115. Chapter 112 [Perfect Evolution]! Is perfection such an inconvenience?

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  Chapter 112 [Perfect·Evolution]! Is perfection such an inconvenience?

  T04 world area,

  Goblin World Fragments·Boundary Island,
  outside the world fragments,

  "The concept of perfection really fits my current situation."

  Rodan thought of [Perfection], and his eyes suddenly shone brightly,

  "Posture, Perfect appearance is perfection."

  "Perfect power and laws are also perfection." "Perfection

  is essentially the same as fate, and is applicable to all things!" "It

  can even be said that-"

  "Invincibility is also a kind of perfection! "

  Whether you are using the concept of perfection to sublimate your own laws, or transforming the concept of perfection into your own unique concept of perfection, it is a very good path to exclusive laws!" "You can even settle for the second best, and you can do whatever you want

  . Just use the concept of perfection to coordinate and unify the various laws of perfection that you have comprehended, and achieve the strongest multiple compound laws!"

  Although there are many praises for the concept of perfection, Luo Dan knows it well.

  These benefits apply only to Him because -

  no god has a system like Him.

  All laws can be understood and [compatible]!
  Yes, compatible.

  Just like it is difficult for most orc race gods to understand the laws related to [Elegance], it is difficult for the gods of dark creatures to understand laws such as [Holy], [Holy Light], [Commandment], and [Excitement].

  Everything has its own [characteristics].

  Everything is imperfect, and trying to be perfect is also imperfect.

  Quite simply, the concept of perfection does not apply to things that already exist -

  except Lordan.

  Because He has a system that can accommodate everything.

  His present imperfection is not imperfect, but merely yet to be perfected.

  In other words, He is essentially "perfect".

  He is the [perfect] Beloved.

  Therefore, for Him, the concept of perfection is the most correct path.

  "So, why should I settle for the second best and sacrifice the near for the far?"

  "What is the ultimate sublimation, the multiple compound law"

  "I understand my own [perfection] Law], I can mobilize multiple compound laws at will, even the most sublimated laws, I can also simulate!" "

  Perfect, how can it be such an inconvenience?"

  Luo Dan made up his mind, but was not in a hurry to go immediately Use up your own [Exclusive Law Simulation] opportunity.

  Instead, sink your will into the T forum to see what benefits other newcomers and gods players have gained after participating in the spiritual realm.

  And he was always paying attention to his incarnation coming to Blue Star to participate in the [Spiritual Realm Battle], deciding whether to bring more power,
  "System, open my panel."

  Rodan gently called the system, he is now in an extremely enhanced strength During this period, you need to have a certain understanding of your own strength, so that after the Goblin tribe's [racial transformation] is completely completed, you can have a clear comparative understanding of the changes in your own strength before and after.

  The next moment, a large amount of text information popped up in the log -

  [God]: Rodan
  [Power]: Djinn (Infinitely Evolved Body·Heavy Equipment, Killing Intent Weapons Refining, Killing Machine)
  [Concept]: Perfect, Immortal (Consumption )
  [Rules]: Hunting 100%, Evolution 100%, Killing 100%, Evil 100%, Dragon 82.7%, War 100%, World 100%, Tyrant 77.31%, Star 45.3%, Holy 37.2%, Light 13.36%
  [ Note]: Spiritual refinement, the condensed body of the giant spirit can carry the law of perfection. Because of the special nature of the system, law fragments can be dropped. Therefore, Rodan is different from other gods in that he can easily "understand" different laws of perfection!

  [Civilization Heritage] Goblin (Giant) Fire (Fire·97.69%), initial sequence 0.13%, original divinity 5.9% [
  Civilization Spirituality]: extremely evil (taboo factor)
  [Civilization Spirituality Growth Rate]: 1.37%!

  [Note]: This is the result after the Goblin fire and extremely evil spiritual burning devoured the remains of the Gluttonous Emperor, the White Vermillion God, and many other powerful life forms!

  [Priesthood]: God of Goblin Giants

  [Divinity]: Hunting Giant Hand, Giant Bloodline, Goblin (Giant) Blessing Technique, Void Anchor, Goblin (Giant) Heroic Spirit Transformation Technique, Sanctuary Construction Technique, Heavenly Kingdom Construction Technique, Aragon Powersman, Different Abyss Emperor Characteristic Containment Technique
  [Believer]: Goblin (zero level/483, 569 people), Shadow Hunter (first level/8, 389 people, second level) /1,359 people), Goblin Troll (first level/27,835 people), Goblin Giant Soldier*5,268 people, Goblin Djinn*210 people, Goblin King (ninth level· The law of power and the exclusive law are being condensed)
  [Believer·Special]: All Goblins are in the process of transformation, and some of the Goblins with the third level of strength have completely completed their transformation, and their life essence has advanced to Goblin. Lin Giant Clan!

  [War Spirit]: Goblin Giant Knight

  [Affiliated Races]: Spirit Clan (Higher Prisoner Race), Homo Sapiens Clan, Heroic Spirit Clan

  [Affiliated]: Water Mirror Jiao Soldier (Aeppa·Exiled Murloc Clan)
  [Hero] : Ye Chen (Spirit Controller·Level 9)

  [Hero Eligibility]: Gu Ming, Gu Yi

  [Hero Qualification]: Saint of Thorns (not yet qualified)
  [Faith]: 16,540,000 points

  [Civilization] : 3, 133, 330 points

  [Special Effects]: Dragon Scales, Steel Back, Malice, Will to Kill, Dead Fish Domain, Blood Lake, Natural Disaster, Dragon Head, Desert, Endless, Sky [Limited Special Effects]: None [Civilization

  : Goblin Civilization (Clan Kingdom·Evil Spirituality)
  [World Fragments]: Island level (17.1 million square kilometers/"rich" resources), breeds second-level resources, and has the ability to breed heroes!
  [World to be merged]: Homo sapiens planet
  [World Steward]: Kanna (qualified as the deputy king of heaven)
  [Special]: Super-dimensional ticket·Super-level ally (mid-level)*1, Galaxy Source Spirit (used), Wisdom Concept (in use), immortal concept*1!

  [Ally]: Hathaway (God of Angels·Higher Mythical Species)
  [Partner]: Yan Jun (Super Level)
  [Authority Level]: Two-star Warrior

  [Merit Account]: Two-star Merit Account (124, 102 points )

  [God (doubtful?)]: Ji

  [Divine Power]: Incarnation of Will·True, Galaxy Source Spirit, Martial Arts Monument

  【Concept】: Immortality (not available yet)
  【Principle】: Martial Arts·Source

  【Civilization Heritage】: Mark of Heavenly Martial Arts, Dragon of National Destiny (all countries are in chaos, at this time Only the National Fortune Dragon), Martial Temple (not established)
  [Civilization Spirituality]: Tianwu (in a state of chaos without a master)
  [Civilization Spirituality Growth Rate]: Tianwu 31.7%
  [Priesthood]: God of Heaven and Man (doubtful?)

  [Divinity]: Temporarily None (Blessed by Heavenly Warriors, Heavenly Warriors, Shadows of Heavenly Beings, Heavenly Being Altar)

  [Believer]: Celestial Race (Higher Mythical Species·Doubtful?) [

  Hero]: Zhao Lingjun Valkyrie (Ninth Level)
  [Belief]: 0
  [Civilization Points]: 0
  [Civilization]: Martial Arts Civilization (Melee of Nations)
  [World]: Heavenly Planet (Small, Doubtful?)

  [Authority Level]: Star-Free Free People (Doubtful?)

  [Merit Account]: None
  [Note]: The concept of immortality has not been used to repair the connection, so all status symbols are "questionable?"!

  In the T forum,

  the topic about the spiritual realm is extremely hot.

  It can even be said that District 2 is one of the two largest districts in Blue Star. The occurrence of such an incident in District 2 and the emergence of spiritual realms on a large scale have aroused heated discussions in all forums.

  As for the T forum, even though it was already very intense, it was still not that enthusiastic because -

  most of the people in the T forum were new god players.

  In total, there are not many giant spirit level ones. The spiritual realm is the most useful for giant spirit level god players.

  Useless for mythic level.

  As for totem incorporeal bodies and totem entities entering, it is purely a waste -

  they do not even have spirituality, and entering the spiritual realm is just a waste of a place.

  Of course, this does not affect the envy of the newcomers and gods in the T forum. Players act as "cloud giant spirits". Yun Yibo in the T forum said, "I really
  envy District 2. Such a large-scale arrival in the spiritual realm, you know The spiritual realm is something you can only encounter but cannot seek!"

  "Yeah, even though I haven't reached the giant spirit level yet, I still envy this opportunity." "

  Envy? Before the space rift came, all the cities in District 2 started to have cities. During the defensive war, why didn't I see you saying I was envious?" "

  That's right. Besides, you're not even a giant spirit, so what's the point of saying this?" "I

  'm a giant spirit. I just felt it. The spirituality in the spiritual realm is simply amazing. My eyes are bleeding. Just give me a little and it will save me a few years of work!" "

  Forget it, I just plan to use the two most common laws to condense the exclusive laws, which require at least thirty years of accumulation. Spirituality, I really can’t imagine how those giant spirit-level god players who want multiple compound laws, or even the ultimate sublimation, and the only concept can accumulate so much spiritual foundation!" "Damn it!


  " I just heard from my friend that he has established a super-level path for himself a long time ago. He just came out of the spiritual realm and has now successfully advanced to the level of a mythical god." "By the way, his father is a mid-level god.


  " You deserve to die."

  "Once you enter the spiritual realm, even if you don't hunt a spiritual monster, you will be killed and transformed by the spiritual monster instead, and you will get a lot of benefits by kicking out of the spiritual realm. At least one year less spiritual energy will be accumulated!" "Hey

  ! , but it’s so easy to enter the spiritual realm. Which spiritual realm can’t be entered only by geniuses selected from thousands of people? Not to mention the gods of prisoner species, even the war species, it’s not possible to enter even if you want to!” “Yes

  , Qualification is not the only factor."

  "If you want to be qualified to enter, you must also have [meritorious service], especially in the city defense battle. Only in this way can you be qualified. Otherwise, you just have talent but no merit. Who can I won't recognize you!"

  "It's even harder to hold it. We are all new god players. What can we do to gain credit and how can we get in?" "

  I know someone who must have reserved a spot."


  " That Goblin God!"

  "Yes, he single-handedly turned the tide of the war in the totem entity. I originally thought that he would not be able to advance to the level of giant spirit and enter the spiritual realm, but now I didn't expect that he actually changed his fate against the will of heaven. , so that the Goblin tribe was born with civilization!"

  "Now I am envious, all good things have happened to me!"

  "?" "



  "Upstairs, you mean to randomly go to the Goblin tribe Is it a good thing to be an initial race?"

  "How about you also encounter such a good thing?"

  "Not to mention this, with the strength of the Goblin God, he will definitely be able to take off directly in the spiritual realm, and even reach the sky in one step, directly transferring the spiritual power It is possible to fill in all the foundation!"

  "Maybe not." "

  How to say?"

  "Because the Goblin God was born in Zhou City, and the spiritual realm of Zhou City and Stone City were merged together, and the two cities competed."

  " As far as I know, a genius has appeared in Shicheng. He is the God of Hell Demon, mythical level, and powerful!" "They

  seem to be competing with each other. If Zhoucheng is unwilling to obey Shicheng's arrangements, Shicheng will not be able to guarantee it. He will send the God of Hell Demon into the spiritual realm and beat everyone out of Zhou City directly!

  "That's outrageous. Are you so domineering? " "

  So what, this is within the rules. The spiritual realm is just useless to the mythical level. It's not that the mythical level is not allowed to enter, it's just that the super level is not allowed to enter." "

  Besides, the God of Prison Demon is a genius born and raised in Shicheng and not from other cities. Why is he so domineering?"

  "If your city had this condition, it might be even more domineering! "

  "That's not necessarily what you said. You have forgotten that the Goblin God can defeat the mid-level gods of the Abyss Civilization and even suppress the Dominator level on the projection that Hathaway put before. " The remains of Emperor Yiyuan! "

  Uh, are you talking about beating up the disabled foreign god and the Yiyuan Emperor's lips?" "

  Haha, can it be the same? This is a complete mythical god, intact, and it is the local god!" "

  "In my opinion, it's hard to comment. "

  I hope the Goblin God is gone and can play a role in styling."

  "You will know when the time comes. I am from Zhou City. I will broadcast it live to you then. "

  "I'm talking so much about things that have nothing to do with me. It's better to talk about things that do. " "

  Do you know that there is a mythical elite Julius in District 1 recently? I heard that he is planning a big thing. He wants to step on our head in District 2 to attract the attention of the upper thrones!" "

  ".Go crazy?"

  "How dare you say that a mythical elite is stepping on the head of District 2?" "

  Oh, I didn't believe it at first, but then you will know."

  "Riddle God, get out of the T forum!"

  — ————

  The Promised Land,

  Blue Star, District 2,
  between Zhou City and Stone City, a large golden mist is dense. It cannot be dispersed by the wind or wiped out by the rain. It is very magical.

  And in this golden mist, there is still a spiritual glow, as if wisdom and life are shining in it, illuminating the world.

  This is the spiritual realm.

  Entering it will be like entering a different world, entering a brand new world, where a series of scenes such as [Maze], [Plain], [Valley], [Island], [Abyss], etc. will randomly appear, filled with spirituality. monster.

  If the god players are not careful, their incarnations may even be killed by spiritual monsters!
  However, what is different from the normal situation where the player's spirituality is lost when the avatar dies is that

  when the incarnation dies in the spiritual realm, the spirituality will not be lost, and it will even be slightly supplemented, and it can even be regarded as an [encouragement award].

  Therefore, all giant spirit-level deity players are eager to get a quota to enter the spiritual realm.

  Even super-level people value them very much. After all,

  super-level people also have juniors that they value!
  So this led to people from Zhou City and Shi City who often communicated with each other on weekdays. They almost didn't hesitate to lose face, and looked like they would win more places even if they were torn apart!

  Thank you to all the book friends for your huge subscription support~!

  The young author bows and thanks~!

  (End of chapter)

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