Chapter 40 Correct cognitive errors!

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  Chapter 40 Correct cognitive errors!

  It is not difficult to use the device, because Zhang Cishun noticed that there are notes on the panel indicating the functions and effects. For example, what function is called to view the information contained in the pan-field restraint device, and what function is called to identify and activate the restraint device. After taking out the core, there are always more than ten pieces of paper like this.

  Watching Zhang Cishun start to operate the instrument skillfully, Zuo Yan took a few steps back, rummaged around on a table, and walked out with a small paper box.

  "I won't observe your surgery. I'll wait for you outside. Remember to call me when you're done,"

  she said.

  But before she could walk out, Zhang Cishun stopped her.

  "A watch,"

  he reminded.

  Hearing this, Zuo Yan took off the watch on his wrist and handed it to Jing Shuo before disappearing.

  Jing Shuo watched her leave the whole time. It was not until the sound of the door closing that he looked away. After handing the watch to Zhang Cishun, he said, "She didn't seem worried at all.

  " Are we breaking the appointment?"

  "Of course she's not worried." Zhang Cishun reached out to control the console and unfolded all the core information on the console.

  "These cores tie us together in all aspects. Even if we break the appointment, it doesn't matter to her." Zhang Cishun said, and then seemed to feel that what he said was not detailed enough, and added: "Actually, Going to the laboratory to get the core, Zuo Yan can do it alone. But she still wanted to take me with her, but I didn't refuse. Do you know why?" "Why?" "


  she needs something other than profit. There are many safe methods. There is no safer method than pushing us to the opposite side of City No. 88."

  These words made Jing Shuo fall into deep thought.

  Zhang Cishun quickly checked the information on the six cores on the table, then lifted the box and put all the thirty-six cores inside on the table.

  To his expectation, the effects of these forty-two cores were all different. He originally thought there would be repetitions.

  After a brief preview, Zhang Cishun started the next step.

  According to the operation information written on the note on the table, the normal operation should be to determine the required core, then put the pan-field restraint device into the dedicated decoding card slot to decode and open it, and then use special means to decode it. The chaotic energy inside the heart core is eliminated as much as possible, and then the heart core can be removed for research or surgery.

  The card slot will display the pan-field erosion intensity and formation countdown on the console based on the information contained in the restraint device. Before the countdown ends, the core must be placed back into the restraint device or placed into the human body through surgery.

  But obviously this does not conform to Zhang Cishun's action process.

  He does not need to cull chaotic energy because he needs to absorb it to strengthen his universal experience.


  Zhang Cishun still operated the first core according to the order of operations.

  Because he wants to know how much the attenuation value of the chaotic energy inside the core affects his experience gain.

  The complete operation did not take very long.
  Zhang Cishun almost stared at the progress bar on the screen until it was full before he took out the core from the restraint device.


  He thought silently in his heart! The consciousness then fixates on the panel information and its own general experience.

  "You have successfully absorbed the core: 'Ju Yin'. You have gained a general experience value: 100,000 points!" "???"


  lot of question marks suddenly popped up in Zhang Cishun's head.

  "What's going on? Not to mention all the chaotic energy in the core has been emptied, at least 70% has been emptied. But why is the experience value still 100,000?" "Isn't it attenuated?" No one gave


  an answer to this question, so he could only continue. test.

  So he operated a core according to the process again, but this time he did not wait for the progress bar to be full. Instead, when it reached 50%, he forcibly interrupted the process and took the core. in hand.


  "You have successfully absorbed the core: 'Fool'. You have gained a general experience value: 100,000 points!" "????"


  energy in the core has been completely emptied, but the experience given to him by this energy The value is actually the same as the experience value just given to him by just a little chaotic energy!
  "Don't the universal experiences absorbed come from chaotic energy?" This idea popped up in Zhang Cishun's mind.

  "But the chaotic energy has really entered his body."

  He was thinking about it when suddenly a hot palm pressed on his arm.

  Zhang Cishun subconsciously avoided it, but Jing Shuo's voice rang out at the same time: "Your body temperature...has dropped again." Has the

  body temperature dropped again?

  body temperature?

  He suddenly remembered the feeling when he absorbed the chaotic energy of his heart core. The cool thing like some kind of living thing seeped out of the core core and penetrated into his skin. Then the feeling spreads throughout your body along the blood vessels and meridians!
  "So maybe it's not the chaotic energy that gives me universal experience points, but other things in the heart core. The chaotic energy just enters my body when I absorb it. Its effect is just to rob my body temperature?!"

  As soon as this idea suddenly appeared, it instantly occupied the commanding heights of his thoughts. He thinks this idea is right!
  Otherwise, if chaotic energy is a universal experience value, it would be impossible for it to decrease while the universal experience value would not decrease.

  With such an idea, Zhang Cishun picked up a core again, but this time.

  He first opened the restraint device, and then began to eliminate the chaotic energy in the core.

  He placed his palms on top of his core, so that it would not affect the work of elimination, but also allow the eliminated chaotic energy to have maximum contact with his body.

  The progress bar starts to move.

  The chaotic energy visible to the naked eye rushed out, and Zhang Cishun's palm bore the brunt.

  Almost instantly, he felt as if he had placed his palms on solid ice. Extremely cold!

  He ordered in his mind.

  But the general data of the panel has not changed!
  "As expected."

  Zhang Cishun retracted his hand and laughed.

  He successfully corrected a cognitive error he had about the system, the core, and universal experience.

  That is - universal experience is not produced by chaotic energy, but is provided by the core itself or other unknown things. And this kind of thing will only provide him with experience points once.

  After understanding this, Zhang Cishun let go of his hands and feet and began to quickly absorb the remaining core.

  Of course, before absorbing it, he relied on instruments as much as possible to eliminate all the chaotic energy inside these core cores.

  It minimizes the impact of excessive chaotic energy entering the body on one's body temperature.

  "You have successfully absorbed the heart core: 'Mechanical Intelligence'. You have gained a general experience value: 100,000 points!" "You have

  successfully absorbed the heart core: 'Rebellion'. You have gained a general experience value: 100,000 points!" "You

  have Successfully absorbed the core: '蜚'. You gained general experience points: 100,000 points!"


  (End of this chapter)

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