142.Chapter 139 Night of Justice

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  Chapter 139 The Night of Justice
  Lu Buwei's expression changed several times, and fell into Qin Ze's eyes without any concealment.

  Finally, Lu Buwei let out a sigh:
  "There is such a way. I will try to get rid of you, but before all this is done, I can't hurt you or deceive you." "

  But you can hide it from me, right?" "

  If you hide it, If this matter will not have a negative impact on you."

  Lu Buwei admitted frankly.

  Qin Ze nodded, he could accept this result.

  The calendar reorganized the soul, and Lu Buwei has now become his slave, but this does not mean that Lu Buwei has completely lost his self-awareness.

  The calendar has great authority, but Lu Buwei lost everything to himself. The scope of this definition has yet to be determined.

  Qin Ze didn't care either.

  Lu Buwei will inevitably make certain demands under his nose.

  Just don’t agree to it yourself.

  Of course, even if you have to agree to some requests, that's okay.

  Before Lu Buwei regains his freedom, just become stronger than him.

  Qin Ze said:

  "Lead the way, I am restless this night. To avoid a long night and many dreams, let's settle things here as soon as possible." "

  As you wish, I will take you into the barrier next."

  Lu Buwei began to explore. His own black suit.

  Soon, he actually took out a contract.

  Qin Ze remembered that before Lu Buwei's soul was reorganized, there was nothing left in Lu Buwei's body.

  But obviously, this contract was called upon.

  "Contract fulfillment, please guide me to recover the debt."

  When the debtor appears, when the time to repay the debt has passed...

  Lu Buwei, as a banker, can use this ability.

  Qin Ze soon discovered that the surrounding air was still shaking.

  A very familiar scent appeared.

  It is said that the soul has a smell, and Qin Ze is no stranger to this smell.

  In the Kingdom of Competition, Qin Ze had smelled a similar smell in the River Styx when facing the boatman.

  But it wasn't the boatman he was facing. But an unknown profession.

  The surroundings were covered with a dark blue color.

  In Qin Ze's eyes, it was no longer a school, but a huge square.

  In the square, countless souls stood upright. Poker face.

  They looked the same as their physical counterparts, but somewhat illusory.

  Thousands of souls, with blank eyes and no sense of self.

  Behind every soul, there is a thin black line.

  Like black blood vessels.

  These blood vessels are injecting some consciousness into these souls.

  As Qin Ze stepped into this space, in the center of the square, surrounded by thousands of souls, the "principal" opened his eyes: "Why...isn't he that person?" His voice was small, but

  the middle In this almost absolutely quiet space, Qin Ze still heard it.

  He also tasted the surprise and confusion in his voice.

  Through countless virtual souls, Qin Ze saw a tree-like existence in the center of the crowd.

  It was something like a locust tree, with a huge canopy wrapped in black mist.

  And countless intertwined and tangled tree roots stretch out from the ground, connecting every soul.

  Qin Ze was a little uncomfortable with such a scene.

  It's almost like... this tree feeds on more than a thousand people, sucking something from their souls.

  Fortunately, the process is slow.

  Qin Ze soon saw the key figure, Yui.

  This capable female lawyer, who worked with lawyer Hu Dongfeng on the Jingquan College incident, did not look so blank at this moment.

  Although his face is expressionless, you can occasionally see a slight movement in his eyes.

  Moreover, the figure of Lawyer Gu Meimen also looks more solid than other soul bodies.

  Qin Ze guessed that the weaker the soul, the more self-awareness the person wearing the black mask has absorbed.

  But as long as the souls do not become completely void and completely transparent, then as long as these souls return to their original bodies, everything can still be saved.

  "That's it... I have failed. Young man, I don't know who you are, but please come here and take away my mask." "

  I... am in pain."

  The black trees made a sound.

  There was great pain and fear in that voice.

  Qin Ze was surprised to find that countless souls around him were getting out of the way.

  Soon, a straight road appeared in the huge square occupied by souls.

  The giant black tree with a human face on the trunk was facing Qin Ze.

  "It turns out, Mr. Lu Buwei, you are here too."

  "Sorry, I can no longer repay your debt." "

  You can withdraw something equal to the principal, and I am also willing to pay additional interest. If I can still do it ..."

  "I am willing to exchange other things with you..." "

  But please take away my mask... I really don't want to do this anymore."

  It was like using the last clarity of consciousness to say the most correct thing words.

  The roots of the giant black tree began to twist, like the tentacles of an octopus.

  These tentacles soon touched the face full of pain on the tree trunk.

  Lu Buwei said:
  "Dear master, he did not lie. This is my ability. Debtors who have been unable to fulfill their debts cannot lie when facing me.

  "But can they hide it? "Qin Ze said casually.

  "Yes, but it can be concealed. "Lu Buwei bowed respectfully.

  The face on the tree trunk seemed to be squeezed out of the tree trunk by some kind of force.

  The face became extremely prominent, and the expression became more and more painful.

  It began to squirm and twist, and this face seemed to be about to be Like an open chrysalis.

  "Please take it away... please take it away..."

  "I was the principal of this school, and I am also an Old Calendar person.

  "I just hope to use my power to make this school better. " "

  But I underestimated its power... Please tear it off my face!"

  " Please! " Tear it off!

  The pleading tone turned into a roar at the last moment.

  Qin Ze was unmoved:
  "Can I kill it directly? Also, is this its old calendar form?"

  "I will convey your needs, my master." Lu Buwei nodded slightly.

  Then, he turned and looked at the former principal.

  "We can kill you directly, right? And I want to know, are you like this because of gibbering?"

  The guy who turned into a black giant tree said:
  "No! Don't kill me! That way all the people in the school People... can never change back!"

  "Please take away my mask! Master Lu Buwei, I am absolutely honest to you!" "

  I am absolutely honest! I didn't lie to you!"

  The giant black tree was very Excited.

  The so-called principal is like a towering tree, protecting the people under the tree.

  But now, countless roots connect every soul. It no longer protects, but absorbs.

  It erases the differences of all students and creates perfect children in the eyes of many unsuspecting parents by relying on school rules that cannot be followed.

  But these children are not far away from becoming tree puppets. "I was wrong, my wish was completely distorted, although it... did come true!" "

  I am no longer the big tree that protects them, I am just... a transformer." "

  I have become like this now , It was not my intention. Although I once borrowed from you... the ability to survive in the realm of the old past, I was not deceived." "

  This all stems from the mask!"

  "Please take it away! Touch it. Touch my face and tear it off! I shouldn't have put it on!"

  The big black tree was extremely excited.

  The huge tree crown is also constantly swaying, as if the wind is stirring.

  Lu Buwei looked at Qin Ze with great respect:

  "Master, he did not lie. My debtor cannot lie to me."

  "Killing it will prevent these souls from returning to their original positions."

  Qin Ze looked around, that Countless souls standing there were a little puzzled:

  "Why do you have to tear off the mask? Since you are wearing a mask and you can realize your mistakes... Then why don't you release the control on these souls yourself?" Qin Ze is always like

  this Cautious.

  He was 100% sure that if he touched the Zhihei Mask, something bad for him would definitely happen.

  If there was some way to save these souls without touching the Black Mask, he would do it.

  But deep down in his heart, Qin Ze also realized that if...

  the only way was to tear off the mask, then he would be willing to take risks.

  The giant black tree still had an expression of pain and fear:

  "The desire to be realized cannot be undone unless someone else takes off my mask." "

  I'm really in pain! I realized my mistake, but I can't undo it. ! The school rules will always exist!"

  "The souls of these children will always be imprisoned by me! Until they are completely absorbed by me!" "All

  I can do is wait for those who are willing to take off the mask!"

  "Take off the mask! Finally! Only then can I undo everything I did and pay for the sins I committed!"

  Qin Ze actually guessed the answer in advance.

  He walked towards the straight corridor, approaching the giant black tree step by step.

  During this process, no soul attacked Qin Ze.

  Although the giant black tree was in pain, it was always peaceful.

  It did not attack Qin Ze, and even looked at Qin Ze with gratitude in its eyes.

  It was an expression of relief, as if someone had finally appeared.

  But Qin Ze's footsteps suddenly stopped:

  "What did you mean by the first words you said when you saw me? You seem to be disappointed with my appearance?" The

  black giant tree said:

  "Yes, someone once told me When I put on the mask, I have the ability to realize my wishes and promote educational innovation." "

  That person also told me that once the mask is put on, it cannot be taken off by my own will..." "

  And it may no longer be possible. It's a human identity. But someone will appear and take off my mask." "

  And you are not that person. Although I don't know that person, I know that you are not him!"

  Qin Ze was shocked:
  "Also That is to say, you found the Black Mask in the realm of the old calendar, but you didn't put it on immediately? But someone tricked you and you put on the mask?"

  Anger flashed in the eyes of the giant black tree, and then Zhang's face became more and more distorted:
  "Yes, he lied to me! He lied to me! He didn't tell me that the wish would be distorted! He didn't tell me that the wish would hurt my students!" Qin Ze stopped moving forward

  . OK.

  He could feel that the giant black tree was indeed honest.

  He really wants to get rid of the mask. This principal still has good thoughts deep in his heart and really doesn't want to hurt these students.

  But things seemed to be more complicated than he thought.

  This is not just a story about finding a dark version of Aladdin's magic lamp.

  This principal did not use the "magic lamp" originally.

  But someone bewitched the principal.

  "Who told you to do this?"

  "He calls himself...Sima Yi."

  Qin Ze took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

  Sima Yi.

  Qiao Wei also mentioned this person.

  Of course he has not forgotten Qiao Wei's words: Be careful of Sima Yi.

  There are so many guys with the name of gods in the Hall of Heroes, but Qiao Wei only mentioned Sima Yi.

  It can be seen that this Sima Yi's ability is very terrifying.

  "Last question, if I help you take off the mask of Zhihei, what will happen to me?"

  The answer from the black giant tree did not solve Qin Ze's doubts.

  "I don't know, I don't know... I only know... these children, they shouldn't have their souls sucked! Save me! Save them!"

  Qin Ze did not refuse.

  Right now, if there is danger, he can only do it.

  He walked to a step away from the tree trunk, and then his hand touched the face of the giant black tree.

  "Mr. Principal, you have been arrested. After taking off your mask, you will accept official sanctions." At

  this moment, countless black shadows connected Qin Ze and the giant black tree.

  A relieved and pious expression appeared on the principal's face:

  "I am willing to accept the sanction."

  It didn't lie. Even if it was reduced to what it is now, in its rare moments of clarity, it would still remember its original intention.

  But Qin Ze ushered in a new crisis.

  Because holding the black mask, it seems like I feel a more powerful "hotbed".

  On the principal's face, countless black blood vessels twisted and pulled away from his face.

  And through the black mist...these black blood vessels began to flow towards Qin Ze.



  in the basement of a farmhouse somewhere in the southern suburbs.

  Under the dim light, the man wearing a mask said his favorite line in a cheerful and somewhat exaggerated tone:

  "We must admit one thing, most people's lives, if we use the analogy of movies, are garbage movies. ."

  "A movie that is terrible, extremely boring, extremely bad, and the depth of the actors' lines and even the concept are extremely bad." "

  But now, the movie has its most exciting moment."

  Killer, Prell.

  His mask is still the same as always, a mask with a smile.

  Even after judging many people, Prell is still addicted to this kind of happiness.

  "Lawyer Hu, in your boring and sanctimonious life, you must have never experienced the joy of games, right?"

  Player's classic Desert Eagle was pressed against Hu Dongfeng's forehead.

  At this time, Hu Dongfeng's hands and feet were tied with handcuffs. There is tape on the mouth.

  There was a bit of mud from the soles of Player's shoes on the worn suit.

  "But today, I hope you can become an excellent player."

  "Introduce yourself, my name is Prell. I want to play a game with you. Your movie will usher in the final climax. It is also possible that you will Lucky...keep playing."

  On the other side of the night, hypocritical justice and true kindness come into contact.

  In the corner, the calendar belonging to the newcomer was quietly watching the trial.

  (End of chapter)

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