115. Chapter 114

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  Chapter 114

  When Jing Shuo and the others found Wen Yan, she was watching a movie. The content of the movie has little depth, and the main pursuit is excitement and refreshment.

  This type of movie accounts for about 70% of the film and television library in City No. 114, while the ones Zhang Cishun watched before accounted for only 20%. The remaining 10% consists of other types of films.

  After all, demand determines the market, and the audience in City 114 determines the type of movie.

  "He went to rest?"

  Jing Shuo closed the door and shut out the noise outside.

  This room is a comprehensive small entertainment hall, partially realizing the connection between the oasis and the real world. Here, the stuff from the Oasis can be seen on demand. For example, movies, music.

  Of course, the movie-watching experience in the real world is definitely not as comfortable as in the oasis. But that was enough for Wen Yan.

  City No. 88 does not have such entertainment facilities. Wen Yan had only heard of the existence of movies as a way to relax, but this was the first time he had actually seen it.

  Jing Yan was probably tired from playing, or maybe he suddenly entered such a less noisy place from the noisy and chaotic place outside, and the agitation in his heart gradually calmed down.

  Although he still acted very excited, at least he wasn't as crazy as when he was outside.

  "Didn't I send you a message when I left?" Wen Yan said, and then when Jing Shuo came over, he handed over the silver-white box.

  "Here is the core, a way for the Southern Territory to apply the heart core ability..." Wen Yan introduced it to him, and after he opened the box, he introduced to him the functions of the core in the box.

  "It looks like a chip." Jing Shuo picked out a core.

  This core can greatly increase the loader's thinking speed and greatly improve the loader's weapon control. And it can be linked to the lower-mounted weapon equipment. When the loader uses the linked weapon through the 'Artimus' core, he will obtain a greatly increased number of Artimus cores.

  "The core I loaded was 'Hermes', and Zhang Cishun chose 'Cillios'." Wen Yan said.

  Jing Shuo nodded, not really caring about this.

  "By the way, there are black flags spreading outside now. You should know about it, right?" Jing Shuo asked.

  Although he is aware of Wen Yan's abilities and knows that the other party may know the outside news through his own abilities, asking questions is the beginning of communication.

  "The female intelligence dealer described in the rumors looks very similar to you..."

  Jing Shuo said.

  He still doesn't know that the messages outside have gone through many versions, and the new information has been collected and updated, and the members of the 'Black Flag' who appeared in City 114 have been almost clearly understood. If he knew that there were five public lists now, and they were two adults, one boy and one girl, and the remaining three children, big and small, he wouldn't have to use his brain to think about it, and he would understand that this black flag or something, said It's them.

  There was no change in Wen Yan's hand holding the drink, except that the straw became flat after being bitten twice.

  "Your information is out of date." She said: "If you knew what the new information outside is now, you wouldn't say that. But having said that, have you ever thought about the female intelligence dealer you are talking about? Is that me?"

  Jing Shuo didn't seem to expect Wen Yan to answer like this, his expression was startled, but he quickly disappeared again.

  "That's right, your abilities are indeed suitable for being an intelligence dealer."

  Wen Yan: "...the tone in which you said this is exactly the same as Zhang Cishun." Jing Shuo

  grinned, and then asked: "So, Black Flag "Is this our tiger skin now? Do you need me to do anything?"

  "Aren't you worried about danger?" Wen Yan asked with interest. In her communication with Jing Shuo, she did not use her qualified ability.

  Communication between teammates is not a cold statement on the negotiation table. She does not need to understand the other party's thoughts and feelings.

  "Danger or something...is there any greater danger than the wilderness?" Jing Shuo replied: "Besides, you should also tell him about this matter. Since he can choose to relax and rest, I naturally You don't need to worry too much about this."

  "And...if it's dangerous..." Jing Shuo's face showed a somewhat thoughtful look: "If Black Flag was not compiled by you, then the greatest possible danger would come from Black Flag. But if Black Flag was compiled by you, the above-mentioned dangers will no longer exist. What we need to worry about instead is when the tiger skin of Black Flag will be torn off." As he said that, he looked at

  it Yan Wen said: "But with you here and with your strength, this tiger flag probably can't be torn down under abnormal circumstances." Yes, Jing Shuo used it abnormally


  If it is false, it will be false after all. Wen Yan's power is not to tamper, she is just to obtain information. Once someone has the same ability as her or a similar ability, they will naturally be able to see through this scam easily.

  Jing Shuo once thought that there were no two identical leaves in the world, nor were there two similar powers, until Jing Yan appeared.

  His relationship with Jingyan Qualified is similar but different. But what is certain is that if one day in the future Jing Yan's ability to be a qualified person can reach the level of Jing Shuo's ability to be a qualified person now, they will become each other's mirror.

  And Wen Yan's mirror... may not exist.

  "I'll take this as your compliment to me."

  Wen Yan put down the half-drunk drink, but still didn't look away from the movie.

  At this moment, the movie has entered its final chapter, which is the climax of the whole movie.

  Bloody, violent, fighting.

  The protagonist is one person against ten thousand, creating endless killings in the huge crowd.

  "Zhang Cishun and I discussed the Black Flag matter. Although I did not expect that things would develop in this direction at the beginning, at least the current direction is beneficial to us. As long as... we can The flag color of the black flag is to sit tight and sit firmly.

  You will not need to do most of these things, but although it will not be used, in the foreseeable future, there will be a steady stream of troubles entangled with you. And what you need to do ...It just shows the violence of Black Flag.

  Just like this movie. Although the content of the movie is empty, brainless, and intellectually depressing, at least he is really dazzling now."

  Wen Yan raised her chin, showing off her beautiful jawline .

  It's a pity that Jing Shuo doesn't care about her beauty. His eyes looked at the picture of that movie, that picture of hell, the aesthetics of violence.

  "Violence can solve many problems." Jing Shuo said. "The more important thing is shock." Wen Yan added.

  "By the way..." Jing Shuo turned around and remembered the news he heard outside: "I heard them talking about black flags and solid color flags outside. What is that?" "This is a long story

  . But... we have plenty of time. As long as you are not sleepy."

  Jing Shuo did not speak, but just gave a gesture to indicate that Wen Yan could continue.

  "It's great to be young...Zhang Cishun can't endure it as well as you." Wen Yan smacked his lips and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

  I don't know if it's a joke or a fact.

  "To know the solid-color flag, you first need to know a concept. Who were the first forces to open up a road in the wilderness in the form of a convoy. If you want to trace this back, you have to go back a long, long time. The wilderness at that time was far from

  the It is so safe now, and there are no garbage trucks. There is no safe path. The first convoys were established in such an environment.

  Of course, they have no other way to survive except setting foot in the wilderness, because their numbers The city is on the path of an observed Doomsday Beast. And with Doomsday Beast's hostility to human life, once it discovers the Numbered City, its destruction is almost certain. Therefore, the convoy was originally established to save itself

  . .This

  team is named Hope, which means hope for safety, hope for success, hope for survival, in short...these two words "hope" carry the beautiful aspirations and hopes of everyone in the team. But things will never go as planned

  . Walking where they want, the more they worry about something, the more it will come. Beasts, darkness, cold, these hardships can all be overcome, only the Doomsday Beast. Not long after the convoy set off, they encountered a wandering Doomsday

  Beast . That was the first time that the 'Hope' convoy came into close contact with the Doomsday Beast. All resistance and fighting were in vain. The convoy ushered in its first reduction in personnel. This reduction was 80%. The remaining 20% ​​of the personnel fled in


  . Then they gathered together again at sunset. At

  this moment, there was only one road in front of these people, and they continued to walk in the unknown wilderness. There was no way back, whether it was the wandering doomsday beast or the one that had been observed before. Doomsday beasts are all clear dangers. And moving forward, even if there is danger ahead, at least there is hope under the fog.

  So they walked like this... losing their numbers in crises again and again. Maybe they were God must have been moved by their will. Just when supplies were about to be exhausted on the last day, they saw an open numbered city. So

  , 'Hope' survived."

  "In the following years, Hope continued. The original members disintegrated in conflicts one after another, until finally the conflicts could no longer be contained, and there was a big explosion. It was at that time that the pure color flag appeared for the first time. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo

  , Purple.

  These seven colors, taken together, are exactly the pure solar spectrum visible to the human eye. They may not realize it themselves, but even to this point, I hope these two words are still rooted in the depths of their minds. For

  them For those who have been planted in the wilderness and have struggled in life and death, hope is the eternal sun of tomorrow. The

  outbreak of conflicts caused casualties to the people of Pure Color Flag, and the casualties further aggravated this conflict.

  There are many things going on here, I won’t go into details with you, but in short, the final result is... seven solid-color flags established a new team, temporarily suppressed the conflicts between them, and quickly and decisively left the numbered city. From then on, I would rather

  myself He started from scratch and struggled to survive in the wilderness, and was unwilling to establish a deeper trust with the numbered city. Until now, Pure Color Flag still adheres to this code of conduct.

  And this is the story of Pure Color Flag."

  Jing Shuo pondered, and waited until Wen Yan After stopping his narration, he asked: "So, was there a problem behind their conflict back then? The people from Number City are still up to something. Wen Yan nodded: "

  Yes, and they didn't realize it at the beginning, and by the time they realized it, it was already too late." Hope split into seven pure-color flags. Even if they knew that the conflicts between them were caused by someone behind the scenes, the dissatisfaction had arisen and it would be difficult to return to the way they were. "

  So...are you planning to associate the black flag with the solid color flag?" "Jing Shuo said.

  "Why not? Raising the position a little higher will naturally create a powerful deterrent. "Wen Yan said.

  "Others don't know what happened back then, but at least Number City, who caused this situation, knows that there are other solid-color flags, and they should also know. Know that there are no black flags from beginning to end. If we use the guise of a solid-color flag, won’t we get into trouble?

  "Of course I have considered this. " "Wen Yan said: "First of all, there is the numbered city. I am sorry to tell you that although the numbered city recorded such an incident, they experienced an invasion by "Mechanical Intelligence". Most of the data became garbled under that invasion, and the technological level of the entire Numbered City went back hundreds of years and fell into a long period of stagnation.

  They have lost the capital to verify history.

  As for the seven pure-color flag convoys, they have their own station, which is different from other convoys in the wilderness. Normally you wouldn’t drive around in the wilderness. Even if the news of Black Flag reaches their ears, they may not take it seriously. After all, there are countless such pretense things in the wilderness, and they can't control it.

  Even if they suddenly get interested and want to take some control, I'm not helpless. "

  After all... when the pure-color flag team members first voted on whether to leave the numbered city, not everyone unanimously chose the same answer. Most people left, but some stayed and chose revenge.

  And we! I!
  I just want to make this black flag a descendant who will inherit the legacy of revenge... Of course, I personally think this idea is still somewhat imperfect, so I don’t plan to use this name until I actually meet the person with the pure color flag. . "

  The imperfect part of this idea is that revenge! Revenge against a numbered city, even if the other party has lost this piece of history, is still extremely dangerous. Even if their revenge is just rhetoric, they may not take it seriously.


  Okay Well..." Jing Shuo didn't want to express his own opinion on this: "As long as you know it.

  "As for me... I will just do my part with peace of mind. " Showing violence... I don't like it, but I'm pretty good at it. "

  When he said this, he suddenly raised his hand again: "I can also help. "

  Jing Shuo turned his head.

  He suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten that someone like him came from Xiacheng District again. No matter how harmless she behaved during this period, it could not change this fact. "

  Then Just... leave it to you. However, it should be noted that it is best not to kill people in City 114. You can maim someone, or even near death, but you cannot kill someone directly. It is especially important to remember this. "Wen Yan said.

  (End of chapter)

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