Chapter 6 Accommodation and Breathing Methods (seeking further reading)

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  Chapter 6 Accommodation and Breathing Methods (please follow up)


  Return to the castle.

  Ricardo took off his coat and lay on the bed in the bedroom.

  He was a little sleepy, but he was stimulated by the experiences of the past two days. He already felt that as long as he continued to absorb evil thoughts through golden fingers and gained the ability to speak flowers such as evil from other worlds, his wizard strength would be stronger and his practice speed would be faster. quick.

  However, he soon felt the simplicity of the accommodation in the castle.

  Although he had slept in this room ten years ago.

  But during these ten years, he slept in the wizard continent and wizard civilization. The quality of life of apprentices was lower than that of wizards, but it was much better than that of backward rural castles.

  There are many details of life in wizard civilization, which simulate the feeling of modern civilization in previous lives, such as toothbrushes, toilet use, etc.

  When Ricardo thought about the way to use the toilet in a castle in the countryside, he felt a little cold on his buttocks.

  Ten years ago, the old Lord had taken great care in letting him move to this room. There were two fireplaces in the room, one more than the average room.

  Both fireplaces were lit today to remove the dampness in the room.


  Ricardo even missed the County Hotel in Shagang County where he slept yesterday.

  As the third largest port city in the empire, Sargon County has gradually entered the steam age. Steam pipes and gas lights have been laid in the hotel.

  Compared with the countryside which is still stuck in medieval style, it is also relatively advanced.

  Wait, why am I sleeping in a dark room in a castle in the country?

  It's not like I don't have a choice.

  Ricardo thought of something.

  He immediately sat up and took out high school student Ricardo's clothes from the wizard's robe and other items on the side.

  From the clothes, he found high school student Ricardo's passport, bank card, and wallet with pounds in it.

  Not here, but next door.

  I can stay in a London hotel!


  an hour later.

  London city, evening.

  There were few pedestrians on Tower Bridge in London, and only a few cars slowly passed by. The water flowing under the bridge looked pitch black, slightly reflecting the lights of the buildings along the river. The flickering light made the river look even deeper and darker.

  As a city nicknamed the 'Fog City', London is shrouded in fog at this moment, and there is still the pungent smell of car exhaust in the air.

  Ricardo, who had changed into a Western-style high school uniform, was at the entrance of the 'Triangle Memories Bar' at the entrance of Leaky Cauldron Alley.

  He prepared to walk along the sidewalk to the other side of the road.

  Waiting for a black van to pass in front of him, he crossed the sidewalk and walked to the 'Two Pines Hotel' on the opposite side.

  Two Pines Hotel, which was a four-star hotel in its previous life, is a five-star hotel in this world.

  Although there are similar place names to the previous life, this world is still very different from the previous life.

  For example, the name of the country is completely different, not to mention that there are still wizards in this world.

  Moreover, the civilian technology of this world is about twenty years behind the previous world.

  "Hello, I want to check in."

  Inside the Two Pines Hotel.

  Ricardo used the passport of a high school student to check into the executive suite of this hotel.

  All the savings of a high school student could still barely allow him to stay in a presidential suite for one night or an ambassadorial suite for a week, but Ricardo still held back.

  Along the corridor decorated in a modern style that he had not seen for many years, Ricardo swiped his card and entered his room.

  He saw the big bed, a plate of fresh fruit and a bottle of champagne on the bedside table, modern magazines and office supplies on the desk, and the sofa, glass coffee table, and TV in the living room. and stereo, and there is a deck chair and parasol on the spacious balcony to enjoy London's night views.

  "How many years have we traveled through time..."

  Ricardo walked into the bathroom and began to take off his clothes.

  When he took off his Western-style uniform this time, he discovered that there was an old push-button cell phone belonging to a high school student in the inner pocket of his clothes.

  However, he didn't care.

  This world is just a place for him to obtain resources. Among high school students, it is no problem to contact them sooner or later if they are really interested.

  After taking a comfortable hot bath, Ricardo fell asleep on the big bed.

  The next day.

  Ricardo got up and asked the hotel's housekeeping department to deliver a bunch of cold-related medicines.

  This was an important reason why he chose the executive suite yesterday.

  In this hotel, executive suites can enjoy the hotel's senior membership benefits, including more detailed room service.

  Ricardo checked the medicine.

  Among the medicines, there are those that supplement nutrition, those that relieve symptoms, and those that improve immunity and accelerate recovery.

  He took out some of the medicines and put them into wizard potion test tubes.

  He then teleported directly back to the wizarding world.


  Andrew’s bedroom door.

  Ricardo handed the medicine tube containing the medicine to the head maid.

  The head maid is the person who has been with Andrew since childhood and is also the person who Andrew trusts.

  After personally informing the head maid about the taking period of the medicine, and watching the head maid brew the potion once.

  Ricardo asked the head maid to give Andrew medicine.

  Later, Ricardo began to discuss the issue of taking over the 'Flower Manor' with the castle steward and others in the castle's study.

  He still had many inconveniences living in the main tower of the castle.

  A wizard apprentice must at least have his own laboratory.

  He has decided to move to Flower Manor as soon as possible.

  Then some of the things in Old Richard's basement still have to be moved to his laboratory here.

  Old Richard's gang in London, the East Circle Gang, is a gang that is mainly Chinese, and the interest disputes within it are still somewhat complicated.

  After old Richard passed away, there was no guarantee that some people would not come to that church to cause trouble.

  As a 'fourth-level wizard' like old Richard in the world where London is located, Ricardo is not afraid of getting into trouble.

  However, it would not be good if some items were damaged, resulting in property damage.

  to noon.

  Ricardo had a simple meal.

  The head maid ran over and found Ricardo.

  "My lord took medicine, had a good sleep, and looked much better." "

  My lord, there are some things that I would like to give to you now."

  Ricardo asked the butler to start making arrangements and move some of the things in his bedroom to Fanhua Manor. .

  Then she followed the head maid to Andrew's room.

  In Andrew's room.

  The head maid stood guard outside the door. After Ricardo entered, the head maid closed the door from the outside.

  Ricardo saw Andrew sitting on the back of the bed, wearing a pair of round glasses, looking at a roll of parchment and a book.


  "Take this box."

  Andrew's eyes widened when he saw Ricardo coming in, and he struggled to get up.

  But realizing that it was obvious that he still couldn't do it, he pointed to an iron suitcase in the cabinet nearby.

  "This is this?"

  Ricardo got the suitcase and found that the suitcase was locked and the lock was made of quite hard material.

  "The family's second heirloom, the Knight's Breathing Technique, 'War Hammer Breathing Technique'." "The

  key to the suitcase is in another place. I asked your future head maid, the second daughter of the in-laws' Golden Deer family, to pick it up. Send it to you."

  Andrew said meaningfully.

  (End of chapter)

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