Chapter 76 The Shock of the Explosion (please follow up)

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  The shock of Chapter 76 (please follow up)
  The arrows fired by Teresa and the other attendants all hit the shields of the three apprentices.

  The shield became thinner, but the arrow did not break the shield.

  However, in the face of Ricardo, whose strength surpassed that of the new senior wizard apprentice.

  Three junior wizard apprentices don't need to expend much effort at all.

  A few powder packets and arrows already had the three opponents in a hurry.

  Ricardo controlled the illusory vines in the ground to burst out of the ground and penetrate directly into the thighs of the three apprentices.

  at the same time.

  boom! ...

  The evil flower spirit puppet's clone in the distance also arrived on horseback, holding two pistols.

  The accuracy of the shooting skill of comprehensive archery was demonstrated!
  The thin shield shattered in an instant.

  The thighs of the three apprentices were destroyed by Ricardo in one direct encounter.


  The other party screamed.

  Ricardo directly continued to ride forward.

  At the same time, several stun spells were released in succession.

  This more refined version of the mental shock hit the three of them on the head.

  The three wizard apprentices immediately passed out.

  ...The progress of the Flower of Evil increases...

  Ignore the panel prompts.

  "Theresa, you capture them first, stop their bleeding, and let them survive at least tonight." "

  There is a fourth-level knight in front, who should be the leader of the bandits. You can follow after you take care of it."

  Ricardo did not turn around. , gave the order directly to Teresa.

  He rode forward.

  Two scout owls fly in the sky.

  Ricardo's clone wearing black rattan armor also followed closely.

  Theresa assigned her attendants to work.

  When she saw the Evil Flower Spirit Puppet wearing black vine armor passing by, she felt a little mixed in her heart.

  She didn't know where it came from, Ricardo's subordinate.

  But the tacit understanding between the other party and Ricardo...this unspoken tacit understanding...and really...enviable.


  More than ten minutes later.

  Led by Scout Owl.

  Ricardo caught up with a sturdy man in front.

  The opponent's strength and momentum are probably around the fourth level.

  Ricardo simply perceived the divination, but felt that the other party was not that simple.

  Ricardo shot an arrow into the opponent's thigh.

  He wants to harvest a wave of malice first.

  The quality of the opponent's armor was obviously not that good, and Ricardo's arrow pierced directly into the opponent's thigh, which was covered by the armor.


  The opponent fell off the horse directly.

  The sturdy man turned over directly and faced Ricardo.


  Captain Shanlang saw Ricardo.

  He wanted to subconsciously draw the knight's sword.

  But his intuition as a bandit over many years told him that Ricardo's calm and confident attitude seemed to have hidden power that he could not withstand!
  He may have no way out!

  "You and Kerry look quite similar."

  Captain Shanlang sighed.

  Ricardo was approaching him slowly on horseback, with that comfortable posture and the physical strength that could be felt.

  There are also spell items in the opponent's hand.

  In addition, he had been hit by an arrow in his thigh and was bleeding profusely.

  Not to mention, there are other pursuers behind...

  "Maliciousness, compared to a fourth level, is a little less..."

  Ricardo frowned.

  The strength he displayed may be too terrifying, causing the other party not only to lose his strong desire to resist, but also to have very limited hostility towards him.

  Ricardo raised his riding crop high and struck it on the opponent's other thigh.

  The power of the senior knight is fully demonstrated.

  The heavy whip struck the opponent's other thigh, which was not protected by armor.

  Just let the opponent's skin and bones come out.

  A muffled groan.

  The mountain wolf leader just didn't scream.

  "Young man..."

  Mountain Wolf suddenly took out a water bag from his waist and abdomen, opened the mouth of the bag, and took a sip of the wine inside.

  "You are very powerful...but like this! I can't let you become Kerry's enemy!" After

  finishing the drink, Captain Shanlang took out a dark mirror directly from his belt.

  He stabbed the dark mirror directly into his thigh, where he was bleeding.

  "You! Die with me!"

  The mountain wolf's face was ferocious, and his eyes looking at the sky were filled with the will to die and determination.

  When Ricardo saw Shanlang's operation, he immediately felt alarmed.


  At this moment, Theresa caught up from behind and arrived a hundred meters behind Ricardo.

  "Don't come up!"

  Ricardo waved his hand to stop him.

  He saw the dark mirror in front of him where the mountain wolf's thigh was bleeding. A snowflake's smiling face appeared on the mirror.

  Then, a pair of small hands and a pair of small feet grew out of the mirror frame.

  "La~ la la~~ la la la~~"

  The smiling face of the snowflake in the mirror sang a children's song.

  At the same time, the flesh and blood of the mountain wolf quickly disappeared from the thigh area.

  A new dark mirror with long arms and legs crawled out from the bloody mouth.

  "La~ la la~~"

  After the new mirror climbed out, it held hands with the original dark mirror.

  ...Then, another one...

  'An evil curse has been detected and is being absorbed...'

  the mechanical sound of the panel sounded.

  "Damn it!"


  Ricardo immediately judged the situation.

  "Gotta stop it!"

  Ricardo never showed mercy by waiting for the enemy BOSS to transform and awaken before fighting him.

  His eyes immediately turned cold.

  He has made the most decisive decision.

  He jumped directly from the horse.

  'Merge! '

  The evil flower of the two worlds!

  Ricardo didn't want to witness what would happen after all the dark mirrors climbed out. He just wanted to use all his personality and the most restrained ability to explode directly!

  break out!

  The enchanted vine armor on Ricardo's body was immediately covered by layers of illusory vines.

  A black armor with a black holy cloth style and a texture far superior to that of enchanted vine armor was immediately covered on it.

  Then the illusory vines extended upward and covered Ricardo's head, forming a sealed black helmet.

  The same goes for the lower body. Unlike the various gaps between the skirt and leggings of the enchanted vine armor, the black armor covers the entire body with perfect fit and flexibility.

  In the blink of an eye, Ricardo has become a black knight wearing fully enclosed black armor!
  (Temporary) Physique: 30, Spirit: 33.3
  Ricardo's physical and mental upper limits were perfectly exceeded.

  'Micro domain purifying force field! Expand! '

  The upgraded flower language ability of Brilliant Breath fully blooms here!

  This ability, which is enhanced according to the strength of attributes, is now in its strongest state ever!
  Ricardo was surrounded by scorching air currents, and countless golden light spots like fireflies flickered above the air currents.

  This golden light spot gives people an intuition that it seems to have a strong restraint effect on evil auras!

  Vine becomes sword!

  A large number of illusory vines wrapped around Ricardo's right hand. His entire right hand was wrapped, and the vines stretched crazily toward the front.

  Then it reconstructed into a black giant sword.

  The giant sword is also surrounded by golden light!


  Ricardo fell from the sky and jumped forward.

  The black giant sword in his hand stabbed directly forward.

  At this time, there were already more than a dozen pitch black mirrors with arms and legs on the body of the mountain wolf.

  They were holding hands, and the smiling faces made of snowflakes on the mirror were rotating, making the smiling faces seem to move, and the smiles became even weirder, like the smiling faces of flowers in a dark fairy tale book.

  "La~~la la la~~ la la la~~"

  the children's song sounded louder and louder.

  The black giant sword in Ricardo's hand made a straight line and pierced all the dark mirrors held together!


  Theresa, a hundred meters away, saw Ricardo changing into black armor after jumping high into the air.

  Although they are hundreds of meters apart.

  But she still felt Ricardo's momentum.

  Especially the sight of the vines forming a black giant sword on her right hand and the golden light spots surrounding her body shocked her deeply!
  This... what level of knight is this?

  At least... At least he's at the level of a high-level knight...

  No! more than!

  Teresa thought of the senior knights of the Jinlu family and An Erjie of the Binghu family. Her intuition told her at this moment that Ricardo was far stronger than both of them in terms of knight strength!
  And Ricardo...

  he who showed off his strength as a knight...

  is a wizard's apprentice who is far more mysterious than outsiders expected!


   (PS: Please read it! Thanks to Di An Tian Hun, A, B, C, D, C, B, A and other water friends for their rewards and monthly recommendations! Many water friends, Qingyu will keep it in mind. On the day I finished the book, all the familiar faces were there one by one. Thanks!)
  (End of chapter)

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