269. Chapter 268 Bar and Pen Pal Meeting

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  Chapter 268 Bar and Pen Pal Club
  Ricardo used to travel between the two places for a few days in order to buy magic weapons at auctions in the modern world, and made a lot of magic stones through trade between the two worlds.

  In the process, the organization he established on his journey to the Wizarding Continent, the 'Temporary Apprentice Caravan', also contributed a lot.

  Many extraordinary materials are piled in the warehouse of the apprentice caravan, and have been bought and sold in the past few days.

  Let the organization make some money.

  Throughout the organization, in the past few weeks, as the apprentices and accompanying personnel entered the various wizard tower areas to live, most people have temporarily cut off contact with the apprentice caravan organization.

  Only Mr. Tuva and his family, as well as a few apprentices affiliated with the Snow Area Apprentice Affairs Tower and whose financial situation is relatively tight, can still work.

  The money earned in the past few days is enough for these apprentices to improve their wealth level.

  As the most capable members of Ricardo's staff at the moment, Mr. Tuva's family also contributed the most and received the most money. Under the influence of the loyalty of Huayu Wealth, their loyalty has also increased a lot.

  Now that Ricardo needed a carriage, the White Rose family immediately dispatched a carriage from the family inn inside and outside the entrance to the Old Rand Black Mausoleum.

  The carriage carried Ricardo into the small town.

  He went straight to a bar called 'Demon Hunter Friendship' and stopped at the door of the bar.

  In Ricardo's memory, this bar was originally surrounded by a bunch of small bungalows, but now there is a steam train station not far away.

  Ricardo was about to enter the bar.

  Accompanied by a low hum of an alchemy furnace, a steel-cast steam train drove into the steam train station on a steel track, with several carriages behind it, at a gradually slowing speed.

  Located in such a convenient place, this bar naturally has a rich customer base.

  It's much better than Ricardo's impression of the sparsely populated scene.

  Ricardo pushed open the heavy black wooden door and entered.

  Behind the door was a strong knight nearly two meters across with his arms crossed. The knight looked at Ricardo and did not stop him from pushing the door in. However, when he heard the cheers and toasts in the bar, his throat squirmed.

  It was the peak of the bar's business at this time. As soon as Ricardo entered, he felt the heat wave hitting his face, smelled the strong aroma of ale and wine, and heard the noisy sounds.

  He saw a stage in the center of the bar, on which a show between two boxers was being staged.

  The aroma of wine mixed with the smell of sweat came from this place. Originally, there were relatively few wizard apprentices here, but more knights, demon hunters and ordinary people.

  Back then, when Ricardo had just arrived and was in a tight financial situation, he and his poor companions who also came from the Knights Continent chose this place for recreation.

  Instead of choosing other more expensive apprentice bars in small towns.

  "A cup of seasonal fruit and vegetable drink from the coastal area!"

  Ricardo sat down at the bar with familiarity and placed his order.

  The person he came here to meet this time was a fat member of the pen pal club named Kova.

  Fatty Kova is the kind of person in the pen pal club who has average qualifications but is addicted to bars. After being promoted to an intermediate apprentice, he has no intention of continuing to practice and spends all his time in this city where ordinary people and wizard apprentices live together. .

  While enjoying the lower prices in this city compared to the area near the Wizard Tower, you can also listen to some tavern gossip and satisfy some curiosity.

  In the past two days, Ricardo wrote a letter to Fatty Cova in the name of a knight introduced by a friend.

  I made an appointment to meet the other party today, and mentioned that no matter whether the subsequent talks are successful or not, I will give the other party a gift of 1 magic stone and 20 gold coins.

  With this temptation in front of him, Ricardo did some divination and felt that the other party should come.

  He is still sitting in the bar under the name Parambetta.

  He arrived nearly two hours earlier than the agreed time.

  During these two hours, Ricardo also listened to the gossip in the bar.

  "...Have you heard...the establishment of the Vigil Investigation Bureau under the name of the royal family..." "

  ...the airship is being transported into the Snowy Province..." "

  ...the small town is laying steam pipes across the board..." "

  ...the accumulation of the ancient snowfield road Railway tracks are being laid in the Snow Grassland section..."


  During the two hours, Ricardo heard a lot of information.

  One of them made him think for a while.

  He heard that on the other side of the black mausoleum of Old Rand, in the valley at the end of the ancient snowfield trade road in Linxue Province, a floating airship terminal was being built.

  Recently, the Airship Association in the Gray Fog Towers region carried several airships into the Linxue Province and conducted test flights.

  The purpose is to open up the air trade route from Snowy Night County to Rand County, which is the two ends of the Snowfield Ancient Road.

  However, there were three floating airships in total, two successfully made the round trip, and one was transformed into a bad situation in the air.

  The success rate is sixty-six percent.

  The wizard in charge of the project found that the sky in Linxue Province was still seriously polluted by evil thoughts and interfered with by the nightmare world, and the probability of the floating airship transforming into an evil environment was not low.

  What Ricardo was thinking about was not the success rate, but the opening of airship routes. This means that it is possible that the round trip from Snowy Night County to Rand County only takes a month or two.

  Recently, Ricardo was able to teleport to his hometown of Shagang County at any time.

  But he never did much.

  The government affairs in the territory are also arranged by Teresa through the Puppet Cafe.

  It was also done deliberately. The lord himself was suspected to be absent from the territory, and the subordinates were asked to pretend that they were still there.

  This is mainly to pave the way for Ricardo's possible subsequent actions on the ancient snowfield road.

  If we cross the Linxue Province, it only takes a month or two to travel between the first and last counties.

  Then the range of places where Ricardo can appear in his true form will be even larger.

  There is no need to think about what to use for every social interaction like now, and whether it will reveal the secret of being able to travel between two places in an instant.

  Think of this.

  Ricardo gave the bartender behind the bar a few gold coins and asked for more information about the floating airship in Linxue Province.

  After understanding.

  Ricardo walked out of the bar. In the alley between the houses outside, he changed into his hooded clothes, took off his mask, and appeared in the Gray Fog Towers area with his true face.

  Then, he put on another pair of sunglasses to cover up.

  After finishing dressing up, he walked back into the bar.

  At this time, Fatty Kova was already sitting at the bar.

  Ricardo looked at the back of an acquaintance he hadn't seen for a year, feeling a little excited for no reason.

  He walked forward, patted the fat man's right shoulder familiarly, and then sat down on the left hand of the fat man familiarly.

  He spoke to the bartender in a low voice this time.

  "Two large glasses of Island Dark Beer! I'll pay for it!"

  Ricardo's slap and voice made the fat man Kova beside him suddenly startled, and he looked up suddenly.

  I saw Ricardo's face wearing sunglasses and hidden under a hood.

  Pupils dilate.

  Then, there was a hint of ecstasy on his face as he reunited after a long absence.

  "Boss? Are you back? You didn't leave?"

  Fatty Kova couldn't hide his excitement and stretched out his bloated hands, wanting to give Ricardo a hug.

  But Ricardo quickly raised the large glass of dark beer in his hand.

  He was hiding under a hood and wearing black sunglasses, obviously not wanting to be known to outsiders.

  Fatty Kova was his companion who most often arranged site exploration when he used to organize activities in the villa area of ​​the small town, and was also one of the assistants to the newspaper content editor.

  He could feel that Fatty Kova had no ill intentions towards him at this time, and was still trusted by him as before. This was also the reason why he chose to reveal his identity.

  "I just came back. The ancient snowfield trade road in Linxue Province has been opened. The round trip between the two continents may only take a month or two at the fastest." "What happened to the pen pal?

  I just came back and used the newspaper, and this happened The information has not been updated for a year."

  Ricardo took out a roll of newspapers from his arms.

  It was the same one that had been updated but not changed at all when he first arrived in Old Rand.

  When Fatty Kova saw this newspaper, his face showed an expression of unbearable heartache.

  "The news of Linxue Province's return has long been known by some big shots. Many powerful organizations have come to the Gray Mist Towers area to make arrangements in advance. Some organizations want to establish informant organizations among apprentices. Boss, you did it. There are several organizations that I think are suitable for inclusion in the Pen Pal Club... Not long after you left, someone came over to talk..." "

  Puluoer and the others have always had their own ideas, especially the children from the Viscount family of Sargang County, who are very close. Those children were very close to the Vigil Investigation Bureau under the control of the royal family of the Rand Empire. Later, Prol and the others took the Pen Pal Club's address book and joined the informant organization of the Vigil Investigation Bureau, adding the Pen Pal Club's network and pen pals. I have handed over the production method of the newspaper." "

  I said at that time that the newspaper and the network are all due to you, boss, and you should be left with a share of the profits. This conflicts with them, and I don't want to be subjected to this kind of Due to the constraints of the informant organization, I and several brothers have broken away from the pen pal association network..."

  Fatty Kova's narrative is full of complaints against Prol and others.

  Ricardo also sighed after hearing this.

  The Pen Pal Club is an organization that is close to its early stage of entrepreneurship, and was born among a group of ten-year-old children. As a person who has lived in two generations, he has naturally been in control of the overall situation of the organization from the beginning.

  This kind of control enabled him to allow this loose organization to grow steadily over the past ten years without falling apart or entangled interests.

  Prower was one of his assistants in editing each issue of the newspaper, and was one of the most qualified apprentices on the same ship.

  When he first chose to leave the Wizarding Continent, he left the Pen Pal Club in the hands of a total of five assistants who edited the newspaper, including Prol and Fatty Kova.

  I hope they can continue this loose organization. In the Gray Mist Tower area, the newspaper is updated every quarter, and on the other side of the sea, an owl with a magic trick is arranged to return to the Knights Continent every other year. When the Trick Owl returns to Sargon County, the newspapers in the hands of Paris Ricardo Cohen and others are updated.

  (End of chapter)

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