Chapter 62 Blockade! massacre!

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  Chapter 62 Blockade! massacre!

  "You guys go back first, I'll go and make it easier."

  After walking out of the distribution center, Zhang Cishun paused and said to Yang Sheng.

  The experimental subject followed behind Yang Sheng, his ankles were bare, and the thin compression clothing on his body had sharp edges and corners, and was full of inferior quality.

  Yang Sheng nodded and left with the experimental subject.

  Zhang Cishun stood there and looked back at the closed door, then turned around and walked into the bathroom opposite.

  The light in the bathroom was soft. Zhang Cishun pushed open the locks on each door. After making sure that no one was there, he walked to the window at the end.

  The sandstorm has no intention of stopping, and no one can clearly predict when this sandstorm will stop. Days, even weeks, are possible.

  Zuo Yan's figure emerged, holding a cigarette in his mouth and leaning against the door lock.

  "The deployment center has an alarm device. Twenty-four staff members work in groups of three. One controls the computer, one is responsible for reception, and the other is on alert from beginning to end." Zhang Cishun said: "The first two can't see came out, but the weapons on the person on guard were clearly displayed." "There is a

  force field protection device installed inside the metal ring table. It is not clear whether it has corresponding attack methods."

  This part of the information was obtained by Yang Sheng Obtained by touching the ring table with your hand during the permission period.

  "Except for these obvious problems,..."

  Zhang Cishun paused for a moment, and the halo in his eyes lit up.

  He was trying to search the distribution center's access control network, but unfortunately. He couldn't find it, which means that the access control is also independent and not connected to the network.

  "No surprise. So the eight doors of the distribution center are also a problem we need to solve."

  Zuo Yan listened to his words quietly, twirling the cigarette holder in his mouth and biting it a few times, then said: "The access control problem has to be solved." You handle it, this is not my specialty, the rest... you can leave it to me."

  "Prioritize cutting off the alarm device and sealing off the deployment center independently. I don't care about the other things, safety is important."

  Zhang Cishun said, and then told the others question.

  "Don't waste too long, let's fight quickly..."

  Zhang Cishun said as he stretched out his hand. The silver liquid visible to the naked eye overflowed from his palm, and soon turned into a pool of mercury-like liquid.

  At the invisible microscopic level, the nanorobot groups bite and connect with each other, quickly forming a 'fragile' structure.

  Eight servings in total.

  Zhang Cishun handed the eight small metal balls to Zuo Yan: "Put this on the identification device, and I will handle the rest."

  Zuo Yan took the nano balls and put them away.

  Then he took the cigarette he was biting but not lighting up from his mouth and asked, "What if we don't have what we want?"

  Zhang Cishun looked at Zuo Yan and said, "There are two more that are not very safe. Do you want to hear the alternative?"

  Zuo Yan shrugged and straightened up.

  "No need."

  Then, the whole person disappeared in front of Zhang Cishun.

  Zhang Cishun never felt that he was a wise man, but the world was forcing him to think more. But even so, he also knew that he had many omissions.

  For example, I misestimated many things.

  The plan was on the verge of derailment from the beginning.

  Maybe, but not much. Zhang Cishun knows that he has a lot to learn and improve, and he will try his best to improve.

  This is called - growth.


  Zuo Yan returned to the distribution center. She smeared the first door with the nanorobot group and watched the silver liquid seep into it. Then the data flashed and the door opened in the blink of an eye.

  She walked inside, and the door locked behind her amid the sound of mechanical locks.

  There was also a display screen inside. After she stepped in, the green icon in the upper left corner changed between red and green several times, then locked into red, but it didn't take long for it to turn green again.

  This is the first door.

  The same seven doors awaited her.

  It is now past six o'clock and almost seven o'clock. Quite a few laboratories are getting back on track, which has led to an increase in the number of laboratory personnel coming to prepare experimental subjects.

  Zhang Cishun has an unshirkable responsibility for causing this situation.

  But Zuo Yan doesn't want to think about this now.

  After her arrival, abnormality appeared in the door locks one after another. But everything became normal again in the blink of an eye.

  Until the eighth gate.

  Although the metal balls condensed by the nanorobot group have a metallic texture, when applied, they feel like non-stick, somewhat dry nutritional ointment.

  She watched as traces of the nanobot group spread across the door, then seeped into it and disappeared.

  next moment!
  The eight-door access control system switched from green to red in an instant!


  "Hey? What's going on with this door?" A researcher's voice sounded. Next to him, stood an experimental subject wearing a compression garment.

  He had just obtained the experimental materials and was about to leave, but when he saw that the door was halfway open, it suddenly slammed shut, which really shocked him.

  "Mechanical failure?"

  Several people went over noisily to see what happened.

  Zuo Yan glanced at them, and then quickly looked away. Quicken your pace and head towards the core area.

  The commotion here has not affected the core area yet, because the distance is far enough, and there are many standing tanks of experimental subjects in the middle to block it.

  "That... who? You guys, this door is broken, who cares?" A person quickly walked to the ring table in the core area and shouted to the staff.


  The staff member was stunned for a moment.

  "The door is broken, the door! The door! It can't be opened!"

  Probably they had never encountered such a situation before, and the other researchers gathered around the ring table were also happy to watch the excitement.

  "This is a rare encounter in more than ten years. Can the door here be broken?"

  the researcher said happily, but the staff looked at each other, the one who was sitting stood up, and the one who was armed put his hand on his weapon.

  "Everyone, stand back."

  One person said. After saying this, he didn't give the researchers a chance to react. He pressed his finger on the touch device under the table!
  With a buzzing sound, light blue force field protection rose up.

  "What are you doing?"

  A researcher who was leaning on the circular table to watch the excitement was ejected several meters away by the sudden force field. After rolling on the ground for several times, he stood up with a painful expression, but felt that his body was not strong enough. I had to hold on and squat down.

  "Where's the alarm?"

  The staff felt something was wrong and touched the switch again, but again, there was no other sound in the whole room except human voices.

  "What are you looking for?"

  A voice sounded from outside the force field protection field.

  Everyone turned their attention at this moment.

  I saw a figure, like a ghost, suddenly appearing five meters away from the circular table, looking at it with a smile.

  "Don't be afraid..."

  A staff member wanted to say something,
  but the next moment, his head suddenly tilted back sharply, and with the crisp sound of bones breaking, his body fell softly. on the ground.

  In his hand, the weapon that had just been charged was shining with a faint light.

  "Energy weapons..."

  The room fell into deathly silence, and the next moment, the crowd exploded in uproar!

  Zuo Yan's eyes were still on the staff around him. The virtual body attracted their attention outside the force field, which gave him an excellent opportunity to attack.

  a massacre began.

  (End of chapter)

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