154.Chapter 154 Double Flower Language Plant

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  Chapter 154: Double Flower Language Plant

  Judging from the open door on the first floor, there are indeed a large number of special mirrors inside the entire storm lighthouse.

  Those mirrors seemed to form some kind of magic circuit, with rays of light flashing on the mirrors, but there seemed to be no light source inside the tower except for the top bulb. Even if the door was opened, it felt like a lighthouse with a dark atmosphere.

  "Follow me. There is probably some influence from the illusion inside. It's hard to say how useful the map will be."

  Tian Qin then walked forward to the door on the first floor of the lighthouse. He motioned to Sir Storm and the three people from the Xuegu family behind him. All enter.


  Ricardo walked inside the lighthouse.

  The entire first floor of the lighthouse is very empty, like a hall of mirrors.

  Crystal mirrors that looked like they were worth a lot of money were plastered all over the walls.

  There are also mirrors on both sides of the stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor.

  ...This is an alchemical product from the Storm Clan...

  '...The Storm Clan itself has many research results on the strange world. The Mirror Spirit Meditation Method previously obtained from Viscount Frostwind is one of them. This Storm Beacon must be It is also the integration of many achievements of this clan...'

  Ricardo judged.

  Before he came in, he had already estimated the number of floors of the entire lighthouse.

  There are six floors in the entire lighthouse above the ground, of which the first floor is the highest. Ricardo looked at the ceiling and estimated that the entire first floor is about as high as four or five stories... Wait, that

  's What?
  Ricardo saw that there were several thick and long black vines on the ceiling, clinging to the ceiling wall like an ivy climbing a wall.

  It seems that the giant black vines and the mirror form a special magic circuit.

  Could it be that...the body of this giant black vine is in this lighthouse?
  After Ricardo intuitively judged that there was no fatal danger, his first reaction was not what the special magic circuit was, but where the plant's body was...

  He thought of his ability to swallow the language of flowers, and he felt a sense of eagerness when he saw the plant.

  During my previous trips to the badlands, I had never properly identified the flower language of this plant.

  Even if it is identified, it is still faced with a broken branch of the vine, and the information identified is as vague as the previous purple leaves.

  Now... I finally have a chance.

  Ricardo took advantage of the fact that the people behind him hadn't caught up yet, and he didn't want to really defend the rear of the team.

  Crazy eyes that purify the world!
  A white-gold light appeared in the windproof goggles Ricardo wore on his face.

  He shook the broken witchcraft knotted straw rope loop in his hand.

  A huge green vine grew vigorously directly from the rope ring.

  Giant green vines climb to the top of the middle staircase on the first floor.

  Ricardo jumped up directly, stepped on the guardrails on both sides of the stairs, and then relied on the green vines to jump to the ceiling again.

  Giant green vines supported his feet, carrying him towards the ceiling.

  Ricardo went directly to the ceiling on the first floor.

  He was only an arm's length away from the giant black vines on the ceiling that were like creepers clinging to the wall.

  Identify the language of flowers!

  Ricardo stretched out his arm and placed his hand on the giant black vine.

  'Evil black vine monster (multiple pollution): The evil spirit possesses the black vine and gradually merges with it. After a long time, it becomes a vine monster. After being influenced by the two worlds of the treacherous world and the nightmare world, After the pollution, it gradually turned into an even more unknown and weird plant. This plant is still being polluted by the power of the Constellation Holy Armor and the unknown mutated mirror spirit. '

  'The first flower language: the ghost mirror clone. Any clone created by the mutant can be strengthened to give it the ability to travel through mirrors. When the clone is standing behind the enemy, it will receive a curse bonus. If the opponent turns around, the curse will be greatly strengthened. '

  'Second Flower Language:...This plant is still being polluted by the Constellation Holy Armor and Mutated Mirror Spirit. The Second Flower Language is not stable. If it is swallowed now, it needs to be close to its core mother body, and will be randomly compromised based on each pollution attribute. Generate the second flower language. '


  actually has two flower languages?
  This is the first time Ricardo has seen an identified plant, and there are two flower languages!

  And the first flower language can strengthen and mutate any clone of itself.

  This ability alone is worth devouring!


  Ricardo can't swallow it yet.

  He couldn't find where the plant's body was. What was in front of him were only the branches and vines of the plant.

  The members of the rear team are about to arrive, and the identification of the second flower language says that if you want to get the second flower language, you need to get close to the core mother of the plant.

  The black vines holding Ricardo slowly lowered him down.

  The white-gold light in the windshield faded from his face.

  Temporarily lifted the eyes of madness and purifying the world.

  The scarlet light lit up again.


  In the lobby on the first floor, the remaining five people have entered the lighthouse.

  Seeing that there was no danger in the hall on the first floor, everyone looked at peace.

  But seeing Ricardo's strange behavior and the fact that he was not in danger, Terry Snow Valley frowned.

  "Did you find anything?"

  someone asked.

  "No, keep coming forward."

  Others were just curious about what Ricardo was doing, and Ricardo didn't explain much.

  He gathered up the vines released by the grass rope loops of the broken witchcraft and returned to the stairs.

  Start walking up.

  "There's a mirror maze starting up there. Colonel Ricardo, how about we take the lead and you take the rear?"

  Tachino said when he saw Ricardo about to go to the second floor.

  His voice was not loud, but it seemed that the power of affecting the wind in the air could make the sound pass clearly to everyone's ears.

  But apparently Ricardo did not listen to him.

  He went directly to the second floor.

  "Colonel Ricardo is really rich... He actually has more than one witchcraft..." "

  But if he doesn't obey the command, don't let us save him if he's in danger on the second floor."

  Behind Terry, there was a demon hunting knight from the Xuegu family. Li said, he didn't dare to look at Tachino and Tianqin, he just showed a look of complaint against his teammates who disobeyed orders.

  He and his teammates next to him looked at Terry expressionlessly.

  Just now, he emphasized that Ricardo had more than one witchcraft.

  They naturally know the value of the witchcraft. This mission is at its end and may be the most dangerous. They have more map information. If Ricardo is killed, they will naturally collect the legacy for him.


  Enter the second floor.

  Ricardo directly opened the eyes of madness and purification.

  He has used this ability many times now, and can precisely open only this special left eye for a few seconds, or even shorter.

  Platinum light flashed in his wind goggles.

  The height of the second floor area is much lower than that of the first floor, about three meters.

  The walls on the second floor are also covered with various mirrors.

  Compared with when he was on the first floor, when Ricardo entered the door, he could see stairs leading to the upper floor, like a hall.

  The second floor is more like a large room, with mirror walls erected in front. It seems that just as Takino said before, from here on, the entire storm lighthouse begins to be shaped like a mirror maze.

  Mirrored walls connect to the ceiling, making it impossible to see where the stairs leading upstairs are.

  Ricardo thought of the dark mirror maze he was drawn into when he was in the mirror shop.

  The scene before me is exactly like that time.

  And starting from the second floor, the speed at which the force field around him devoured evil thoughts accelerated. Compared with the pollution on the first floor of the mirror shop and the lighthouse, the evil thoughts here were more intense.

  Ricardo could only see a winding corridor from the door on the second floor.

  Flower language: Hope in the darkness!

  Ricardo had been in the whole evil situation for a long time, and his body was in a state of madness and his brain was in a state of calm at the same time.

  Gradually, while opening his left eye, he began to see fragments of images.

  The maze ahead begins to become clear.

  Even in the upstairs area, the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor...

  fragments of the twists and turns of the customs clearance line began to appear in front of him...

  Ricardo was coding the game program of Flower of Evil before crossing over. The scene in front of him seemed to take him back to the time when he was testing the game. Use permissions to open up the entire game map.

  Of course, he needed some analysis, and after combining these fragments, he could truly be sure to find the passage...

  The sound of footsteps on the stairs behind him came.

  Ricardo had already found the customs clearance route on the second floor, and he walked straight forward.

  As he moved forward, black vortexes appeared on the dark mirror wall in front of him, which was fascinating and seemed to capture his mind.

  He seemed to see the full-length mirror in the mirror shop...

  There seemed to be a mirror space behind the mirror.

  Ricardo walked through an intersection.

  The path he sensed from his flower language ability was ahead. He needed to enter a mirror space for a short distance before he could directly find the way to the third floor!

  Without much hesitation.

  Ricardo found the dark mirror through which he could pass.

  His hand touched it, and then his whole body sank into it.


  'Enter the enclosed space, the anti-jamming mechanism is activated, and additional teleportation points are obtained. '

  Just when Ricardo felt that he had entered another space, a mechanical voice sounded in his ears.

  what's the situation?
  Ricardo did not expect that in the evil environment of the forest on a snowy night, there would be additional evil environments!
  Is this 'the worst of worst'?
  Ricardo looked around and saw that the darkness around him was gradually getting brighter.

  Another fantasy?

  Ricardo raised his head and looked at the ceiling in the distance. His ability obviously exceeded the difficulty of this evil environment. Although a new illusion was forming, he had already found the exit with his left eye.

  He deactivated his left eye.

  The continuous opening of the left eye requires the consumption of special life energy, and now that he has entered the illusion, outsiders may be able to see his true physical position. It is not good to expose the secret of the left eye.

  His eyes flashed scarlet, and the windshield goggles turned a shade of red.

  The surrounding scenery lights up.

  Click click click.

  Ricardo heard the sound of paper being printed on a large desktop printer.

  A fully open modern office building appeared in front of him.

  (End of chapter)

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