Chapter 1190 Pharmacopoeia Begins

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  Chapter 1190 Pharmacopoeia Begins

  Xiao Heng looked at this Hunxuzi and narrowed his eyes slightly. This person did not just come to participate in a pharmacopoeia. If he remembered correctly, it was this person who led to the downfall of the Medicine Clan.

  The destruction of the Yao Clan is inevitable, and the soldiers will stop them, and the water will cover them. Since he knows this, he will not be unprepared. For some reason, the

  position Hun Xuzi chose was not far from the three people. Turning his head, Hun Xuzi looked To the three of them, there was a smile on their face.

  "Yao Chen, you have accepted two good disciples. The names of your two disciples are as good as thunder even among the upper echelons of our Soul Clan!" "With such a reputation, who can defeat the ancestors with the deceiver?

  " Hunxuzi wants to compete." Yao Lao smiled slightly and did not show weakness, he chuckled and mocked.

  Faced with Yao Lao's ridicule, Hun Xuzi didn't care, or in other words, he didn't care on the surface, saying: "I was born as a member of the Hun clan, how could I bully my master and destroy my ancestors? What's more, I have never Think of that old ghost as your teacher..." "

  Speaking of which, Yaochen, you have to thank me. If I hadn't taken a fancy to your alchemy skills, you would have died long ago. How could you have waited for your disciples to save you... "Speaking of this, Hun Xuzi also had a dangerous look in his eyes. He continued: "But it doesn't matter. You can just run away and catch him again. But I don't know if you will be so lucky next time to wait for someone to save you." After saying this, Yao Lao's expression was also complete

  . The gloom fell, Xiao Yan's face was calm, and the fighting spirit was gathered in his hands. But the next second, he was stopped by Xiao Heng on the side. He was not afraid of others.

  He looked at Hun Xuzi with a smile and said: "I really don't know what you are proud of. You are proud that you deceived your master and destroyed your ancestor! But everyone obviously looks down on you, but you are still contented. You are really shameless. ..."

  "Also, it's just some tricks, tricks that strong men disdain to do, but you still call them so noble. It seems that you are similar to the people in the Soul Palace, they are just rats who can only hide in the sewers. That's all, living in the shadows forever, a hundreds-year-old old man, but still having the nerve to be proud. If I lived to your age and still had your virtues, I wouldn't have the shame to go out. Unlike you, even if you are ugly, you still have to come out to influence others. My mood is really shameless."

  After listening to Xiao Heng's words, the smile on Hun Xuzi's face disappeared little by little, and finally became gloomy, with murderous intent emerging in his eyes. He stared at Xiao Heng and said coldly: "What a tooth. You are a sharp-tongued boy, but before you speak, you must think carefully, so as not to bring about the disaster of killing." "The

  disaster of killing? Is it just up to you?" Xiao Heng snorted with great disdain and continued: "If not now You are on the territory of the Medicine Clan. I will kill you now, and you will bring disaster upon me. Otherwise, we can go out and have fun, and I will see how you have the qualifications to say such a thing. Said... you have a friend... Haha, you are really laughing to death. If not, just go back and fall asleep! Don't come out to lose the soul clan." "You..." The soul clan member was

  angry, but he was not a fool. Naturally, it was impossible for Xiao Heng to be provoked into doing something irrational by these two words, and he looked at Xiao Heng coldly. His eyes were cold, and he said faintly: "I hope you can still be so eloquent after your mouth is rotten." "

  I don't bother you to bother, you don't have the qualifications." Xiao Heng said lightly.

  "Hmph!" With a cold snort, Hun Xuzi turned his head and said nothing. He also understood that he was no match for Xiao Heng in talking nonsense, so naturally he no longer humiliated himself, but in his heart, he had already begun to figure out what to do. Brew Xiao Heng.

  Seeing that Hun Xuzi stopped talking, Xiao Heng didn't bother to hit him, turned his head and stopped talking.

  On the side, seeing the angry look of Hunxuzi, the elders of the Yao clan suddenly became more pleased with Xiao Heng. At the same time, they also made up their mind that they would never conflict with this kid easily, otherwise it would be difficult to end it. Even if there was a conflict, they would not be able to fight with him. He talks nonsense and just does it.

  However, those who started really early, except for those three or four people, probably no one could survive ten moves under Xiao Heng alone. Those who could survive ten moves were already considered masters.


  Everyone has fallen down, and the time is almost up. Yaodan stood up, his eyes slowly swept over everyone, and his voice was like a thunder, suddenly spreading across the world.

  "The time has come, the Pharmacopoeia begins!"

  The Pharmacopoeia is the best alchemist conference in the continent. The winner is called the First Alchemist. This title is probably not wanted by anyone who is an alchemist.

  The Pharmacopoeia was reported by the Yao Clan and invited the top alchemists from all over the continent. As the host, no one can question the Yao Clan's professionalism in alchemy.

  Due to their bloodline, the people of the Medicine Clan are natural alchemists. Even those who have not awakened their bloodline have many talents that alchemists can satisfy. With those who have awakened their bloodline, without exception, everyone is an alchemist. , still the kind of person with very strong talents.

  However, this kind of talent will be useless and even become a hindrance after the alchemy skill reaches a certain level. This is not only the case for the Medicine Clan, but also for other ancient races. Bloodline can make them powerful, but it can also make them stronger. They are satisfied with breaking through the boundaries of bloodline, but even so, bloodline is still something that most people can't dream of.

  The Medicine Clan's alchemy skills are extremely powerful, and there are many high-level alchemists. However, there are also top alchemists in the outside world.

  After Yaodan announced the start of the pharmacopoeia, some juniors from the Yao clan also began to perform on stage.

  Yes, it's just a performance. Even if these people's alchemy skills are already very good, even better than the champions at the Alchemist Conference reported by Danta, in the eyes of people like Xiao Heng, it's just a performance.

  This is an exhibition match for the Medicine Clan, and it is also a stage for the Medicine Clan to show off their strength, and the performances on this stage are pretty good. The worst people who go up are all sixth-grade alchemists, there are also quite a few seventh-grade alchemists, and there are also eight-grade alchemists. There are also about ten people, and the gold content is much higher than that of the Alchemist Conference.

  Among them, the one with the best alchemy skills is the eighth-grade elixir from Yaotian and Nine-Colored Danyun. This strength is quite powerful. However, when he saw the calm Xiao Hengxiao in the audience, When the two of them met Yan, the joy of winning the championship suddenly disappeared, replaced by anger and resentment.

  He has not forgotten what Xiao Heng did to him, forcibly extracting the strange fire, causing him to lose half his life. If it weren't for the many methods of the Yao clan, he would probably be useless. However, even so, after the last trip, His status in the Medicine Clan also plummeted.

  However, no matter the resentment, Xiao Heng saw it, but he didn't care. At this moment, they were no longer on the same level, and they didn't bother to argue with him at all.

  The exhibition match lasted for more than ten days, and more than ten days was nothing to old people like Yao Dan and Shen Nong. It was about the same time as it took for them to sleep. These people lived too long, thousands of Years have changed, and more than ten days are just a drop in the bucket.

  Xiao Heng felt a little bored. More than ten days were enough for him to do some small things, so it was a pity to waste it like this.

  However, after the exhibition match, Xiao Heng's half-closed eyes finally opened. Like him, at this moment, not only were everyone not disappointed, but they were even more excited, because they knew that the real climax of the Pharmacopoeia had just begun. The prologue, what follows, is the real eye-opening time.

  "Haha... it's finally about to begin." After the exhibition match, Yao Lao also smiled. As an alchemist, even he was looking forward to the next drama. Even if he didn't intend to participate, it didn't matter. His disciples would participate.

  Xiao Heng smiled slightly. He was also a little excited to be able to compete with the top alchemists on the continent in person! These people will definitely not disappoint him.

  Xiao Yan's fingers swayed slightly in the wine glass, he glanced at Xiao Heng, and said with a smile: "This time, I will legitimately beat you." "Stop

  talking nonsense, I gave in to you last time, and you barely won it. That champion, I won’t let you go this time.” Xiao Heng chuckled.

  Last time, for the sake of the overall situation, he finally gave up to Xiao Yan and gave up the championship position to Xiao Yan, but this time, he was not going to give up. As for Xiao Yan, he was somewhat regretful that he could not defeat Xiao Heng openly and openly!

  Hearing the conversation between the two, Yao Lao smiled slightly and said: "Don't be too proud. Although there are not many people participating in this competition, everyone is an absolute strong opponent. Except for you two, that Hun Xuzi, Elder Wan Huo and old Shen Nong are not fuel-efficient lamps."

  "Aren't you going to use the medicine pill?" Xiao Yan was a little confused when he didn't hear the name of the medicine pill.

  Yao Lao shook his head slightly and said: "As the leader of the Medicine Clan, he naturally has some pride, but his medicine refining skills are not inferior to anyone I just mentioned." "Don't take action? This is a bit of a pity

  . Ah! I also want to see how powerful this medicine clan leader is in refining medicine!" Xiao Heng chuckled and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but it's okay. It's not like he can compete with so many experts. It’s a waste of time.

  The three of them talked in low voices, and the elder of the Yao Clan also finished the exhibition game. Yao Dan stood up again, looked around at everyone, and a smile appeared on his face.

  "Haha, after the appetizers are finished, it's time for the main dishes to be served. I know what you are thinking very well, so I won't be too pretentious. After all, I can't wait..." "This Pharmacopoeia Conference

  , There are a total of five people participating, and I don’t need to tell you, you can probably guess a thing or two about these five people. As for which one of them can take away the title of the number one alchemist in the continent, it depends on their ability."

  "And now, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Five of you, please show up! Let others see the style of the five of you...!"... "It's


  about to start, I can't wait...!"

  (End of chapter)

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