Chapter 42 Blueprint Plan

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  Chapter 42 Blueprint Plan
  At night, the faint fluorescent light flickering in the lonely

  factory illuminated Zuo Yan's face, who was leaning against the window, in an especially strange way. Tonight was a long-lost peace for her, but unfortunately, the sky was covered with clouds and she couldn't see the stars.

  The cigarette on my finger burned for a long time,

  and the ashes stubbornly remained on the cigarette

  . Many burned cigarette butts were scattered around the ground.

  No matter how much people like to smoke, they can only smoke three cigarettes at a time. What's more, Zuo Yan actually doesn't like this kind of 'exercise'. But Zuo Yan still lit the cigarettes and didn't smoke. He just watched quietly as they burned and the smoke rose.

  It made her feel calm.

  "Is there anything to eat?"

  There were footsteps behind him, followed closely by a voice without any emotion.

  She turned back and her eyes immediately caught those twinkling pupils.

  A silver aperture appeared in Zhang Cishun's eyes, and it seemed that dense symbols could be seen swimming inside the aperture. They rotated along the lines of the aperture, giving people a dazzling illusion.

  "It seems that the operation went well." She said, then reached out to pick up the food that had been prepared and gave it to Zhang Cishun.

  "Thank you." Zhang Cishun took it and returned the watch to Zuo Yan.

  The power of "Mechanical Intelligence" is stronger than he imagined, especially when combined with data intrusion.

  Now, he no longer needs the 'Wen Li' watch. If he needs to, with his "mechanical intelligence" turned on, he can hack into the set of medical nanorobots that control the body at will, even without the help of any external objects.

  What Zuo Yan prepared for him was not exquisite food. In addition to convenient compressed food, there were also some nutritional pastes.

  Midtown factories abound in these. They can solve the problem of workers living in midtown areas having enough to eat during work in the shortest time and fastest way, allowing them to get back to work faster and with full energy.

  Zhang Cishun does not reject this.

  When living in Xiacheng District, these things are rare delicacies. Although it is a synthetic nutritional paste, it tastes very delicious.

  After all, if the food is unpalatable, the workers won’t be willing to eat it.

  He casually took out a stick of nutritional paste, bit the sealed end, and the thick, sweet paste poured into his mouth.

  After swallowing a stick of nutritional ointment, Zhang Cishun's hunger sensation eased a little. But the body is still sending signals that it needs more.

  "Let's talk about the blueprint plan."

  Zhang Cishun found a place to sit down.

  Regarding the content of the inner city blueprint plan, what Zuo Yan said last time was not very comprehensive. The information was pieced together like a puzzle without any coherence.

  Zuo Yan turned around, leaned against the window edge, and subconsciously wanted to put the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, but found that it had burned out and went out without knowing when.

  So he threw it to the ground in silence, then knocked one out of the small solid-color box and put it in his mouth.

  The flames rise.

  The light of the flames and fluorescence alternately hit her face. Her face was plain, and only the dancing flames were reflected in her eyes.

  "Want to try it?" she asked.

  Zhang Cishun refused.

  Zuo Yan smiled and said: "You will need it in the future. When your mind is filled with the chaotic consciousness of the Doomsday Beast, you will understand how happy it is to have this thing at that time."

  This is Zuo Yan's own experience, but she is actually pretty good because her heart core is "virtual". This heart core was specially selected by her brother Zuo Ling for the purpose of research, which has the lowest level of harm. When the side effects of fusion occur and the mind is filled with "virtual" consciousness, it will not have a strong impact on Zuo Yan's own behavioral logic.

  But Zuo Yan might not have imagined that the person in front of him had the ability to completely expel or absorb the chaotic energy within the core.

  Not only him, but also Jing Shuo would not be in the same predicament Zuo Yan faced.

  Zhang Cishun did not answer.

  After Zuo Yan hissed out a puff of smoke, she began to tell what she knew about the blueprint plan.

  "The Blueprint Plan is actually not the product of the first generation plan. The first generation plan product is the longevity plan. This plan is to extend lifespan through scientific and technological means. It uses genetic engineering technologies such as gene repair and genetic modification to change the genetic material of human cells. , thereby achieving the effect of extending lifespan and enhancing immunity and resistance.

  The First Generation Project lasted for a century and a half. As the relevant personnel continued to age, the threat of death once again haunted their old bodies. Secondary transformation is impossible to complete Things, the human body's capabilities are limited. But how could they accept death so easily after having tasted the taste of immortality. So

  in this case, the second-generation cloning project was born. Cloning technology was used to print the body, and then use Consciousness transfer technology digitizes human consciousness and transfers it to a new body. But the plan quickly ran into a bottleneck, and they encountered an unsolvable problem. The first batch of digital consciousness failed to successfully transfer

  to the new body, and they He was locked in the computer system. Then with the erasure, his consciousness disappeared. Only a chaotic meaningless symbol was left. It took

  nearly five years to solve this problem. The inner city people who had undergone genetic modification of the longevity project died. After a considerable amount of research, a new technology was born.

  I was not able to obtain this part of the information about how this technology solved the problem. I only know that after the new technology was born, the second-generation plan was renamed the blueprint plan. The new technology was almost a

  fault Such technological progress not only gives those in the inner city the possibility of immortality, but also uses reverse growth technology to keep their bodies at their peak until their new reincarnation..." Zhang Cishun listened to the

  left Yan's narration.

  Jing Shuo walked out when he swallowed the second tube of nutritional ointment.

  Those cores that had been 'purified' were collected by him.

  Zhang Cishun handed the food in his hand to Jing Shuo. After Zuo Yan stopped talking, he said, "So what we are facing is actually an old thing from more than 160 years ago?" Zuo Yan

  said Yan blew out the smoke and corrected, "To be precise, it's two and a half centuries."

  "Two and a half centuries." Zhang Cishun repeated what Zuo Yan said, nodding as he spoke.

  "As agreed, we will help you, but we will never put ourselves in danger. This is the bottom line." Zhang Cishun pulled the bag of nutritional cream from his mouth: "We help you for profit, but we will not Benefit leads to death."

  Zhang Cishun actually had something to say, but in an absolutely rational state, after these words lingered in his mind for a while, they were suppressed in the bottom of his heart - when we judge that something cannot be done , will decisively escape and leave City No. 88.

  Zuo Yan nodded: "Of course, this is your freedom."

  "It's best this way."

  Zhang Cishun stood up and was originally going to go back to the hidden base underground to rest, but as soon as he took two steps, his fingers were on his on the watch.

  After hesitating for a moment, he took off his watch.

  "Do you know your brother?"

  Zuo Yan turned around, but before she could speak, a watch was thrown over.

  "Here is your brother's deathbed recording, which is encrypted. If you can open it, listen to it. If you can't open it, remember to return it to me tomorrow." "No, it doesn't matter whether you can open it or not, you have to return it to me tomorrow

  . Me."

  (End of chapter)

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