94. Chapter 93

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  Chapter 93

  The four words "black clouds over the city" suddenly appeared in Zhang Cishun's mind. These four words could not be more appropriate to describe the current scene.

  The redundant insect cloud that enveloped City No. 88 brought an unparalleled sense of oppression and despair. Zhang Cishun is not a person who is afraid of bugs, but at this moment, he only felt numb all over and goosebumps surged up in waves.

  City No. 88 fell into chaos, but it didn't give humans much time to react. Insects rained down.

  First it was the moths. When their withered yellow wings vibrated, they would make a popping sound. Fine powder was sprinkled from their wings, and following their movements, it quickly spread and filled the air.

  The dim storm of insects swept through the city, knocking away everything that was fragile and destroying everything that could be destroyed. When life is exposed to their sight, hundreds of moths will swarm up and cover the life.

  The sound of struggling was drowned in the sound of insects, and then quickly disappeared.

  Immediately afterwards, various green, red, and yellow larvae fell from the insect cloud, and fell to the ground in a daze. Some were unlucky and fell on sharp objects, and the fragile insect body was penetrated, and oily body fluids flowed out from the wound. However, this did not make it die, but made it struggle more and more crazily.

  More larvae landed safely, and soon the ground was covered with a thick carpet of insects.

  They squirmed, searching for the life forms that had been killed by the adult insects before, and then rushed forward desperately, using their sharp mouthparts to cut through the soft skin and suck the body fluids that had not yet cooled down.

  Mountains of insects rise from the ground.

  Under every insect mountain, there is a corpse of a lost life.

  A feeling of suffocation surrounded Zhang Cishun. It was as if a pair of invisible hands were holding his throat.

  Kumar also seemed very silent at this moment. Unlike Zhang Cishun, he was a witness and survivor of this disaster. No one could understand his despair.

  Zhang Cishun looked at the disaster on the ground, while Kumar looked up at the insect cloud high in the sky.

  The insects that landed were a drop in the bucket to the entire insect cloud.

  Zhang Cishun watched. After the larvae sucked enough body fluids, the squirming mountains of insects began to form hard shells, and these shells integrated with City No. 88.

  The city became quiet.

  Moths inhabit any place they can settle down, forming a densely packed area. They seem to be waiting for something.

  And indeed waiting for something.

  Soon, those shell mountains began to tremble, and cracks spread.

  Just like a chick breaking out of its shell, new moths hit the shell mountain. When the crack appears, the new moth forms a new storm and surges out, dancing wantonly like the tentacles of an octopus. Until finally, it gathered into a dark cloud.

  Poof -

  there was no laughter, only the sound of wings that became more and more cheerful. They begin to return and then lift off.

  Return to their own insect cloud.

  Twenty-eight minutes later, this disaster was over.

  What is left in City No. 88 is the pain and mess that cannot be erased.

  "They...are also doomsday beasts?" Zhang Cishun looked at an insect corpse at his feet. Unfortunately, it was a larva that had been penetrated.

  While other members of the same species were enjoying this gluttonous feast, it was struggling.

  It had been showing great vitality until - the insect cloud disappeared. It gradually quieted down and then became stiff.

  "Individuals are not," Kumar replied.

  "You mean, it's the entire insect cloud."

  Kumar nodded: "Theoretically, yes, we have collected a lot of information, and a lot of data has proven this speculation." "


  "Yes, Speculation, we failed to prove our theory, but we also failed to falsify it. Just like the academic conjecture before the end of the world, we have no way to falsify it, but it does not prevent its use." "Existing weapons destroy the insect cloud to obtain

  them It's not difficult to build the core, right?"

  Zhang Cishun said, the reason why he said this is because the weapons of the fire ship under his feet may not be the most advanced, but it is not impossible to destroy a group of insects, right? .

  "It's difficult." Kumar shook his head: "We are standing on the ground now, but if you walk into the ship, you will find that when City 88 is enveloped by the swarm of insects, all the instruments fail. I don't know how to tell you... When they enveloped this place, the foundation of the human technological building was temporarily distorted and destroyed." "What do you mean?" "It means, one plus one, when they descend and


  , time, it is not equal to two. This may be the ability of their core. After all... there are many strange doomsday beasts in the wilderness, and there are always some abilities that subvert human imagination." "And one plus one does not equal two,

  it The overthrow of the government means that all the achievements we have built on this are all illusions. The fire is paralyzed."

  Zhang Cishun was silent, and Kumar calmly said the most desperate words.

  "After this disaster, the scientific and technological path of City No. 88 has changed, and all scientific research directions have begun to shift towards biology. We know that qualified people exist, and we also want... to let everyone have them. The power of qualified people."

  "Now it seems that it has failed?"

  "No, it just hasn't succeeded yet." Kumar said: "Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe..."

  Kumar said with hope, but obviously , in Zhang Cishun's view, no matter whether the direction was wrong or not, he would never be able to see it again.

  This memory fragment seemed very long. Zhang Cishun watched the survivors rise from the cracked ground, walk up, then kneel down, cry bitterly, and then numbly clean up the city.

  Vomiting, coma.

  Until the last habit.

  "After a major disaster, comes a major epidemic. We thought that with our technological level we could easily quell subsequent disasters, but we failed." Kumar said: "Insect corpses are always there at a level that we can't see or catch. Exuding a special kind of fluctuation, this kind of fluctuation transforms people who come back to the ground into insect-men." "

  They have no reason and no desire to attack, they only eat and reproduce. After the big commotion, they ate Everything that can be eaten begins to move in the direction of the insect cloud."

  Zhang Cishun suddenly asked: "First there was the great purge of the insect cloud, and then there was the great riot of the insect people... What happened to No. 88 City? Are there any survivors?"

  "Yes, but not one in a hundred. But looking at the time span of the remaining living individuals, it only takes a few years to recover." A few years...will humans have this


  The coordinates have been exposed. The breakthrough from zero to one is difficult, but the breakthrough from one to two is simple.

  And City No. 88 has completed the transformation from zero to one.

  This insect rain, this insect plague, is the great victory of the Doomsday Beast.

  "How many times has City 88 experienced a disaster of this scale?" Zhang Cishun asked as he thought about it.

  "Only this time."

  Only... this time?
  "Did you see those shells? In the past, creatures in nature would use the smell of feces and urine to indicate their territory, and these shells are the 'smell' left by those bugs. We break these shells and then re- It was built into the wall of City No. 88, so although this place is still the residence of humans, in the eyes of Doomsday Beast, this place is a giant 'shell'." A giant 'shell'...

  1 This huge disaster actually left a way out for the surviving lives in a ridiculous way.

  Zhang Cishun wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start.

  At this moment, this long memory began to shatter.

  New memory fragments begin to form.

  One laboratory, eight researchers.

  There are two transparent culture cabins, but there are no people in the cabins, only... brains.

  "Well... Sora and Shiro." Kuma said: "This is the scene after their death." "

  They perfected the blueprint plan, but unfortunately, the blueprint plan did not take effect on their bodies. The cloning of the person they came for all ended in failure, and we guess it is related to their ability to be qualified."

  Kumar said, but before he could finish speaking, the memory was shattered again.

  What followed was a... meeting.

  There were not many participants in the meeting, but only Kumar was the entity, and the others were in the form of projections. There is another one... which is the logo of x.

  "...Mr. Dongyue's book "The Decline of Mankind" before the end of the world pointed out that the mutation speed of all living things is roughly synchronous or slow-lag with the change speed of their living conditions. Only the physical and physiological variation of human beings is relatively rapid changes It appears to be seriously lagging behind in terms of humanistic conditions, resulting in adaptation difficulties and related diseases, which are so-called "civilization diseases", including ecological civilization diseases, environmental civilization diseases, nutritional civilization diseases, infectious civilization diseases, and spiritual civilization diseases Diseases, etc.

  Its seriousness lies in the fact that it is a "comprehensive maladaptation" crisis that has never occurred among various species in the entire biological history." The mechanical

  sound is somewhat familiar to Zhang Cishun, a short memory , he knew where this sense of familiarity came from.


  Artificial Intelligence

  "What are we discussing?" Zhang Cishun asked.

  Kumar thought about it, but couldn't remember. So he shook his head: "It's probably not an important thing. I can't remember it clearly."

  Zhang Cishun listened to his words and turned his eyes on Kumar in his memory, only to see that he in his memory appeared to be in a daze. Sleepy posture.

  Obviously... for him, the passage narrated by X was a bit boring. And it has a very strong hypnotic effect.

  "...To sum up: There are seven things that destroy mankind.

  Politics without principles, wealth without hard work, knowledge without personality, science without humanity, business without morality, pleasure without conscience, and society without sacrifice Worship."

  "We will use this to establish the Human Survivors Alliance to supervise and supervise the healthy development of mankind. I hope that today's survivors can join..." "

  X! What is your identity in speaking? Artificial intelligence?" Someone in the audience interrupted X's words.   The


  of   One of the two parties in the quarrel is a human, and the other is artificial intelligence X who speaks on behalf of 'humans'.   "What is the Survivor Alliance?" Zhang Cishun asked.   "I don't know." Kumar answered simply: "City 88 rejected the proposal and is therefore independent from the alliance." "   But since you have integrated "Mechanical Intelligence", you have probably met X. . "Kuma said: "As the highest level of artificial intelligence today, X has very high authority, and its traces are everywhere on the Internet. "   Of course, it does not exist in the network of City 88. " We have set up a firewall. Although the firewall is very fragile, based on the agreement between humans and artificial intelligence, it will never be able to actively break through the firewall. "   I understand, be wary of gentlemen, not villains.   "Are you hostile to it? "Zhang Cishun said suddenly.   Kumar paused and then nodded.   "Did I make it obvious? "   Why? " Judging from its speech, the existence of the Survivor Alliance should be a good thing.   Kumar smiled: "I trust my intuition more. " Moreover, you can’t always put all your eggs in one basket. What's more, from the moment the technological trend of City No. 88 tilted toward biology, it was destined that this place must become a forbidden area for artificial intelligence. "   Because any experiment here, in the eyes of artificial intelligence, is anti-human." Zhang   Cishun narrowed his eyes and glanced at him: "It seems that you have a clear understanding of City No. 88."   "I've been sober all this time. " "   The memory images are changing faster and faster, and as the speed increases, Kuma becomes more and more blurry. As   expected, he will disappear.   "You don't seem to feel about your impending death. panic. "   Because you won't let me go. " Kumar smiled and said: "But it doesn't matter, it's still the same sentence, you can't kill me."   "Are you still so confident now? "   " You still don't understand. " Maybe you will never understand. "   ...   Zhang Cishun opened his eyes.   The bright moon and the bright sun were in the sky, the volcano was still erupting, and Kuma's figure at the mountain pass was already very thin. It was like... a paper-cut without coloring. It belonged to   Kuma. The huge memory has been completely accepted by Zhang Cishun, which makes Zhang Cishun a little tired in his "mechanical intelligence" state.   Those rational eyes showed a weak and tired light after a long absence.   "Zhang Cishun, I want to give you a message." Suddenly, Kumar spoke, his voice was low, but there was a sense of relief: "All dangerous response plans have become the danger itself." "You!   Not ! Wise man!"   Kumar shouted the last five words almost in the form of a roar. The sound echoed in the wilderness, but Kumar had completely disappeared.   Only the glow continues to rise.   Zhang Cishun grinned and looked at the glow: "Of course I know that I am not a wise man. What I can do is to learn lessons again and again, and think deeper every time. There is no born wise man, I believe more and grow. "   And progress."   (End of chapter)


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