Chapter 757 Intelligence, Terrorist Lineup

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  Chapter 757: Intelligence, the terrorist lineup

  came to a hall, and Xuan Kongzi and Tianleizi were also in the hall.

  Then, looking at Xiao Yan's anxious look, Xuan Kongzi stopped talking nonsense and directly told the information he knew.

  According to the intelligence, the location where Yao Chen was imprisoned had indeed been changed, but now, it was moved to a branch hall called the Soul Mountain Range. According to Xuan Kongzi's speculation, the force guarding Yao Chen was also extremely powerful.

  There are five powerful Dou Zun warriors, and even the highest-level Tianzun, as well as several guardians. This is only what they can guess from what they can see. It is not clear whether there are any omissions.

  Although Xuan Kongzi said that Tianzun was unlikely to appear, Xiao Heng knew that Tianzun must exist.

  Hearing the terrifying guarding power, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at Xiao Heng and solemnly said: "I'll leave it to you this time."

  Xiao Heng's eyes were also a little solemn. He didn't know much about the guarding power of the Soul Palace. Clearly, but originally, the strength of Xiao Yan's side was enough to rescue Yao Lao, but now, because of himself, the strength of his side has improved. But it is precisely because of this that Xiao Heng is a little uneasy. The intelligence of the Soul Palace is far better than theirs. .

  They also knew that once Xiao Yan found an opportunity, he would definitely go to save Yaochen, and Xiao Heng would definitely go with him. In that case, they might send additional forces to it. At that time, the situation would be unclear. .

  Xiao Heng nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will try my best to help you at this time."

  Xiao Yan nodded. In general, he does not need to be polite to Xiao Heng, but in this matter, he must ask Xiao Heng, because of this Needless to say, the degree of danger at that time was very high, and without Xiao Heng’s help, it would be difficult for him to see any hope of rescuing Yao Lao.

  Now, we can only hope that the Soul Palace does not send out Tianzun-level combat power, otherwise, it may be difficult.

  "Now, just wait for Master Feng to come over. With him joining us, we will be more sure." Xiao Yan said lightly, the thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly. This time, he would mobilize all the power he could muster.

  He looked at Mr. Yuan and said: "Mr. Yuan, this matter...!"

  Before Xiao Yan could finish his words, Mr. Yuan next to him had already spoken: "I understand what you mean, but I am alone, so there is no need to worry about that. Simply, I'll go with you."

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan felt at ease. Mr. Yuan is a four-star Dou Zun strongman. This strength is stronger than that of the old man Mu Gu. With him, he can be more confident.

  With the strength of Mr. Yuan, Lord Feng, himself, the Sky Demon Puppet, and a few people on Xiao Heng's side, if the information is correct, there shouldn't be much of a problem in rescuing Yao Lao.

  "Due to some reasons, the three of us are unable to help. I hope you can understand. However, in other aspects, my Danta will also try my best to help you. If you need anything, you can just say it." Xuan Kongzi said in a deep voice. , he also wants to take action, but he is the president of Danta, and every word and deed represents Danta.

  Of course he can kill the people in the Soul Palace, but he must also consider the other people in Danta. Once he takes action rashly, there is no problem in rescuing Yao Lao, but it may also cause crazy revenge from the Soul Palace. Naturally, he is not afraid, but what follows People, not necessarily.

  In recent years, although the Soul Palace and Dan Pagoda have been hostile, large-scale wars have never occurred. The two sides have a tacit understanding to maintain this balance. If they are not forced to do so, neither side would want to destroy this balance. This is also for Consider the interests of both parties.

  However, if you can't take action, you can still give Xiao Yan some resources to help.

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded slightly. He naturally understood the difficulty of Dan Pagoda and said: "Xiao Yan is extremely satisfied that Mr. Xuan can do this. Leave the matter of rescuing the teacher to us! Think about it, once With the strength here, there won't be much of a problem."

  Hearing this, Xuan Kongzi also nodded slightly. He probably knows a little about Xiao Yan's strength. Although he himself has not yet broken through to Douzun, there is someone around him. As a powerful Dou Zun, plus Feng Zun, if Xiao Heng continues to help him with all his strength, even if a powerful Tianzun appears, there should be no problem.

  "Now, everything is ready, just waiting for Lord Feng to arrive."

  Everyone discussed the plan, and Mr. Yao also came out of seclusion, and lived up to expectations and broke through to the Six-Star Dou Zun. Regarding the matter of taking action against the Soul Palace, he also No objection, as long as Xiao Heng agrees, he will take action.

  Naturally, the little medical fairies Gu Yue and Zi Yan would not have any objections.

  While waiting for Master Feng to arrive, Xiao Yanyou locked himself in the training room and began to retreat.

  Xiao Heng is not idle either. Speaking of which, he still has a pill in his hand that can help everyone present to improve their strength. However, who should give such a precious pill is indeed a problem.

  He himself had just made a breakthrough and was not suitable for use. The same was true for the Little Medical Immortal. Lord Tianhuo had also just made a breakthrough, so taking the elixir would not work. Moreover, because time was short, it would take some more to make the elixir fully effective. Time, but now, there is obviously no such time.

  Therefore, this elixir will not be used for the time being, but it is okay. With everyone's current strength, it is not particularly inferior to this star's strength.

  And Xiao Heng was not idle either. He also locked himself in the training room and started refining medicine. At this time, it is always good to have more elixir reserves, so that he can be more sure when the time comes.

  Therefore, in the past ten days or so, colored pill clouds appeared again in the sky above the Dan Pagoda, and under the tempering of thunder, the puppet in Xiao Heng's hand became the Celestial Demon Puppet, possessing the strength to fight against Dou Zun. However, it is still impossible to defeat Dou Zun, but this is enough.

  In the last two, the colored Danyun appeared again, and another puppet jumped up, and then evolved under the baptism of thunder, and also had the combat power of a Dou Zun level.

  Compared with Xiao Heng's own strength, the role of the puppet for him is to resist the pill thunder for him, but it will not be used for the time being in the next battle, so he gave the puppet to Zi Yan to let him defend himself. After all, Zi Yan Yan is still a seventh-level dragon now. Even if she can fight against a strong Dou Zun, it will only be two moves.

  And while everyone was preparing, Master Feng also arrived at the Dan Pagoda in just half a month.

  On the top floor of the Dan Pagoda, there is a reception hall, but it is usually empty because there are not many people who are qualified to be seen by the Dan Pagoda here.

  But today, the usually empty reception hall became lively. Xuan Kongzi sat at the front seat, and below him an old man in Tsing Yi sat on a chair. He was dressed in Tsing Yi, with white hair and white beard, which looked quite dashing.

  Next to him, an old man with gray hair stood as straight as an iron pillar, without saying a word, with a stern expression, but there was a faint edge from his body.

  "Haha...! Master Feng, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still so chic...!" The maid was pouring tea next to him. Familiar.

  "Haha! How can I feel comfortable being a Danta giant like you? Compared to the Danta giant, I am just a small person." Master Feng said with a smile. The two of them are familiar with each other, so there is no need to be too polite. Therefore, when he speaks, he is quite casual.

  "Where's Xiao Yan! That boy summoned me here, why didn't he show up...!" His eyes swept over the scene, and Lord Feng was a little anxious. He didn't think that boy Xiao Yan would call him here to drink for no reason. Tea.

  "Haha, Mr. Feng, don't worry, the boy is here." Before he could finish his words, the door of the living room opened with a bang, and Xiao Yan also walked into the hall from the outside in a hurry.

  Seeing Xiao Yan again, Lord Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised. When he first saw Xiao Yan, he had just broken through the Douzong, but now, he had become the Nine-Star Douzong.

  Looking at the side, I was even more frightened.

  Xiao Heng slightly cupped his hands and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Feng, you are fine!"

  Master Feng looked over and was shocked because he could no longer clearly see Xiao Heng's strength. He was surprised and said: "You are so Yes? Breakthrough?"

  Xiao Heng smiled and nodded, but Master Feng was even more surprised, not only because Xiao Heng broke through Douzun, but also because Xiao Heng's faint aura did not look like he had just broken through Douzun. appearance.

  And those people next to them, one, two, three, four, that little girl, are actually strong Dou Zun. Moreover, it seems that these people are not ordinary Dou Zun. Even the one next to them even let him They all felt a sense of oppression.

  "Who are these people?"

  "They are all helpers on this trip. These two are Xiao Heng's friends, the Little Medical Fairy, Lord Tianhuo...!" "

  This is my friend, Lord Tiangang."

  "Who is this? "After introducing the people on his side, Xiao Yan looked at the upright old man and asked.

  "This is Venerable Iron Sword, a former friend of your teacher." Venerable Feng introduced, and then his voice sank and he said: "During this period, I have also traveled to many places, but many old friends heard that my opponent After it was the Soul Palace, they also backed down. After all, they also had a family and were afraid of angering the Soul Palace. This was also your teacher who had been very kind to him back then, so as soon as he heard that he was going to be saved, he immediately Follow me."

  Xiao Yan nodded slightly, with a rather solemn look on his face. Anyone who can help at this time is a true friend. He cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Lord Iron Sword. When things are done, this kid will definitely not Let the Venerable run away in vain."

  Xiao Yan said, that thing must not be simple, but the Venerable Iron Sword shook his head indifferently and said: "I am a lonely person, Yao Chen helped me avenge the blood, I I owe him a great favor, and now that I have the opportunity to help him, it can be regarded as repaying his favor. Moreover, I also want to treat those things that are not human and ghosts for a while." Hearing this, Xiao Yan let

  go My own hand, listening to those indifferent words, I felt quite emotional in my heart.

  (End of chapter)

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