Chapter 881 Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique

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  Chapter 881 Heavenly Level Skill
  After putting away the colorful metal, Xiao Heng carefully sensed the stronger energy light groups in the attic.

  However, the last chance always made him feel a little difficult, mainly because there were too many light groups emitting powerful fluctuations, and he didn't know what to choose.

  "Forget it, it's just you!" After hesitating for a while, Xiao Heng still landed on the first floor and came to the light group he saw directly as soon as he entered.

  This head-sized light group also contains extremely strong energy fluctuations. It is the top group among all the energy light groups here.

  Without too much hesitation, Xiao Heng stretched out his hand towards the ball of light, and this time, to his surprise, he did not encounter much resistance, and this result also made him quite disappointed.

  As we all know, the greater the difficulty, the more likely you are to get good things, and in such a situation where there is almost no resistance, the possibility of good things is very small.

  And just when Xiao Heng held the thing and pulled it out of the light ball, Xiao Heng's eyes suddenly lit up.

  This is a simple black scroll, and unlike ordinary scrolls, this scroll actually contains an extremely terrifying pressure.

  And this pressure is different from ordinary pressure. It is a special kind of pressure, a special feeling, and Xiao Heng is quite familiar with this feeling, that is, only the techniques above the heaven level can be used Or the pressure that can only be unleashed by fighting skills.

  After breaking the seal on the scroll, Xiao Heng opened the scroll and began to read the content on it.

  ""Snake Dragon Tianmen Technique" Heaven-level low-level skills...! Use snakes to transform into dragons, swallow the sky and the earth, and nourish yourself...!" "Heaven-level skills, make a profit, make a profit!" Seeing those heaven-level

  skills The moment he wrote the word, Xiao Heng knew that he was right to write it.

  Heaven level skills! Although he definitely cannot modify it, whether he stays in Xingyun Pavilion to train for others or collects it for Xiaocao, it is of great value.

  With ecstasy, Xiao Heng put the scroll away, then walked step by step to the door, patted the stone door, and the stone door opened quickly. Sure enough, what happened just now was that the old man was naughty.

  Seeing Xiao Heng looking like he had gained a lot, Elder Tongxuan noticed the situation and said, "How is the harvest?" "

  Not bad, thank you Elder Tongxuan! I am quite satisfied with this gift." Xiao Heng cupped his hands and said, this time, he means it sincerely.

  Heavenly level skills, even among the ancient tribes, are definitely good things. But how could such a good thing appear here? The only reason is that this technique only appeared later. Of course, if he didn't have that vision, he would just miss it.

  Elder Tongxuan understood what Xiao Heng meant and nodded slightly, but did not completely reveal the matter. He just said lightly: "As long as you are satisfied...!" "Okay,

  I have something else to do, so I won't keep you here. Go back. Take a rest and get ready to enter the Heavenly Tomb!"

  "Yes!" Xiao Heng handed over his hand. He naturally understood the meaning of these words. It meant to let him go, but he didn't care.

  After Xiao Heng left, two more elders walked out of the void and glanced at the direction Xiao Heng left. One of the elders frowned and said with some dissatisfaction: "Elder Tongxuan, this is a heaven-level technique. Why do you need a foreigner?"

  Elder Tongxuan did not speak. To be precise, he was too lazy to speak.

  When another elder saw Elder Tongxuan like this, he understood something in his heart and said slowly: "Elder Tongxuan means to use this technique to cancel everything before. This is for the good of our clan. Don't think It's unnecessary. Since the embarrassment during this period has been passed, some compensation must be needed. Otherwise, Miss...!" Before he finished speaking, the meaning was already

  obvious. The Xiao Clan and the Ancient Clan were allies many years ago. , and now, although the Xiao clan is gone, there are two young descendants. The heaven-level skills are not so precious to the ancient clan, they are just a good relationship.

  "Okay, let's go back!" Elder Tongxuan still didn't answer, he said casually, stepped on the void and left here.

  As for what he was thinking, it was not that simple. He knew very well some things about Xun'er. He had already given away the Emperor's Seal. With the character of that little girl, he might give away more things in the future.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a headache. If nothing else happened, Xun'er should be the next clan leader of the ancient clan. But the problem was that the pre-selected clan leader seemed to have been abducted! As for this situation, the Ancient Clan has no good solution, they can only wait and see what happens.

  Back in the courtyard, Xiao Heng spent a very peaceful day, and such peaceful days are always relatively short.

  When another day passed, the opening of the celestial tomb also officially arrived.

  At dawn, Xiao Heng stood in the courtyard, beside him were the Little Medical Fairy, Qing Lin, Xiao Yan, and Xun'er.

  Xun'er came very early, and actually walked out of Xiao Yan's room when she arrived early. Xiao Heng looked at her nose and nose, and pretended not to see her.

  He blinked at Xiao Yan and glanced at the marks left on the corners of his lips.


  After joking, Xiao Heng opened his arms, gently hugged the white figure into his arms, leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "Wait for me when I come back." "

  Yeah!" The hot breath fell on her ears. Beside, the little doctor Xian's ears turned red and he responded softly.

  "Be careful!"


  Half a year has passed since I went to the Heavenly Tomb. I can't say how long it is, but it's not short either. Although it's not a sad spring or a sad autumn, it's always a bit melancholy.

  "Let's go!"

  After saying this, the three of them stepped into the void, left the courtyard, and flew outside.

  "The location where the Sky Tomb is opened is deep in the Ancient Saint Mountain Range. It is usually a forbidden area and no one is allowed to set foot there. Only when the Sky Tomb is opened will people be allowed to enter." Flying in the sky, the refreshing wind

  fell On the faces of the three of them, Xun'er also took this time to spread some knowledge to them.

  After all, no one from the Xiao clan has entered that place for thousands of years, and the records have been lost long ago. Regarding the basic knowledge of an ethnic group like the ancient clan, Xiao Yan and the others simply don't know anything about it.

  "The Sky Tomb is not a peaceful place. Instead, it contains huge dangers..." "

  The bones of many strong men are buried there. Although they have fallen long ago, due to the special nature of that place, part of their power remains. Down, and formed a special energy body..."

  "Killing these energy bodies, you can obtain pure power. This kind of power can be absorbed directly without too many side effects..." "

  But, because of that Energy bodies are special. Most of those energy bodies are the appearance of those fallen strong men, and some of the stronger energy bodies will also use their fighting skills during their lifetime, so it is quite difficult to deal with them." "If you meet that kind of person

  , It is best to avoid particularly strong energy bodies. In that place, the relatively strong ability bodies even possess a certain degree of intelligence, and can even survive in another way. Of course, they are different from those in front of them. But there is a huge difference."

  Xun'er said softly, and she couldn't help but have a solemn look on her face. She was not Xiao Yan, who knew nothing. According to the records of the ancient tribe, the people who died in the sky tomb It’s not that there aren’t any, and the number is quite a lot.

  Each of the eight ancient clans has two quotas, which means twelve people will enter every time. However, among these twelve people, there will never be more than ten people who can come out alive. It doesn't sound like many, but there are only a few people who can enter. , who is not the pride of heaven, knowing that there is enough power to kill them is enough.

  Of course, not all of these dead people were killed by those energy bodies, perhaps more died at the hands of others. After all, brothers have turned against each other, not to mention people from different ethnic groups and with different interests.

  The human heart is the scariest thing.

  "The Sky Tomb is divided into three levels. On the first level, the energy bodies are basically below the Three-Star Dou Zun. They have no consciousness and no intelligence..." "On the second level,

  most of the energy bodies are below the Eight-Star Dou Zun." Among the three-star Dou Zun, they already have some spiritual wisdom, and most of them can use the fighting skills they had in life..." "

  As for the third level, the strength of all energy bodies is above the eight-star Dou Zun. There are no exceptions, and there are even those at the semi-saint level. Energy bodies..."

  "The energy bodies at that level have almost the same intelligence as ordinary people, and many of them were true fighting saints during their lifetimes, so don't underestimate those energy bodies, their strength, Maybe even more powerful than the average half-saint strongman."

  "Of course, most energy bodies at that level have their own exclusive territory. As long as we don't actively provoke them, they won't bother to talk to us." Noticed the look on Xiao Yan's face With a solemn look on her face, Xun'er comforted her softly.

  As for Xiao Heng, this guy still looked indifferent. He was even a little excited after listening to Xun'er's words.

  After all, he is already very strong, and it may be difficult for ordinary energy bodies to have an effect on him. Only the Eight-Star Dou Zun or above will have a more obvious effect. If he can kill a semi-saint level energy body, then The energy might allow him to reach the peak of Dou Sheng.

  Thinking of it, Xiao Heng has already started to look forward to it. This mode of leveling up by killing monsters is really hard to come across. But now that you have come across it, of course you must cherish it.

  As for dangers, has Xiao Heng encountered many dangers all the way to this day? So, OK!

  "Then the tomb of my ancestor Xiao Xuan is also on the third floor?" Xiao Yan asked doubtfully.

  Xun'er didn't know much about this question, so it was impossible to give him the answer, but thinking about it, it should be yes.

  After hearing so much news, except for Xiao Heng, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

  The tombs of ancestors must be worshiped. Moreover, Xiao Yan also wanted to understand why the Xiao clan, once one of the eight ancient clans, declined completely in a short period of time and became the capital of the Jiama Empire. The Xiao family can only be regarded as a third-rate family.

  Among them, there must be many secrets.

  (End of chapter)

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