -

  now it looks like it is complete.

  But most of it is just a temporary simulation of the alienated energy. In addition, the emperor's body he carries and the will of the Homo sapiens planet that he is trying to devour have made his already
  overwhelmed body further weakened and restricted!
  Moreover, this place is a strange "foreign land" compared to the home where Bai Zhu Yishen imprinted his own laws!
  In a foreign land, a super-powerful person cannot fully exert his power!
  Even if it is a mid-level ultra-level, in this situation of internal and external difficulties, I am afraid it is not much stronger than the ordinary mythical level!
  With all his strength, Rodan still has it.

  And -

  "Shake people?"

  "I can do it too."

  Behind Luo Dan, a heavenly scepter filled with sacred aura fell from the sky!
  From the pillar of light transformed by the scepter of heaven, a steady stream of angelic legions flew out in neat formations!

  The chants in the Angel Legion were loud, and the sacred scorching light pillars condensed. In an instant, they aimed their spearheads at the Stranger Legion and rushed straight into it!

  There are also space cracks that are forcibly torn apart, huge space channels descend, and huge green-skinned figures are looming in them!

  "Lodan, he started fighting on his own."

  The incarnation of Hathaway's will appeared on the battlefield. Her beautiful eyes looked at the battlefield between Rodan and Bai Zhu, always looking for loopholes, ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with Rodan at any time. Go together.


  All kinds of huge roars and visions continued to erupt on the battlefield!

  Hurricanes, thunder, heavy rain, black snow. Natural disasters or visions constantly appear, and then are ruthlessly torn apart.

  Every collision between the royal staff in Rodan's hand and the powerful body of Bai Zhu Ability God would burst out with terrifying roars and hurricanes, and even the space would be distorted, shaken, and on the verge of shattering.

  In this kind of battle, Hathaway even found it difficult to intervene!
  Even the aftermath required him to expend a lot of strength to resist in order to prevent himself from being injured!


  Hathaway's beautiful eyes were full of shock.

  Before coming to help Rodan, he imagined many scenarios -

  Rodan was not strong enough and begged him to take action, but he had no choice but to take action and easily captured it.

  The opponent was too strong, so Rodan fought side by side with him and finally defeated the powerful enemy.

  Hathaway has even imagined the "losing angel's face" situation where Rodan is the main force and he is the auxiliary.

  The only thing she never thought about was that she would not even be able to set foot on the battlefield.
  Looking at the Angel Armed Legion that was besieging the Alien Legion together with the Goblin Legion, Hathaway felt a little better -

  He was not useless at all.

  "Jie Jie Jie!"

  "You're a good little god for playing with me for so long." "

  I've been playing with you for so long. Let me show you why the phrase "all ants under the super level" appears. Reason."

  Bai Zhu also ignored Hathaway's existence.

  He smiled ferociously, and the alienated energy in his body was almost full of strength and was about to flow down, turning into a huge gaping mouth, biting the space and devouring everything he could see!
  "The giant mouth!"

  "Go and devour this tiny insect!"

  "Go and devour the fragments of his will and the origin of the world, and devour everything you see!"

  Bai Zhu Yishen laughed wildly.

  After the appearance of his exclusive law [Maw of Might], he didn't notice it at all.

  Located on his abdomen, the [Emperor's Body·Maw of Gluttony], which was full of messy teeth and which he thought had completely lost consciousness and would not move at all, pulled slightly - it seemed like a wisp of teeth

  . smile.

  "The exclusive laws of super-level are really strong."

  "Even if this is not his territory, if his laws are not imprinted in the void, the [Void Law Resonance] that a mid-level super-level can possess is equivalent to disappearing. ."

  "Moreover, the body is extremely mutilated and bears all kinds of weights."

  "Even the realm has been destroyed!"


  "It's still very strong!"

  Rodan could clearly feel that inside the giant gnaw. Under the power of the law of the mouth, all his power, whether it was the power of faith or the power of the world, had no resistance, and was swallowed up by the giant mouth like a devastation.

  Only the borrowed extremely evil spirituality and the embryonic Goblin fire of civilization that has not yet formed a fire can resist it slightly.

  But that doesn't help either.

  "But fortunately, this is a seriously injured super-level power god."

  The focus of the words is on the word "power god"!
  Rodan did not panic at all, but showed a smile. He had already seen the gap between himself and the super level.

  Now that the goal has been achieved, no matter whether we win or lose, we should end the battle as soon as possible and start the next plan.
  "Fortunately, I have the power to restrain you."

  "Emperor's characteristic containment technique!"

  "This divine technique, Even the characteristics of your Yiyuan Emperor can be contained, let alone a seriously injured alien god like you!"

  Bai Zhu Yishen was laughing wildly, waiting to see the powerlessness of Luo Dan being swallowed alive.

  However, when he saw a faint smile on Luo Dan's lips, he suddenly became suspicious,

  "Humph, it's just pretending to be a ghost."

  "When he is swallowed up later, he won't be able to smile anymore!"

  Bai Zhuyi Shen thought, but was shocked to see little stars emerging from Luo Dan's body.

  Then, it turned out to be like "devouring" his giant mouth!
  After being baptized by that starlight, the "gluttony characteristic" on the mouth of the giant gnaw seemed to have been erased!
  The originally ferocious giant mouth suddenly became limp and powerless after passing through the starlight!
  Then, these limp maws were instantly burned away by those black-gold flames!
  "This is impossible!"

  "Absolutely impossible!"

  "Alienated blood sacrifice, swallow it from the giant mouth!"

  Bai Zhu's face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

  He has never seen this kind of scene before -

  the power from below the super level can actually have such restraint on the rules of the super level!
  The ultra-level exclusive rules seemed to have completely lost their effect!
  He burned his own blood of the alien god crazily, devouring himself, and then frantically released the mouth of the giant bite, trying to annihilate Rodan in an instant, and prevent his mouth of giant bite from being released by Rodan again. "Weird" was weakened and erased by the starlight!

  But Luo Dan just smiled faintly and said,
  "Struggle powerlessly."

  While Luo Dan was "showing his holiness in front of others", he raised his vigilance to the maximum level -

  a mid-level super-level statue would never be so easy to deal with!
  Even if he masters the [Different Abyss Emperor’s Characteristics Containment Technique] which is a special attack for creatures from the Alien Abyss!
  Just when Bai Zhu Ability God tried to make a desperate move, burning the blood of the Ability God crazily, constantly releasing the giant mouth, trying to devour Rodan instantly.

  "Emperor's characteristic containment technique!"

  Rodan once again released this magical technique jointly created by many masters of the Blue Star civilization, which consumed a large amount of faith points.

  In an instant, immeasurable starlight swarmed out, cleaning all the giant mouths in an instant!

  Seeing this scene, not only Bai Zhu's face turned extremely pale.

  Even Hathaway showed a solemn expression of joy.

  He didn't expect that in just a short period of time, Rodan would become so powerful that he could even fight against the alien gods who were very good at fighting with the body of a giant spirit for the first time!

  Not to mention that he is only a fourth-class prisoner god, even a mythological god at the level of Lordan would never be able to reach this level!

  Although this is partly due to the emperor's characteristic containment technique.

  However, Rodan's own strength plays an extremely critical and indispensable role!
  "I have to become stronger as soon as possible."

  "Otherwise, Rodan, a calculating devil, is likely to give up on me as a partner."

  Hathaway murmured to himself, but he did not realize that -

  in Unknowingly, he has become somewhat dependent on Rodan!
  Bai Zhu Yishen's face looked gloomy as he watched all the Laws of the Maw that he had tried his best to release. After being baptized by the starlight, they were easily annihilated by the extremely evil spirituality and Goblin fire on the Rodan's Royal Staff!

  "No, there is still a turning point!"

  Bai Zhuyi God seemed to have thought of something, and his gloomy face became brighter.

  He didn't know that his thinking had been affected by a higher-level existence.

  "I can put myself..."

  Bai Zhuyishen's eyes began to struggle.

  But soon, the struggle faded and turned into a frenzy!

  "I can sacrifice myself to the Mouth of Gluttony under the Crown of Gluttony!" "The

  Mouth of Gluttony under the Crown of Gluttony no longer has any consciousness, right?" "

  I can completely control the Mouth of Gluttony with my own consciousness. !"

  "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

  "Maybe, this is a brand new path!"

  Thinking about it, Bai Zhu Yishen's eyes glanced at Rodan and Hathaway with a cruel and cold look.

  Then, without any words or harsh words, His body just shriveled up!
  His huge will is also trying to shift.

  It was like in an instant, all the essence of flesh and blood on his body disappeared. The huge body, which was hundreds of meters tall, was like a deflated balloon in just a short moment. Only less than one meter of withered dry matter remained. Skin!

  No, there was something else that had left his body.

  Not only did this thing not shrivele, but it became even bigger and more terrifying!
  the mouth of gluttony!

  "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

  "Bai Zhu, you are finally back in my arms."

  A completely different voice came from the huge mouth. Along with this voice, Bai Zhu Yishen was panicked and terrified.

  "Your Majesty?"

  "Your Majesty Gluttony?"

  "Your Majesty Gluttony! You... are you still alive!?" "Your Majesty

  Gluttony, please spare me, please. !

  " "Please, don't eat me, please, spare me, spare the humble Bai Zhu!"

  Unfortunately, Bai Zhu's begging for mercy had no effect!

  The ferocious mouth and messy teeth of the Gluttony Mouth chewed for a while. Soon, accompanied by a burst of chewing and swallowing sounds that were terrifying to hear, a huge and twisted bloody tongue protruded from the Gluttony Mouth and licked around the lips.

  Then the huge mouth closed slightly, like sucking jelly, and instantly sucked all the will of Bai Zhu Yishen!

  Bai Zhu Yishen was eaten alive!

  His tongue was exposed, his mouth was full of messy teeth, and he was just suspended in the air, looking maliciously at Lordan and Hathaway!


  Danger! !
  Danger! ! !

  He will definitely die! ! !
  At the moment when the Mouth of Gluttony appeared, when Bai Zhuyi God's will was swallowed up, Hathaway's deep will kept screaming and sending out a sharp and ear-piercing alarm!

  She turned her head subconsciously, wanting Rodan to take her away.

  [Note: She here means that her will temporarily fell into the state of a god due to panic.

  Then, she was shocked to see Luo Dan, and he took it out without any haste.

  Two updates, please vote for me and give me a reward~!

  That adds up to seven thousand words!
  The young author hasn't had more than 1,000 monthly tickets. You can draw a lottery, and the guarantee is 100 yuan. The young author wants to give it a try, please!

  The young author bows and thanks~!

   Thanks to the book friend [Dream is Fantasy] for the 500 points reward!
  (End of chapter)

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