95. Chapter 95 Enemies of the World

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  Chapter 95 The enemy of the world
  should kill people. To achieve the best effect, in Qin Ze's opinion, there are two types.

  The first is to kill with hatred.

  In other words, the person you kill is the person you want to kill most.

  Just like sweeping his father's grave, Qin Ze can always recall everything about Qin Han.

  Therefore, the emotion reaches its extreme value and makes Qiyi complete.

  Therefore, if you want to kill people and make your emotions perfect, you must kill the enemy with your hands.

  The second type is to kill people who have been abandoned by the world.

  It's very simple. This person appeared today. His name is Ling Aozhe.

  What Qin Ze didn't understand was why Ling Aozhe's luck took a turn for the worse.

  But if all the entries of Old Calendarists today are suitable for killing people.

  If today's rainy night is a sign of erasing a certain existence...

  then it can basically be understood that "the world" wants Ling Aozhe to die.

  If you kill Ling Aozhe, you might also get a gift from "the world".

  In Qin Ze's view, this world is a certain will of the calendar, perhaps the only existence higher than the calendar.

  Then Qin Ze thought of team leader Jian Yiyi's uncharacteristic behavior.

  He realized.

  "Jian's mother said that it involves the secret of the Golden Calendar, and he can't tell me." "

  Ling Aozhe is obviously not an Old Calendar person, but he has great luck. He said that he can always avoid danger in his life, and even won the lottery jackpot..." "And,

  no The Old Calendarist is experiencing the weirdest things."

  "He 'made up' a daughter, but all his experiences seem to prove that this daughter really existed. The identity of this daughter must be very extraordinary." "Today is a good time to kill someone

  . If it is true that all Old Calendar people have this entry, there must be a small group of Old Calendar people who know who to kill." "

  This person is Ling Aozhe, but what the 'Old Calendar' wants to erase may not be Ling Aozhe, but that person Daughter - Ling Hansu."

  "Anyone who can make the highest-level 'Old Calendar' issue a killing order must have a special identity." "

  It involves the Golden Calendar..."

  Qin Ze guessed an absurd possibility - Ling Hansu is The protagonist of the Golden Calendar.

  But it's so ridiculous.

  The protagonists of the Golden Calendar seem to have existed a long time ago.

  The Kingdom of Chaos and Wei has existed for so many years... The protagonist of the Golden Calendar seems to be older than the Kingdom of Chaos and Wei.

  Then Ling Hansu has existed for a long, long time.

  How could she be Ling Aozhe's daughter?
  But Ling Aozhe did believe that "Han Su" was his daughter.

  "Forget it, I can't figure it out here. This should also be a major secret between the Old Calendar world and the real world." "What is

  certain now is that the Old Calendar wants to erase Ling Aozhe, but the means of erasing the Old Calendar are limited. In other words, the Old Calendar has no role in reality. The world can only let the people of the past achieve its will by pursuing Yi." "

  But correspondingly, there are rewards

  for pursuing Yi." "So, Yi kills another way to achieve the Great Perfection - Yi kills Ling Aozhe."

  "What is this reward?"

  Qin Ze's intuition guessed that maybe it was Ling Aozhe's incredible luck?
  When he thought about this level, Killer Big had already entered the yard.

  Old calendar occupation, fitness instructor.

  A strong fighter who can freely control his muscles and push his body to its limits and beyond.

  Big picked up a stone, which was only the size of a palm.

  His physical body was tempered to an exaggerated level.

  Among the many killers, such as Prell, Warden Chanji, and plainclothes policeman Vogt.

  They all have special abilities, some are good at changing, some are good at tracking, and some are good at hiding.

  Master one of them and you can become a professional killer.

  But not Bigger.

  Biggar is the most wanted criminal.

  The bounty is higher than those of five-star killers, or the seven masters and four emperors of the killer world.

  Because he never hides himself when he kills, many major cases do not require investigation, and it is immediately known that Bigger did it.

  This notoriety has spread far and wide, and naturally the bounty has skyrocketed.

  Bigger doesn't have any special abilities, but he can defeat all kinds of magic with one force.

  It is so powerful that it can kill people by any means.

  He has always wanted to compete with the demigod Hercules in the Hall of Valor, or the codename Giant Spirit God.

  Li Yuanba, Xiang Yu, and Big Brother all look down upon them.

  In Big's opinion, his opponent should be God.

  So Big picked up a stone, stood in the rainstorm, and threw it into the house.

  This was such a swift and violent blow. The stone seemed to be wrapped by some kind of force, and it felt like an anti-tank cannon.

  The terrifying power instantly broke through the luxurious marble wall, and even the security door 40 centimeters behind, which was said to be able to prevent RPGs, was penetrated.

  This force shocked Qin Ze and the other two people in the room. Ling Aozhe was dumbfounded and wanted to call the police.

  "Uncle Ling, you'd better stand behind me and don't do anything."

  Ling Aozhe's forehead was covered with sweat. He nodded and said,


  Cheng Wan closed her eyes.

  Those damaged walls, combined with Duke's telekinesis, actually began to repair themselves bit by bit.

  Even the penetrated security door began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, like liquid metal.

  No matter how big the impact is, the quality of things will not change.

  And mechanics can fix everything.

  Coupled with Duke's telekinesis, this repair process is even more effective with half the effort.

  Qin Ze was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

  Not only can Cheng Wan assist Duke, but Duke can also assist Cheng Wan.

  These two are truly the best partners.

  Viewed separately, Duke may not be Medni's opponent.

  But combined -

  the strength of these two people is definitely enough to deal with the top Old Calendar.

  Bigger in the heavy rain wiped away the stagnation on his face with a ferocious expression:

  "The official combination of porters and mechanics has long been heard of that these two people work together seamlessly."

  "But you met me!"

  Duke said :

  "The people outside are very powerful, but don't worry, I can deal with them alone."

  Duke's face was stern, and his already vicious appearance now made him look more like a villain than Bigger outside.

  A stone thrown by Bigger penetrated the manor's defense.

  Now he picked up the second stone.

  The security door has been repaired, but this time, Bigger's strength will be greater than last time.

  But just when Bigger was about to throw it...

  he found that the stone in his hand began to be dragged backwards by a huge force.

  Across the security door.

  Duke spread out his territory. He locked half of his telekinesis on that stone.

  The collision of telekinesis and Bigger's brute force caused Bigger to accidentally crush the stone in his hand.

  Duke sneered:

  "That's it."

  Then he said:

  "I can only control dead objects. He will definitely break open the security door himself next. Cheng Wan, it's your turn."

  "Don't worry."

  The metal around him, Most of them are already hovering in mid-air with Duke's help.   These metals turned into a liquid state

  again under Cheng Wan's power .   Then continue to reorganize and integrate. Forms the hardest alloy.   Finally, Cheng Wan and Duke teamed up to fix it into a huge robotic arm. Bigger did, as Duke had guessed, choose to attack at close range after discovering that dropping bombs from a distance was not possible.   Porters cannot carry living bodies, so Bigger's movements will not be restricted.   Like a human tank, he brutally broke through the door that could withstand armored bullets.   There was no damage to his body, and all the muscles in his body were bulging.   This huge sense of oppression made Qin Ze doubt that this person was powerful enough to drag the train up.   For the first time, in the three-dimensional reality, he saw a being with muscles comparable to Yujiro Noma or Togoro.   But logically speaking, Big's speed is extremely fast and Qin Ze cannot see clearly.   All this was due to the combined attack of Cheng Wan and Duke.   The two reacted very quickly, at least much faster than Qin Ze.   After many battles, the two of them cooperated tacitly.   When Bigger barged into the house...   for a moment, Duke controlled the security door to hinder Bigger as much as possible.   However, Big's power is too great, surpassing Duke's telekinesis.   But it doesn't matter, Bigger's speed has slowed down.   Then, a mechanical arm as big as Big's body...   like an earth drill, crashed towards Big's Tianling Gai in a spiral thrust.   Bigger defended himself with both hands, but his skin, which even bullets could not penetrate, was penetrated by the huge spiral thrust.   The two hands were crossed to protect the head. The end result was that the bones of both hands were penetrated by spikes.   The alloy arm, which has been tempered by mechanics, has an astonishing hardness.   Bigger let out a cry of pain, but he couldn't stop the mechanical arm that kept spiraling.   This powerful mechanical arm directly penetrated Tianling Gai.   Tend to success.   Cheng Wan and Duke jointly completed the murder goal.   Big, the killer who was more powerful than a demigod in the Hall of Valor... was killed by two members of the official organization that he absolutely despised in a way that was close to trapping.   Qin Ze was amazed by what he saw.   "I only have big stars and team leaders in my eyes, but now it seems that there is a reason why the team leaders and big stars have always asked Duke and Cheng Wan to be responsible for the field security of Linxiang City." "These two people are combined together   . He is a top master."   Qin Ze recorded Big's voice.   At some point, Xiao Qiao, who was the size of a doll but had details comparable to those of a real person, appeared on his shoulder.   "We have completed the killing..." Cheng Wan said.   Duke glanced at Cheng Wan and said,   "Did you get the hint too?"   "Yeah. I guess Mr. Duke, our hints are the same."   "Continuous cuts?"   "Yes, the buff I got was also continuous cuts."   After killing the target with consecutive cuts, all injuries on the body will be healed and all consumed physical energy will be restored.   In other words, as long as you can complete the kill, you can immediately return to the battle with full health.   Qin Ze didn't know the details of continuous beheading, but it happened that there was a saying of "continuous beheading" in the Silkworm Tower. Killing the target restored mobility.   So when Qin Ze heard the word "continuous beheading", he roughly guessed that Duke and Cheng Wan should be able to kill to their heart's content tonight.   Qin Ze suddenly had an idea.   He seemed to have thought of a clever way to break the situation.   "Cheng Wan and Duke killed someone, but they killed the wrong person! This is a point that can be exploited!"   At this moment, Xiao Qiao chuckled:   "Dear, be careful." There   was obviously no danger, and there was no danger around him. Nothing seemed to happen...   but Xiao Qiao looked at Ling Aozhe.   At the same time, Qin Ze also looked at Ling Aozhe.   Although Bigger died, the black energy on Ling Aozhe's body was even stronger.   But there was no one around.   Ling Aozhe stood behind Qin Ze, and Qin Ze shouted loudly:   "Duke Cheng Wan! Surround Uncle Ling! Quick! Quick!"   Although Duke and Cheng Wan were confused, they did not hesitate at all.   The three people formed a triangle and surrounded Ling Aozhe.   "What happened, Mr. Qin Ze?"   "You can't see it, but I can see that the black energy on Uncle Ling's body is getting stronger and stronger, even stronger than when this muscular killer is close..."   Qin Ze glanced around. :   "It can be seen that Uncle Ling is only one step away from death. The target is in this room. He has some kind of invisibility method that can completely eliminate his own existence..." Duke and Cheng Wan were startled and shortened the sentence   . In the gap between them, the two also began to use their abilities to build a fence-like defense around Ling Aozhe.   Ling Aozhe was like the cornerstone in that tower defense game that could never be destroyed.   Qin Ze said: "Show up, I see you."   "Your frontal combat ability must be far inferior to that of the muscular man just now, right?"   "Haha, what are you going to do now?"   A voice said without knowing the direction. A voice came:   "If you use your own body as a defense, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

  This is the voice of a little girl.

  But Qin Ze said:
  "Kill me? Waste tonight's Qi Yi for the wrong person?"

  Duke and Cheng Wan didn't understand what this meant for a while.

  The two of them were also thinking that guarding Ling Aozhe every step of the way would greatly limit their ability to move.

  It's easy to be taken over by the other party.

  But Qin Ze's words did silence the other party.

  For a while, the two sides fell into a deadlock.

  "Today Yi is going to kill someone. The person you want to kill can only be Ling Aozhe, right?" "

  But if you kill us before killing Ling Aozhe, Qi Yi will be wasted." "

  After all, Yi only has three levels, absolutely Most people can only go for it once a day, and you are no exception, right?" "

  I believe you are different from that bulky muscular man. You have realized that the reward for killing other people is completely different from the reward for killing Ling Aozhe. Different."

  "If you wipe out people who are going to be wiped out in the world, the world will be grateful to you." "

  So, if you kill us, you will waste this opportunity." "

  You can try to get close to us and attack One of us, but in that case, you will inevitably be discovered by others." "

  You have not attacked, which shows that your invisibility has limitations." "

  What a pity, you came a step too late. You should be attracted by muscular men When we pay attention... we take action."

  Qin Ze hit the point every time.

  This killer Vogt, who has the ability of a professional plainclothes policeman in the past, has made everyone forget her existence and made everyone invisible.

  But this also meant that she couldn't get to the battlefield before Bigger, and couldn't complete the "stealing".

  Now, she could try to kill one of them, but that person would definitely not be Ling Aozhe.

  Because Ling Aozhe was protected by Qin Ze and the others without any blind spots.

  Vogt was also held back by Qin Ze's words.

  She was actually a little annoyed.

  So much so that she spoke when she shouldn't have spoken.

  Of course, with the functional help of plainclothes police officers, her location would not be revealed.

  And what she had to do next was to continue waiting.

  Waiting for Player and Chanji to get involved.

  All he needs to do is kill with one strike when the melee comes.

  However, she underestimated Prior's cynicism.

  As the most unpredictable urchin in the Killers' Guild

  , Prell seemed to have completely forgotten today's actions at this moment.

  (End of chapter)

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