Chapter 151 Blue Power and Puppet

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  Chapter 151 Blue Power and Puppet

  "This is Tianxuan Yin Water. Although it is not as cold as ice, it is more visceral. Once you are a Dou King or below, once you enter it, the Yin Water will immediately seep into your body, and you will be a Dou Master." If you enter it with your cultivation level, within a minute, the yin water will enter your internal organs. Once it enters the internal organs, the pressure and cold air will immediately freeze you into ice cubes." The old man paused and continued


  "Similarly, if you can get through it, Tianyin Xuanshui will also make you undergo huge changes. You will be reborn and have some opportunities to change your destiny. It is your choice whether to enter or not." After listening to the words, the girl looked

  at Looking at the blue water, I was in a daze.

  The girl came closer to the water pool, squatted down, touched her fingers lightly, and a ripple rippled on the water. She

  brushed her fingers and immediately put them in her mouth. After a while, she took them away. come out.

  "Do you want me to jump down and come up alive? Then I can save brother Xiao Heng, save my father and mother, and no longer be a burden to my brother." The girl looked at the water in front of her blankly, her tone calmer than ever before


  "Yes! I can promise you that as long as you come up alive, I will help you achieve everything you just said." The old man said slowly, his old voice echoing in the girl's ears.

  "Then, I know what to do." The girl stood up suddenly, turned around and smiled, that smile was just like the peach blossoms blooming in spring, the newborn sun blooming, everything is so beautiful and brilliant.

  The girl jumped down, fell into the water with a splash, and then sank straight down. The water seemed clear, but no trace of the girl could be found.

  The ripples slowly dispersed, and the old man stood there quietly without saying a word. There was no more movement here, just like before.

  .........I am the dividing line!

  Xiao Heng pierced the chest of the puppet in front of him with his sword. He drew out the long sword, one puppet fell down, and another puppet stood up.

  The snow-white light from the confrontation shone on the young man's face, revealing his white hair and cold eyes.

  The sword was slashed out, and the purple sword light shone in front of him again. Xiao Heng's body moved extremely fast, and afterimages were formed around the puppet. The long sword slashed out with one sword after another according to the rhythm of Xiao Heng's body, but this This time, the puppet was not killed with the sword like the first time.

  He saw that the sword blades that were difficult to see clearly with the naked eye were blocked one by one by the long knife in the puppet's hand. In the blink of an eye, dozens of swords only left a few sword wounds on the puppet's body, but these traces could not Paralyze this beautifully crafted puppet.

  But the biggest difference between a puppet and a human is that it doesn't know what pain is. As long as it doesn't hurt its vitals, the puppet's actions will not be weakened in any way.

  The sword slashed down, but was blocked by a snow-white long knife. The long knife was drawn out, and the friction with the long sword caused bursts of sparks.

  The long knife was slashed backhand, and Xiao Heng drew his sword to block it.

  Huge power came from the sword, and Xiao Heng's hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

  With a stabbing sound, the snow-white blade slid down from Xiao Heng's body, and the clothes on Xiao Heng's chest tore open a straight opening. There was no thin line exposed on the opening, which showed the sharpness of the blade.

  There was a flash of wind and thunder under his feet, and Xiao Heng pulled back. After opening a distance of about ten meters, the clothes on his chest had been completely cut open, and a blood line was faintly visible on his chest.

  "What a terrifying thing! This kind of strength cannot be defeated by ordinary fighting spirits! It actually appeared in front of me like this. What a fool."

  Xiao Heng complained, but he did not have any feeling because of the power of the puppet opposite him. Instead of being frustrated, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

  Looking behind Xiao Heng, there were twenty or thirty black puppets lying on the ground in the passage behind him, but in front, there were still dozens of black puppets standing on both sides of the passage like black mountains. .

  The strength of the puppets is getting stronger and stronger. From the beginning of the battle against the five scum, to the point where it can hurt Xiao Heng now, there are thirty-two puppets. This improvement speed is not fast anymore, but you can see the dozens of puppets behind , which still makes people feel a little disappointed.

  And as the puppet's strength increases, the puppet's own strength, speed, power, and sensitivity are all improved at the same time.

  After swallowing two pills, he watched the puppet jump up towards him, swinging the snow-white sword towards him. Xiao Heng calmed down and murmured: "Come on!" The sword met the sword, and

  then He drew his sword and retreated, going around the puppet's back at a weird angle. Xiao Heng slashed out with his sword, but it didn't work. With a ding, the puppet turned around and blocked the sword.

  "Really, it seems that this way of saving fighting energy is not feasible!"

  With the long sword against the long sword, Xiao Heng clenched his left fist tightly, brought it to his waist, and then swung it out suddenly, purple fighting spirit wrapped Xiao Heng's fist Fist, break through the air and break out.

  "Mountain-breaking attack."

  A low roar and a muffled sound came out at the same time, and the fist hit the puppet's abdomen. In an instant, the puppet flew out and hit the wall next to it. With a bang, the puppet fell to the ground. But he didn't stand up again.

  Another puppet stood up, Xiao Heng's breathing was a little heavy.

  "Damn, what's going on! So many, at this level, the ones behind won't be as strong as Dou Huang!"

  Looking at the dozens of puppets behind him, Xiao Heng couldn't help but curse, but he still tightened his grip. Holding the long sword tightly in his hand, the sword fingers of his left hand slid.

  Purple spreads onto the long sword, and a terrifying aura condenses on the long sword.

  "Extreme Sword Art, breathless!"

  Flames and thunder enveloped the sword, making the aura on the already sharp sword even more terrifying.

  Jian Gang was extremely fast. After drawing ripples in the air, he stood upright on the puppet.

  A second later, there was a ding sound, and the long knife that the puppet was leaning in front of him broke into two pieces. One piece fell to the ground and hit the stone floor. After shaking twice, it fell completely to the ground. At the same time, another piece fell to the ground. The puppet fell.

  "Earth-level fighting skills, kill him in front of me, the next one won't be the fighting king!" The

  cold eyes met the scarlet eyes of the expressionless puppet, and a light flashed in the puppet's eyes. This time the puppet , obviously more agile than the ones just now.

  Xiao Heng could believe that there was actually a layer of blue fighting spirit attached to the blade, and from that fighting spirit, Xiao Heng actually felt a little heavy, as if the blue fighting spirit was not ordinary.

  "That fighting spirit seems to have a heavy aura. That kind of power is impossible for ordinary monks to have. The only one who can possess it is heaven and earth. The person who made these puppets must be a special person." Xiao Heng said

  slowly He was muttering, but he didn't dare to relax his hand at all. He slashed with his sword and blocked the long knife.


  In just one breath, Xiao Heng felt a huge force coming from the long sword. This power was definitely more powerful than the power of the Dou Wang he killed before, and it didn't seem to be pure power. , more... It seemed more like a momentum. This momentum made him feel like it was impossible to catch the knife.

  "This is a brand new power. Similar to the power of sword intent." Xiao Heng was forced to retreat, but he did not feel frustrated at all. On the contrary, a kind of excitement suddenly burst out in his calm eyes.

  In addition to this momentum, the coldness on the long knife also made Xiao Heng curious.

  "No, this doesn't seem to be pure cold, it's more like water. There is a strange fire attached to my sword, and that thing can actually compete with the strange fire. It seems to be an incredible spiritual thing from heaven and earth." From Xiao

  Heng After getting the strange fire, the strange fire gave him a lot of help, not to mention other things, in terms of combat power. After getting the strange fire, he rarely used other attributes to attack and defend. There was no other reason. It's just that the increase in the strange fire is too terrifying.

  However, Xiao Heng also knew that the treasures of heaven and earth such as strange fire were not the only ones in this world. It was just that among all the heaven and earth spirits in this world, strange fire was the most powerful.

  And it's not like this kind of spirit has never appeared before. Xiao Heng knew that in the territory of Taixu Ancient Dragon, there was also a giant dragon formed by thunder.

  In terms of power, that thunder dragon can probably compete with any of the strange fires other than the top three on the strange fire list. And since there are thunder attributes, there will definitely be other attributes, so the emergence of this kind of power, Xiao Heng was only slightly surprised.

  The sword collided with the sword again, and the long sword between them revealed a blue light. The shape of the light was like water, attached to the sword, competing with the strange fire attached to Xiao Heng's sword.

  "It's very good, but that's it. This is a world dominated by flames after all. No, maybe many years later. Swords will be added, but now, nothing is more powerful than strange fire." As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao

  Heng The purple flames on his body are generous, and the flames on the long sword are also more solid.

  The flame suppressed the blue energy in an instant.

  Xiao Heng formed a seal with his left hand.

  "Fire flames, kill!"

  The pillar of fire suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Heng, and then was mounted on the puppet fiercely. When he saw that the puppet was exuding a blue fighting spirit, it wrapped the puppet's whole body.

  But just like Xiao Heng said, at this moment, the strange fire is after all the most mysterious and powerful spiritual object in the world, and the others have to take a back seat for the time being.

  The flames hit the puppet's body, and the layer of blue fighting spirit broke through in his breath, and then burned blazingly on the puppet's body.

  Since then, another puppet has come to an end.

  At the same time, another puppet stood up.

  "Damn, it's so hard to get on the horse!"

  A sword light flashed out, and at the same time, Xiao Heng's left handprint changed, and a purple lion jumped up and pounced on the puppet with lightning speed.

  Although the lion did not defeat the puppet immediately, this gave Xiao Heng some time.


  Another purple sword slashed out, and the moment it collided with the puppet, the lion also exploded.

  With a bang, a puppet fell down.

  Next, another puppet stood up, and the blue fighting spirit on his body became more mellow.

  (End of chapter)

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