96. Chapter 96: Harvest Two Key Roads (will be released next Monday at 1205)

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  Chapter 96: Two Key Roads to Harvest (on the shelves next Monday at 1205)

  When the clerk had almost finished the introduction, at Ricardo's request, the clerk also arranged to transport a sample to the abandoned grassland of the abandoned church.

  The group of people took a car directly from Leaky Cauldron Alley and went directly to the grassland to check the effect of the mechanical tree man.

  Ricardo looked at the mechanical tree man and performed a simple divination.

  The mechanical tree man is two stories high and has a bronze metal appearance. Its upper body still has the appearance of a natural tree man, with the texture, bark and green fields of trees. Its face shows a mechanical expression full of wisdom, and is made of metal. Lines outline gentle eyes.

  But the next step shows the perfect fusion of machinery and biology. Copper parts and complex gears construct the body, and the hands and feet are made of solid steel.

  And the fingers are bifurcated into metal paper strips equipped with small gears.

  The bottom of it is a huge bulldozer. The iron chains and gears are tightly matched with the skeleton to allow it to be firmly supported.

  When the store clerk introduced it, he used the remote control device to simply move the tree man. The bottom of the bulldozer emitted the sound of steam and slight vibrations, and the tree man moved with a click.

  "What about the price? I just want to rent it for the time being."

  Ricardo asked after some study and understanding how to remotely control the 'Road Excavation Machinery Tree Man - 2005 Model' by one person.

  "If it is rented, you need to provide a deposit of 500,000 pounds and 20 magic stones, and then the daily rental fee is 20,000 pounds. In addition, you also need to purchase energy crystals. This fee is 1 magic stone for two days. ."

  "Okay, I'll rent it for two days first."

  At this price, Ricardo can accept it.

  He calculated that the flat land and hills in the Ice Lake Territory contained less stone, so it should be faster to bulldoze and dig roads.

  In two days, he should be able to build the road from Fenglang Town to Fanhua Manor and Binghu Town. He can even build the road in Panxue Forest.

  After paying the money and asking the clerk to arrange for a genuine car to be transported to the abandoned church as soon as possible, Ricardo returned to the wizarding world.


  Ricardo teleports into Baron Windwolf’s castle.

  He could feel his clone's movements in the dungeon.

  In the war that ended before, Ricardo faced the evil intentions of everyone, and he tried his best to cover the enemy with his attacks.

  Use this to solidify the progress of Flower of Evil.

  Especially the skeleton wolf in the wolf bone necklace. The two skeleton wolves bit each other everywhere, and the collision of the wolf bodies alone hurt many people.

  Without the Skeleton Wolf, Ricardo estimated that many enemies would die before the progress was solidified.

  He glanced at the progress of Flower of Evil.

  Flower of Evil: 823%…826%…829%
  The accumulation progress of Flower of Evil has exceeded 800%, and as the clones in the dungeon interrogate the prisoners, the number of villains sent to the territory from the outside world is still increasing!

  This is still without the bonus of Flower Language's "Evil from Another World"!

  If there is a bonus from the evil from another world...

  Ricardo shook his head slightly. He had already tested that bringing captives from the wizarding world to the modern world would not get any bonus.

  Maybe it can be used for some top-level creatures across planes, but for now, this mechanism is not buggy.

  'The progress of the Flower of Evil has been improved, and the Demon Hunter Knight's Breathing Technique has been increased to level 4 by 93%. '

  During the war, Ricardo participated in as many attacks as possible by having his clones, the Evil Flower Spirit Dolls, using modern composite crossbows.

  However, the efficiency of modern compound crossbows is lower than that of rampaging skeleton wolves.

  The Skeleton Wolf can injure many enemies from far away or in corners that are malicious to Ricardo. The clone's crossbow arrows can only focus partially during the war.

  When Ricardo killed the enemy's strongest Frostwind Iron Guard Captain, the situation was special. There was an ice wall blocking the attack, so the clone did not participate.

  "But from now on, the clone will be able to participate in all the interrogation damage!"

  Ricardo felt happy when he saw that the Demon Hunter's breathing method was almost advanced.

  This breathing method is currently his most precious. The evil thoughts extracted at each level are the most, and the fifth level that produces qualitative changes is even more. That's it. In a war, the clone only attacks some enemies, and the evil thoughts extracted also push This breathing method is about to advance to the fifth level.

  The interrogation has just begun. From tonight to tomorrow, it will definitely advance!
  "Choose the scientific research direction of the subspace evil brain: Combine it with the flower inscriptions 'Shelter Yinyou' and so on to help me complete the demon hunting perception seal!" Ricardo changed the scientific research direction of the subspace evil brain from fine-tuning the Youhu breathing method to completing the seal

  . .

  These two scientific research directions are not like improving vertigo. Ricardo originally had a very clear idea.

  The Youhu Breathing Technique needs to be fine-tuned, and it has obvious effects just because of the bonus of flower language. However, to complete the incomplete seal, it will have obvious effects only after it is completed.

  Ricardo felt the burning sensation of the evil brain located in the interlayer of space.

  Through some mysterious power, the evil brain seems to be in the illusory world, conducting various experiments on the magic principles contained in the seal... Constructing a

  complete seal is an important part of practicing to become a top wizard apprentice and wizard. If the construction is successful, it can To enhance mental strength.

  The spiritual power increased by completing the seals, and the spiritual power improved by the advanced breathing method of the Demon Hunter... coupled with the slow growth of mental power after breaking the bottleneck in the temporary state... Ricardo understood that he was very close to being

  promoted to the top wizard apprentice!

  The time consumption of constructing the seal yourself is far less than that of a normal top apprentice!
  Moreover, after the panel level is promoted to the sixth level, the breathing method of the clone that has been upgraded to the fifth level will have a bonus...


  in the countryside of Shagang County.

  In the evening, Ricardo had already asked a team of knights to measure the straight-line distance from Wind Wolf Town to Fanhua Manor and to Binghu Town.

  On this straight line, various markers are set.

  Many of these markers are found on rolling hills, mountain roads, and in the woods on pitted hillsides.

  Looking at those marks, one can understand why it takes nearly two hours to get from the manor to Wind Wolf Town by carriage or horseback riding.

  The Knights team also set up temporary wooden signs along the way to mark nearby trail intersections, warning pedestrians to take detours during these two days.

  "Road excavation machinery tree man-2005!"

  In the night, Ricardo used a remote control device to activate this wizard's black technology machine from the modern world.

  Click click click.

  The two-story mechanical tree man began to move.

  Starting from the first hilly hill on the marked path, the bulldozer under the mechanical tree man began to bulldoze it aggressively!

  The energy crystals on the mechanical body are running...

  and are constantly being released as they open the way, similar to the spell effects of the 'Muggle Expelling Curse' and 'Muggle Charm' in fantasy movies of previous lives.

  Ordinary regulars on this road will adapt to the changes of the new road within two weeks.

  They would think that the formation of the new road was caused by changes in the mountains and a project that the lord started a long time ago.

  There was no thought that this might involve wizards.

  Just like in the modern world, ordinary people may be accustomed to why so many people come in and out of a certain bar box or a certain platform pillar at a train station.

  …one night passed.

  From Fenglang Town to Binghu Town, a flat dirt road with a length of nine kilometers has taken shape!
  At the same time, when this section of the road is about to reach Binghu Town, there is a branch road leading to Flower Manor and Binghu Castle.

  At that fork in the road, Ricardo also used a mechanical tree man to level the land.

  He plans to consider building a low-level mysterious alley or a low-level wizard school on the land in the triangular flat area in the future when he is strong enough.

  He thought of the mechanical tree man, and of the modern world, where Mr. Olivan took a certain secret medicine and was elevated to the mental level of a senior wizard apprentice.

  Obviously in the modern world, there are a lot of wizarding black technologies.

  These black technologies may be able to quickly increase the strength of his forces in the future.


  completed the road.

  It was almost dawn at this time.

  Ricardo had no intention of wasting magic stones and pounds, so he diverted directly to build the road between Binghu Town and Panxue Forest Manor.

  Most of this section of the road is within the southern protrusion of Panxue Forest.

  Usually there are few people around.

  Not long after the Mountain Wolf Bandit Group was wiped out, many residents of the Ice Lake Territory have not yet lifted their fear of the dangers of the Panxue Forest.

  During the day, Ricardo asked a group of cavalry to drive away the guards without worrying about being seen by the people.

  Even if you see an effect similar to the 'Muggle Expelling Curse', you can get used to it.

  Click click click.

  In the Panxue Forest, the mechanical tree man started moving again.

  Seeing the formation of another flat road, as the actual controller of the two territories of Lordship and Barony, he has two more important transportation thoroughfares for his subordinates... In the previous life, if you want to get rich, you must build roads first

  . , I still feel a full sense of gain.

  …Another fruitful day.

  (End of chapter)

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