162. Chapter 162 The value of the lighthouse and Vera’s identity

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  Chapter 162 The Value of the Lighthouse and Vera's Identity
  "Master Harp!"

  "Captain Lyra!"

  The members of the Demon Hunter Knight team outside the lighthouse just felt the pressure around them lighten, and the process of purifying the pollution in the nearby evil environment became extremely fast. , I guessed that the situation inside the lighthouse was going well.

  At this time, seeing Ricardo and Tian Qin coming out, it was natural to understand that the mission was successful.

  Paris and Lorient cast inquiring looks at Ricardo.

  Ricardo nodded.

  Suddenly several demon hunting knights under Paris cheered.

  "Where are the members of my Xuegu family?"

  There are two demon hunting knights outside the Xuegu family. At this time, when they saw that only Ricardo, Tian Qin, and Sir Storm had left early from the lighthouse, they suddenly felt bad. premonition.

  "They...all fell into a bad situation."

  Ricardo looked at them seriously.

  Along the way, the people of the Xuegu family showed some vague ill will since Terry began to judge that Ricardo would compete with him to choose the owner of the Constellation Holy Armor.

  This is due to human nature. The Constellation Holy Armor can give ordinary knights a huge improvement. Since the Xue Gu family paid the price, they naturally hope to get it.

  But under this kind of malice, some people would choose fair competition, while others, like the Xuegu family, chose to stumble and shoot cold arrows, trying to kill him in the lighthouse.

  Ricardo looked at the remaining two knights of the Xue Gu family. The progress slot of the Flower of Evil is now constantly consuming progress values ​​​​for subspace evil brain research. The numerical changes are relatively complicated, and it is not easy to judge the malicious changes of others towards him.

  But if Ricardo raised his mind and observed keenly, he could still judge the situation.

  He is now keenly aware of the malice of the remaining two people. If... he does not meet the standards, then he can only cause an 'accident' to happen to the other party on the way back.

  "How is that possible!"

  The two knights of the Xuegu family had angry expressions on their faces, but they were too angry to speak when they looked at Ricardo. They lowered their heads and looked at each other.

  ...sadly not up to standard.

  Ricardo shook his shoulders, and a small black lion slipped under his feet and dived into the ground covertly.

  On the way back, through the ability of the clone of Flower Language and Strange Realm, the clone little lion, who also has the curse bonus behind his back, will take care of their funeral affairs.


  at this moment.

  Tian Qin has turned the compass several times. She continuously inputs her mental power to control the buttons of various parts of the compass.


  There was a sudden crisp sound in the compass.


  Under the storm lighthouse in front of Ricardo, there was the roar of mechanical parts rotating.

  A large amount of dust and smoke dispersed, and the Storm Beacon gradually raised its foundation.

  The base underneath is exposed.

  After the base completely floated to the ground, it began to stretch, and then joined together, like two huge crawlers, began to deconstruct and combine to form the bottom of the ship.

  Very steampunk...

  Ricardo watched as the base was combined into the shape of a ship's base within a few minutes.

  Then, three of the six-story lighthouse above the base began to compress...

  The original six-story height was finally compressed to the three-story height.

  The storm lighthouse turned into a rather strange ship with a three-story tower-like building.

  This is...

  'Could the Storm Beacon really be more convenient to move? '

  Ricardo immediately realized something. He thought that since the team behind Evil Realm could move the storm beacon here, seeing the situation in front of him, it seemed that the storm beacon could also be moved to other corners.

  Wait... You know, there is an evil realm attached to this storm beacon...

  And in this evil realm, I have... a teleportation point!
  An extra teleport point that can be moved!

  Ricardo's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!
  He originally didn't think the Storm Beacon had any value. After all, it was just a semi-finished alchemy product.

  Even though he had obtained the leadership authority of the Storm Beacon through the heroic spirit of the Sacred Armor of the Constellation, he never thought about getting this Storm Beacon.

  but now.

  Ricardo thought of a picture. If he got the Storm Beacon, he would directly transfer the Storm Beacon to the modern world.

  Then he returned to the Wizarding Continent alone. There was no need to find a suitable bad environment in the Wizarding Continent. He just found a wilderness outside the Wizarding Continent, built a hidden valley, and put down the lighthouse.

  Then he can realize free teleportation between the Wizard Continent and the Knight Continent!

  After he discovered the function of the extra teleport point earlier, his plan was to find a suitable evil environment in the Wizarding Continent. However, finding a suitable evil environment in the Wizarding Continent also required ensuring concealment, which would probably cost a lot of money. There are too many uncertainties in exchange for the price!
  But now, if he gets the Storm Beacon, he won't have to consider such a complicated solution to this problem!

  He directly possesses the Knight Continent and the Wizard Continent, and has the ability to teleport back and forth between the two places instantly!

  And...in the future, the Storm Beacon can be moved to more and more places!
  His current location in the modern world is still in Boston, North America, and he has to take the trouble to fly back to London.

  The time on the road was wasted.

  If you have a storm beacon, you may be able to make arrangements in the future, and you can travel back and forth instantly in many situations.


  Be sure to get the Storm Beacon!

  Ricardo now had an overwhelming desire for the alchemical creation before him.

  Although during this mission, he purified the evil spirits, removed the medium, and gained control over the Constellation Holy Armor and the Storm Beacon.

  But to truly obtain the ownership of the Sacred Armor of the Constellation and the Storm Lighthouse, it still depends on Vera's promise and the exchange of merit points.

  He remembered Vera's original words...as long as he got it from the mission, whether it was half a Thief Card or the Constellation Holy Armor, he could hold it in his hand.

  I wonder if this commitment can also include Storm Beacon.



  At this moment Hedwig let out a cheerful chirp.

  Then in the direction of the main tower of the Storm Lighthouse, Ricardo felt that the pressure of the weird and evil thoughts had been greatly reduced.

  It seems that the main tower has been settled for some time.

  A figure wearing a black windbreaker appeared next to Hedwig.

  "Miss Vera!"

  Tian Qin's voice said hello.

  Ricardo saw the figure appearing, it was Vera.

  At this time, the other party was wearing an exquisite and gorgeous black windbreaker. The sleeves and collar of the windbreaker were patterned with custom-made constellation church emblems.

  The other person had long hair hanging over his shoulders, one hand on his waist, and a black pen in the other hand pointing at the ground casually.

  Vera saw Hedwig happily eating each small dried fish over there, and her hands on her hips couldn't help teasing Hedwig.

  She also picked up a small piece of dried fish and put it in her mouth.

  "It tastes pretty good. Little Ricardo's taste is acceptable."

  She turned to look at Ricardo.

  Tian Qin walked to her side and whispered softly, reporting the status of the mission.

  Hedwig has already passed on the main situation to Vera, and now Lyra is reporting some details.

  "Yes, little Ricardo, although the direction you chose is not that half of the thieves card, it is really a pity." "

  But it is still amazing to be able to get all the main mission points in one mission. Especially to defeat the people of the Storm Clan, I like it very much, sister."

  "Did the people from the Storm Clan promise to give you the Lord's essence and blood?"

  Vera asked Ricardo, "Are you breathing enough to have scarlet vision now?"

  She raised her eyes by the way. black and red framed glasses.

  Tianqin has already seen Ricardo's scarlet visual special effects, but at this time Ricardo had already activated the scarlet vision on his own initiative.

  "It's true that the other party promised blood essence and blood to the vampires."

  Ricardo took off his windproof goggles, his eyes showing a scarlet luster.

  "Haha, yes, the scarlet vision of the vampires is quite pure, and the progress is much faster than Paris. Paris, if you don't also work on the breathing method, you may not be qualified enough to obtain scarlet vision by just relying on magic inscriptions."

  Vera covered her mouth lightly, looked at Paris with a slightly mocking look, and then suddenly there was a blood-colored test tube in her hand.

  "Then, this is a small reward from my sister, the blood essence of the Vampire Baron."

  Vera threw the test tube towards Ricardo.

  Ricardo was a little stunned, but the knight's physical reaction allowed him to easily catch the test tube.

  The blood essence that could be used to first adopt the descendants of the Vampire Baron was given away by Vera at will?
  Sure enough...the boss is the boss...

  Ricardo suddenly had a new understanding of Vera's level.

  A small amount of blood essence from a blood baron can help him practice the bloody breathing method to the baron level, which is equivalent to the strength of a first-level wizard in the old era.

  The official strength of the Blood Baron is the same as that of the Storm Baron of the Storm Clan, corresponding to the first-level senior wizard.

  Although the test tube only contains a small amount of blood essence, the details of the conversation are enough to prove that Vera can easily kill a senior wizard!

  She may be of the same level and status as the Archbishop of the Holy See who appears in the direction of the main tower!

  "Thank you, Miss Vera!"

  Ricardo carefully put the baron's essence and blood into the storage bag.

  "Little Ricardo, you have done a very good job in this mission and can get many, many merits. By the way, it is enough to carve out a territory from the Panxue Mountains for you to be promoted to Viscount. If you want it, I will make the decision. The nearest one is given to you."

  Vera was obviously in a good mood. She originally wanted to be more explicit, but when she saw that there were outsiders present, she restrained her words.

  However, at the end of her words, she drew a stroke with her pen and a curtain of light enveloped Lyra, Hedwig, Ricardo and Paris, obviously not wanting outsiders to hear the rest of the conversation.

  Vera did not include Lorient. Ricardo remembered that she had heard someone say that Vera recognized Lorient's younger brother, but she thought Lorient was too ordinary.

  "Little Ricardo, before this mission, I said that you can take whatever you get in the mission. Let me confirm again, do you want to hold this constellation holy armor? If you want to hold it, then you Even if you become a Holy Knight of the Constellation Church, although you won't have many things to do with me here, you will still have some basic constraints in the future." Vera asked seriously at this time, "As for merits and so

  on , you must have enough. Originally, when you removed the Constellation Holy Armor as a medium, there was an exchange discount, not to mention that you have been recognized by the Holy Armor, and there is another level of discount... Even without these, with your achievements this time. Enough."

  "I want to hold it."

  Ricardo replied firmly, then he looked at Tian Qin again and continued a little embarrassedly.

  "Well, the heroic spirits of the Sacred Armor of the Constellation actually have the main authority over the Storm Beacon. Miss Vera, I also want to redeem this Storm Beacon, because it will be really useful for my future research and development, but I am not in a hurry. , I am willing to wait until everything is settled before redeeming it..."

  Ricardo saw that Tian Qin had passed the compass and controlled the Storm Beacon in a decent manner, but he still had to fight for this treasure for himself.

  "Storm Beacon..."

  Vera pondered for a while.

  "It's possible. But although this is a semi-finished product, it is more or less an alchemical creation involving space. There is also an evil realm inside. If you want to get it, you have to exchange for the evil realm in it... In my opinion, little Ricardo, You must redeem [Divine Way] Water of Yasu. This is the theme of wizards in this era. You have to seize the opportunity..." "The

  previous mission and the problem you found with the team leaving the mirror shop have all been taken into account. You have received high meritorious service, and it will be the same this time. But if you have to redeem it, I'm afraid it's not enough. You have to participate in a hard job..." "

  This time in the snowy night forest evil environment mission, although the mediators of the three lighthouses have been released. Pulling. But the Evil Thief Cult has already pulled the evil realm they finally want to summon in this direction. Traitors also appeared in the God of War Church in the main tower mission, and the enemies also escaped a lot in the end..." At this point,

  Wei Pulling the top of the light curtain she had just created to become completely transparent, she looked up at the sky.

  Ricardo and others also discovered strange noises in the sky.

  They all looked up to the sky.

  Originally, the sky in the evil realm was gloomy and full of chaotic colors.

  But at this moment, the shadows of several mountain peaks in the sky were approaching.

  On the top of the shadows of those mountain peaks, there is a magnificent shadow of a palace. Although Ricardo was far away from the style of those palaces, he still recognized that it was the temple style of the Constellation Church.


  Tian Qin looked at the shadows of the palace in shock and murmured.

  "Yes, that is the evil realm that the Evil Thief Cult really wants to summon." "

  The Mirror Sanctuary of the Constellation Church, which was once in the Snow Province and close to the Snow Capital of Snow Land... is the mirror image of the three golden constellation holy armors. The temple has been transformed into an evil realm in the secret realm of cold snow..." "

  The three mirror temples belong to Leo, Gemini and Capricorn in the constellation holy armor..."

  Vera looked at the approaching peaks and mountains in the sky. The shadow of the palace also murmured in a serious tone.

  "As short as a month, as long as a few months, this evil environment will come to this snowy night forest..."

  Tian Qin's eyes widened when she heard the name of the constellation mentioned by Vera.

  She thought of something and looked at Vera.

  "Gemini... Lord Vera, you..."

  She had always called Vera Miss, and now she couldn't help but use the honorific title.

  Vera smiled, she no longer raised her head, glanced at Ricardo and Paris, and said casually.

  "That's right. I am the Constellation Temple of the Church."

  "Holding the Holy Armor belongs to the golden constellation..."


  Vera turned the pen in her hand, then stopped and raised the pen.

  The pair of little angels with wings at the end of the pen appeared in everyone's sight.

  Of the pair of little angels, one little angel's eyes flashed with scarlet light.

  Ricardo thought of the two completely different temperaments of Vera when they first met.

  He seemed to understand something.

  (End of chapter)

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