Chapter 51 Lady Hedwig’s Friendship (please follow up)

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  Chapter 51 Lady Hedwig's Friendship (please read)

  This flower language ability is based on the fusion of the two flower language abilities of radiant breath and redemptive breath, and has been upgraded.

  The invisible force field developed by Ricardo was like a part of his body.

  Inheriting the effect of the scorching airflow of the Radiant Breath, this force field can also turn into scorching pressure.

  Ricardo controlled the force field, forming two pairs of invisible hands.

  One invisible hand blocked the prison car apprentice's mouth, while the other fiercely burned the other's body, which was scarred by torture.


  The wizard's apprentice in the prison car suddenly widened his eyes, struggling wildly and shaking his head like a condemned prisoner who had been tied up with a rope and was about to be hanged.

  He wanted to speak, but was blocked and speechless.

  The burning pain from his body violently stimulated his spirit.

  He looked at Ricardo's slightly narrowed and cold eyes and seemed to understand something.

  But there was nothing he could do. The flames of hatred in his heart were blazing, but in a blink of an eye, the next wave of pain swept through all the touches.

  'The progress of the Flower of Evil has been improved, and the Demon Hunter Knight's Breathing Technique has been increased to level 0 by 83%. '

  Ricardo and his clones started the first wave of provocation with their saliva, and after the process of solidifying the Flower of Evil with the force field, they rested for a few seconds and immediately started the second round.

  The second round ended, and soon, the progress of the Demon Hunter's Breathing Technique reached level 0, 83%.

  A lot of insights about the breathing method of the Demon Hunter came to Ricardo's mind.

  This breathing method is based on and adapted from the practice method of the "Demon Hunter" in the Wizarding Continent.

  The witcher is a supernatural profession between a knight and a wizard.

  Many of the followers of wizards in the Wizarding Continent have no wizard qualifications or wisdom, and many of them will start to seek a special path like a demon hunter.

  To change the profession of a witcher, the wizard needs to provide the other party with a construct inscription, or other means of leaving a simulated inscription on the witcher.

  Combined with suitable extraordinary potions and trial methods like the 'Trial of Green Grass'.

  When the demon hunter's body finally adapts and fuses the three simulated inscriptions to form an integrated simulated seal, the job change is successful.

  The practice of the Demon Hunter's Breathing Technique simulates and approximates this process.

  The difference is that this breathing method requires the consumption of a large amount of spirit and precious secret medicine. By performing prayer rituals to the fallen heroes over the years, one can obtain the fragmentary breath of some law threads and stimulate the spirit, thereby gradually improving the extraordinary status. , so that mental power can also be slightly improved.

  "In the version of the Demon Hunter's Breathing Technique that I got, many of the fallen heroes to whom I prayed were actually those who followed the path of the God of War or were heroes from the Church of the God of War, which is somewhat consistent with the Hammer of War Breathing Technique practiced."

  Ricardo I feel that the Demon Hunting Breathing Method and the Warhammer Breathing Method have some similarities.

  However, the former can enhance mental power and has matching secret skills for weak souls; while

  the latter has a special deterrent effect of manipulating airflow. There is still a difference between the two.


  After two rounds of torture, the wizard apprentice in the prison car was so painful that he passed out.

  Temporarily remove the evil flower spirit puppet.

  Ricardo looked at the breathing method that had not yet advanced to the first level, thinking about how to control the clone later to get more benefits from this operation against the Wind Wolf Leader.


  "Lady Hedwig!"

  At this time.

  There was a loud song of birds in the sky.

  Ricardo saw that the black owl with glasses that had appeared next to Vera was soaring high in the sky and stretched its wings.

  The owl flew low and fast.

  Then he approached the marching knights.


  The owl Hedwig stopped at the wizard's apprentice's prison car.


  Hedwig's claws stepped on the wooden bars on the top of the prison van.

  She vigorously patted the top of the prison car with her big black bird wings, and then glanced at Ricardo with her pair of bespectacled bird eyes.

  An awkward smile appeared on Ricardo's face.

  Looking at the bookish black owl wearing glasses.

  Seeing the other party assuming such an accusatory posture.

  Ricardo had a sense of deja vu after being caught by the bespectacled Chinese class teacher when he was doing small tricks in school in his previous life.

  Ricardo smiled awkwardly again.

  'Have I been caught doing something bad? '

  he thought.

  Suddenly, he seemed to have a telepathy and thought of Miss Vera's lack of magic stones that Paris once mentioned.

  He hesitated for a second.

  Then he took out two magic stones from the storage bag of magic items and carefully placed them on the edge of the window of the carriage carriage.

  Then when she looked at Hedwig, for a short moment, she showed an apologetic and bribing look.

  "Gu... Gugu!!"

  Hedwig's eyes widened when she saw this, seemingly in disbelief.

  Then, she hesitated for a second.

  I wanted to refuse, but then I seemed to think that I had a friend who was short of money.

  It's a bit difficult to handle.

  It’s hard to kill a bird.

  The owl has an anthropomorphic expression on its face.

  After a few breaths, Hedwig took off from the prison car again, flapped her wings a few times, and passed the edge of the Ricardo window.

  Ricardo felt as if a gust of wind was blowing in front of him. When they saw each other again, the two magic stones had disappeared.

  And then the next second.

  Hedwig, a black owl wearing glasses, hovered at his window, a pair of wings swinging forward.

  Ricardo looked at Hedwig's eyes under her glasses.

  It seems like, in my previous life, when I was a child, I wrote half a page of good things about my beautiful Chinese teacher on a test paper that I didn’t know how to do. Then when he was called to the office, the teacher looked helpless but accepted the praise.

  It is truly an extraordinary creature with unfathomable intelligence and strength.

  Ricardo sighed inwardly.


  Hedwig took a deep look at Ricardo and seemed to remember Ricardo's face.

  Then she flew high again.

  A few seconds later.

  High in the sky, there was a scream that was unique to hawks!

  ——The core town of the Wind Wolf Territory has come into view in the distance on the horizon!
  ——Right now, this improvised knights must start to get into position and be more vigilant!


  Ricardo climbed out of the carriage.

  Passing by Teresa, he took a step forward and sat on the horse pulling the cart in front.

  It was also the first time in his life that he was in this kind of knighthood.

  He looked at the knights in armor on both sides.

  Not a moment later.

  Paris then slowed down his horse and walked around Ricardo's carriage.

  Apparently, Ricardo's strange behavior with the owl Hedwig just now alerted him.

  Paris rode his horse to Ricardo's side.

  "Did you communicate with Lady Hedwig just now?"

  Paris looked forward and whispered.


  Ricardo knew that the other person should be Vera's pet, but he was still surprised to hear Paris also call him "sir".

  "Of course, sir. Lady Vera, send Lady Hedwig to handle this matter. We will basically not be in danger this time." "

  However, Lady Hedwig is mainly responsible for dealing with the wizard apprentice suspected of evil spirits in the Wind Wolf Territory. We still have to leave the lower-level combat power to us."

  "If you can gain Lady Hedwig's friendship, then let everyone know that you are the most difficult person to mess with among the entire Demon Hunter Knights,"

  Paris explained. .

  (End of chapter)

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