Chapter 56: Return to London and start promotion (please follow up)

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  Chapter 56: Return to London and start promotion (please read)
  Flower of Evil: 185%...186%

  Ricardo rode by.

  The progress of the Flower of Evil has only increased a little. It seems that the opposite side was just harvested yesterday, and now it is more difficult to squeeze out new progress.

  Ricardo felt a little disappointed.

  But he still waved the riding whip in his hand on the street, and at the same time gave the captain of the guard of Baron Windwolf a rough mental deterrent of War Hammer.


  At the same time as the whip cracked and exploded, the other party was also stunned by the mental shock.

  Flower of Evil progress has been fixed.

  Ricardo looked at Baron Wind Wolf behind the opponent, wanting to see if he could come up with some new tricks.

  Beep -

  the sound of the cavalry whistle sounded.

  From behind the detention team, a demon hunting knight rode over.

  It was Browning Iwayama who had approached Ricardo before.

  Ricardo understood that even if Baron Wind Wolf's malicious intentions were revealed, it would be difficult to attack the other party's solidification progress.

  He still had something to do today that involved a big promotion, so he decided not to waste time here.

  He found the location of Theresa's carriage on the edge of town and rode there.


  Lord Binghu leads the main building of the castle.

  Andrew was praying in the newly cleaned prayer room.

  Sometimes he closed his eyes, sometimes he looked at the emblem of the constellation goddess on the wall of the prayer room, recalling the prayer rituals he performed when he was a devout believer.

  Ricardo had a conflict with the captain of the guard of Baron Wind Wolf yesterday, and then rushed to the county seat.

  After leaving, bandits appeared in the surrounding villages of Ice Lake Territory, and the towns of Wind Wolf Territory were suspected of preparing for military force.

  This information made Andrew, who was recovering from his illness, cough repeatedly and become extremely anxious.

  "Sir, there seem to be many knights gathering in the direction of Fenglang Town."

  The head maid intermittently delivered information to the prayer room.

  This is the message received by the castle tower sentinel from a distant sentinel.

  "Let's see again."

  "The Wind Wolf Leader probably never knew that I had started to recover after taking the wizard's potion. They should still be waiting."

  Andrew judged.

  Another moment passed.

  "Master, the latest news is that there seem to be fires burning in several places in the town of Wind Wolf Territory!" The

  head maid came to the prayer room again to deliver information,
  "It seems that there are cavalry attacking the town of Wind Wolf Territory!"

  I heard Andrew's face was full of confusion at the head maid's words.

  What will happen?
  How could any cavalry attack the Wind Wolf Territory at this time?

  Andrew quickly left the prayer room. He wanted to go to the top of the main building in person to take a look at the situation in the town of Wind Wolf Territory.

  "My lord!"

  On his way to the top of the main building, the captain of the castle guard came to the main building.

  "Sir! The latest information from the border stronghold is Master Ricardo, Lord Ricardo! He is leading the knights from the county to attack the Wind Wolf Territory!" the

  guard captain said excitedly.

  He knew that Andrew might not understand what he meant at the moment, so he took a few steps forward and began to explain the information just now in detail.

  When Andrew heard this information, he was not as excited as the captain of the guard. Compared to the captain of the guard, he knew that Ricardo had not told Paris about the things that could heal the spiritual space before.

  He also didn't know about Ricardo's pen pal club. He was not sure about what price Ricardo would pay for today's scene and what the outcome would be.


  All we can do is wait.

  a long time.


  This time, the head maid came over happily to deliver the information:
  "Sir Ricardo's carriage is back! It has returned safely from the town of Wind Wolf. The carriage is driven by Teresa herself!" "

  I went up to inquire. The guard got a reply: It was said that Baron Wind Wolf had colluded with the enemies of the wizard in the county, and now the entire Baron Wind Wolf family has been arrested and detained!" "Theresa said, according to Lord Ricardo's original words: The Baron

  Wind Wolf family is going to be finished. It's over! It's going to be over!"

  The head maid said excitedly. As one of the people closest to Andrew, she understood what Andrew was most worried about.

  Andrew listened to this.

  He raised his head in surprise, his eyes shining brightly.


  Get on the carriage driven by Theresa and let Theresa drive out from behind the wind wolf.

  Ricardo told Teresa to leave him alone and treat him as if he was in the carriage, then returned to the Ice Lake Territory to handle his own affairs.

  He was then transported directly to the modern world in the carriage.


  Ricardo appears in a crypt beneath an abandoned church.

  After changing into a suit, he found an old push-button cell phone from his previous suit and turned it on.

  As soon as the phone was turned on, many missed calls and unread text messages popped up.

  Ricardo didn't take a closer look, but just glanced up and confirmed that most of them were from Nono, and some were from other exchange students, Olivan's Magical Plant Shop, etc.

  He had no time for these people now.

  His mind was now on his upcoming promotion.

  He immediately called John in the black suit from the Dongdaquan Gang:
  "Have you found the gangsters or small scumbag gang I wanted before? I'll come over after you find them."

  After confirming, John in the black suit has already done it. After the incident.

  Ricardo immediately took a taxi to the 'Yi Guo White' nightclub.

  'Yiguobai' nightclub.

  Ricardo, wearing a black suit, strode to the fitness area on the third floor of the nightclub.

  In the fitness area, many gang members are exercising.

  After Ricardo suddenly appeared on the third floor.

  Most of the gang members who were present last time were trembling slightly.

  After some gang members caught sight of Ricardo's figure from the corner of their eyes, they immediately retracted their gaze, and then pretended to continue working on the fitness equipment in their hands.

  The atmosphere in the entire fitness area seemed to have been pressed on the slow-down button, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit depressing and dull.

  A few members of the Lengtouqing gang who were not there last time, the sound of hitting sandbags echoed in the fitness area on the third floor.

  "Just do whatever you want, continue."

  Ricardo waved his hand, and his clear and powerful voice reached the ears of the gang members in the hall.

  "Master, Boss John is waiting for you."

  John's younger brother stepped forward to greet Ricardo.

  Ricardo asked the other party to lead the way and went directly to the room where John in the black suit was.

  John in a black suit was inside, together with several muscular men with shirtless tattoos, staring at the four Nanyang gangsters tied up in the room.

  As soon as Ricardo entered the door, he spoke bluntly:
  "Tell me about the situation of these people. I told you before, before I take over, let me deal with their bloody nature." John in the black suit subconsciously shuddered when he heard Ricardo's voice

  . Shivering, he immediately turned around, bowed and saluted, considered his words before speaking.

  "These scum belong to a Nanyang gang in the suburbs. They had a lot of dealings with the Xiong brothers and the Big Xiong brothers in the past." "

  They did the same thing as the Xiong brothers in the past. They have been engaged in smuggling, smuggling and organ trafficking in London. There is even a trade in the organs of dead bodies. Countless Asians are killed by them every year when they cross the sea illegally." "

  The trade in dead body organs that broke out at Harvard Medical School in North America a few days ago is that their compatriots in Boston have been doing this. Blending and chaos. The dozens of stowaways who froze to death in London's refrigerated trucks had not been caught by the London police when things got too big. They would probably have to deal with those dead people as well." Ricardo nodded, and he stepped forward and kicked them with his feet

  . He kicked the four people who were tied up.

  The four of them were still conscious. When they saw a tender-faced man like Ricardo tossing them like this, they immediately began to struggle.

  Their eyes were full of anger and their faces were ferocious. It looked like they had been in the dark areas of society for many years. They might even have been born and raised in a criminal village.

  It can be seen that John in the black suit followed Ricardo's instructions and did not destroy the temperament of these four people in advance.

  Ricardo faced several people on the ground, provoking them one by one with his feet and spit, testing the degree of malice they offered.

  "Yes, everyone is very malicious. It seems that they are all bad. John, you did a good job."

  Ricardo praised.

  "Leave it to me later. You go out and don't let anyone else come in."

  John in black suits quickly called a few strong men out of the room. Then he also walked outside the door. Before closing the room, he said carefully:
  "The door is open." You brought it with you. The inheritance of the old man from Nanyang has been disposed of. Please remember to come and receive it later." "


  Ricardo thought of the fact that pounds can be exchanged for magic stones. He raised his hand to John and said:
  " I will spend half a day killing him just like last time. But I will come out later. I want the inheritance to be converted into pounds as much as possible. You prepare it for me first." Ricardo's understatement made John in the black suit listen

  . I couldn't help but want to close my eyes.

  After he met Ricardo, he had a great realization:
  in the past, he thought that killing someone without blinking an eye and killing someone in one second was cruel;

  but now, he knew that the real boss was the one who killed people for a long time. ruthless person.


  Watching John in the black suit carefully close the door, Ricardo summoned the evil flower ghost clone.

  He began to record the action pattern for the clone, testing it while recording.

  Naturally, the long-term hard work of squeezing out malice must be left to the clone.

  It not only saves energy, but also improves knight skills.


  Flower of Evil: 185%...203%
  'The progress of the Flower of Evil has been improved, and the Demon Hunter Knight's Breathing Technique has been improved...'

  The Demon Hunter Knight's Breathing Technique is about to be advanced!
  Once he advanced and his mental power increased, it meant that Ricardo was promoted to a senior wizard apprentice.

   Please read it! Thank you!
  (End of chapter)

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