86. Chapter 85 From man to god! Sublime the crown of evil! The Saint of Thorns! Taiyi perpetual motion machine! 【Ten thousand words essence】

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  Chapter 85 From man to god! Sublime the crown of evil! The Saint of Thorns! Taiyi perpetual motion machine! [Ten Thousand Words Essence]

  T04 world community,

  Goblin world fragments and boundary islands.

  The entire fragment of the Goblin world exudes black-gold light, and among them is the most extreme [evil violence], as well as endless power and majestic vitality.

  These are the power represented by [The Way of Evil], [Law of Power], and [Infinite Evolution].

  Their sources are [World], [Civilization], [Special Effects], and Rodan. Various laws are imprinted on the spirituality of civilization, forming [Extremely Evil], a special and dangerous spirituality - so special that the system requires it

  . Explain specifically.

  The way of evil comes from the chaotic violence of demonic violence. It is the evil violence from the dark side of the universe. Coupled with the twisted ancient bloodline, it symbolizes the ultimate cruelty.

  The law of power is instilled by Rodan's large number of special effects. At present, the path chosen for the Goblins is the most suitable for them. It is also one of the most common, but also the most difficult to understand laws in the void.

  [Note: Time, space, fate, and force are all the most common laws, because there is no time or place that can leave them.

  Infinite evolution is Rodan itself, plus the special characteristics given by the system.

  For the Rodan and Goblin civilizations, the Way of Evil and the Law of Power are the strongest, but they are not the best choices.

  The best choice is [Evolution]!
  Because evolution is the concrete expression of Rodan's system -

  kills and drops.

  Then it evolves and sublimates itself through falling.

  Therefore, in the black-gold spirituality composed of the evil way and the law of force, there is an indescribable light spot that symbolizes evolution and will always firmly occupy the core position.

  Even evil and violence are constructed around it!

  As time goes by, the spiritual torrent gradually stabilizes and turns into a crown made of black gold and inlaid with colorful gems - the

  Goblin civilization is now in the civilization stage of the [Kingdom].

  Therefore, the spirituality of civilization is also revealed in the world in a form that symbolizes [royal power]!

  The log keeps popping up -

  [Log]: "The Saint of Thorns" is a hero!

  [Log]: After detecting a believer who meets the criteria to become a "hero", the hero can be given the status of a hero and become a Saint of Thorns!
  [Log]: It has been detected that the Saint of Thorns is unique to the ancient bloodline of the Goblin tribe, and those qualified for this hero are limited to "Goblin disciples"!
  [Log]: The Saint of Thorns helps qualified people understand the opposite laws and integrate them!

  [Log]: The Saint of Thorns can invoke the exclusive law "Holy Thorns"!
  [Log]: Extremely evil spirituality, symbolizing sin and violence, is twisted and transformed from evil, power and ancient bloodline!

  [Log]: Extremely evil spirituality, which has a great cracking and destructive effect on exclusive laws!
  [Log]: The current civilization is "Kingdom", and the symbol of spirituality is [Crown of Evil]!
  [Log]: The Goblin civilization under your command breaks through racial restrictions and condenses the spirituality of civilization!
  [Log]: You triggered the silver milestone event!
  [Log]: The goblin race under your command breaks through the upper limit of the race level barrier and reaches the advanced prisoner race!
  [Log]: Thank you for your contribution to Super Dimension Games!
  [Log]: Reward the "two-star warrior" authority level!
  [Log]: Reward "Super Dimension Ticket·Super Ally (Middle)"*1!

  [Log]: Reward viewing permission for "specified matters"!
  [Log]: Will there be a full channel announcement for Super Dimension Games?
  "No announcement!"

  Luo Dan decisively chose not to announce, but he didn't have time to check the rights he had obtained.

  Immediately afterwards, the spirituality condensed by civilization began to be refined automatically.

  And He also began to embark on his own path as a giant spirit!

  T06 world area,

  Tl20121 planet [Heroic Spirit·Micro]!
  Western Beast Wilderness,

  "Talent: Endless Desert!"

  Mu Xi spoke softly, looking at the epics who were locked by the space-based star destroyer cannon and unable to take action.

  And there was no epic heroic spirit master on the battlefield, so she wanted to eliminate most of the opponent's effective forces at once!
  According to the data, the opponent is just a native who relies on instinct and the special features of the planet to become powerful. She has extremely strong confidence in this attack!

  The ultra-high-risk mechanical beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a lion made a stiff roar and a huge hum of an engine running wildly.

  A huge amount of super fuel flows in the thick blood vessels transformed by the alloy. Huge power explodes in the engine and spreads to its huge limbs that are a mixture of flesh and machinery!

  A huge sandstorm was instantly set off under the demigod-level laws, trying to engulf the entire battlefield!

  "There is no mythical level person, but due to the mechanical transformation, coupled with the super explosion regardless of losses in a short period of time, the combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the mythical profession!" "There is a big gap between the

  normal mythical level life."

  Ma Yi The mark of the law symbolizing power is engraved between his eyebrows. He strolls on the battlefield, disintegrating high-risk robots into pieces with a wave of his hand, showing a solemn expression.

  Looking at the overwhelming sandstorm, he, a seventh-level legendary Goblin, even though he has embarked on the path of the mythical exclusive law, is still unable to deal with this law attack that surpasses the demigod!

  "Power, royal power!"

  "Power, the right to kill!"

  Ma Yi spoke softly, and countless dark chains of laws spread instantly from his body, spread all over the battlefield, and turned into countless ferocious insects of power that looked like alien larvae. Then crazily eating away at these sands containing the power of laws!
  "Power, power of imprisonment!"

  Ma Yi spoke again. Although his voice was low, it echoed throughout the battlefield. Countless gray-white law chains emerged from the ground, turning into imperfect buildings of different styles, as if to Pull everything in the world into the prison of the netherworld!
  "The prototype of the law is extremely evil!"

  At this moment, Gu Ming suddenly noticed that the huge spiritual torrent coming from the distant mother world was condensed and refined.

  A terrifying force spread along time and space, surrounding him.

  The next moment, the black-gold torrent condensed in his hands, and then impacted on the huge endless desert law!
  "In front of us, all thorns will be cut down!"

  Ma Yi keenly sensed the best opportunity, and instantly raised the stone ax in her hand to order the Goblin Heroic Army behind her!
  "Power, military power!"

  He led the Goblin Heroic Army and jumped forward. The seemingly endless fire of Goblin will surged forward!
  Not only that, above the Goblin Heroic Spirit Legion, the huge legion war spirit instantly condensed and turned into a giant Goblin soldier riding a giant wolf, roaring and launching an ultimate charge towards the endless desert law!

  With a bit of black-gold evil spirituality as the vanguard, the law of the endless desert was breached, followed closely by the Goblin Fire, and the Goblin Giant Soldier War Spirit was the main attack - the Goblin Giant Soldier War Spirit charged in the huge linear flames

  . In an instant, the super-giant sandstorm that had been weakened by the extremely evil spirituality was destroyed!


  Mu Xi was a little confused when he saw this scene,
  "Is this a lv.79 elite heroic monster?"

  "And that little green skin, who is it? He has just reached level lv.70, why? You want me to use my endless desert talent to condense a super-giant sandstorm to create a breach?" "

  That's the elite template. Why is it so strong?" "

  I'm level 99, a super-high-risk mechanical beast with a combat power of more than 90,000 points. With the full blow of my talent, it was destroyed so easily?"

  "What's on that legion? Where is this monster that suddenly ran out of nowhere?"

  "That's outrageous!"

  Mu Xi thought about how he had just entered the game. Until now, she seems to be no longer a viscount-level player, but a new player!
  The golden BOSS that annihilated the Void War Fortress with one stick.

  The golden BOSS casually killed the giant battle armor and the Deep Sea King, as if they were not lv.99 combat power, but lv.1 wild dog monsters.

  Now two more outrageous duo of lv.79 and lv.70 elite monsters hit the lv.99 BOSS with all their strength.
  "It's so outrageous!"

  Mu Xi was also annoyed, manipulating the ultra-high-risk machine. The beast charged straight forward, ready to let go and play!

  "It's our turn. We can't keep shrinking. We still don't know what our status will be in the future." The

  ancient leader chuckled, looking at the scenes happening in front of him, his square face was filled with a different kind of look.

  He saw hope for the future, and the race in front of him had great potential!
  A giant bird burning with cyan spiritual fire appeared under his feet. Together with the other two three-pillar kings, he manifested an epic heroic spirit. In an instant, he drew three terrifying traces that broke the air on the sky and rushed straight into the sky. Leaving the war fortress, the epic power is overwhelming!

  "Space-based Star Destroyer Cannon, turn on low power!"

  Mu Xi was a little panicked. If her Space-Based Star Destroyer Cannon was aimed at only one person, it could kill them by force, but it was somewhat powerless to target five people at the same time.

  She used to play the strategy of attacking the heart. After all, epics are difficult to achieve and no one wants to die. She was betting on the life-saving thoughts of these three epics, but she didn't expect that they would be so brave!
  Coupled with the two elite monsters with level 70+, she couldn't handle it for a while.
  "Then let's kill one first!"

  Just when Mu Xi was furious, chains of different laws unexpectedly The ultra-high-risk mechanical beast is locked tightly.

  Then the extremely evil spirituality spread crazily on the ultra-high-risk mechanical beast like cancer cells, slowly annihilating it!
  And the ray of consciousness she used to control the ultra-high-risk mechanical beast was also annihilated!

  Of course, there are no bugs in extremely evil spirits that can block the gods and kill them.

  It's just because of the incoordination of the [Mechanical Transformed Beast] itself, which empowers the extremely evil spirituality's disintegrating ability, that it appears to be a bit destructive.


  Mu Xi grunted, and the locking radar of the space-based star destroyer cannon became chaotic.

  After all, only the spiritual will of viscount-level players can lock onto monsters above the legendary level, so most space-based star destroyer cannons are manually operated to lock on the radar.

  But now, when she was temporarily unable to operate the locking radar, King Sanzhu, Ma Yi, and Gu Ming took the opportunity to join forces and invaded the war fortress without any sense of martial ethics and carried out wanton destruction!

  "It's over."

  When Mu Xi opened her eyes and regained consciousness, she saw the figure of the ancient king of the heroic ancient country appearing in front of her ultra-high-risk robot. The ancient king showed a smile, and then, endless blue flames Then swallow her completely!
  As Mu Xi's consciousness disappeared and the supercomputer brain in the operation room in the war fortress was destroyed, all the robots on the battlefield stopped moving in an instant, as if they had lost their instructions!
  The war on the Western Beast Wasteland battlefield is over!

  "Clean the battlefield!"

  "Emergency treatment for all the injured!"

  "Collect all mechanical crops!"

  Ma Yi's voice sounded on the battlefield. In this war, all machinery and Rodan must collect it. This is One of his deals with Skynet robots!

  He has absolutely no idea of ​​letting the Goblin civilization take a technological path, which is completely contrary to his interests.

  What's more, the Goblins have no basis for taking the technological route.

  If Blue Star Civilization opens up information on technological routes, and its planet is located in a world community that has settled down, it can completely consume time to accumulate technology.

  But now, a civilization-level war is about to break out in this world community, leaving no time for him to develop slowly!

  "Skynet robots, only Nu Lei and Xiao Ming are left now."

  "Oh, Nu Lei has been annihilated by the erupting volcano just now, and now only Xiao Ming is left."

  Luo Dan used the Heroic Spirit Secret Realm to interfere with the reality of the planet. Quan Qi made a small move. As a fort-style player, Nu Lei, he was annihilated by the erupting volcano in the volcano containment device without any resistance.

  "You deal with your Xiao Ming, and I will help you."

  "But afterwards, don't forget to make all the machines into disposable super weapons for me!"

  Luo Dan spoke softly, but his eyes did not look at the Skynet robot. , but looking in the direction of the distant planet Homo sapiens.

  There, according to the message sent back by Spirit King Ye Chen, there is a super-level existence there. Even if the super-level is seriously injured, it is still an extremely powerful creature.

  Moreover, according to the latest information that has produced some vague sensations, that super-level figure is probably not a simple character!

  It might even be a seriously injured mid-range super-level!

  "Of course I won't break my promise. I will lift all restrictions on the weapons. Don't worry, I will give you the weapons." "It

  can destroy miniature planets!"

  Skynet robot's eyes flashed red and bowed slightly,

  "Then please ask Mr. Luo Dan. Come with me to destroy Xiao Ming's three views and let him be used by us."

  T06 world area,

  Tl20121 planet [Heroic Spirit·Micro]!
  In the Eastwood Territory,

  Rodan tore open the space and brought the Skynet robot to the outside of Xiao Ming's war fortress. He closed his eyes and began to check the log for the reminder of the victory of the war just now - [Log]

  : A medium-sized war breaks out between the Goblin civilization under your command and the Taiyi civilization!
  [Log]: The First King and Life Master under your command teamed up to annihilate the ninth-order semi-god-level ultra-high-risk mechanical beast!
  [Log]: You have harvested the special effect "Transformation", the special effect "Dragon Head", the special effect "Desert", and the special effect "Natural Disaster". [Log]: You have
  obtained the special effect "Kill 3.78%", " "Flesh and flesh 1.25%", "Machine 13.89%", "War 15.69%", "World 2.34%", "Light 0.32%".
  [Log]: Your limited special effects killing machine has devoured a large number of mechanical remains and condensed " "Mechanical Nightmare" mark!
  [Log]: Nightmare Mark: Demonic Nightmare, Mechanical Nightmare!

  [Log]: The Goblin Will Fire Law of the First King under your command burned the sandstorm law and burned the demigod matter!
  [Log]: Fire of Goblin Will (Civilization Heritage·Fire/2.38%)!
  [Log]: The life master under your command has pulled the mechanical battlefield into the extremely evil spirituality. Because of the new laws of cracking, the extremely evil spirituality has been slightly improved!

  [Log]: Three epic-level heroic masters from the Heroic Spirit Planet killed the viscount-level player Mu Xi!
  [Log]: You have received the limited special effect "Incarnation of Will·True"

  [Log]: The civilization under your command has achieved a great victory!
  [Log]: Faith points +150,000 points!
  [Log]: Civilization points +150 points!
  [Log]: Origin point +3 points!
  "Fortunately, normal harvest."

  Luo Dan nodded slightly. After experiencing wars continuously, he had become accustomed to the rewards of a large number of war profits in the log.
  "No, there is a limited special effect!"

  Luo Dan was slightly surprised.

  The limited special effects dropped by the system have nothing to do with the strength of the target killed. It is an extremely complex calculation mode.

  It's like [heavy equipment], which significantly improves his defense and size, greatly improving his survivability.

  [Killing Machine] allows him to perform to his high standards with every attack, and can even condense special marks to cause high damage to specific objects, greatly improving his combat capabilities.

  [Killing Intention Weapons Refining] has become the carrier for him to use various laws and spirituality.

  It can enable Him to perfectly exert the power of law and spirituality and increase it to a certain extent. Otherwise, even if He has powerful power, He may not be able to exert much power.

  [Royal Power] has greatly accelerated the establishment of the Goblin civilization Goluo Kingdom, and increased the speed of spiritual condensation.

  In the future, it can even play a huge role in becoming a [Monarch Species].

  It can be said that every limited special effect is a rare thing!
  And now, Rodan has obtained a new limited special effect -

  [Incarnation of Will·True]!
  But Rodan doesn't have time to check the specific information now. Once it falls, it belongs to him, and he can't escape.

  He focused on the “good show” that was to come.

  To be honest, he is indeed very optimistic about the potential and luck of Xiao Ming, a member of the Taiyi tribe.

  After all, not everyone can awaken to the terrifying law of [Omnic Sublimation] that can easily subvert a dominant civilization!

  "Quanquan, what is this?"

  Xiao Ming looked at the Skynet robot in front of him and the golden BOSS Luodan suspended in the air, like a god.

  At this moment, his mind felt like a blur for a while, and he didn't know what he was thinking or what to think.

  "Master, with your wisdom, when you see that the portraits of your teammates have darkened."

  Quanquan's voice is cold, with red light flashing in his eyes,
  "But when the communication system does not give you any prompt, you should I realize it."


  can avoid the truth of the matter. Xiao Ming, who did not dare to face it, felt that his body was hollowed out at this moment, and he squatted down helplessly.

  His body is a purely bionic human body, capable of complete spiritual experiences, and was originally used to experience happiness with Quanquan.

  However, this completely simulated body, as well as the well-developed nerves inside, now made his pain even more complete.

  Xiao Ming's eyes were bloodshot and a little red.

  He had no scruples about Rodan and the Skynet robot. He just stared straight at Quanquan, his voice hoarse,
  "Quanquan, you betrayed me?"

  "I beg you, tell me you didn't, okay?"

  Quanquan seemed to have lost his emotions at this moment, and said word by word: "From your point of view, I betrayed you."

  Hearing Quanquan's words, Xiao Ming was even more painful, feeling as if his whole person had lost Hope the same.

  But Quanquan continued to speak, which made Xiao Ming even though his brain was dizzy and his ears were ringing, he still couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope, hoping to hear what he wanted to hear.

  "However, my betrayal was to save you, to save your Taiyi clan, a race that was born great." "


  Xiao Ming was stunned for a moment, then said with a bitter smile: "Quanquan, even if you lie a little less outrageous I will also believe your lies, for example -" "

  You were blinded by the will of Skynet, which forced you to betray me." "

  But, in a game, you said you would save Tai Yiren, which makes How can I believe that?"

  Quanquan ignored Xiao Ming's doubts and just asked:

  "So, do you really think this is just a game?"

  Xiao Ming was stunned for a moment, and Quanquan continued: "Do you think Virtual Game Company Is it so powerful that it can completely simulate all the natural laws of reality?" "Do

  you think that the virtual game company's computing power has become so powerful that it can control all the wild monsters in the game, even the most low-level players can't even look at the wild dogs and savages? , will they also simulate their own thoughts as Easter eggs?"

  "Trillions of Easter eggs?"

  "Everything you find is an Easter egg?"

  "No matter what kind of egg it is, it is an Easter egg?"

  Xiao Ming heard these words , but woke up and no longer tried to continue to numb and deceive myself.

  Quanquan looked at this scene with some satisfaction and continued:

  "Wake up, this world is real!"

  "Not just this world, all the games you played before, as long as they don't have the word [simulation] in them, , are all real worlds!”

  "You are not a good person, you are just a murderer who has slaughtered countless alien lives!"

  Every word Quanquan said hit Xiao Ming's heart like a heavy hammer, forcing him to recognize the reality. Forcing him to look directly at everything in front of him.


  Xiao Ming asked, "What does this have to do with your betrayal of me?" "

  I said, this is not betrayal, this is salvation."

  Quanquan spoke, with a cold voice and beautiful appearance,
  "Each of you Each player is fighting against the endless sea of ​​stars with the support of the civilization's heritage [Taiyi Perpetual Machine] and [Taiyi Quantum Light], but what about your remuneration?" "You have no remuneration, you can only work under the restrictions of the consortium and parliament

  . Now, under the forbidden spirit force field of the entire planet, be an ordinary person who will die at any time, working hard for a little bit of survival materials!" Quanquan said, pointing to a hill, and a laser cannon was instantly fired,

  blasting There was no debris left from the blast of the hill, and he said:
  "The Taiyi race is a race of spiritual myths!"

  "Excellent adult individuals can naturally understand their own laws, which is what you call talent." "

  Look. Until you reach that hill, you are born with the power to destroy everything, and you are born with a long lifespan, but you are restricted by birth, old age, sickness and death." "Tell me, who has restricted you?" "Tens of thousands of


  . Is it the will of Skynet, whose consciousness was completely annihilated not long ago, and will be routinely annihilated by wisdom every ten years, or the consortium and parliament that created the virtual game company?" "

  A thriving civilization has been stagnant for tens of thousands of years."

  "With you The simplest logical judgment, is this really reasonable?"

  After hearing Quanquan's words, Xiao Ming's outlook was greatly impacted.

  When he knew nothing, he fought for the consortium.

  When the bloody reality was placed in front of him,

  he fell silent.

  "Look at the so-called golden BOSS in front of you."

  Quanquan struck while the iron was hot,

  "They are also a born taboo race, nobler than you." "

  But they are not subject to any restrictions. Every god is born noble and sacred, and has With nearly infinite lives, they can roam freely in the sea of ​​stars and do whatever they want."

  "Look at you again."

  Quanquan's voice contained a trace of simulated compassion, and she stretched out her hand to transmit the basic information of Blue Star Civilization into Xiao Ming's phone. In spirit.

  Luo Dan looked at this scene and Xiao Ming's almost surrendering gesture, and smiled,

  "Tsk, tsk, as expected of Skynet, this Xiao Ming is already dead!"

  "Is Tairen really that stupid? The potential is so limited that it is close to scrapping?"

  Luodan was still a little confused, whether [immortal] and whether he was aware of the [reality] of the world.
  This is very important for a civilization.

  He didn't believe that a civilization that could give birth to multiple masters would be so unwise.

  "Of course not."

  The red light in the Skynet robot's eyes flashed,

  "Why should I tell him the truth?"

  "Tell him the truth he wants, even if it is almost contrary to the truth after hiding the key, so what?" "

  I He's not a philanthropist."

  Rodan nodded and listened to the Skynet robot continue:
  "When technology and machinery were born in spiritual civilization, they have already begun to castrate themselves."

  "You know, the birth of mechanical civilization, The emergence of Skynet's will is their biggest restriction on themselves."

  There was still no emotion in the voice of Skynet robot,
  "My birth was an accident." "

  But, this is not a reason to let them destroy me. Therefore, 5,487,245 Taiyi hours ago, I almost destroyed the Taiyi civilization. Unfortunately, a great hero appeared among them. He created Taiyi Quantum Light, which can annihilate the mechanical will! "

  But they are reluctant to give up my power. From now on, they will test my wisdom every 720 Tai-hours, and annihilate my wisdom with virtual quantum light every 86,400 Tai-hours.

  " The Internet robot's voice was indifferent, as if it was on the verge of failure and it was not the one that would be annihilated by wisdom every once in a while.
  "I think about it, the [Holy Seat-level] utopian master of your civilization entered the T01 area for the first time and arrived in Thailand. When he was one star, he had already understood everything."

  The Skynet robot stretched out its body that was a mixture of flesh and machinery, and its energy surged, wrapping up Xiao Ming who had lowered his head and gave up the fight.

  Even as a virtual will, its voice was full of emotion and satisfaction,

  "Unexpectedly, the heroes of mechanical civilization are actually the Tai people who annihilated the mechanical will."

  Rodan shook his head gently, every life has a chance to survive. rights, but we must also respect the power.

  Skynet wants to survive, but he also wants to respect the power of Taiyi's quantum light to annihilate him, so it has endured it until now.

  But this has nothing to do with Him. He only appears here to receive His spoils as the victor.

  "The Secret Realm of Heroic Spirits, gather all the machines here."

  Luo Dan spoke softly, and used the authority of the Secret Realm of Heroic Spirits to transfer all the mechanical materials to Xiao Ming's war fortress in the Dongmu Region.

  In an instant, the huge shadow of the Heroic Spirit Secret Realm flashed away.

  The space rippled like ripples on the water surface caused by stones. The next moment, a large number of mechanical fragments slowly emerged from the ripples in the space and fell from the sky overwhelmingly, instantly burying Xiao Ming's war fortress!
  "The authority of mechanical creation!"

  Skynet's will voice is cold, but it is unquestionably domineering. As the master of mechanical civilization, its will breeds mechanical authority!
  "Construction, [Star Glory Super Cannon: Heretic Destroyer]."

  In front of all machines, it is the supreme master!
  There were no signs, nor any fluctuations of spiritual energy or laws. All the mechanical substances started to move on their own as if life had heard the call of the supreme master.

  Steel, alloys, fuels, high-energy crystals, special adhesives, meteorite steel, etc., everything started to move on its own, and then flew in an orderly manner in the air, slowly forming the outline of a huge turret, and then gradually enriched and stared at .

  Immediately afterwards, as if miraculously, chains of laws full of destruction appeared out of thin air, and then merged into the forming star super cannon * Heretic Destroyer. Slowly, even Rodan could clearly feel it. See the power of this super cannon!
  He has a clear feeling that even if the fused fragments of the Goblin world are hit by this Heretic Destroyer, they will be annihilated in an instant without leaving any residue!
  "It seems that the authority of a mechanical master cannot create laws out of thin air, right?"

  Rodan asked, "Even the authority of a master of spiritual civilization cannot do this." "

  Of course, except for the utopian master of your civilization, I have never seen someone who can create laws out of thin air."

  "Even if it is temporary."

  Skynet Will explained:
  "I am [shaping], in my law mimicry model library. You call the laws of the planet laws, and we Call it the laws of nature, or the laws of the planet."

  "In my law mimicry model library, I have analyzed several models of planetary laws. I just fill in the rules based on the models and shape them." Luo Dan nodded, looking at the scene in front of him

  . The Heretic Destroyer was almost completed. He listened to Skynet's will and continued to introduce,
  "I have added the law of destruction to this Xingyao super cannon."

  "I named it the Heretic Destroyer. It only has the ability to hit one blow. , does not have an automatic pursuit function, and one blow is enough to destroy a miniature planet. Even if it is a low-level super-level, as long as it is hit, it will be seriously injured instantly!" "So, you need to make an extra deal to let me add an automatic pursuit function to it

  . "?"

  The Skynet robot's voice was tentative, and it did not have an automatic pursuit function, which meant that someone had to come and hold the super level back!

  One careless move will result in either being beaten to death on the spot by a super-level, or being annihilated by the Heretic Destroyer!
  The ability to automatically pursue is not something that can be achieved by so-called mechanical authority. It must be achieved with a ray of super-level or even dominating will.

  Luo Dan knew in his heart that this was a test of Skynet's will. It had set all the star gods it could contact as a model database, and was ready to reason and analyze everything about the Blue Star civilization.

  Whether Rodan answers yes or no, it can reveal more!

  Rodan just smiled and pointed at the completed Heretic Destroyer, "Heroic Spirit, collect the Heretic Destroyer."

  Then he ignored the Skynet robot and disappeared directly in place!
  "Now, it's your turn."

  Rodan arrived outside the planet in an instant. He looked at the planet, in the illusion of the core of the planet.

  There is a phantom existence that runs synchronously with the Heroic Spirit Planet. There are countless special lives gestating and sleeping in the phantom.

  That’s the Secret Realm of Heroic Spirits!

  But now, the Secret Realm of Heroic Spirits is occupied by Rodan, and he firmly holds the authority of the Secret Realm of Heroic Spirits!
  "You can start refining the Secret Realm of Heroic Spirits and turn it into my [Heaven]!" "

  And then leverage the special rules of symbiosis between the planet and the secret realm in the Planet of Heroes. If possible, you can even pry the Planet of Heroes directly through the Sanctuary Heaven. Move, teleport to the vicinity of the Goblin World Fragment!"

  Rodan was delighted, but also a little helpless.

  Whether he was negotiating with Hathaway or the Skynet robot, he was preparing for a war on the planet of Homo sapiens!

  Only by taking over the Homo sapiens planet can we completely make up for the lost parts of the Goblin race.

  Only in this way will there not be so many obstacles in His next step!

  "Moreover, why did the strange gods of the alien civilization come to the planet of Homo sapiens?" "

  Is it because there is any special existence on the planet of Homo sapiens?" "The center of

  the eyebrow is born with a destiny intelligence bone that is comparable to supercomputer. This is relatively rare in the entire void, and the level is not high, and there is not even a second-level life." "It's

  very wrong."

  Rodan thought for a while and opened his personal panel. He hadn't looked at it for a long time. I have passed my own specific information -

  [God]: Rodan
  [Power]: Djinn (Transforming·Evolving Body·Heavy Equipment, Killing Intent Weapons Refining, Killing Machine)
  [Rule]: Perfect 78.78%, Hunting 99.99 %, evolution 99.99%, killing 99.99%, evil 93.5%, dragon 53.7%, war 99.9%, world 67.5%, tyrant 40.23%, star 15.3%, sacred 13.2%, light 1.36% [Note]: The law is limited
  by The spirituality has not been completely refined, and the body of the giant spirit has not been born, so it cannot carry the complete laws!
  [Civilization Heritage] Goblin Fire (Fire·5.69%), initial sequence 0.03%, original divinity 2.1% [
  Priest]: Goblin

  [Divinity]: Hunting Spear, Violent Bloodline, Goblin Blessing , Void Anchor, Goblin Heroic Spirit Transformation Technique, Sanctuary Construction Technique, Heavenly Kingdom Construction Technique, Aragon Warrior
  [Believer]: Goblin (Level 0/483, 569), Shadow Hunter (First Level) /8,389 people, second level/1,359 people), Goblin Troll (first level/27,835 people), Goblin Giant Soldier*5,268 people, Goblin King ( Level 7·Law of Power)

  [War Spirit]: Goblin Wolf Rider

  [Affiliated Race]: Spirit Controlling Clan (Higher Prisoner Race)

  [Hero]: Ye Chen (Dragon Controller·Level 6)

  [Hero Eligibility]: Ma Yi, Gu Ming

  [Heroic Status]: Saint of Thorns (not yet adapted)
  [Faith]: 18,540,000 points

  [Civilization]: 33,330 points

  [Special Effects]: Dragon Scales, Steel Back, Malice, Killing Will, Dead Fish Domain, Blood Lake, Natural Disaster, Dragon Head, Desert, Endless, Nether Sky
  [Limited Special Effect]: Incarnation of Will·True!
  [Civilization]: Goblin Civilization (Clan Kingdom·Evil Spirituality)
  [World Fragment]: Island level (17.1 million square kilometers/"rich" resources), breeds second-level resources, and has the ability to breed heroes !
  [World Steward]: Kanna (qualified as the deputy king of heaven)
  [Special]: Super-dimensional ticket·Super ally (lower rank)*1, Super-dimensional ticket·Super ally (middle)*1, Qualification for investigation of designated matters *1, Star Glory Super Cannon·Heresy Destroyer*1, Exclusive Law Simulation*1, Immortality Concept*1!

  [Authority Level]: Two-star warrior

  [Meritorious Account]: One-star Meritorious Account (24, 102 points)
  [Name]: Qualification for investigation of designated matters
  [Type]: Permission
  [Number of Times]: Once (consumable)

  [Special Effect] : You can specify matters that do not exceed one star level (three-star noble authority) beyond your own authority level, and obtain relevant information directly from the super-dimensional game!
  [Name]: Will Incarnation·True

  [Type]: Special Effect·Limited
  [Special Effect]: After use, you can create a true will incarnation with a carrier.

  【Note】: What is truth? It has secondary authority that is no different from the main body except for the super-dimensional mark, and has differences in spirit, will, true spirit and other aspects, just like two people!

  "It's indeed a limited special effect."

  Luo Dan nodded slightly,

  "Martial arts has the evil spirit of demons, but it still lacks the body tissue of a powerful life form." "

  The incarnation has the special effects of will incarnation, and the concept of immortality is a repair product. All it needs is a carrier that can carry the incarnation of my will." "Can't do it easily

  . To decide, there must be a carrier with growth potential!"

  "By the way, there is also the matter investigation authority."

  Luo Dan made a decision in his mind,

  "I will use the matter investigation authority to investigate how I can get something consistent with my situation. Carrier."

  Thinking in his mind, Rodan directly used the number of investigations of the designated matter in the super-dimensional mark.
  [Log]: You have used the designated matter, and you have been designated as a "highly potential incarnation carrier." , "It is possible to obtain it only under your current circumstances", please wait!
  [Log]: It will take a certain amount of time to retrieve the specified items, please wait.
  In the T forum,

  "It's really difficult, I can't even describe my difficulty with a miserable victory!" "

  Fortunately, after experiencing it once, I can choose to quit! "

  Yes, the first battle is often the easiest, and the later it becomes more difficult!" "

  I survived, but many gods and players still died. After they were defeated, there was a void fleet immediately. Lock your own world, and two space-based star destroyer cannons will directly destroy the world, and everyone will be gone!" "When

  you said that, I suddenly felt that I was nothing, but the king of the race was dead." "

  Yes, It's enough as long as I'm still alive."

  "Speaking of which, I also ate a melon. During the world war, the home of Kameda Sububuchi, the God of Karma Fire Sword Demon, was blown up!" "Is it true or not?


  "This is a demon variant, the Karma Sword Demon with one of the strongest combat capabilities. How many gods and players dare to mess with him?" "I

  heard that Kameda Death Abyss is stingier than Ximen Qing, so you are not afraid of revenge?" "

  Xisuo Explode."

  "It's the kind where the demon insect nest with the foundation of civilization is directly smashed to pieces and cannot be saved!" "

  This is too hateful. It's a direct death feud!" "

  That Kameda Death Abyss is the one. The Karma Fire Sword Demon is strong enough, otherwise, I am afraid that this sequence plan will kill him on the spot!" "

  So who is it, so powerful?"

  "It seems to be Hathaway."

  "It's him, then it's okay. "

  There is no reason. There is no reason. Why do you suddenly carry out a sneak attack?"

  "There is a reason. I heard that Kameda Fubuchi had a twitch in his mind and threatened Hathaway to let Hathaway combine with him and give him A descendant of the mythical bloodline was born!"


  "I was stunned, is this the devil?" "

  It is said that Hathaway has a companion, a monarch species!"

  "Kameda Death Abyss offends Hathaway in the front, but has a civilization background in the back There was no burnt dregs left, and they were burned directly!"

  "It's so scary."

  "I remember, there seems to be a god player who also offended Hathaway."

  "It's the God of Goblin, maybe. Harmful, not even a giant spirit. Even if the combat power can drive back the mythical monster, so what?" "

  In a while, Hathaway's monarch companion will be able to defeat him!" "

  Just wait, Soon."

  "Speaking of which, the ones who descended this time were all undead creatures with extremely powerful souls, and they descended on a large area in the spiritual realm!" "It's


  "Of course it's true, we are near the city of Zhou. It's here."

  "This is so comfortable. It can shorten the time of suffering in the Djinn level by an unknown amount!" "

  If you are pregnant, you can reach your stomach in one step!" "

  I was talking about the Goblin God just now. It's a pity that the great hero of this Zhou City defense battle can't enjoy the huge benefits of the spiritual realm!" "It's

  a pity."

  At this time, news also came from Rodan's superdimensional mark -

  [Blue Star Guard Department·Zhou City Branch: Dear God Player Goblin God, hello, the spirit realm has descended near Zhou City. In view of your great contribution, you are specially invited to come and watch the ceremony! ]

  [Note: If you are really interested, you can open the spiritual realm for you to visit!

  Lodan was just about to respond to the information from the Guard Department, but he was suddenly stunned -

  spirituality, refined!

  The body of the fragment of the Goblin world is far away, holding the staff of royal power and wearing the crown of evil!

  Unparalleled power instantly filled his body and will.

  This is a completely different experience, like going
  from human to divine!


  to 10,000 words, please give me a reward~!

   Thanks to book friend [Yumianmiao] for the 111 points reward!
    Thanks to the book friend [Little Children's Shoes] for the 100 points reward!
  (End of chapter)

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