end here

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  On the busy street, suddenly
  , a white-haired man walked down the street with several beautiful girls.

  The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

  "Go home! I really can't go shopping anymore!" Xiao Heng was carrying big and small bags with a look of helplessness. As expected, women will never refuse to go shopping at any stage, and men can never refuse to accompany them. Others go shopping.

  "Stop talking nonsense. If you buy something more, it's for mom." Medusa said softly, ignoring Xiao Heng's resistance, and turned around and walked into another store with the other girls.

  In the evening, after eating, Xiao Heng sat at the door and watched the sunset. Next to him, a middle-aged woman with wrinkles on her face looked at him with a smile.

  Suddenly, Xiao Heng's mind was shaken, he took out a jade plaque and looked at the woman next to him.

  "Mom... me!"

  "Come back soon!"

  "Yeah!" Xiao Heng nodded.


  Everyone, this book ends here. To be honest, the author’s heart is very complicated, but he seems to be unable to express it.

  All in all, thank you for your company and goodbye.

  Also, the writing may not be good, so please bear with me. In short, I'm sorry...Hello...Goodbye!
  (End of chapter)

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