146. Chapter 146 Flying Storm Siren and the Snowy Night Forest

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  Chapter 146: The Flying Storm Siren and the Snowy Night Forest

  He had the carriage stop at a certain hotel yesterday, and he teleported to the modern world hotel to sleep in the hotel room. It was considered a good sleep.

  "Good day! Ricardo!"

  "Good day! Ms. Harp!"

  "Well... Mrs. Vera said yesterday that you can also call me 'Lianqin' or Captain Tianqin from now on."

  After fighting with Ms. Pansen Harp After greeting him, Ricardo found that although the other party was still wearing the custom-made church nun's uniform today, she looked at Ricardo with a much kinder look.

  It seemed like yesterday he was in the small room and after chatting with Vera, he finally got her approval.

  "Lyra!?...Leo Cub?"

  Ricardo thought of the mysterious words that Cohen uttered on the day of his death, as well as the constellation holy armor 'Leo Cub' mentioned by Vera yesterday.

  He had a different understanding of Lyra mentioned by Lady Harp.

  "You understand correctly."

  Ms. Harp raised her chest deliberately.

  Ricardo could intuitively see that the other party was wearing a close-fitting and soft armor under the nun's robe.

  The armor fits perfectly on his body. It doesn't look like inner armor, but it must have amazing softness.

  "Holy Armor of Constellations?"

  Ricardo asked.

  "Yes, I am Lyra."

  Ms. Harp answered simply.

  "What about Miss Vera? She too?"

  Ricardo asked, but the other party smiled and said nothing, obviously not wanting to answer questions about his boss.


  "Airship! Oh, no! Flying sea ship! Another force is coming!"

  Just when Ricardo saw Paris and Lorient approaching, in front of the entrance to the evil realm, there was a camp where all the major forces gathered. , there was a shout.

  A large number of people looked up to the sky in the distance.

  I saw, in the clear blue sky, a sea ship with a huge hydrogen balloon hanging on it and surrounded by cyclones on both sides, flying over from the distant sky.

  Ricardo thought of the common airships on the Wizarding Continent.

  But this is indeed not a steam airship, but a sea ship that should be sailing on the sea!
  Who knows, which force magically modified the ship and hung it with hydrogen balloons, and the magic whirlwinds on both sides also seemed to involve wizard technology. It was a fusion product of half steampunk machinery and half wizard continental civilization technology.

  The ship gradually floated to the sky above a city wall on the edge of the county city.

  Then he put down a bunch of automatic fixing racks and stopped firmly on a section of the city wall.

  Ricardo saw a string of signs on the ship: 'Flying Storm No. 29 - Storm Clan'.

  This is the Storm Clan! ?

  Ricardo saw more than a dozen figures wearing dark blue cloaks walking out of the ship and landing on the ground as light as feathers. Most of them went to the main team exploring the evil realm.

  That is to say, go to the main towers of the three storm lighthouses and deal with the main enemy teams of the Thieves Guild and the Evil Thieves Order.

  However, a very few people split into two groups and went to other places.

  One of them is coming towards Lady Harp.

  "In the description of this Bad Realm mission, it is said that the Thieves' Order obtained three Storm Clan's Storm Beacons from somewhere..."

  Ricardo asked Ms. Harp in a low voice.

  "The Storm Clan is a very large extraordinary clan. Although they suffered heavy losses in the disappearance of Linxue Province decades ago, they are still a huge force. Like the Paran Clan, they have many items and inheritances. Being left behind in the outside world and having a storm beacon doesn't mean anything..."

  Ms. Harp looked at the figure in a dark blue cloak walking toward her in the distance.

  "Linxue Province has many years of history of studying the vampire civilization. The Storm Clan has also imitated the vampire clan and established an internal title hierarchy system that is almost exactly the same. If you hear Paris mention the Blood Knight Breathing Method, it will be easier to understand. , this level system will be half a block higher than the level of the Blood Knight's Breathing Technique. The Storm Lord corresponds to the Blood Lord and corresponds to the first-level wizard, the Storm Baron corresponds to the first-level senior wizard, the Storm Viscount corresponds to the second-level wizard, and the Storm Earl corresponds to the second-level senior wizard. Wizard..."

  Listening to Ms. Harp's explanation, Ricardo saw the title lines on the dark blue cloaked figure walking toward Lyra, which looked somewhat similar to the lines on the vampire knights in the Frostwind Territory tomb information.

  "Then this person who is walking over here is... Sir?"

  "Yes, a Storm Sir. His level is probably between the Great Knight and the Legendary Knight. He may have many trump cards..." Ms.

  Harp replied.

  Ricardo's face suddenly froze. Unexpected people often mean unexpected risks.

  He thought that Viscount Frostwind was a remnant of the Wild Snow, and that his ancestors could be traced back to the Storm Clan. He did not have a good impression of this clan.

  He was prepared for some troubles in this mission, but when he saw the possible source of trouble, he was naturally not happy emotionally.

  "These people from the Storm Clan are here to recover the Storm Beacon. In recent years, the Storm Clan has done the same thing as the Vigil Holy Relic. They occupied the Ocean Church, a false god church, and used the Ocean Church to continuously spread their power across two continents. Spread your influence along the coast... You don’t have to be afraid of people from the Storm Clan. Miss Vera was born in the Parlan Clan. The two clans had very bad relations back then. Miss Vera has killed many people from the Storm Clan. If you can really kill the Storm People from the clan, with Miss Vera here, it’s no big deal..." "

  But, it all depends on your strength. Miss Vera said you can use the medium in the mission for your own use... This is based on her trust in you. If you can get it..."

  Ms. Harp seemed to have a deeper understanding of Ricardo's strength after last night.

  If it were on the day of Cohen's death, I'm afraid she wouldn't think that Ricardo could face the coming Storm Lord calmly.

  "Good day! Your Excellency Lyra!"

  "I am Takino, Takino Storm, a Sir Storm of the Great Storm Clan." The

  person who walked up to Ricardo and others was a tall young man with fair skin and a slightly younger face. .

  When the other party introduced himself as Sir Storm, he was extremely confident and proud of his last name.

  Behind the opponent were seven knights from the Viscount Snow Valley family, the first two of whom were wearing the uniforms of Demon Hunter Knight Majors.

  One of them, Ricardo, felt familiar. He recalled that he seemed to have seen the other person's face during the first operation in Wind Wolf Town and during the revenge war in his own territory.

  "Terry Snow Valley."

  The Major of the Demon Hunter Knight introduced, "The Snow Valley family has converted to the Church of the Sea, and now we and Mr. Takino are one family." "

  This mission involves the recovery of the Storm Beacon, and Takino With the adults here, even if there is a problem with the storm lighthouse, it will be solved."

  Listening to Trixuegu's generous words, Ms. Harp's face suddenly became unhappy.

  But she refrained from having an attack for the time being, and after Ricardo, Paris, Lorient and others were introduced one by one, she said:
  "I hope we have a pleasant cooperation this time. But as I said before, things in evil environments are generally Whoever has the credit will get it. Although things like the Storm Beacon are precious, there are countless people living outside. If it really wants to belong to you, the first thing the officials should do is to hold the relationship between the Storm Clan and the Thief Cult accountable, and Are you not allowed to participate? Do you understand?"

  "The entire evil environment, except for the holy armor of the Constellation Church, is well known. Anyone who robs it is destined to be hunted down by the church. The rest of the things have no natural owners. If the Storm Beacon is contaminated, we Solve the pollution and get it first. Don't have internal conflicts when the time comes. Let's make everything clear first."

  Ms. Harp looked at Storm Lord Takino with sharp eyes, and her tone clearly revealed that she was very confident about her own combat power. confidence.

  "Haha, of course."

  Takino narrowed his eyes and glanced at Ricardo and the others. Trixuegu whispered a few words in his ear.

  "Of course we understand the tyranny of the Constellation Church towards the Holy Armor. However, if the lost Holy Armor is really liberated, generally speaking, if the Holy Armor is liberated, it will definitely choose a new owner nearby. Sir Lyra, you don't seem to have brought any Constellation Church with you. Are you planning to let the wizard apprentice next to you inherit the holy armor?" "

  Lord Vera has her own arrangements. Without further ado, without further nonsense, let's go directly."

  Ms. Harp said He stopped the other party's glance towards Ricardo.

  She understands Vera's character, and naturally knows that the other party likes to see whether the chosen person has the ability to escape fate. She will not deliberately help Ricardo, nor will she deliberately create difficulties for Ricardo.

  The team she led this time, not counting her, included five people from Paris Lolion, Ricardo and two demon-hunting knights, three ordinary knights from the Constellation Church, and eight people from Tachino, for a total of seventeen people. .

  There won't be many remnants of the Thieves Guild and possibly the Evil Thieves' Order in the Badlands.

  And in an evil environment, sometimes there are too many people, and facing strange evil spirits may cause trouble.

  In the team targeting the enemies in the main tower, dozens of elite combat forces have been gathered.

  The other two teams went to deal with the two Storm Lighthouse auxiliary towers. The official judgment was that the combat power was sufficient.

  "Let's go."

  The team going to the main tower in front has already left first. Ms. Harp asked Ricardo to choose which direction of the auxiliary tower their team should go to. The leader of the other team has a significantly lower status than Lyra, and they will pick up the rest. .

  "This way."

  Ricardo did a simple divination. He didn't know which one was better, the Sacred Armor of Leo, or the half-thieves card, so he could only divination at will.

  On the side, the storm knight Takino and the Demon Hunter Major of the Snow Valley family were a little unbelievable when they saw Lady Harp letting Ricardo make a choice.

  Tachino looked deeply at Ricardo.

  The group of people passed through the iron fence and entered the evil woods.

  After not walking many steps, we entered the snow forest area.

  Snowflakes fell all over the sky, making the entire forest look particularly cold.

  After a while, the sky that was supposed to be daytime suddenly turned into night, and it was night.

  "This is the forest on a snowy night."

  (End of chapter)

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