Chapter 59 Harvard University (seeking to pursue further study)

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  Chapter 59 Harvard University (seeking pursuit)

  In Olivan's opinion, if Ricardo was from a secular family rather than a wizarding family, he should be yearning for these famous schools on both sides of the Atlantic.

  Of course, like the middle-aged man next to him, he also expressed sighs when mentioning these names.

  "These four wizarding universities are unique at least on both sides of the Atlantic. They form an alliance of ancient wizarding universities." "It is said that there are

  some young and outstanding wizarding universities on the west coast of North America, as well as some equally ancient hidden wizarding universities. ."

  Olivan introduced.

  He did not come from a school in the ancient wizarding university alliance, but graduated from a second-tier ordinary wizarding university where the sun never sets.

  Although, for a 'mysterious person' like him, he can still sneak into prestigious secular schools by relying on mysterious power.

  However, it is only possible to blend into the secular world. For the four schools of the 'Ancient Wizarding University Alliance', we can only hope for it.

  "In the schools of the Ancient Wizarding University Alliance, there are geniuses in every class. Before graduation, they are promoted to the level of seventh-level wizard mentor. If you, Mr. Ricardo, can be admitted, I think you have a good chance of becoming such a legendary student."

  Olivan's sighing expression reminded Ricardo of a scene in the memory fragments of high school student Ricardo.

  The uncle of Ricardo, a high school student, came to North America to open a restaurant in his early years. After he stabilized, the high school student's parents also followed and opened a small restaurant in Chinatown, Boston, North America.

  The only time Ricardo, a high school student, went to visit his parents was when he was interviewed at the federal consulate in Meilong Town Square, the magical capital of Yi Kingdom.

  The person at the front of the queue happened to be a student who was going to Harvard.

  The white North American aunt who was interviewing the student at the consulate exclaimed on the spot when she heard that the student was studying at Harvard. Her expression made people think that she was the parent of the Yiguo aunt who had passed the college entrance examination score line.

  "I'd like to lend you some good advice,"

  Ricardo replied casually.

  In the modern world where London is located, wizard apprentices are called wizard masters, and formal wizards in the wizarding world are called seventh-level wizard mentors. This difference in titles reflects that the level of wizard civilization here is indeed lower than that of the wizarding continent.

  But since the wizarding university can provide students with the resources and theories to advance to official wizards, Ricardo will not underestimate it in any case.

  He is now only a few days away from completely cracking the magic stone protective circle in Old Richard's basement.

  At that time, the specific school to go to will depend on the resources left by Old Richard.

  However, in general, Ricardo could tell that among the four schools, Honeysel University, which is bound to Harvard, and Clock Tower University, which is bound to Oxford St. Ann's, have a higher status.

  He should choose between these two schools.


  "One magic stone includes an exchange fee of about 10,000 pounds. Your rank is level five. This year's exchange share is 100 magic stones. A total of 1 million pounds needs to be paid." When talking to a middle-aged man from a currency exchange

  shop After people communicated about the exchange price of magic stones and pounds.

  Ricardo swiped the card readily.

  While the account was being transferred, the middle-aged man had already asked the clerk to wait beside him with the magic stone in advance.

  Pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in one hand.

  Transaction complete.

  Ricardo signed the transaction sheet.

  Another 100 magic stones have been received.

  During this period, not counting old Richard's inheritance and his original net worth, Ricardo received three to four hundred magic stones worth from the old man from Nanyang alone.

  In addition to the hundred magic stones now purchased with the Nanyang old man's 1 million pounds.

  Ricardo's magic stone assets were expanding rapidly.

  'If you want to take care of Miss Vera for the annexation of the Wind Wolf Barony, it would be enough to take out a small amount of magic stones. After all, things like territory are too indirect for the growth of ordinary wizard apprentices. "

  And from Miss Vera's perspective, I have limited funds. Once I have a certain amount, I should be able to express my feelings." '

  Ricardo calculated the next item for the magic stone.

  But after entering the project, Ricardo thought about what Zach had mentioned, about the high-level members of North American gangs using magic stones to launder money.

  He turned a corner slightly and inquired with the middle-aged man in front of him.

  "This...I don't know."

  "However, institutions like the Wizards Association are a bunch of old civil servants who are too lazy to reform and make big moves. Maybe according to the rules of the Wizards Association, when the magic stone is exchanged for pounds, the payment When the pounds are transferred to the account of the exchanger, there should be specialized personnel to clean up the source of the funds." "It is

  impossible for the international anti-money laundering organization to eventually trace the money laundering to the wizard. I estimate that if what you said is true, there may be There are organizations in the secular world, and they are using a large number of first- and second-level professionals to engage in this kind of business."

  After hearing the middle-aged man's analysis, Ricardo nodded, he thought the same thing.

  The Wizards Association has regulations that prohibit wizards from participating in many secular matters, and monitors the so-called 'standard spells' of this world.

  If he hadn't used spells and abilities that were not from this world, he might have been targeted by the Wizards Association and invited to tea.

  If the North American side is really messing around, they are probably trying to do it secretly.

  "However, regardless of whether it is legal or not, it is true that a large number of professionals can exchange magic stones."

  Ricardo thought of Nono.

  If the other party is really related to the North American Big Circle Gang, maybe you can use her channels to ask how to get this exchange share from the North American Gang.

  Of course, if he is admitted to Wizard University, the extra 500 magic stones that he can exchange every two years will be used immediately.


  When Ricardo was about to leave Olivan’s Magical Plant Shop, Olivan stopped him.

  "Mr. Ricardo, seven or eight new extraordinary plants have arrived in our store. Do you want to take a look?"

  Olivan pointed to the back area of ​​the store.

  Ricardo nodded. It just so happened that his Flower of Evil progress gauge was now over 200%.

  After Ricardo followed Olivan to the store, after looking around at extraordinary plants, he gave himself a simple divination.

  'Let me divine whether there are any plants that would be very useful to me at this stage. '

  Mobilize your own spirituality and let it deal with the issues you care about.

  Ricardo closed his eyes.

  In his dark field of vision, some silver light spots appeared somewhere in front of him.

  Ricardo opened his eyes and saw the extraordinary plant corresponding to the silver light spot just now.

  It's a few orchids.

  He walked over again, stretched out his hand, and placed it on the orchid leaves.

  'Sheltering orchid: a mutated extraordinary plant. An herbaceous plant with white or lavender flowers that are tube-shaped and have a strong fragrance. Its characteristic is that it can grow in the shade, does not require sunlight or soil, and can survive as long as there is air and moisture. '

  (End of chapter)

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