160.Chapter 156 Fishing Law Enforcement

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  Chapter 156: The Fishing Law Enforcement
  Commander wants to steal the calendar. Everyone knows this.

  That is to see whether we can avoid direct conflict and whether we can prevent it.

  The commander himself also knew that he was wrong.

  So I thought that after receiving the call, I would apologize to Jian Yi.

  He is a condescending god, and his disdain for ordinary people is even more exaggerated than the original Gu Anxun.

  But in the final analysis, he also agrees with a small number of his fellow travelers.

  There is Jian Yiyi who is not annoying.

  However, Jian Yiyi's answer made the commander a little confused:

  "What do you mean? What are you talking about, Jian Yiyi? Are you apologizing to me?"

  He missed.

  After hearing Jian Yiyi's words, the commander knew something in his mind.

  He immediately asked:
  "What happened to Yuan Fen? Did you catch him?"

  Logically speaking, Jian Yiyi was also very busy and could not always guard Qin Ze.

  It is unlikely that Yuan Fen will not be able to escape from Qin Ze.

  "Let Yuan Fen go," the commander said directly.

  Jian Yiyi's sighs came from the phone:

  "Locksmith is a very interesting profession. Cultivating him to the level of ghosts and gods will really help us a lot. I also want to let him go, but... I can't do it. "

  The commander had a bad feeling in his heart.

  What does it mean to be late?

  "Jian, you won't be too harsh..."

  "No, no, no, I know it's one of ours, I knew it from the beginning, but I was negligent. Your locksmith...maybe he has been recruited?"

  Commander 1 Confused.

  "I didn't understand very well."

  So Jian explained the cause and effect one by one.

  Qin Ze, who was inside the door, was listening to the story, thinking that now the relationship between him and the commander was completely sealed, right?

  According to the team leader, the locksmith seems to be a role worth looking forward to and cultivating.

  Today is really a bad day for everything...

  even the matter of preventing theft can bring hardship to myself.

  The so-called suffering is the trouble in reality.

  Qin Ze was sure that he would be often troubled by the commander for wearing small shoes in the future.

  But the subsequent conversation between Jian Yiyi and the commander made Qin Ze realize that things seemed to be going wrong.

  "You mean, he encountered all kinds of unsuitable things? There are only two options: tidying up the house and staying in the house without doing anything else. It is an appropriate behavior. By tidying up the house, the effect of a spotless house is obtained." "Yuan Fen was mistaken

  . After entering the House of Immortality, he was forcibly recruited and teleported away?"

  The commander found it very strange.

  But Jian Yiyi's "yes" made him no longer suspect that it was fake.

  Ah Jian, if he wants to lie, will find a better reason.

  If what he tells you is weird and doesn't sound true, then it probably is.

  The commander was silent for a long time:
  "Can I see the latest page of the calendar?"

  Jane replied decisively:
  "No, there is a secret in Ozawa's calendar that I want to keep for him. This has nothing to do with Nuwa's treasure. Relationship, I can swear."

  "There are several pages in his calendar that cannot be read, including today's. However, I can send you part of the content."

  After Jian finished speaking one by one, he only looked at the latest page of Qin Ze's calendar. I took a photo of the taboo part of the page and sent it to the commander.

  After the commander was convinced that "everything was inappropriate," his inner mood was not as angry as Qin Ze thought.

  But it's a little subtle.

  He had seen some information about Qin Ze in the company's employee files.

  Joined the company on the third day of April.

  Today is April 30th.

  Less than a month later, when he started the calendar dormancy period...

  he had "everything is not right"?
  Could it be that he really experienced something outrageous? And overcome them one by one?

  In fact, the commander also knew Lao Zhao's theory of "the times make heroes".

  After all, Lao Zhao has been complimenting him for a long time, saying that the commander is that hero.

  But the commander can violate taboos to the point where everything becomes inappropriate.

  In other words, Qin Ze's career as an old timer was far more exciting than he imagined.

  This is not an ordinary newcomer.

  No power in the world can change the old calendar.

  The old calendar is above all else.

  Even if Qin Ze really got Nuwa's treasure, he wouldn't be able to trigger all sorts of inappropriate things in just a few days.

  What's more, everything is inappropriate and not something that ordinary people can withstand.

  Qin Ze might not survive today.

  Taken together, the commander concluded that Qin Ze had not stopped violating taboos since the third day of April.

  Surviving the taboos of the draft class may not be just bad luck.

  But he does have something unique about him.

  So the story Qin Ze told at the dinner party...maybe it's true.

  The probability of everything going wrong in more than half a month is actually about the same as the probability of a newcomer saving Ling Aozhe - both are impossible.

  But if one of them becomes impossible, then the other becomes impossible.

  The commander's perception of Qin Ze suddenly changed a lot.

  "Will you be forcibly recruited if you enter Qin Ze's house?"

  "Not sure, it may be other means of expulsion." Jian Yiyi said.

  Finally, Jian added one by one:
  "And even if you are recruited, you and the locksmith named Yuan Fen may not be in the same place." "

  I apologize to you for this. I should have helped you find him. , but I can't leave Linxiang City today."

  Jian Yiyi told the commander the information about the Black Li's attack.

  The commander also sighed:
  "Forget it, let's not talk about this matter for now. I won't pursue you and Qin Ze. But this matter is not over yet. It's just that we have to deal with other things first." "

  Commander, you are really a convincing person. Leader."

  Although nominally on the same level as colleagues, the board of directors also has a senior position.

  The second-ranking commander can indeed mobilize more resources than Jian Yiyi, so calling him a leader is not a compliment.

  But the commander will be very comfortable listening to it.

  The two quickly hung up the phone.

  Jian Yiyi also told Qin Ze the news that the commander would not pursue the case for the time being.

  Qin Ze looked incredulous:

  "This is different from how he behaved at the dinner table."

  "Oze, do you know what Xiaoyu told me, what is the secret to being liked by girls?" Jane asked seemingly irrelevant questions one by one.

  But Qin Ze suddenly understood:

  "Licking is useless. You have to be strong and focus on improving yourself... naturally girls will like you." "

  I understand, team leader, you are saying... everything is inappropriate, Prove my worth?"

  Jian Yi nodded:
  "It's like when you borrow money from a bank and you owe tens of thousands of dollars, people just think you are a poor guy." "

  But if you owe billions, people think you are poor. It's not simple."

  "Your incompetence in everything gives the commander this feeling. If there are people who are incompetent in everything, isn't it worth cultivating?"

  Qin Ze smiled bitterly. Now the commander's behavior was in line with his behavior at the dinner.

  The commander is really a "value theory" guy.

  Once you show your worth, even if you offend him, he will tolerate you more...

  As expected, what people have to do is always to improve themselves.

  "He won't give up checking your diary, but right now, he has to find a way to quell today's terrorist attack and find the locksmith." "In the commander's heart, maybe he already believes that you have nothing to do with Nuwa." Jian

  Yi Yi returned the calendar to Qin Ze.

  Qin Ze suddenly asked:

  "Team leader, have you never doubted me?"

  "Everyone has secrets, and so do I. So does Xiaoyu. But as long as your calendar is white and you stick to justice in your heart, I will Defend your secrets."   ...

  Linxiang   City, six o'clock in the morning.   Jian Yiyi has left.   Although Jian Yiyi was thinking in his heart, if Ozawa left the room today, chose to violate taboos, and successfully survived, he would definitely improve a lot.   But in the final analysis, Ozawa is just a stranger, and there is still a long way to go before becoming a ghost.   Newcomers face all kinds of problems, but after all they are too reckless.   He told Ozawa not to leave the room. Gao Jingzhi gave up for the time being.   Qin Ze also listened to the advice and did not take a step out of the room in the end.   Just sitting in the room quietly in a daze.   And Jian Yiyi left after making sure that Qin Ze was safe in the house.   He is going to Beibin Road to investigate the source of the terrorist attack.   It is worth mentioning that Qin Ze's inappropriate behavior has been spread within the company in Linxiang City.   Lao Zhao, Yu Ji, Luo Shu, Lin An, Huo Qiao, these non-combatants are all helping Qin Ze.   Mainly to pass on information through Xiao Qiao and handle other matters according to Qin Ze's instructions.   Everything went wrong, which made Lao Zhao more determined in his "protagonist theory."   In fact, Lao Zhao is not the only "author" in this world.   It is said that there is also one in the Hall of Valor, with an unknown code name, and he is a very mysterious guy.   That guy also has the "protagonist theory".   However, the protagonists identified by the two are different.   In short, with the help of Lao Zhao and others, the website Qin Ze wants to build is being built quickly.   The "God's Punishment" website was ultimately conceived as a website for voting on "people who deserve to die".   The website tells about a large number of keyboard warriors, people who abuse others online, some who are similar to rapists but have not been punished as they should, and some who show off their wealth. There are even those who have escaped legal sanctions but show off their power to ordinary people.   Of course, there are also actors and actresses who are unworthy of their ethics, those who evade taxes, or some anchors who attack their parents in the live broadcast room.   In short, the characters who are hated by most people on the Internet and those who hope to be sanctioned... will be listed.   According to Qin Ze's basic idea, the people on the website will select a few people every week, and these people will be selected as the "shortlist of this week's kill list."   Finally, the winner of the "Most Damnable Award of the Week" will be selected from the "This Week's Deadly List Shortlist".   Spread the word about the Damn This Week winner.   It’s best to stir up excitement among the crowd. Let the GM know. Let him play the role of justice and satisfy the pleasure of killing others.   But it’s worth mentioning… all of this is false.   Most of the "Kill of the Week shortlists" are fictional characters created by the company.   The winner of "The Damnest of the Week" will be disguised as a member of the company's combat team.   To put it simply, create a website that kills people every seven days, create a website that kills people without going through the judiciary, but by public opinion...   just to attract the GM.   As for Prell?   Qin Ze didn't think that Prell would be deceived at all. After all, Prell was an old calendar programmer.   No matter how realistic the company's website and false data are, Prell can easily tell that it is fishing.   But after that dream, Qin Ze was convinced that Prell was not having a good time now either...   Preel, who betrayed the Killer Guild and shot at the organization's killers, might only be able to get rid of the four killer emperors by hiding in the old calendar world. The pursuit of the killer master, right?   Qin Ze doesn't care about Prell's life or death.   All he wants now is to fish and fish out the GM.   However, the website itself also has some problems.   Luo Shu was very worried:   "We can let many people receive votes for 'This week's list of people who deserve to be killed'."   "Temporary workers, if when they are surfing the Internet, a bullet pops up suddenly - 'Do you think these people deserve to be killed?' window, I might really click on it."   "But this website is essentially evil. It uses public opinion to kill people... Public opinion is sometimes the greatest evil. Is it really good for us to do this?   " , Qin Ze's answer was:   "Netizens are very good at changing the direction of the trend. The truth can be manipulated. This is what we are doing now." "We   listed false targets, and these targets looked damning, so It’s great that netizens are criticizing each other and enjoying the justice on the keyboard.”   “But when the GM is arrested, we can make up stories to show that everyone on the ‘destined to be killed list’ is innocent, creating a twist.”   "At this time, everyone will reflect, Oh my god, so that's it. It turns out that we have violated those innocent people online. No, no, no, no, no, no, I have to take it out quickly, I have to be the first to express my opinion." "Then, they will   immediately Let’s launch a new round of verbal and written criticism against those netizens who previously criticized ‘should be killed’...” “   In this process, the negative impact of the previous website establishment has actually disappeared.”

  "Don't think we can change people's perceptions."

  "Luo Shu, has there been any change in the Internet environment since you learned to surf the Internet?"

  The answer is of course no.

  Of course, there will be people who learn to remain silent through the reversal of many things, and learn to just eat without expressing their opinions.

  But there will be more people who will always enjoy keyboard justice from above.

  Qin Ze believes that GM and Prell are the embodiment of this "justice of public opinion".

  It's just that GM has no bottom line, while Player has a bottom line and is undergoing some kind of transformation.

  After convincing Luo Shu, the company's people began to rush to create a website. With the company's resources, this was not difficult.

  Of course, it would take a week to witness the arrest of GM.

  Qin Ze believed that GM, a poor imitator of Prell, would definitely be interested in this website.


  Qin Ze left it to Luo Shu and the others to handle the website matters.

  Now Qin Ze is concerned about two things.

  The first thing is the terrorist attack on Beibin Road.

  I always feel that this attack, if it could be sensed by Li Lu, a reporter of extremely high caliber...

  it must be a big event.

  If everything goes wrong, you can't just hide in the house and everything will go smoothly.

  Qin Ze knew this very well.

  Worse things will definitely happen today, it depends on whether we can turn danger into safety and benefit from it.

  "I hope Team Leader and the others can successfully prevent the terrorist attack."

  Qin Ze could only think in his heart.

  The second thing is Gao Jingzhi.

  Qin Ze responded to the message through Xiao Qiao and told Gao Jingzhi some situations.

  He wanted to hold Gao Jingzhi down, and after thinking about getting through today, he went to ask Gao Jingzhi.

  From the previous conversation, Qin Ze learned from Jian Yi that Gao Jingzhi might be related to Nuwa.

  Moreover, in Gao Jingzhi's text message, the sentence "You have been very pushy recently" made Qin Ze feel that Gao Jingzhi might also know something.

  So, Qin Zezang tried to let Xiao Qiao seduce him.

  "I want to talk to you about Nuwa. But not today. I can't go out today, and there are actions in your Hall of Heroes today." Don't mention it, the

  word Nuwa made Gao Jingzhi interested.

  "Those are people from the Amaterasu faction. They want to attack on Beibin Road. The purpose is unclear and the specific location is unclear, but the time of action is three o'clock in the afternoon." "Do you know about Lady Nuwa? How do you know

  ? "

  Gao Jingzhi was successfully aroused by Qin Ze.

  She replied again:
  "I'm coming to find you, give me your address!"

  (End of Chapter)

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