66.Chapter 66 The whereabouts of Gao Jingzhi

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  Chapter 66 Gao Jingzhi’s whereabouts
  Jian Yiyi relaxed his attitude and told Qin Ze not to pay too much attention:

  "Relax Ozawa, this is not a teacher giving lectures to students."

  "Once the calendar turns black, it becomes another kind of calendar."

  "Actually, through recruitment and your recent understanding, you should have felt that in the realm of the old calendar, there are two forces dueling." "The worthy

  god and the fallen worthy god. The same goes for the calendar, there are two types of black calendar and white calendar Opposite things."

  Qin Ze nodded, and Jian Yiyi continued:

  "When it comes to the secrets of the Golden Calendar manuscript, I can't go into too much detail, but you need to know that what the Black Calendar tries to subvert is all the peacekeeping mechanisms constructed by human history. A stable system of rules."

  "Simply put, what the black calendar wants to create is a world where arrogance, etiquette and joy are broken, and desire dominates everything. This is creating a certain kind of soil." "The love of life we ​​advocate

  is A life based on human laws and moral constraints." "

  In this process, if we do something immoral or against the law...then the gods in the black calendar may confuse us." "

  If the black calendar If a person does not have strong willpower, he will be corroded and polluted. Corrosion, you must have heard this word many times." Jian Yiyi


  "Corrosion does not refer to spiritual degradation, but to being hypnotized and modified. , being enslaved. And the self-will is constantly lacking."

  "At the same time, the body will also undergo many changes, such as taking on the form of the Old Calendar." "

  In the end, it will become an Old Calendar creature without self-awareness."

  Qin Ze said after being silent for a few seconds. :

  "Is it possible to keep committing crimes and breaking rules, but still be able to maintain oneself? Or, not completely lose oneself?"

  Jian Yi nodded:

  "Yes, most of the senior officials in the Hall of Heroes are of the same kind. The state of 'half human, half Old Calendar creature'. I once fought against a person codenamed Lu Bu..." "

  At the end, he turned on the Old Calendar form, and his body became ugly and twisted." "

  Gao Jingzhi should be similar to this. "

  Qin Ze said in surprise:

  "She looks completely like a normal person."

  Jian Yi smiled and shook his head:

  "Gao Jingzhi's spirit is definitely abnormal. I think you should be aware of it. I think she has It's my own old calendar form."

  Indeed, after Jian Yi said this, Qin Ze remembered that Gao Jingzhi's ferocious look after entering the car was completely different from her normal temperament that was comparable to the goddess Feihong.

  "Oze, even if he is as tough as Xiaoyu, after hearing the babble, I forced him to detain him for a long time and played with him every day, and then he gradually defeated the babble." Qin Ze felt funny in his heart. Lan Yu said that the team

  leader When he was young, he was beaten by Lan Yu every day, but after being beaten, he would tell Lan Yu stories...

  He called this kind of child-like redemption a joke?
  She is indeed a male mother.

  "Maybe there are people who are guilty of serious crimes, but are not affected by the nonsense at all and are still white or gray, but the seriousness of the crime itself is worthy of arrest." Jian Yiyi, who had been smiling all the time, said a little more seriously

  " So please follow Bai Li's way and love life. If you commit a serious crime, Ozawa, I will try to redeem you, but I will also be mentally prepared to arrest you." "Babble is not invincible, but I never

  assume Who can defeat the nonsense on their own?"

  Qin Ze nodded, indeed one cannot underestimate one's will nor overestimate one's will.

  And with big data out there, once the gibbering occurs, only a few can defeat it.

  Therefore, people with second careers are equally rare.

  "The form of the old calendar...is it the power beyond the calendar that Gao Jingzhi pursues?"

  "I always feel that we white calendar people need to abide by the law and are restricted everywhere, while black calendar people have no taboos and are even more powerful."

  Jian Yiyi joked:
  "How about saying that the black ones are three times stronger and the white ones are seven times weaker?" "

  In this aspect, the black ones are stronger than the white ones, and their power system is more diverse."

  "But the White Calendar also has other subsidies to achieve a balance. It is also due to the limitations of the Golden Calendar manuscript. I can't tell you." After saying this, Jane looked at the time one by one: "I should

  . , a new day is coming for Ozawa."

  Qin Ze wrote down everything Jian Yiyi said today, and said sincerely:
  "Thank you, team leader, for always helping me in time."

  "That's so polite, by the way. , if nothing happens tonight, you will have the Golden Calendar manuscript, and you will see the messenger, Ozawa, can you help me ask the messenger if Gao Jingzhi is dead?" Jian Yiyi said.

  Qin Ze said:

  "The messenger doesn't seem to like to talk much?"

  Jian Yiyi shrugged:

  "Try it, maybe you are destined to the messenger. It may have a desire to communicate with you."

  This made Qin Ze feel that something was wrong. Could it be that the team leader actually heard the message that day, in the confinement of time?

  But even if it is heard, it seems that there is no need to care.

  Qin Ze said,

  "I'll give it a try."

  "Then I'll leave first. I look forward to your good news. Tonight should be a rewarding night for you."

  Jane stood up one by one and walked out of the house. go.

  After Jane left one by one, there were only the last few minutes left before twelve o'clock.

  Qin Ze passed these few minutes in the blink of an eye.

  Eleven fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds in the evening, along with the entire April 17th, became history.

  A new day, April 18th arrives.

  Qin Ze heard the footsteps outside the door that made his soul tremble.

  This time he didn't have any fear.

  He didn't even close the door, and the person stood at the door, waiting for the messenger to arrive and deal with the messenger.

  Although the footsteps of the messenger have been heard, like the previous times, the messenger always seems to arrive late.

  And Qin Ze had already flipped through the calendar and saw today's content.

  April 18th, Si month Jiawu day. Worthy of God·None (insufficient favorability).

  It is advisable to spread wealth, pray for blessings, ask for divination, and ask for rain.

  Avoid gambling.

  Regarding today's calendar content, Qin Ze saw two intriguing behaviors.

  However, he has not thought about how to adapt to the situation and how to solve the risk of taboo.

  His attention now is on the blank part of the calendar.

  He finally has the profession of temporary worker and the ability of this profession.

  [Qin Ze, a man from the old calendar, successfully passed the call and his functions were strengthened. On April 18th, he gained the ability of this profession and was ordered to do so in times of danger. ]

  [Accepting orders in times of crisis: When a disaster strikes, you will be more likely to take responsibility. It will be easier for everyone to dump all the responsibility on the temporary worker, and if the crisis is not resolved, you will be the first person responsible.

  Correspondingly, when the critical situation is triggered, all the abilities you have mastered will be temporarily improved.

  And after the crisis is resolved, the favorability of everyone in the team towards you will be greatly improved.

  【Trigger conditions: This is a critical moment for life and death! ]

  When Qin Ze saw this description, he seemed to have a new understanding of the profession of temporary workers.

  "This is really a fucking temporary worker. Isn't this just taking the blame? Why do you accept an order in a critical situation and write it in such a high-sounding way?"

  Everything seems reasonable and reasonable. After all, taking the blame is indeed a traditional skill of temporary workers.

  Qin Ze couldn't laugh or cry.

  "I wonder if I would be the only one to take the blame?"

  "The calendar's speaking style is really unpredictable. This is a time of crisis for life and death. This means...it should be the general of the building who triggers the blame." At the time of dumping?"

  "If there is no team status, it can also trigger taking the blame. This is a good skill." "It can only

  be left for future experiments."

  The bottom of the blank part of the calendar is Qin Ze's extra reward for today .

  [Get half a point of free quality and a golden calendar manuscript, but failed to trigger the doubling effect of the golden calendar.

  The quality is actually only a little bit.

  This makes Qin Ze feel very strange, why is it only half a point?

  When he called for the old calendar, the distribution interface already appeared in his mind.

  But since the quantity of quality is not a complete point, it cannot be distributed.

  Qin Ze probably understood.

  "Quality" is just like the name. Once obtained, one of your attributes will undergo a qualitative change.

  The first time was because of the "newcomer benefits", so I got the complete "quality" in one go.

  But this time it was different. Although he participated in the recruitment and returned with a great victory, he could only get half the quality.

  In other words, you have to go through another recruitment to upgrade the old calendar level to the third level.

  "Either my performance in the Old Calendar Realm will be more outstanding..." "

  As expected, you still have to take your time to improve things like this."

  Qin Ze felt that his progress was too slow.

  But in fact, in the eyes of Jian Yiyi and others, he has made rapid progress. Even a terrifying speed.

  Because for Qin Ze, it was only the eighteenth day of April, and it was the third day of April when he became a calendar user.

  After only ten days, Qin Ze has already mastered many abilities.

  If you want to blame it, just blame the dog author for writing slowly.



  In Youke New City.

  In the corridor, the footsteps that only Qin Ze could hear stopped suddenly.

  The tall figure, the messenger covered in black, appeared in front of Qin Ze again.

  "We meet again, Mr. Messenger."

  The messenger is accustomed to knocking on the door and then placing the Golden Calendar manuscript at the door.

  Most Old Aldermen are afraid of the Messenger.

  Therefore, for messengers, Qin Ze is relatively rare -

  he is actually waiting for him.

  "Want to come in and sit down?" Qin Ze took the manuscript.

  So much so that the most commonly used line by couriers, "I'll leave your express at the door," is not mentioned.

  The messenger turned to leave. He didn't intend to talk to Qin Ze.

  Considering that the messenger could be out of sight in one step when he left, Qin Ze immediately asked:
  "I want to know how the person who revealed the Golden Calendar manuscript to me last time is doing?"

  He just performed his duty and asked, guessing that the messenger was Probability will not answer.

  But to his surprise, the messenger turned around and said,

  "You want to know her whereabouts?"

  "Of course, after all, this person caused me to almost be hunted down by you." Qin Ze was not honest.

  The messenger turned around and walked towards Qin Ze. Just like last time, the messenger stretched out his hand and tapped Qin Ze's forehead.

  In an instant, Qin Ze saw a memory.

  Gao Jingzhi was running away frantically, and the empress of the Hall of Valor had panic on her face.

  The scene is unknown because there is a layer of gray fog surrounding the screen.

  But the details of Gao Jingzhi in the scene are clearly visible.

  The messenger behind him was full of oppression.

  No matter how Gao Jingzhi escaped, he could not distance himself from the messenger.

  Finally, the messenger touched Gao Jingzhi. It has an expressionless face, does not feel tired, bored or amused.

  Silence is the greatest contempt.

  The moment she touched Gao Jingzhi, Gao Jingzhi lost all resistance.

  Then, with a click, the messenger broke Gao Jingzhi's neck.

  It seemed to realize that Gao Jingzhi had some means, so the next scene was extremely cruel and bloody.

  After the messenger broke Gao Jingzhi's neck, he also tore off Gao Jingzhi's head.

  Qin Ze thought Gao Jingzhi was dead, but at this time, something like a "ghost" appeared in Gao Jingzhi's body.

  The messenger has been waiting for this thing to appear.

  The moment the "ghost" tried to escape, the messenger waved his hand and swatted the spirit away.

  At this point, Gao Jingzhi's body and soul were completely destroyed, and there was no chance of resurrection.

  Qin Ze was horrified to see it.

  To be able to live in the realm of the gods and escape under the eyes of the team leader and big stars...

  Finally, she sent herself a text message, and the content above seemed to indicate that she hoped to meet him next time.

  Such a person must be extremely confident in his means of escape.

  Qin Ze did not expect that Gao Jingzhi was helpless when facing the messenger. How strong is the messenger?

  Then Qin Ze thought of something:

  "Wait, why did the messenger show me this video?"

  "Shouldn't its style be to be silent and just leave?" "

  I said hello to it, but it didn't pay attention. Obviously He doesn't look like someone who can explain to others in such detail."

  "Is this a warning to me not to reveal the contents of the Golden Calendar?" "


  Qin Ze suddenly understood and said,

  "You are taking this opportunity to peek into my experience yesterday."

  As soon as he said this, the messenger's fingers moved away from Qin Ze's forehead.

  It said in a deep voice:
  "This is an exchange of equal value."

  Qin Ze remembered that he had this feeling of being seen through last time.

  It can be seen that he is still too weak in front of the messenger.

  He is not annoyed, because this kind of information exchange is cost-effective for him. It was almost as if the messenger had peeked into his own memory, so he returned a piece of his memory.

  Qin Ze said:

  "Can I ask you one last question? If you answer it, you can leave."

  The messenger planned to leave directly this time, but Qin Ze did not wait for its answer and asked directly:
  "In your hunting list? , is there anyone who successfully escaped your killing?"

  The messenger didn't like to answer questions, but it seemed that it felt that this question had something to do with Qin Ze, so it said:
  "There was one person. She successfully escaped my pursuit. , but she also paid the price and promised not to leak the contents of the Golden Calendar manuscript again, and accepted my commission."

  Qin Ze's eyes widened, and naturally he couldn't tell that he was a man or a woman in the messenger's mouth, and he cared The point is that someone really survived from the messenger.

  Moreover, like himself, he also accepted the commission.

  So did the messenger entrust him because he had some similarity with that person?
  Or, relevance?
  Qin Ze asked tentatively:
  "Who is that person? Do I know him?"

  (End of Chapter)

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