Chapter 860 Interesting

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  Chapter 860 Interesting
  "Ding Ding!"

  With a crisp sound, two jade wine glasses clinked together and then separated.

  The two of them drank the wine in the cup. Xiao Heng raised his head and pondered carefully, tasting the wine that was like ordinary blood. The wine had a slightly fishy aroma, went into the throat smoothly, and entered the abdomen like a knife stabbing the internal organs. The powerful power contained in it, Direct impact on the drinking body.

  Putting down the wine glass, Hun Chen also had a touch of rosiness on Bai Xi's face, but it quickly faded away. He looked at Xiao Heng and asked loudly: "How is it?" "Good wine, bloody killing, worthy of the name! Haha!" Xiao Heng put down the wine glass

  . Cup, looked at Hun Chen, smiled loudly, and said immediately: "Continue!"

  Qing Lin glanced at the little medical fairy hesitantly, but saw the little medical fairy nodded, and then filled their glasses again.

  "Haha! You are indeed my friend. Only you can drink this kind of wine with me...!" "Do it!" "Do it!" The



  them picked up the wine glasses again, feeling proud in their hearts. The more they drank, the more they drank. vigorously.

  At this moment, there is no position, they are just opponents, maybe, they are just friends who don't have a good relationship but appreciate each other.

  And this wine is indeed extraordinary. In addition to the pure energy it contains, the taste of the wine is also extremely intoxicating. Even if he does not deliberately block the power, Xiao Heng still feels a little dizzy after three glasses of wine. situation, but I haven’t felt it for a long time.

  And Hun Chen is telling the truth. Not everyone is qualified to drink this kind of wine. Only those who are above Dou Zun, have a strong body and a firm will are qualified to drink this kind of wine. Otherwise, those who cannot bear the energy will be able to drink it. Impact, serious injury or death, otherwise, if you can't bear the feeling of the knife cutting your body and scream out, it will be an embarrassment for you.

  And these two people are also qualified for He's wine. Seeing the two of them getting excited, the Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin also took a sip, but after taking a sip, their expressions changed. The Little Medical Fairy was fine, okay. Bearing it, Qing Lin directly covered his stomach, and the distorted expression appeared directly on his face.

  After finally recovering, she looked at the Little Medical Fairy with some doubts and whispered: "Sister Little Medical Fairy, how could they say this kind of wine is delicious?" The Little Medical Fairy shook her head and asked about the relationship between

  men. She didn't know much about the matter, but what she knew was that Xiao Heng was in a good mood at the moment. Since Xiao Heng was willing, he could leave this little matter up to him.

  It didn't take long for the two of them to share a jar of wine. Besides, the jar wasn't big, and each person could only share two kilograms at most. However, this amount was enough.

  After picking up the last glass of wine, Hun Chen started to fight and looked at Xiao Heng. Although his head was a little dizzy, there was no tremor in his body or tone.

  "My friend, it's late at night...!"

  Xiao Heng also stood up, without any gaffe.

  "Ding ding!"

  The cups clinked.

  "Tomorrow... see you!"

  It's not deep yet, and it's unlikely that there will be another tomorrow, but as long as you understand the meaning, it will be fine.

  After drinking all the wine in the cup, Hun Chen turned around and left without any unnecessary words, as if he wasn't the one who had a passionate drink with Xiao Heng just now.

  Xiao Heng drank all the wine in the cup and looked at Hun Chen's back. He didn't say until Hun Chen disappeared from his sight, "Go back!" At this moment, the sun had already set, and the three of them walked out of the restaurant, and

  two The girl walked on both sides, and Xiao Heng walked in the middle, walking slowly.

  "Brother Xiao Heng, that Hun Chen is from the Soul Palace! Shouldn't he be an enemy? Why do I feel... he seems to have a good relationship with you." Walking on the road, Qing Lin finally asked what she had just said Just wanted to ask the question.

  "Yes! They are enemies, but they can also be considered friends." Xiao Heng said casually.

  But this answer made Qing Lin curl his lips in dissatisfaction and muttered: "Can't you explain it more clearly? It's so weird that I can't even understand it."

  Seeing Qing Lin's cute look, Xiao Heng couldn't help but reach out and rub it. Rubbing her head, Qing Lin was smaller than Xiao Heng after all, and she didn’t have as much experience as Xiao Heng. She also didn’t see some things so clearly. Moreover, ordinary people really couldn’t understand the relationship between Xiao Heng and the others. .

  After thinking for a while, Xiao Heng looked ahead. Even though it was already dark, the street was still very lively. Although there were no lights, there were things with similar functions to lights on both sides of the road, as well as vendors, restaurants, and various other things. Such a commercial area, with the pedestrians coming and going, is so lively.

  "How should I put it? Among his peers, he is the only one who has really defeated me. He even almost killed me. Of course, later I also defeated him and almost killed him..." "Anyway,

  quite It's complicated. They are the kind of friends who make friends because of fighting! Although they both want to kill each other, they still have some sympathy for each other. This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two. When you meet such a person in the future, you will understand. Yes."

  After listening to Xiao Heng's words, Qing Lin nodded in understanding. When the little medical fairy next to him saw this scene, he pinched Xiao Heng and then explained: "Don't listen to his nonsense. They are like this. People are all a bit nervous, and normal people can't understand it, so don't worry about it."

  Xiao Heng rubbed his arm innocently. Since he knew that it was difficult to pinch himself with normal force, the little medical fairy also improved and used Some fighting spirit, but not particularly hard. Anyway, it is just within the unit that hurts but does not hurt him. I have to say that girls seem to be quite talented in this aspect.

  "Oh! That's it!" Qinglin nodded, still unable to figure out some issues.

  Just as the three of them were about to enter the manor, a rather rough voice suddenly stopped them from behind.

  "Hey! Are you that Xiao Heng? The one who is known as the strongest among the younger generation in Zhongzhou!" More than

  ten meters behind the three Xiao Hengs, there was a young man, two men and one woman, headed by a young man, wearing silver robes. The leading man looks quite strong, but not ugly. It was he who said what he just said.

  "My name is Lei Feng, let's have a fight!"

  Xiao Heng turned around and when he heard him announcing his name, he guessed that these three people should be from the Lei Clan. He smiled slightly, but he didn't notice anything from these three people. There was a sense of malice, although the way they greeted them was less than pleasant.

  "First of all, let me clarify. I have never recognized the so-called strongest man in Zhongzhou. Secondly, it is not appropriate to fight here!" "I don't care

  whether you admit it or not, but it does seem inappropriate. , then just use one move! Just one move, just give it a try!" Lei Feng looked at Xiao Heng, his eyes a little excited, as if he was eager to try.

  Xiao Heng raised his eyebrows. This person from the Thunder Clan was quite straightforward. Although he was not very polite, he could not feel any disgust towards such straightforward people.

  "Then come!"

  "Okay, this is what you said! Be careful." Lei Feng said, the thunder light on his body began to flash. He originally thought Xiao Heng would refuse, so he just asked casually, but he didn't expect , he really agreed, and he suddenly felt a little fond of this guy named Xiao Heng.

  "Thunder collapse...!"

  With a sharp shout, Lei Feng's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and turned into a bolt of lightning that flashed towards Xiao Heng.



  Thunder made a crisp sound, and in this somewhat dim street, lightning flashed on the arm of a young man in silver robe, and his fist stayed half a meter away from Xiao Heng.

  But he couldn't make any progress. He stepped forward with all his strength, but the palm that blocked his fist remained motionless.

  Xiao Heng blocked the punch with one hand, and the terrifying power collided in the two hands. A roar was heard, and a small collapse occurred in the space three centimeters around the two fists.

  Lei Feng retracted his fist, looked at Xiao Heng quite excitedly, and said with some surprise: "You guy, you have such great strength, I give up, and we will fight again next time."

  One move was agreed upon, and it was just one move, even though the opponent just blocked it Lei Feng was willing to admit that he was indeed a little inferior to the opponent just because the other party kept him from making any progress.

  Hearing this, Xiao Heng also smiled, put down his arm, and said, "Okay! But although you are a little ruder, you are much more straightforward than those guys from the ancient tribe." "Hey! Who is the same as those guys?"

  Lei Feng smiled and continued: "I've heard it all. I made things difficult for you at the gate of the city, and then used despicable means to force Xiao Yan to come to power. He couldn't defeat him and then made a sneak attack. Then he changed people. It's really shameless. You can't do it with the Thunder Clan." Like this!"

  "Brother Lei Feng!" Hearing this, the woman next to him frowned and reminded that this is the territory of the Ancient Clan. It is not good to say bad things about the Ancient Clan like this, and the relationship between the Lei Clan and the Ancient Clan The relationship is pretty good.

  "Okay, I understand!" Lei Feng waved his hand with some boredom, indicating that he understood, and then looked at Xiao Heng, and continued: "But those guys are shameless, but those guys can't represent There are a few strong men above the level of the younger generation of the ancient tribe. Those people, even me, are quite a headache." "

  Depending on your relationship with those people, you might be embarrassed later. Be a little kid."

  "Okay, I get it, thank you!" Xiao Heng chuckled. He could see that this guy was quite straightforward, but a bit belligerent, and he didn't have any twists and turns. Although he was not very polite, he also admired him quite a lot.

  "That's it! We have to go back to rest. See you later! If I have a chance, I will challenge you again." Lei Feng arrived carelessly, and without any nonsense, he clasped his fists and left with the two behind him.

  Xiao Heng smiled, this trip to the ancient tribes was quite interesting. The Fire Tribe, the Thunder Tribe, and two of the eight ancient tribes all appeared, and the other tribes must have arrived too! However, for the time being, these two tribes are still quite good.

  The few young people from the ancient tribe may have been blinded by jealousy, but they seemed a little stupid.

  "Okay, go back and rest." Xiao Heng said softly, and immediately led the two of them into the manor. Soon, they would enter the ancient world. He was also quite curious about the ancient world.

  (End of chapter)

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