126. Chapter 123 [Gu Insect Concept]! My Great Love Immortal is the ancestor of Gu Masters!

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  Chapter 123 [Gu Insect Concept]! My Great Love Immortal is the ancestor of Gu Masters!
  T world community,

  T04 world area,

  Goblin world fragments and boundary islands, the
  extremely evil spirituality exuding black and golden luster that "submerged" the entire world fragments like an ocean gradually ebbs away.

  After all, it exists as a taboo.

  Even the Goblin Giants that gave birth to it will be irreversibly damaged if they are not wrapped by it for a long time at a special moment!

  Not only that, the cocoons of light constructed by [wisdom concepts] and spirituality were broken open one by one, and the Goblin giants appeared on the fragments of the Goblin world, showing their huge bodies and announcing their [birth] to the void. !
  In addition to the fragments of the Goblin world, there are also layers of colorful haze that envelopes the entire world fragments like a canopy. It seems that they are also waiting for the birth of this race, and then deliver rewards at the right time!
  All the Goblin Giants who had been born crept on the ground feverishly, singing the praises of the great Father God with tears in their eyes -

  only after gaining wisdom did they realize how ignorant they were in the past.

  Evolution is a long process.

  The evolution of a group often takes thousands, tens of thousands, or even billions of years to calculate. During the long evolutionary iterations, genes remain and the group continues to thrive.

  However, no ordinary individual in the group has ever been able to feel this "touch" of evolution.

  This can be said to be a great feeling, a hymn of life, and even the void sings for it.

  The essence of life has jumped from a high-level prisoner species to a high-level war species. This is an evolution more terrifying than becoming an immortal or becoming a Buddha immediately. Especially when the most useless life individuals in the group can feel this evolution, the conclusion drawn There is only one -

  "Our lives are all created by our Lord!"

  "We are willing to fight for God Father in all our lives until the end of our genetic bloodline!"

  Moreover, although this transformation and sublimation of the ethnic group level , the Goblin Giants are the protagonists, but the entire Goblin World Fragment has benefited a lot!

  The [Heroic Spirit Clan], [Spirit Controlling Clan] and the sparse [Homo sapiens Clan] that are affiliated with the Goblin Giant Clan have all received some "benefits" from this ethnic transformation.

  Whether they are heroic spirits or controlling spirits, they are a race that controls the spirituality of other beings.

  The lingering shadow of the concept of wisdom makes their ability stronger and easier to control the spirituality of low-intelligent beings!

  Including the beasts in the fragments of the Goblin world and the extraordinary behemoths, they are all under the light of the concept of wisdom, their intelligence is greatly expanded, and they possess some ignorant wisdom!

  And the biggest advantage is that

  this kind of beast meat tastes more nutritious.


  Nearly endless faith!
  The majestic, dazzling golden sea of ​​faith submerged the entire world, and endless "spirits" sang, danced, and sang praises in it.

  Even Luodan couldn't help but feel a "sublimation" feeling at this moment.

  The "Concept of Perfection" in His body seems to have been replenished -

  isn't the transformation of the essence of life a path from imperfection to perfection?

  In this feast of evolution, Rodan, as the father god of the evolutionary group, is naturally the one who eats the most - the

  power of the group is also one of the important [pillars of power] for a god player. one.

  The Goblin tribe evolved into the Goblin Giant tribe, not to mention that the Goblin Giant tribe was much stronger than the Goblin tribe at the same level.

  The more than 100,000 level 0 goblins instantly turned into the first-level goblin giants. This earth-shaking change in power caused Rodan's strength to expand crazily, even to the point where he I don't dare to use force now -

  I'm afraid that if I don't control my strength well, I'll crush the entire goblin world to pieces!
  Fortunately, He had a perfect concept, and in just a moment, he completely eliminated this "illusion" caused by the rapid expansion of power.

  Not only that, he can also clearly understand that his own power is not weaker than the veteran low-level super-god players!

  If it were a super level from other civilizations, I am afraid that even the mid-level super level would not be weak at all in his own world!
  But at this moment, Rodan frowned slightly, and the canopy above the World Fragment had not yet lowered -

  among the Goblin Giants, the most important ones besides Rodan were not present.

  King Geluochu, the master of life.

  Their spirits were summoned by Rodan to the spiritual realm between Blue Star Stone City and Zhou City to harvest spirits.

  In addition, there are still some goblins who have not completely transformed, so this racial transformation is stuck here.

  "But it's okay."

  Rodan smiled instead,
  "This canopy itself that the void is preparing to bless. It has the power to benefit the world and ethnic groups. According to past cases, blessings are enough and the canopy disperses." "

  Now, isn't it equivalent to a bug stuck?"

  "The racial transformation is delayed here. It hasn't been completed yet. The canopy has gathered. Now we are in a dilemma. We can neither leave nor give blessings. We can only continue to benefit the Goblin giants." Rodan was keenly aware that

  under the canopy, the entire Goblin world The essence of the fragments is changing, and the extremely evil spirituality is also slowly growing!

  Seeing this, Rodan immediately lost his urgency,

  "Just hold off, the longer the better."

  "I'm not

  in a hurry anyway." For a moment, Rodan opened the superdimensional mark and prepared to put the [Illusion of Great Love· War Contract] is used.

  Although it is not yet time to enter the Great Love environment, you can register in advance.

  Rodan casually tore off the Great Love Illusion and War Contract.

  The next moment, a large amount of information jumped out and came into view -

  [Log]: It has been detected that you have used the "Illusion of Great Love·War Contract". Please confirm whether you want to send believers into the illusion of Great Love to engage in a virtual war?
  Seeing the information that popped up in the log, Rodan nodded slightly,

  The information in front of him jumped and changed -

  [Log]: Please choose whether to perform "Reincarnation Mode" or "Legion Mode"?
  "Reincarnation mode, legion mode?"

  Rodan had heard of it before, but didn't understand it in detail, so he asked,
  "What's the difference? Can you tell me more specifically?"

  [Log]: Reincarnation mode invests spiritual energy into a select few believers. In the illusion of great love, if you grow like the natives in the illusion of great love, you will be blessed by the will of the illusion, accelerate your growth rate, and be able to control the local forces to hunt other "reincarnators" or "legion believers"!
  [Log]: The legion mode directly descends on the legion of believers to fight, retaining the original strength and race, but will be targeted by the will of the illusion, hunted by the local indigenous people, and more easily hunted by the reincarnations in high positions with the help of local forces.

  [Log]: After all entrants die, the force will not be able to enter again within ten years. Please choose carefully!

  [Log]: Whether you choose legion mode or reincarnation mode, you can "go offline" when the environment determines it is "safe" to temporarily return the spirituality to the void, without affecting the believer's life or death!



  Luodan nodded slightly, thinking about the pros and cons of the two modes,

  "If you have enough time, the reincarnation mode should be the best, allowing believers to take advantage of the illusion of great love. Grow yourself through various rules."

  "If you switch to life individuals from allied civilizations, I'm afraid they all choose this mode." "

  This is a fantasy world under the supreme status of the [Great Love Immortal] from the ancient immortal civilization. I'm afraid that the existence of various rules and concepts are almost the same as those in the void -" "

  At least for the life below the throne, they can't detect any difference at all!" "

  For the void, there is no difference. Then under the sole concept, it is the same existence."

  Furthermore, Rodan still remembered the words introduced in the previous introduction to the Illusion of Great Love -

  [Name]: Illusion of Great Love·War Contract
  [Type]: Proof
  [Level]: No level

  [Special Effect]: After using the war contract, you can transfer the spirituality of your believers into the illusion of great love to engage in "war". All those participating in the war are giant spirit-level civilizations that are allies of the Blue Star Civilization. Geniuses can gain certain points by killing each other. The more points they have, the more resources the civilization behind them will receive from the Blue Star Civilization in the next period of time.

  [Note 1]: Death in the illusion of great love does not really lead to death. It is said that this is the relic of a saint-level [immortal of great love] from the ancient [immortal] civilization. It is said that this great love The Immortal Lord loves the world and is highly respected, so there will never be real death in an environment of great love.

  [Note 2]: The geniuses of the allied civilizations who kill the followers of the deities of the Blue Star Civilization will receive ten times the points!

  “It is said that this Immortal Lord of Great Love loves the world and is highly respected”——

  With the fraternity and mind of this Immortal Lord of Great Love, he will definitely leave endless memories in the entire illusion of Great Love. Opportunities and treasures, so that all entrants can benefit!

  The fact is exactly as Rodan guessed, except for the many [ancient dynasties], most of the allied civilizations have chosen the [Reincarnation Mode].

  However, regarding the "endless opportunities", they have slightly different ideas from Rodan.
  "It's a pity that the legion mode is more suitable for me."

  Rodan shook his head slightly, not caring about the benefits of the so-called reincarnation mode. After all, he has system, and the drop of the system is the biggest problem!
  "I choose legion mode!"

  Rodan said softly, and the next moment, the information displayed on the log changed -

  [Log]: You chose legion mode!
  [Log]: You have obtained the "thousand-man legion quota", and you can choose a thousand believers as legion troops to come to the fantasy land of great love!

  [Log]: The scoreboard has been opened for you, your information is "Goblin God 02"!
  [Log]: Although you are not an ally civilization, you can earn points by relying on the standings, and then compete for resource allocation quotas, but your points can be converted into "merit points", and the merit exchange service will be enabled after you enter the void battlefield!
  [Log]: You can also choose to consume points to materialize the illusory objects in the illusion of great love (this function will consume a lot of points, please use it with caution)!
  [Note]: The premise is that the items you want to transform into reality are held by your legion believers. Items that are not held by your legion believers cannot be transformed!

  [Log]: After you select the legion, you can unite the spiritual unity of believers into the illusion of great love at any time!

  “Not bad.”

  Just after Luo Dan thought that all the information in the log had been displayed, new information suddenly appeared in the log again, and this information was obviously displayed by the system——

  [ Log]: It has been detected that there are a lot of "concepts of control" in the illusion of great love!
  [Log]: It has been detected that the "Concept of Control" and "Gu Insect Concept" in the Illusion of Great Love have certain compatibility with your subordinate race!
  [Log]: It is recommended that you add some of your believers, the "Heroic Spirit Clan" and the "Spirit Controlling Clan" as part of the believer army, or you may encounter some opportunities!

  When Luo Dan saw this news, he was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously lowered his consciousness into the super-dimensional mark to retrieve information about the Great Love Illusion and the Great Love Immortal.

  Soon, a large amount of information was transmitted to Rodan's will and was quickly analyzed.

  Then, a look of shock appeared in Luo Dan's eyes -

  the so-called [Gu Insect Concept] was actually created by Immortal Great Love sublimating many Gu Insect Laws by himself!
  Concept is a kind of existence that cannot be said to be above authority, but it also has the same status!

  This Immortal Lord of Great Love not only controls the [Power of Great Love], but he also elevates the long-standing Gu Insect Law of the Immortal Civilization to the level of a Gu Insect concept!
  "You are worthy of the Great Love Immortal!"

  Luo Dan's eyes shone brightly,

  "Upgrading many laws into an overall concept of Gu is equivalent to benefiting all Gu masters in the world and the entire void, and bringing benefits to the entire Gu. The master system has created an [Outline]!" "

  In the past, Gu masters had to slowly understand various Gu insect laws before they could understand their own path. Not only was it extremely difficult and dangerous, but it was also easy to take the wrong path. , fell into the so-called evil path."

  "But now, with the existence of the concept of Gu worm, all Gu masters only need to face the concept of Gu worm, and they can naturally understand their own path, which path is most suitable for them, and even "

  Those who have a profound understanding can probably know clearly what kind of Gu worms there are in the world and how many Gu worms there are!"

  Luo Dan thought of this, not just to marvel, but -

  "The legacy left by such an existence If I can get any bit of my legacy, I'm afraid it will be a great opportunity!"

  Luo Dan made a decision in his heart, even if the Heroic Spirit Clan and the Yuling Clan are not as loyal as the Goblin Giant Clan.

  But we must also send some loyal members of the Yingling Clan and Yuling Clan to join the legion of believers and go to the Illusion of Great Love to gain benefits!


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  The young author bows and thanks~!

  (End of chapter)

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