Chapter 583 News

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  Chapter 583: The message
  asked clearly about the role of the center of the earth. After returning to his peak state, Xiao Heng went downstairs and walked to the front desk.

  "Check out!" As he said this, Xiao Heng handed over a silver card.

  "Okay!" A woman who was nearly forty years old took the card, and then returned the card to Xiao Heng after some manipulations.

  Just when Xiao Heng took the card and wanted to leave, the discussion of the two men next to him reached Xiao Heng's ears.

  "The Tianshan Blood Pool is about to open again. Brother Yu, don't you want to try it? If you pass, the benefits will be considerable." Hearing this, the eyes of the

  man called Brother Yu lit up, and then dimmed again. Go down and say: "I think so too! But with my strength, even if I go, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass the test. Since there is little hope, why bother to participate in the fight for the capital? Maybe I won't get any benefits, and I will risk my life." Throw it in the mountain range."

  "That's right! The number of places in the Mountain Blood Pool that day was limited, and the ones who always won in the end were the disciples of the sect. With our strength, it is indeed difficult, but we are still a little unwilling!" The man also sighed. In one breath, with their strength, it is indeed difficult to have a chance to go to that place.

  "So what if you're not willing to give in, Brother Wang, at our age, we should accept our fate. There are some things that we can't fight for." He patted his friend on the shoulder, and there was some loneliness in the man's eyes. For those geniuses, their kind The strength is indeed a bit worse.

  Listening to the exchange between the two, Xiao Heng thought about the Tianshan Blood Pool. He had some impression that Xiao Yan broke through the Douzong there, but he couldn't remember the specific details.

  Seeing the two people walking over, Xiao Heng walked up to them and said, "Boy, are you talking about the Tianshan Blood Pool? I'm a little curious about that place, but I don't know much about it. Can I help you get some information? Is that so?"

  Facing Xiao Heng's obstruction, the two of them were a little wary at first, but they felt relieved after hearing that Xiao Heng was asking for news.

  The man called Brother Wang said calmly: "Of course, this is just some news that everyone knows." "The

  Tianshan Blood Pool is located on a crater at the top of the Tianmu Mountains. It is said that within three years, , there will be a special energy tide. The energy tide only lasts for five days, but the power contained in it is indeed endless, enough for people to break through Douzong. Even if Douzong strongmen absorb it, there will be many benefits. "

  However, that place is not so easy to get to. Every time the Tianshan Blood Pool appears, it will cause countless people to fight for supremacy. Because the number of places is limited, the fight is even more fierce, and there are many powerful disciples and disciples among them. Some veteran strong men."


  The two of them are also warm-hearted, and, as they said, this is not a secret. You can know it by asking casually.

  Listening to the explanations of the two, Xiao Heng's mind moved slightly. It could allow people to break through the Douzong. That was enough to prove that the energy in that place was indeed abundant. After three years of brewing in the entire mountain range, I just didn't know if he could be allowed to enter another star.

  After defeating Fei Tian, ​​his cultivation began to advance rapidly again. Although it had only been a few days, he had already completed half of the road to the Seven Star Douzong. If this thing could allow him to complete the remaining half, There is value in going to those places.

  Moreover, it would be a good thing to meet Xiao Yan first, but I don’t know if Xiao Yan will go to this place because of his changes. I think, if Xiao Yan can hear the news, he will definitely go Yes!
  I have decided to go to the Tianmu Mountains first, and then go to the Central Territory with Xiao Yan.

  "Thank you both!" Xiao Heng said with cupped hands.

  "Brother, you're welcome, but if you want to go to the Tianmu Mountains, I'm afraid you have to speed up a bit, because in a few days, the Tianshan Blood Pool will officially begin." The two of them also faced Xiao Heng. Gongshou Road.

  The man surnamed Wang also kindly reminded: "Brother, I think you are not too old. It is reasonable to have such thoughts. However, if you really get involved, you must be careful." "Well! Thank you!" Xiao Heng

  said The thirty-year-old man smiled, then took out a card and handed it to the woman at the front desk again, saying: "I have also settled the accounts of these two."

  After greeting the two of them, Xiao Heng quickly left. In the city, looking at the map, there are thousands of legendary Tianmu Mountains.

  Flying in the air, he took out the map and checked the direction. Xiao Heng moved forward quickly, and then took out the special earring. After seeing that there was no special fluctuation on it, Xiao Heng put it away with confidence.

  This earring is attached to the little medical fairy's soul power, and it can also roughly show the little medical fairy's condition. There is no special fluctuation in the earring now, which proves that the little medical fairy is fine for the time being. However, speaking of it, if there is any fluctuation, then I'm afraid it's a big deal.

  "With Gu Yue here, there shouldn't be any problems." Xiao Heng murmured, making up his mind, Xiao Heng rushed towards the so-called Tianmu Mountains with all his strength.

  Speaking of which, since arriving in Zhongzhou, I have been either rushing or fighting. Although my cultivation has improved rapidly, it is indeed a bit boring, but fortunately, as a cultivator, Xiao Heng is used to it.

  The closer he got to the so-called Tianshan Blood Pool, the more detailed information Xiao Heng got.

  After some inquiries, Xiao Heng has confirmed that there are still more than 20 days for the opening of the Mountain Blood Pond that day, and the distance between him and that day's Mountain Blood Pond is estimated to be less than ten days if he flies at full strength.

  With enough time, Xiao Heng was not so anxious. In addition to collecting supplies, he deliberately avoided some cities. Even if he went in, he would just collect resources and leave immediately, and this was all to hide.

  Because there has been no news about him for a long time, Fenglei Pavilion has once again increased the bounty. No matter who it is, as long as they can provide his traces, they can get an earth-level intermediate skill and supporting fighting skills. Such a bargaining chip makes people excited. , it is not so easy to find traces of Xiao Heng.

  Moreover, Xiao Heng spent most of his time wandering around in the virgin forest, hiding his face and temperament whenever he appeared in public. As a result, more than a month had passed, and Fenglei Pavilion did not get any of his information. A little news.

  This can't help but make the people in Fenglei Pavilion a little angry, but they can't help it, and they also understand that as time goes by, the possibility of finding Xiao Heng becomes smaller and smaller. Now, they can only wait and say it nicely. Waiting and waiting is actually basically giving up.

  Xiao Heng was not too worried about those things. The time was not very urgent, so Xiao Heng was not in a hurry to rush on his way. Instead, he allocated one-third of his time to practice and one-third to rush on his way. A third of the time is spent searching for things and fighting.

  In this vast primeval forest, there are countless resources, precious medicinal materials, rare spiritual objects of heaven and earth, and various magic cores. Of course, the prerequisite for obtaining all of these is that you have strong strength.

  If the strength is not good enough, let alone making things, even turning into a corpse is a luxury. If you die in this primitive forest, the biggest result is to become the excrement of a monster.

  Xiao Heng was strong enough to move in this primeval forest and suppress most of the monsters, but some of them were still not something he could provoke.

  For example, let’s take the nest of iron bear beasts we encountered yesterday. By the way, don’t those things live alone? What do you mean by starting a group?

  There are more than ten big black and white bears in total, a total of six seventh-level bears, and one whose strength is estimated to be close to breaking through the eighth level. With their strength, Xiao Heng can only run away first, otherwise, if they really fight, he will really Not necessarily the opponents of those big guys.

  However, Xiao Heng was really greedy when they were guarding that thing!
  "Golden jade bamboo shoots, only one grows out of ten thousand white-leaf bamboos in a hundred years. Eating it can directly make the sixth-level iron bear beast enter the seventh level." Recalling the knowledge in his mind, Xiao Heng murmured.

  "But the energy is violent and contains the power of gold and iron. If it is not the body of a monster, it would be unbearable for ordinary people. Remember, humans cannot take it directly." "Remarks: If you can

  bear it, you will get the greatest benefit if you eat it raw."

  Recalling the golden tender bamboo shoots It looked like Xiao Heng was drooling. If he could get it, whether he took it directly or made it into a pill, the energy contained in it would probably give him a one- or even two-star upgrade.

  As for whether the human body can bear it, to be honest, he thinks he can give it a try. He should not be considered a simple human now! After all, the dragon clan's origin is there, and some of the monster bodies are not as powerful as him.

  However, the most important question is how to get it.

  "Mr. Yao, are you there?" Xiao Heng tapped the snow-white ring on his finger and called.

  Yao Lao's soul body slowly emerged from the Najie, and he smiled and said: "What, do you need my help?"

  Here at Xiao Heng, he was a little depressed. Now he has recovered a lot of strength, but Xiao Heng has never After using him, he lost a lot of sense of accomplishment. His only role around Xiao Heng was to answer some questions for Xiao Heng. This made him, a former Dou Zun strongman, a little depressed. If he had known, he would They are fighting masters, not those old academics.

  "Well! There is something I need to trouble you with!" Xiao Heng nodded. It would be impossible for him alone to get that thing. However, if Yao Lao is added, the hope will be greater.

  After telling Yao Lao what he had discovered, Yao Lao gave Xiao Heng a rather strange look and said, "You are so lucky, you can discover such things."

  Xiao Heng smiled and said, "You are so lucky. " He didn't talk much until Yao Lao nodded, and then he continued: "Wait a minute, I will attract the attention of those monsters with the Sky Demon Puppet, and I will leave the golden jade bamboo shoots to you." "It's not that I look down on you, it's just

  that Now that you are in the soul form, it is easier to hide your aura, and you can control the power of space better, so it is easier to leave after getting the things." Fearing that

  Lord Tianhuo would misunderstand, Xiao Heng specially added the last sentence.

  (End of chapter)

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