70. Chapter 70

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  Chapter 70

  Qin Ze has imagined several possibilities.

  The distortion of gambling is either the bet, the content of the gamble, or the state of the gambler.

  Considering that gambling must be the behavior of two or more people, Qin Ze is worried that the distorted gambling will affect the people betting against him.

  When it comes to the behavior of multiple people, the principle of taboo is to not affect innocent people.

  "Looking for a gambler who deserves to die? No... It's not up to me to decide whether he deserves to die. Since he is an ordinary person, he should be punished by normal law." "

  Forget it, let's ask Huo Qiao first what he thinks."

  Da Fang asked Huo Qiao, ask Luo Shu about small details.

  Qin Ze quickly contacted Huo Qiao.

  After Huo Qiao read Qin Ze's question, he did not refuse. His job was to be responsible for divination and prediction.

  "This is a behavior that can easily cause gibbering. Xiao Qin, do you really have to violate every taboo?" "

  I advise you to selectively violate taboos, and don't be a short-lived ghost who always violates every taboo."

  Qin Ze replied Said:
  "Thank you, I will seriously consider your suggestion, but I am prepared for today's taboo."

  Huo Qiaoxin said, facing distortion, or gambling, a behavior that can easily lead to gibbering, how can one be prepared.

  There are many rules that White Old Calendar people cannot break, and gambling is not among them.

  But gambling is indeed something that cannot be done in the public sense.

  Of course, gambling here refers to gambling in a narrow sense.

  In short, if a few people get together to play mahjong, it is said to be a pastime, or it is said to be a gathering of people to gamble. It all depends on what Sir says.

  Can be light or heavy.

  But for the white Old Calendar people, this is a "grey behavior."

  So Huo Qiao is not very optimistic about this violation.

  But soon, Huo Qiao changed his view. After he finished the divination, he let out a sigh when he saw the results of the divination.

  After a while, Huo Qiao replied to Qin Ze:
  "Xiao Qin, you are destined to be doomed today. There is no way to avoid it, but if you can trigger the calendar behavior, you may be able to survive." "

  This calendar behavior may be a trend . , maybe I have violated taboos. I am old and lack the ability to go deep into divination." "

  But you have a calamity today, and I don't know what calamity it is. This calamity seems to have a great impact, but it doesn't seem to have any impact."

  " I can only interpret it as not having much impact on your current situation."

  "How about you contact Lan Yu and the team leader?"

  Qin Ze did not expect that Huo Qiao's divination was so detailed this time.

  Probably Huo Qiao was really worried that gambling would attract gossip.

  So I am very careful, hoping to use more accurate hexagrams to persuade myself.

  But the final result surprised Huo Qiao.

  Calendar behavior will make you turn bad luck into good luck, and inevitable disaster will come.

  After Qin Ze thought for a moment, he determined that gambling was the way to turn bad luck into good fortune.

  "I have already done Qiyi, and I have received the corresponding reward. If I can't guarantee it, there will be a bigger reward, but it probably won't be realized today." "Then the only remaining calendar

  behaviors are taboos."

  "Assuming that seeking benefits can help me turn disaster into good fortune, then I have already done it."

  Qin Ze had a hunch that the person who brought disaster to himself might be a perfect gambling target.

  But out of complete preparation, Qin Ze still contacted Lan Yu, the team leader, Cheng Wan, and Duke.

  He contacted all the fighting-type Old Calendarists.

  But what surprised Qin Ze was that everyone in the team had a task today.

  And the task is quite arduous.

  "Sorry, Ozawa, the information we have received is that the Hall of Heroes is likely to carry out a large-scale killing in a densely populated place, which may even involve major pollution from the old world." "I'm afraid Xiaoyu and I can't do it today

  . Help you. If what Huo Qiao tells you is that you can turn danger into disaster, then this time, you can only rely on yourself." When you become an

  official Old Calendar person, you will definitely have moments when you face danger alone.

  Jane helped Qin Ze through despair, distortion, and recruitment one by one.

  But a situation like today will eventually come, and there will always be a time when you are isolated and helpless, and you can only rely on yourself for everything.

  Qin Ze didn't panic.

  Since there is the possibility of turning danger into good fortune, and it is not a certain death situation, you can definitely find a way to survive.



  Linxiang City, Beibin Road.

  In von Enman's psychological clinic, a man wearing a suit, top hat and gold-rimmed glasses appeared.

  The man had two small beards, which gave his face a sense of treachery.

  "Actually, it's not you that I'm looking for, Mr. Lu Buwei. Although I do need the ability of a banker, I know very well that compared to Mr. Shen Wansan, the interest you charge is too high." Lu Buwei listened to Feng Enman's

  words , examining von Enman.

  Feng Enman ignored this look. As a dual professional, one of which is a psychiatrist, he naturally has excellent psychological quality.

  Even if the opponent is banker Lu Buwei.

  Feng Enman said:
  "Nuwa disappeared not long ago, and a large number of high-level officials gathered in Linxiang City. You should know that Linxiang City is in chaos now." "Linxiang City

  hides huge secrets, and we all hope to unearth this Secret. Maybe we should cooperate?"

  "If you want to lend me a loan, I hope the interest rate can be lower. After all, as a customer, I can choose another bank."

  Lu Buwei said:
  "I don't like people like you, Jia Xu. If I want to choose a partner, I won't look for you."

  "You haven't told the truth. You have already contacted Shen Wansan, haven't you?"

  Feng Enman said without changing his expression, still smiling:

  "Then you are For what purpose did you come to me?"

  Lu Buwei pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said,

  "I had a bad debt, and a person took a loan from me, but he died and disappeared.' The question disappeared."

  Feng Enman asked tentatively:

  "I need to know this person's name."

  "Yang Mulin. An actuary, actually engaged in the journalism industry." Lu Buwei did not hide it.

  Lu Buwei continued:
  "The reason why I found you is because I think it is unlikely that someone from the Hall of Heroes did this." "It is most likely

  that the principle of mutual attraction of Old Calendarists attracted the official Old Calendarists."

  "Yang Mulin is not a smart person. He is too greedy. Based on what I learned about the accident near the news building, I guess that Yang Mulin caused a big accident before his death." "But in the end, he escaped without the help of an accident

  . He died at the hands of the official organization."

  "And you are the one who knows the official organization best among us."

  Feng Enman frowned:
  "Mr. Lu Buwei, before answering your question, please allow me to ask a question first. ?"

  Lu Buwei said:
  "You want to ask why I would lend such a precious thing as 'pawn' to a fool like Yang Mulin."

  Feng Enman nodded and waited for Lu Buwei's answer.

  Lu Buwei didn't elaborate, just said:

  "I just made a mistake. Even Shen Wansan and I can't guarantee that every customer we find is a high-quality customer."

  Feng Enman nodded with a smile, but of course he didn't agree with it in his heart. These words.

  Lu Buwei and Shen Wansan, as bankers, both have one characteristic, that is, they are very accurate in judging people.

  When they choose customers, they will be careful and choose those with high potential and those who will not have "bad debts" as much as possible.

  In von Enman's opinion, there is either human nature or some kind of secret here.

  If you have to say it, Yang Mulin is worth investing in.

  But it’s not worth investing in “quality”.

  Von Enman's guess was correct.

  There is indeed a secret here. As a banker, you are actually under performance pressure.

  Whether it is Lu Buwei or Shen Wansan, they need to select enough "customers" to complete the targets, otherwise there will be backlash.

  The bankers' backlash was extremely vicious.

  Therefore, bankers sometimes go out of their way to choose customers who appear to be acceptable on the surface.

  Of course, neither Lu Buwei nor Shen Wansan could tell anyone else such a secret.

  Any weakness has the possibility of being calculated.

  "Okay, although you are not honest, I am still willing to tell you some secrets."

  Feng Enman smiled, like an old butler who meets all orders.

  "It hasn't been peaceful recently. Bloody Mary is dead. Counting Yang Mulin in your hand, this is just an appetizer." "

  We in the Hall of Heroes are not having a good time now."

  "Fortune teller Li Qingzhao did a calculation a few weeks ago. It is best not to develop members in Linxiang City, otherwise we will continue to lose troops and generals." "

  We are only losing troops now, but we have not yet lost generals. Jian Yiyi is powerful beyond imagination. My suggestion is that you'd better leave calmly. Accept this loss."

  Feng Enman's words had another meaning.

  Lu Buwei did not appreciate it:
  "The majesty of a banker cannot be provoked."

  "I have already persuaded you. Of course, if you insist on continuing the investigation, I will also help you."

  Feng Enman paused briefly and said:

  "Jian Yiyi is too much . He is so powerful that unless someone with a god-level code name is mobilized, it is impossible to defeat him head-on." "Even if

  you are a banker, I suggest that it is best to avoid Jian Yiyi. I will take action on Jian Yiyi's side."

  "He will come to consult me ​​one day."

  "As for the rest, what I can tell you is that Jian Yiyi currently has a confidant named Qin Ze." "

  This information is hard to come by. I hope it will be helpful to you. ."

  Von Enman did not lie.

  Not long ago, members of the Hall of Heroes led by the codename Li Ru caused a "pollution".

  Jian Yiyi, who has strong mental power, single-handedly solved the pollution. Dozens of people led by Li Ru were all killed by Jian Yiyi.

  It's just that Qin Ze, Lan Yu and others don't know about this matter.

  Of course, in order to prevent contamination from remaining on her body, and Linxiang City still does not have its own psychiatrist, Jian came to Feng Enman's clinic one by one.

  Jian Yiyi, who is so powerful that there are almost no blind spots, is extremely powerful even in terms of mental defense.

  Von Enman did not dare to take any unnecessary peeks. He could only take a quick glance and got a piece of information that he didn't know whether it was useful or not -

  the newcomer Qin Ze had extremely high qualifications and his cultivation value might be higher than Lan Yu.

  Even just a glimpse of such a message in his heart made Feng Enman sweat on his back.

  Afraid of being noticed by Jane one by one.

  Feng Enman, who was walking on thin ice, finally stole this information without being noticed by Jane one by one.

  But after Jian Yiyi left, he had to admit that the current preparations were not enough to defeat Jian Yiyi.

  It is necessary to find the banker Shen Wansan as soon as possible and complete the loan.

  "The newcomer Qin Ze is a recent recruit of the 'company'. He is very valuable, and his qualifications may be the highest under Jian Yiyi." "

  Such a person is definitely a person who often violates taboos. In order to cultivate him, Jian Yiyi, Maybe many actions will take him with him."

  "I have also met this man named Qin Ze. He is a person who can bring inspiration to me. He is also an extremely rational person. This person is an intuitive player." "To

  me His first impression was not good and he refused to accept my treatment, but this also means that he is hiding secrets that he does not want others to know." "Maybe,

  Yang Mulin's death is related to him. In any case, in If you can't challenge Jian Yiyi, you can try to start with Qin Ze." "

  Or maybe it's a more valuable secret."

  Feng Enman was obviously a bit confusing:
  "Maybe, he will become Your client. The official organization protects him very well. It is not easy to investigate him." "

  There is a lot of forged information hidden. Fortunately, I do know Qin Ze's address." "

  But I will only reveal it to you. , only this time."

  "This is not my words to win favor. I will not reveal it to anyone later." "

  Because if Qin Ze gets into trouble one after another, then the possibility of me being suspected will also increase. Improvement. And it will cause Qin Ze to change his address later." "

  Although you are a banker, what I do is equally great. To defeat Jian Yiyi, I must not arouse the suspicion of the official organization."

  Lu Buwei did not expect that Jian Yiyi Yiyi would actually care so much about a new person.

  He never expected that Feng Enman would have such a high opinion of a person named Qin Ze.

  He did become interested.

  It is not a difficult task to deal with Yang Mulin. It is very likely that the official organization will not use an ace like Jian Yiyi.

  Then it is very possible to leave it to a newcomer like Qin Ze to practice.

  Lu Buwei needs to know how Yang Mulin was dealt with in the end.

  If someone kills his client, he needs that person to pay.

  Lu Buwei stood up and took the address card handed over by Feng Enman:

  "It's time for me to go. I don't like you, Jia Xu, because you always covet something."

  Feng Enman smiled and did not refute.

  "But I don't accept owed favors. I can tell you one thing."

  Feng Enman still had the same gentle expression:

  "I am all ears."

  "Nuwa, you are divided."

  Feng Enman was stunned.

  Lu Buwei did not explain in detail what it meant that Nuwa was split.

  Is it that the forces under Nuwa's hands have been split...or is it a more intuitive and terrifying "split".

  Or is it on a spiritual level?

  Lu Buwei finally said:
  "The Hall of Heroes will clean up people who have been inactive recently, because these people are probably Nuwa's clones." At

  this moment, Lu Buwei thought of Nuwa pinching people.

  At the same time, he also noticed that as Nuwa disappeared, many people with code names fell into silence.

  Including Li Qingzhao whom he mentioned earlier.

  Of course, Li Qingzhao has become active again recently, which seems to rule out the possibility that Li Qingzhao is Nuwa.

  "The split you're talking about doesn't mean that Nuwa has many clones, right?"

  "Of course not, it's time for me to leave."

  Lu Buwei walked toward the door without any words, and Feng Enman did not try to hold him back.



  April 18, at dusk.

  A man wearing a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses appeared in Youke New Town Community.

  At the same time, Xiao Qiao on Qin Ze's shoulder raised his head.

  Behind Qin Ze, the copper money grass on the balcony also opened its eyes on the leaves.

  "My dear, the bettor has appeared."

  (End of chapter)

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