Chapter 305 Training

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  Chapter 305 Training
  "Across all directions!"

  Xiao Heng swept out with a sword, and the powerful sword energy dragon circled to meet those attacks.

  After hearing a huge roar, the collision of various soul powers caused the battle platform to be filled with smoke. Xiao Heng slashed out with his sword, setting off a gust of wind and blowing away the smoke and dust.

  The smoke and dust dissipated, and no one could stand here within fifty meters around Xiao Heng. Zhang Xiaoxiao and Jingjing each flapped their wings and hung in the sky. Just looking at their faces, you could tell that they had just suffered the impact. It must not be light.

  Mu Qing, Hou Ju and the little fat man were the worst off. The first two were too close to Xiao Heng, and the one behind was too slow. He couldn't even release his force and could only resist. At this time, the three of them were A hint of scarlet flowed out from his mouth.

  Although Ning Fei and Xue Lian were standing on the outside, the auxiliary soul master's defense was not very high. At this moment, they felt a little numb from the shock!
  With one sword, he forced back, no, repulsed, and injured seven people, and this was without using soul skills. This shocked everyone deeply. Can a martial soul master really be so strong?
  An ordinary five-ring soul king cannot do this, but Xiao Heng, he is not a five-ring soul king, he is a soul saint, or a very special kind of soul saint. He has already restrained his strength, otherwise, he can do it with just one sword. Cut off the heads of these seven people.

  Xiao Heng raised his sword, looked at everyone, and said coldly: "What, it's not going to work anymore? A bunch of trash, you are just a bunch of shit, worse than shit! Trash! A bunch of trash!" Xiao Heng's curses could be clearly heard in everyone's mouth

  . In their personal ears, they have never heard such ugly words, so they need to prove themselves, and the best way to prove themselves is to shut up that person.

  "Let's go together, he's very strong!" Ning Fei looked solemn and said in a cold voice: "Far stronger than you think!"



  "Let's do this shit together and see how I beat the dog with a stick! "

  Now, everyone understands that they are not Xiao Heng's opponent at all, but not one person, if a group of people add up.

  There was raging anger in their hearts, and they wanted to press Xiao Heng to the ground and rub him right now. As for the rest, they would wait until they finished this piece of shit!

  After making up their minds, the seven finally joined forces. Scenery waved its wings in the sky, and golden light continued to emanate from him. He rushed towards Xiao Heng, automatically assuming the main attack position.

  Mu Qing was in charge of close harassment, Zhang Xiaoxiao was in charge of long-range output, Hou Ju waved his stick and attacked Xiao Heng, and Wang Zi finally played his role as an auxiliary soul master, standing in front of Ning Fei and Xuelian to guard against Xiao Heng's sneak attacks. , it is worth mentioning that although Xuelian's martial spirit looks like an auxiliary, in Xiao Heng's view, she is more like a control soul master!
  Of course, if Xiao Heng is really serious, these people still have no chance of winning, but what Xiao Heng needs to do is to train them, not kill them.

  Xiao Heng deliberately controlled his strength and speed, giving them the feeling that they could defeat him immediately, but only just missed it. He kept forcing them to work harder, and from time to time he would rush forward a little, pretending to attack the auxiliary soul master behind him. , and then pushed them to the extreme, making them think that they almost lost. At the same time, Xiao Heng would occasionally make them feel like they were about to die. For example, the long sword passed through one finger in front of their throats, and then, before they There were several conspicuous but non-fatal wounds on his body.

  "Principal, is this really okay? Are you too anxious?" On a high platform outside the venue, several teachers came here silently and watched everything. One teacher looked at the bright red on his beloved student and couldn't bear it. He kept talking.

  Wang Gongfeng shook his head slightly and said loudly: "I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I will bring you here. There is only one thing to tell you, and that is that Xiao Heng is better than all of your students. Therefore, cooperate with him and complete his Any request!"

  "Any?" A teacher couldn't believe it.

  "Yes, anything!" Wang Chongfeng nodded silently.

  For a long time, many teachers took a breath and couldn't believe it, but no one spoke again.

  In the field, Xiao Heng forced the scenery back with a sword, flipped the blade behind his back, blocking Mu Qing's claws, and then slashed away the firebird flying from mid-air with another sword, Ding! Blocking the long stick, he flipped his hand and pushed Hou Ju away.

  Attacks continued to come, Xiao Heng continued to defend, and occasionally attacked, as if he was strolling around in the field. The combined efforts of the seven people did not cause any hindrance to him.

  "Trash, rubbish!"

  "A bunch of shit!"

  "Not even as good as rubbish."

  Xiao Heng's face was cold, and while fighting, such taunts continued to spread to everyone's ears. Gradually, as time passed little by little, everyone's hearts There was only one thing, and that was to kill Xiao Heng, and with the same goal in mind, their cooperation quickly improved.

  Half an hour later, Xiao Heng swept away the three people in front of him with a sword, looked at the panting young people in front of him, and said: "Rest for half an hour, continue in half an hour!" "

  Here, one for each person!" Taking out a jade vase, Xiao Heng casually walked to the side and sat down in the shade under a big tree, took out an apple, and ate it by himself.

  On the stage, seven people helped each other off the stage, walked to the shade, took the elixir, and took out water and food.

  "Brother Ning, that guy is a monster! We are all exhausted, but he didn't react at all. I don't think he even sweated much!" Hou Ju looked at Xiao Heng not far away and couldn't help complaining, The wound on his left arm still hurts!
  "Don't think about it. That guy is a monster. I'm convinced." Scenery looked at Xiao Heng and continued in a deep voice: "Okay, stop talking. Take the time to rest and restore your soul power. We'll be there in half an hour."

  Hearing this, everyone looked a little ugly, and they didn't care about bragging or discussing Xiao Heng. They drank water, ate something, and restored their soul power.

  Xiao Heng looked at the group of young people and smiled casually: "The training has just begun!"

  Fortunately, these words were not heard by the seven people. Otherwise, they might really not be able to stand it. If it is like this at the beginning, what will happen next? Not to kill them.

  Xiao Heng took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. After touching for about three or four minutes, Xiao Heng confirmed that nothing was missing, then walked to Wang Chongfeng and handed the paper to Wang Chongfeng.

  "Uncle Wang, prepare all these things before it gets dark!"

  Wang Zongfeng took the paper, glanced over it, and nodded: "No problem!"

  After that, Xiao Heng said nothing more, turned around, and waited. The time has come.

  Next to Wang Gongfeng, Teacher Ji looked over. When a teacher who knew about medicinal materials saw what was on it, he couldn't help but take a breath. These medicinal materials were almost as much as half a year's salary. Bar!
  Time passed quickly. Xiao Heng came back on the stage, raised his sword, and shouted: "Trash, have you rested? Come up when you have rested, a bunch of trash." The seven people opened their eyes, walked up to the stage silently, and

  discussed After taking a countermeasure, they launched another attack on Xiao Heng.

  Xiao Heng's elixir was very magical, and it was enough to restore most of them in a short period of time, but even so, they were still no match for Xiao Heng.

  The fierce battle came again, and half an hour passed. Xiao Heng once again ordered them to rest and gave them pills. He returned to the tree, took out a pen and paper, and wrote and drew on it.

  This process continued until night. When the sun went down and the moon rose, Xiao Heng put down his sword.

  "Okay, today's training is over. You can rest. We will gather here again at seven o'clock tomorrow. Be careful not to be late. Once you are late, you will lose your qualifications." Xiao Heng glanced at everyone, and

  slowly Xu said: "Believe me, you will have a hard time in the next days, but as long as you can persist to the end, you can surpass 99% of your peers." "Now, disband!" After the words fell


  Xiao Heng turned around and left, not caring what the seven people were going to do!
  About two hours later, Jingjing had eaten, washed up, and was about to rest when Xiao Heng walked in.

  "Captain!" Seeing Xiao Heng, Jingjing stood up quickly. He went out in Weimo and knew best the principle of respecting the strong in this world. Therefore, after today's training, he was convinced by Xiao Heng.

  "Well! You're welcome!" Xiao Heng said, taking out a piece of paper and a jade bottle from the ring.

  "This is a new cultivation method! You should be able to understand. You can apply the contents of this jade bottle on your body or take a bath. You can use it to run the cultivation method!" "Okay, I don't have much time, so practice hard

  . ." Leaving two things behind, Xiao Heng turned and left here.

  The scene I wrote just now also happened repeatedly in the dormitory of the other six people.

  The cultivation method was improvised by Xiao Heng. With his knowledge at the moment, it is very easy to create such a thing. The medicine was also refined by him just now. It has an all-round effect on them and can increase their cultivation speed and physical strength. , it can also heal injuries and eliminate fatigue. A small thing is nothing to him, but it has such a huge effect on the seven people.

  After arranging all seven people, Xiao Heng returned to his dormitory, went to bed cross-legged, closed his eyes, and thought about some training plans. Then he took out the medicine cauldron, raised the flame, and started to refine the medicine. Although it was just a small thing, it can be consumed like this. If so, you still need to be more prepared.

  By the time Xiao Heng finished everything, it was already late at night. After quickly regaining his energy, Xiao Heng got up, washed up, had breakfast, and then came to the battlefield.

  Qibao Glazed Sect! The main hall!

  Ning Fengzhi listened to the report of the people below, smiled, and said immediately: "Everything is subject to Xiao Heng's instructions. Except for the things in the treasure house, all resources are allocated by him!" The young man in white clothes below bowed and said: "Yes!" Immediately

  ! In a flash, he left the hall.

  Ning Fengzhi walked out of the hall and looked at the night sky outside with a happy face and raised his hands to face the sky.

  "Our Qibao Glazed Sect is about to flourish! Hahaha!"

  (End of this chapter)

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