Chapter 67: Conquering the Gang III (please follow up)

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  Chapter 67: Conquering the Gang III (please read it later)

  Not all parking lots are flat.

  This is a parking lot that has been used for many years. There are some potholes in it, and there are some gravels in the potholes.

  Under Ricardo's intention, the illusory vines directly knocked the gravel into the air.

  Part of the illusory vines stretched vertically directly in front of him and began to form a vine shield.

  Under the sound of gravel.

  Ricardo has been alerted, and all the Nanyang gang gunmen are waiting in the parking lot!

  In Ricardo's subtle perception, he heard the sound of many pistol safety openings.

  With the suit he was wearing and the Chinese face that appeared in Sunset Street, if the other party had exchanged some information, they might have guessed or determined that it was him.

  "Fah, that's him!"

  A Nanyang gunman had already rushed out of a car, opened the door, and started to prepare to drive.

  He recognized Ricardo.

  However, Ricardo obviously had no intention of giving these gunners whose strength was too far behind his own more opportunities to perform.

  His stay just now was just to secretly summon a clone of the Evil Flower Spirit Puppet.

  I want the Evil Flower Spirit Puppet to participate in this malicious profit sharing!

  The evil flower puppet's clone held a modern compound crossbow in its hand, with several unsharpened arrows already mounted on it.

  The avatar raised its hand to raise a modern compound crossbow and fired at the locked Nanyang gunner!

  at the same time.

  Ricardo's illusory vines spreading from the ground have reached the feet or behind the various Nanyang gunmen.


  Some gunmen were immobilized by vines, while others were knocked down by vines.

  The knocked down gunman was directly dragged towards Ricardo by the illusory vines.

  A gunman has pressed the trigger of his pistol.

  But the illusory vines in front of him went directly along his trouser legs, the climbing net, and then in front of his hand, where they unfolded gray sunflower flowers and wrapped around the right hand holding the pistol.

  The bullet was directly connected to the right hand and exploded in the gray sunflower flower package!

  "Damn it!"



  There were seven gunmen from the Nanyang Gang. Within a few seconds, they had no time to make unnecessary moves.

  He was subdued by Ricardo within a few breaths!

  Everyone was bound by vines and dragged towards Ricardo's feet.

  Several people had been hit by arrows shot by their clones on their bodies or clothes!
  Flower of Evil: 117%...125%
  'The progress of Flower of Evil has been improved, and the Ice Lake Breathing Technique has been upgraded to level 4 by 61%. '

  Ice Lake Breathing Technique has been improved! Getting closer and closer to the level of a fifth-level senior knight!

  Moreover, these gunmen did not have time to show Ricardo all their malice.

  In the following preparations, more will be squeezed out!
  However, compared to the original second-level ferocious knight John in the black suit, and the evil bear, these gunmen seemed to be lower in strength and villainy than the former two.

  At least in terms of strength, no one has reached the level of a first-order knight.

  After all, it is difficult for a person to reach the first level by just practicing gun training and basic fitness.

  "We have to find a place for the clones to cook."

  Although the mosquitoes are small, there are seven of these gunmen.

  And if a single gang member shoots someone at an early age, his or her mentality will quickly become greatly distorted, although what they do may not be as sinful as a bear killing a stowaway and selling his organs.

  But I guess it adds up to a lot.

  Ricardo raised his head and saw the window on the third floor of Yiguo White Nightclub not far away.

  That window was the window of the "torture interrogation room" used by Ricardo.

  It was getting dark at this time.

  The fight just now only happened in a few breaths, and the gunfire was limited to the explosion wrapped in gray sunflowers.

  The parking lot was not at the opening point of the nightclub at this time, so few people noticed the movement here just now.

  Ricardo dragged the seven gunmen over and found an angle and time where no one around him was paying attention.

  He walked to the nightclub building, raised his hand, stretched out an illusory vine, stretched upward and opened the window.

  Then he used illusory vines to lift the seven gunmen up one by one and threw them into the room through the third-floor window of the nightclub.

  Then, he used the illusory vines as support, and with the cooperation of the knight's combat skills, he easily climbed the wall to the third floor and jumped into it.

  There was no one in the room.

  Ricardo sent a text message to John in the black suit, saying that he had subdued the gunman and needed to interrogate the gunman in the room on the third floor for a few hours.


  He locked the door, called his clone to the side, and began to record the next action pattern...


  passed quickly.

  After taking a car from the airport, Mike Qiao, the boss of the Dongdaquan Gang, and his party were not far from the Yiguo White Nightclub.

  in two black cars.

  In the back seat of a car was Mike Joe.

  The front passenger seat of the car is a big bear.

  Mike Joe is tall and burly, but his hair is already graying and there are some scars on his cheeks, which adds a bit of age and fierceness to him.

  He closed his eyes and looked a little tired. It seemed that the schedule and activities in the past two days had put a lot of stress on him.

  "Boss, your friend, the great DJ Madison Johnson has arrived at the store and is debugging the equipment."

  The driver was a gang member with a beard. He looked sideways at the rearview mirror on the passenger side and at the same time said to Mike Joe said.

  "I also confirmed with John that the old Richard's friend who has a grudge against the Nanyang Jiantou Master will definitely arrive tonight." "...Oh."


  Qiao closed his eyes and seemed to sigh.

  Ricardo dealt with Xiong Xiong at Yiguo White Nightclub in the early hours of Wednesday morning, and claimed within the gang that he had killed the Nanyang old man.

  On that day, Mike Joe only woke up on Wednesday afternoon because of the activities the night before.

  After that, he met his partners and caught two flights in a row, and now he just came out of the airport on Friday evening.

  He hasn't thought much about how to properly handle this matter.

  'First of all, it has not been confirmed yet whether the old Nanyang man is dead...'

  He naturally knows what the Nanyang old man is capable of.

  Without seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn't casually confirm that a mysterious person with unpredictable methods died like this.

  As for Ricardo's methods, what he can confirm now is that Ricardo is also a mystic. As for his level, there is no surveillance video on the third floor of the nightclub. The information he has received now is that John and many gang members present at the time said that the other party is very powerful and terrifying. .

  "We still have to meet up at night."

  Mike Qiao murmured.

  As for the big bear in the front passenger seat, his eyes were full of cruelty and heaviness.


  The car stopped slowly downstairs at the entrance of the nightclub.

  After the driver helped open the door, Mike Joe walked out of the car.

  From the back seat of another car, the rich man from Nanyang who came with Mike Joe came out.

  "Sivata, Madison Johnson is also an old friend of mine. I have arranged everything tonight and I will definitely satisfy you!"

  Mike Joe opened his arms to welcome him, then glanced inside the building and said to Shivata Made a gesture of invitation.

  (End of chapter)

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