Chapter 76 Containment: Announcement of taking over operating authority

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  Chapter 76 Containment: Announcement of taking over operating authority

  "It's that feeling again... I regard her as a friend. And a best friend." Zhang Cishun pressed his temples.

  Now he is still in a state of being 'influenced', but after Jing Shuo's 'reminder', he has realized that something is wrong with him, and under the influence of the "mechanical intelligence" mechanized mind, he is recovering at an extremely fast speed. self.

  "Is it a sound?" Zuo Yan guessed.

  The picture on the video was hazy, which was what the three of them had in common. The only difference was that Zhang Cishun did not play the sound to the two of them.

  "It's possible, but not necessarily." Zhang Cishun breathed out.

  "It seems like her ability is a bit similar to that of Rei. I just don't know if she can borrow abilities like Rei in addition to changing other people's senses of her." Zuo Yan became serious.

  When Zhang Cishun's brain captured what Zuo Yan said about "rebellion", a description of this core ability suddenly appeared in his mind.

  It exists in the forty-two heart cores, and its description is as follows:
  "Rebellion" can spread the biological field outwards with itself as the center, and all living beings in the biological field will give the highest level to the releaser. With trust, "Rebellion" can borrow abilities from beings in the biological field who completely trust themselves. The person whose abilities are borrowed will temporarily lose that ability. The person whose ability was borrowed dies and the borrowed ability becomes invalid.

  From a literal point of view, this is a very unsolvable ability. Trust in any living thing! This means that a person who has transplanted this heart core can easily become the leader of mankind. Of course, this requires that his biological field spreads widely enough.

  Leaving aside the weakness of this core, Experimental Subject 200, the little girl, is obviously not trying to gain trust like the core's ability, but rather letting people become her friends. Of course, there may be others, but at least for now, the several uses of her abilities she have shown have turned enemies into her friends.

  Even Zhang Cishun, who was 'watching' the battle, fell victim to the same trick twice.


  "We are... friends..."

  The vague voice was captured by the armor, and then placed in the ears of the team members. In an instant, everyone's emotions were affected instantly!

  The sharp blade that had been approaching the back of one of the four remaining people stopped in an instant.


  These two words echoed in the minds of all DRS members. Although the mission sequence was flashing on their screens, this still could not prevent them from stopping the attack.

  All hostility dissipated in an instant.

  'Containment' was walking in the middle of the DRS team. When he also felt the strong feedback from the emotional system, his footsteps paused for a moment, and his brain went blank at that moment. Then, an indescribable feeling seemed to come from high in the sky. The fear and powerlessness of falling were aroused in his brain, and instantly spread throughout his body's nerve network.

  The 'containment' of the DRS team is special. As the first combatants facing the core, they are inherently different from others.

  They can be weapons or consumables, but... they are not people.

  Human brain areas that control emotions usually include the global cortex, the limbic system consisting of key structures such as the amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate belt, and a series of nuclei located in the brainstem.

  These are important parts of the human brain, but 'containment' is different. The areas in their brains that can be replaced have been replaced, and the useless ones have been removed. There is even a miniature detection system in the brain, which exists to detect emotional fluctuations that are beyond the 'containment' and should not exist.

  Once these emotions are detected, they will instantly activate regulation, causing the brain to issue a series of instructions, thereby making 'containment' normal.

  Just like a dream, falling in a dream will cause the person's real heart to contract in an instant, and various physical signs of the body will also perform a 'wake-up' operation to pull the person out of the 'abnormal' state!
  For 'containment' purposes, this abnormal, ultra-high wave pattern is obviously classified as 'anomaly'.


  A roar like drowning was squeezed out of the throat of 'Container'. The violent contraction of his heart and lungs made the already barren air in his body desperately compressed.

  My scalp started to feel numb, and then the numbness spread to my whole body instantly.

  His eyes gradually returned to clarity, and his chest under the armor was panting violently. The sound of his heavy breathing reached the ears of all DRS through the communication system.

  "Contain? Report status."

  The captain's voice rang.

  But the containment agent didn't answer at all. He slapped his hand behind the armor's ear, and with a hissing sound, the communication system was forcibly shut down.

  His world went quiet.

  "What should we do next? What should we do?"

  Zong Rong recalled the response plan he had learned and began to apply it in a strict manner.

  This is the first time he has encountered this kind of situation in reality, and it is not that he followed the Wilderness Army and they met the Doomsday Beast in the wilderness or went deep into the field to contact the core, but he was killed by a qualified person within a few meters of distance. ability is affected.

  He wasn't sure whether the several options he learned would work for the right people. Of course, he didn't know whether there were plans for qualified candidates in the courses he had not yet studied.

  "'Contain' applied to obtain the highest authority of the formation."

  "The unique key..."

  The information data on the screen was beating. When 'Contain' activated the special system in its armor, even during the time it took to enter the key, All the weapons on his teammates were locked in an instant.

  Even the captain is no exception!

  When the key was entered and all DRS regained their ability to move, before they could take the next step, the needle of the 'therapeutic injection' left on the back of the neck came out.

  The needle pierced their flesh and injected cold liquid into their bodies.

  "I have confirmed that my teammates are under control. I am not sure whether this state is reversible. I need them to sleep. If they cannot sleep, I need to destroy them." In the video, paragraphs of text on the red panel followed the description of 'Containment

  ' When it is written, at the moment when the last period falls, the entire file is encrypted and packaged, and then sent out.

  This is a memorandum, or action record. When the special system of 'containing' the armor is activated, all abnormal operations need to be described in writing and sent to the think tank for review in real time.

  The think tank has the ability to remotely destroy all 'containment' armor with special systems turned on.

  The medicine was pushed into the bodies of all DRS members. The specially prepared medicine began to work the moment it entered the body. At this moment, everyone lost consciousness.

  Except 'containment'.

  "Take over all armor operations."

  "Sniper! Attack! Destroy!"

  (End of this chapter)

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