187.Chapter 187 The Treasure of Evil: Twin Wombs

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  Chapter 187: Evil Realm Treasure Gemini

  The opponent's face is somewhat similar to that of Browning Rock Mountain, but it is considered a middle-aged version.

  The whole person is dressed in pure black wizard robes and a soft hat on his head. His hair is yellow, his eyes are dark, and his lips are pursed tightly. When he looks at the people around him, his eyes are full of sophistication.

  The spiritual power has already exceeded 100 and the soul level is sufficient. According to the old-era method of being promoted to a wizard, such a person only needs a bottle of Yasu water to complete the true transformation and become a wizard.

  But obviously the other party is not satisfied with this.

  Vera said that [Divine Path] is the theme of this era and must not be missed.

  The other party also understood this, so he rushed back through the passage of Linxue Province, and the time when the other party came back might be before the entrance and exit of the mausoleum was completely formed, relying on unstable space cracks to enter and exit Linxue Province.

  Have sufficient qualifications and combat power, and dare to take risks and make decisions.

  A year ago, Ricardo in the Wizarding Continent could only look up at such a figure...

  at this moment.

  As a being with legendary knight fighting power, Ricardo's initial observation did not arouse the other party's alertness.

  But after a few seconds, the other party also noticed something and looked back.

  Browning, who was beside Bernard, glanced at Ricardo with a sinister look, and then whispered something in Bernard's ear.

  Bernard glanced at Ricardo without trace, and then looked into the distance again.

  There was a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

  Ricardo's Flower of Evil progress slot, because the evil brain in the subspace is constantly consuming the progress slot for scientific research, and sometimes interrogates captives. Ricardo needs to be particularly keen and use some means to sense the changes in strangers' smaller evil thoughts. .

  At this moment, even if the other party has malicious intentions, it is not serious. At least Ricardo has not clearly seen it from the changes in the progress gauge.

  Paris gave Ricardo a meaningful look and signaled Ricardo to act within his capabilities.

  "When Her Royal Highness Lyra left, let me remind you that in order to keep you low-key, Lord Vera asked for confidentiality of the details of the last operation in the bad environment, and also gave the order to Sir Storm Takino to keep it secret. But this time the Constellation Church has outsiders. The main force will accompany Lady Vera to the Lion Palace, and there will be no one like Tianqin to look after you along the way." What

  Paris means is that many people's current understanding of Ricardo's strength still rests on Ricardo's efforts to turn the tide. Leading the knights to destroy the army of Baron Wind Wolf.

  The strength of Ricardo reflected in that incident, to the judgment of a strange nobleman, was probably about the same level as that of the Great Knight. Even if it was underestimated, it would not be underestimated.

  Paris' eyes swept over the members of the Constellation Church in his squad.

  These people are the elite knights of the church.

  But compared to Tianqin, the Holy Knight, it is still much worse.

  Otherwise, this team would not have Bernard and Paris, two wizard apprentices from the Exorcism Alliance, as temporary captains.

  "We have already mobilized a lot of troops."

  Ricardo looked at the people present and sensed the retreat of the team in the distance.

  He still felt a little bit of pressure.

  In the remote provinces of the empire, one high knight can suppress a county. The more than one hundred people in front of them, even without considering the team that has already advanced deeply, are enough to suppress a remote province.

  With so many combat forces now gathered here, without considering the possible power of the Evil Thief Order, such an action can already be called a small wizard war.

  This also shows that this bad situation involves the impact or the value of the treasure behind it.

  He looked at the teams of each church.

  Today is an era of decline of the church. The miracles performed by the gods are decreasing year by year, and the number of people blessed by divine magic is also much smaller than in the era of gods.

  Now there are some wizard apprentices mixed in each church team.

  These are wizard apprentices trained or sponsored by the church themselves. They study the power of gods-related systems. After reaching a certain level and proving their loyalty to the faith, they will be given magical skills after selection and transformed into priests of gods.

  In the history of the wizarding world, there are examples of wizards killing gods to study gods, but there are also many stories of famous wizards who finally converted to gods and became shepherds of gods.


  After some mission communication and details, the four teams immediately rushed to the mountain to the left.

  The real treasures in the evil realm are all related to Edario, and the team of more than 100 people dispatched before is the main force.

  They will keep a firm eye on Edario's location, and if they discover the Thief Order's conspiracy along the way, they will also solve it.

  Despite this, Adario's portraits were distributed to the temporary captains of each team.

  After all, the previous evil spirits and evil events in Sarport County involved many mirror images and mirror spirit elements, so there was no guarantee that Edario would not be involved.

  Ricardo also learned about the specific situation of the treasure.

  The two pairs of holy armors in Edario's hands, one of which is the Leo Holy Armor of the Constellation Church, should have been contaminated by the power of the mirror and the nightmare, and may be more serious than Ricardo's Leo Sacred Armor.

  The other one is the Star Thief Lion Armor of the Evil Thieves Cult. The Evil Thieves Cult has been targeting the Constellation Church and the Star and Moon Church since its establishment. They stole the methods of making holy armors from these churches and made and The Star-stealing Holy Armor corresponds to the Holy Armor one-to-one.

  However, their level is much lower than that of the Constellation Church.

  In the Constellation Church, unless a very small number of Holy Knights are favored by God, they must reach the second-level senior level or even the third-level level before they can possess holy armor.

  As for Star Thief Lion Addario, decades ago, when he was trapped in the Mirror Temple while wearing Star Thief Lion Armor, he was a first-level veteran but had second-level combat power.

  Such a figure was already regarded by the Evil Thief Cult as a core direct descendant who would shoulder important responsibilities in the future.

  The treasures in his hand include two pairs of holy armors, the Sword of Original Sin that carries the fire of anger, and the mysterious Card of Blasphemy. Moreover, he sneaked into the Mirror Temple before, and it seemed that he was trying to get into trouble with the Thief Cult. Mysterious stuff about it.

  Ricardo's core goals for this mission were to exchange for the Water of Asu, completely occupy the Storm Beacon, Card Puppet Cafe, etc. after the mission, and the other was to obtain half of the Knight Card from the Blasphemy Card.


  Enter the forest, you will see the endless snow scenery.

  Snowflakes fell all over the sky.

  Because the four teams had to take different mountain trails, they quickly separated.

  Ricardo's team only had about thirty people, because some of the exorcism coalition troops were responsible for recording, and some of them needed to be assigned to other teams.

  This team's search route starts from the Gemini Palace, and they need to take the mountain road leading to the Gemini Palace first. The Exorcist Alliance also assigned several owls for the reconnaissance route to each action team.

  Ricardo walked with Paris and Lorient.

  He asked for Idario's portrait from Paris, as well as a single reconnaissance route owl.

  Only the upper body of Idario was shown in the portrait. He had thick hair. His brown hair was paired with a black lion headband, which gave his face the temperament of a male lion.

  Ricardo was deeply impressed.

  This time, no one of Paris' men followed, because the Exorcist Alliance's requirements were much higher than those of the Demon Hunter Knights, so Paris recommended his son-in-law Lorient to it.

  In the past few days, only a small number of evil spirits have been purified in the entire evil realm, so there is still a lot of pollution from evil thoughts.

  After Ricardo entered, as the purifying force field unfolded, his body faintly felt the joy of purifying the world.

  His mental power mobilized the inscriptions of the 'Knight Puppet' in the mental space.

  I want to rely on this to sense the location of the distant blasphemous card.

  He looked forward to the abilities he would gain after completing the remaining half of the knight cards.

  "Secondary fireball!"

  "Secondary pure light arrow!"

  On the way, the sound of a magic being performed came from Bernard, the other temporary captain.

  If Tianqin's influence is not taken into account, the overall combat strength of this team is much stronger than the team led by Tianqin last time.

  On the way, similar to the last operation, there were some giant black vines and ghosts harassing the marching team.

  However, the accompanying priests and elite knights of the Constellation Church did not take action. Bernard, as the temporary captain, used two familiar tricks to repel the vines and ghosts.

  This display of strength actually overpowered many members of the Constellation Church and the Exorcist Alliance who were accompanying him.


  The team is rapidly approaching the mountain peak on the left.

  The Snowy Night Forest is located halfway up the mountain. As long as you reach the mountain, the distance from the two mirror temples on the top of the mountain is not that far.

  The team moved quickly and efficiently. The members of the Constellation Church and the Exorcist Alliance cooperated tacitly and were very professional.

  Under the heavy snow, the team arrived close to the mountain. The mountain road leading to the Twin Palaces was right in front.

  At this moment, there were a large number of dark mirrors scattered everywhere on both sides of the mountain road and on the ground.

  The entire mountain road was polluted by evil thoughts, and Ricardo felt very strongly about it.

  "Be careful, it seems that the layout of the Evil Thief Cult is reflected on the mountain road."

  Paris's voice sounded in the team.

  "It doesn't matter!"

  Bernard said in a stern tone at this time: "The news I just received is that the main team has arrived near the Lion Palace. The main force of the Evil Thief Cult is there, and Edario is in the Lion Palace. ."

  "Similar to the Storm Beacon mission you experienced last time, the enemy did not divide their forces, but merged into one place!" "

  This is also a normal idea."

  A white wand appeared in Bernard's hand, and he pointed The mountain road ahead.

  "Secondary Pure Light Arrow!"

  The white wand in his hand shot an arrow forward with white light. The arrow passed through the mountain road covered with dark mirror fragments, collided with some obscure pollution in the air, and burned. A trace of black smoke burned out, but the arrow finally shot into the distance unimpeded.

  Bernard's arrow also told everyone present that the mountain road ahead was not as dangerous as imagined.

  However, Ricardo was keenly aware of a sharp change of evil thoughts coming from somewhere nearby.

  "There's someone!"

  Ricardo pointed to a forest next to the mountain road.

  Then the wolf bone necklace around his neck gave off a little light.

  Summon the wolf!

  Two huge skeleton wolves took shape in front of Ricardo, and then ran towards the woods in the distance.

  Ricardo rushed forward.

  There were many people following behind.

  Soon, two skeleton wolves had arrived at a clearing in the woods.

  The members of the exorcist coalition spread out professionally, covering each other in twos, and began to search extensively.

  However, soon, someone turned around and signaled that there was no sign of anyone.

  "Is it an evil spirit?"

  Paris looked at Ricardo with questioning eyes.

  "Captain Ricardo."

  Bernard whispered to Browning again, and then came over.

  "Have you discovered anything? This mission is still very urgent. If there is no need, we still have to move forward quickly. Otherwise, by the time we arrive at the Twin Wombs, someone may have already taken advantage of us." Bernard continued to speak sternly

  . He said in a low tone. He watched the surrounding exorcist coalition troops return one after another, and when they signaled that there was no trace of others, he added: "
  Next time, you can ask temporary captain Paris to give such instructions."

  His There was a hint of impatience in his tone at the end.

  However, Ricardo had clearly determined the source of his malice at that moment.


  A huge vine burst out from the knotted grass rope ring in Ricardo's hand, and then it dug directly into the ground of the open space beside it.


  Ricardo's vines quickly dug up a huge amount of soil.

  A black tomb appeared in front of everyone.

  There is an equally dark mirror on the top of the tomb.

  Ricardo manipulated the vines to remove the dark mirror, and then continued to let the vines extend into the tomb.

  "Follow up!"

  Paris said directly to the many exorcist coalition forces without looking at Bernard's slightly ugly face.

  Seven or eight members of the exorcism coalition poured directly into the tomb.

  Ricardo soon felt that the vines were cut by the enemy's sharp blade.

  But among the seven or eight members of the Exorcist Alliance, basically everyone has Lorient's level or is stronger than Lorient.

  After more than ten breaths.

  Several screams came from the tomb.

  At this time, the mountain road ahead covered with dark mirror fragments suddenly shook, and large, thick mirrors like stone tablets emerged from the ground.

  The air above was distorted.

  A giant palace made entirely of dark mirrors suddenly emerged.

  The palace has a striking gate with two angel-shaped carvings.

  One is an angel with a smiling face, and the other is an angel with a crying face.

  (End of chapter)

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