127. Chapter 127 Assassination and Blood Knight Notes

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  Chapter 127 Assassination and Blood Knight Notes
  Ricardo narrowed his eyes, although he had not yet arrived at the living room on the first floor.

  But through the changes in the Flower of Evil, he had been keenly aware that several people in the living room had strong malice towards him.

  He summoned his clone, the Evil Flower Spirit Puppet, to reveal his appearance, while he himself put on a fully enclosed helmet.

  Pretending to be a guard and following his clone.

  Although he can judge that when all his cards are revealed, the combat power he can show will generally not be in danger in such a place.

  However, his move this time was also an attempt.

  His clone can be reconstructed only with special life energy, and under certain conditions, he and the clone can exchange places.

  If this attempt is successful, today's operation will become a preview for future operations, which can improve the safety of future operations.

  "Preparations are complete."

  The attendant Landoni came up to report. She was also wearing armor. She signaled that Teresa was waiting outside with a team of enchanted armors.

  Ricardo controlled the clone to nod and made two gestures.

  The two gestures are to wait for the signal to take action, and to shoot arrows at the enemy's limbs to capture them alive.

  Then Ricardo followed the clone into the living room.

  In the reception room.

  He saw a middle-aged woman wearing a black tights sitting inside, and there were two followers in black beside her.

  The moment when three people saw Ricardo's doppelgänger.

  Ricardo felt that the progress value of the Flower of Evil was constantly beating.

  …These three people are all very strong…especially the two followers.

  Ricardo felt that this kind of malice surpassed that of the Wind Wolf Guard Captain he had encountered before.

  The captain of the Wind Wolf Guards is considered an average senior knight.

  "I remember that I have never interacted with the Thieves Guild in Pansen County, right? I have no friendship or interest in my illegitimate brother Kerry. I don't know why I let you, a high-ranking member of the guild, wait here for so long. ?"

  Ricardo slightly clumsily controlled the clone to speak, and the clone's voice seemed hoarse and intermittent.

  The clone inherited a few of his attributes and also had vocal cords and other vocal organs, but it still took a lot of effort to speak.

  Ricardo wondered if he should get into a knightly combat skill that involved subtle muscle manipulation.

  "Baron Ricardo!"

  The leading woman bowed her head respectfully and saluted.

  Seeing this, Ricardo felt that the other party did not seem to have any doubts about the authenticity of the clone.

  He nodded, and after trying a few more times, there would be no need to compromise with the other party, and he would just kill and torture him.

  His psychological quality is really good. In this case, he can control the clone to speak more and more fluently, and his body is always on alert, and he can leave the battle or enter the combat state at any time.

  "It's like this... I found out that your brother Kerry was once a member of the Thieves Guild in Sarport County. After the guild was banned, he was actually still in the other organization. Before he joined the Thieves Guild, he worked in the former Shan I have been with the Mountain Wolf bandit group of the Wolf Mercenary Group, and I have a good relationship with the group leader Shanlang, and Shanlang’s sister..." "In the past few months,

  Kerry, as the representative of the other organization, worked closely with our side. I had some contact with him. At that time, he was very interested in some tomb relics excavated by some nobles in Pansen County in the Panxue Mountains. The people behind him even asked us to collect a book called "The Blood Knight's Notes" unearthed from the tomb. Items."

  The woman's words were respectful and gentle. If Ricardo hadn't had the Flower of Evil, he probably wouldn't have thought that the woman in front of him wanted to do something to him.

  Ricardo originally wanted to send a code signal directly and let Teresa's team outside take action directly.

  But at this time, the woman took out a bloody book from her arms.

  "Is this..."

  he asked while controlling the clone.

  At the same time, he controlled the clone to take out the pistol he carried, turned on the safety, and played with it in his hand.

  People in the wizarding world didn't recognize this as a pistol.

  When the woman saw the clone flipping the pistol in his hand, she only stiffened slightly, and then continued the action in her hand.

  "This is the "Blood Knight Codex"?"

  Ricardo controlled the clone and asked.

  "Well, this is actually the first copy of the Codex, and the second copy is still being sorted out at the base." The

  woman replied, "This Codex contains a special breathing method, which has some connection with the legendary Vampire Clan. I found something suspicious in the manuscript, and I think it has something to do with what Kerry and the others are plotting. I'll point it out to you..."

  The woman stood up and turned to a certain page of the manuscript before Ricardo responded.

  At the same time, she walked toward the clone, moved her body, and held the book in her hands as if she was ready to hand it to the clone.

  Behind his identity, Ricardo was wearing a closed helmet. At this time, he was watching the progress of the Flower of Evil, but he could not tell the other party's intentions.

  He waved his hand coldly and made a gesture towards the waiting team outside the window.


  His hand moved indifferently.

  The clone immediately stopped flipping the pistol, and then held the pistol in his hand.

  The pistol was aimed directly at the woman's thigh.

  "Get out!"

  Ricardo roared as he looked at the approaching woman, her hands ready to move, and the two followers behind the woman who were ready to kick on the ground at any moment.

  He had already drawn the knight's sword from his waist.

  The squad of enchanted armored knights waiting outside have already mounted modern composite crossbows.

  At close range, the modern compound crossbow fired arrows at the limbs of the three people in the room!

  The woman already felt the danger when her clone raised the pistol and pressed the trigger.

  But at this point, she was already prepared not to go back alive.

  Her hand had already pulled out a slender bloody dagger from under the "Blood Knight Codex".

  The dagger was cleverly hidden under the bloody cover just now.

  ...You are playing this trick in front of me..."

  Ricardo unfolded the micro-domain purifying force field, and several illusory vines burst out from under his feet and headed towards the three people in front of him.

  The two followers behind the woman were also ready to rise up.


  The arrows from the modern compound crossbow had already hit their legs and feet!


  A muffled groan came from the two men's rising figures.

  Bang bang!

  In order to prevent the two of them from dying before they were beaten, Ricardo's clone already held a pistol and hit the two of them on the thighs continuously.

  The airflow oscillates!

  At the same time, Ricardo pulled out the frost sword in his hand.

  The special effects of the combat skills in the fifth level of the War Hammer Breathing Technique were also used.

  This sword-drawing move, like an Iai slash, directly caused a violent airflow in the room! !
  Accompanied by front and rear attacks: On one side, there are modern compound crossbow arrows shooting at the hands and feet, and on the other side, there are pistols and Ricardo's combat skills and vines.

  Under the attack from both front and back, the three enemies were in dire straits!


  The woman felt the sharp pain coming from her body, the feeling of arrows shooting into her body, and the instant stiffness in her body.

  Her original movement of pulling out the dagger from under the book was completely blocked.

  She gritted her teeth suddenly and opened her mouth to spit.

  A large mouthful of thick green poisonous mist spat out from her mouth and went towards the clone's face.

  not good! Still using poison?

  Release the clone summons!

  Ricardo didn't want to waste his special life energy, so he instantly released his clone.

  But he still felt a little poison on the clone's face, and the corrosive liquid instantly invaded the clone. Ricardo could only use special life energy to start repairing the clone.

  At the same time, in order to protect the clone, the air flow brought out by his swing of the sword became more intense.

  It directly blew the woman's figure up, rolled in the air, and hit the stone wall next to her.

  "Mrs. Camilla!"

  "Ms. Camilla!"

  The two attendants who had arrows in their limbs were determined. Although they were hit by arrows, they still wanted to get close to Ricardo.

  "Strike of the Wind Wolf!"

  One of the followers was actually capable. He shook out a short blade from his cuff and threw it directly towards Ricardo.

  Ricardo directly summoned the clone, then teleported it to the modern world, and then sent it back again to replace the clone's position.

  There was a close teleportation.

  Although this move has certain limitations, it is extremely easy to use.

  When Ricardo sent the message back, he saw the short blade going past his original position toward the wall.

  Half of the short-edged blade sank directly into the wall.

  More modern compound crossbow arrows flew towards the limbs of the three people in the room.

  Under this continuous attack, the limbs of the three people were disabled.

  Even if he could still move, he was pinned to an object or wall and couldn't move at all.

  "So there is still a bereaved dog of the Feng Lang family?"

  Ricardo said after seeing that the follower just now could still use the sword skills of the Feng Lang family.

  He stretched out his foot and stepped on the arm of the follower who had just thrown the short blade, crushing the bones of his hand.

  "Idam!" "Idam!"

  Looking at the scene in front of her, the woman who was originally hit against the wall had her eyes split open. She already knew that the assassination plan had failed, and she wailed in despair.

  "Mom can't avenge you anymore...Mom can only leave with you..."

  The woman wailed hoarsely and miserably.

  "You are Ms. Camilla? As the top executive of the Pansen County Thieves Guild, after learning about my strength, you gathered two people like this to assassinate me?" Ricardo's illusory vines rolled forward and wrapped the noose

  around the woman's limbs. , began to interrogate the other party's purpose of coming.


  At this time, an old dagger with a familiar style fell out of another follower.

  Ricardo looked at the dagger, thinking of Cohen's death before, and the curse on the assassin in Panxue Forest Manor before his death...

  "Oh, plus the cursed dagger, it is really possible to kill those two senior elite knights. An intermediate wizard apprentice."

  "But why..."

  Ricardo interrogated the woman.

  "...The revenge of killing a son..."

  The woman seemed to have some sense at last, "There is also the revenge of the Fenglang family for genocide. Isn't this enough?"

  After she finished these two sentences, her eyes were suddenly filled with the will to die. , and then gritted his teeth, green blood showing at the corner of his mouth.

  He actually committed suicide by taking poison.


  At this time, Teresa had already entered the back room with a team of enchanted armored knights.

  "Stop the bleeding of these two people, and then I will take care of the dungeon myself."

  (End of Chapter)

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