Chapter 98 96 Nocturne vs Arctic Wolf (More updates will be added as a reward for Shieryu)

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  Chapter 98 96. Nocturne vs Arctic Wolf (More updates will be added as a reward for Shieryu)
  When the melodious and ethereal lullaby ends with the last note.

  All the freshmen present had fallen asleep, their eyes half closed, and fell into a hypnotic state.

  Hypnosis is difficult to be effective in a fierce battle, but it is another matter in daily life.

  A small dose of sleep aid was added to the wonton soup.

  The bonfire in the dark night, similar to candlelight, can be used as a hypnotic medium to focus the spirit. The size of the bonfire, the flickering rhythm, the distance between the firelight and the students are all precisely controlled by Vermouth.

  "Very good, they are all in a half-asleep hypnotic state. Nocturne, your Sleep Demon is still as useful as ever." Vermouth chuckled.

  Special demons such as the Sleep Demon, the Sword Soul Demon, and the Shadow Demon have no physical entities but exist in the form of spirits. They can be signed as contract spirits by psychics!

  Because the sleep demon form is just a pale and hazy shadow with no obvious characteristics, and there are too many spirits with similar appearances, so even if Nocturne is shown publicly, few people associate it with the devil.

  "They're just a group of first-year students. There's no way they can resist the magic of the Nightmare." The lower half of Nocturne's face smiled.

  Russell pretended that he fell into a deep sleep like the other freshmen.

  With his mental resistance even exceeding that of many third-year students, he was able to resist the hypnosis just now without much effort.

  "Why are the people from the Wonton Club trying to hypnotize us? What do they want to do?" Russell's mind was racing.


  In a tree among the stacked woods, the Arctic wolf shrunk to the size of an apple, observing the situation secretly, fell into confusion.

  "What's going on? Why did Russell and the other freshmen fall asleep?"

  "Is it hypnosis? What on earth are they doing?"

  "Is it an initiation ceremony for some kind of college association?" "

  I've never heard of any college force before The initiation ceremony is so strange."

  "There must be something wrong!"

  Suddenly, Arctic Wolf felt a sense of mission that he had become the protagonist.

  I might have crashed into a weird party and discovered a shady conspiracy.

  As long as you tell what you saw, a certain conspiracy will be exposed!

  Behind Nocturne, in mid-air, the pale and fuzzy shadow, the spirit-like demon known as the "Sleep Demon" stopped singing.

  It looked around and recited a mantra in a low voice in devilish language:
  "No one can peep into the night's dreams."

  Prying perception.

  Before, it used this magic to discover that Russell's ghost was following Nocturne!
  Sleep Demon suddenly trembled, as if he sensed something.

  "Master, someone is spying on us. I can vaguely detect it!" The pale and hazy shadow pointed to a small tree on the right.

  "The feeling of spying comes from this direction!"

  Nocturne suddenly turned his head, cast his gaze, and immediately spotted the Arctic wolf on the tree!

  Arctic wolf in disguise and in reduced form!


  Wait, I was discovered?

  The Arctic wolf was startled and jumped down from the tree.

  "Don't let him run away!"

  Vermouth shouted, spitting out several spells, and layers of spider webs appeared among the trees.

  Compared with the "spider web technique" released by Subway in the late first grade, the spider web created by Vermouth is undoubtedly more viscous and more resilient.

  The arctic wolf landed in a large tangle of sticky, soft, snow-white spider webs.

  He quickly released the "Shrinking Technique" and released the "Giant Transformation Technique". His body quickly expanded from a small person the size of an apple to more than 3 meters, trying to break free from the cobwebs with stronger strength.

  Snap, snap, snap.

  The snow-white spider threads were broken by the huge force of the giant arctic wolf.

  Several small trees in the woods were stuck together with the spider webs, and were bent down by the Arctic wolf pulling on the spider webs as it rushed forward.

  These spider silks are so tough that it will take a second or two to completely break free from the spider webs.

  However, Arctic Wolf is not worried. Vermouth has just finished casting the spell and should still be in the casting buffer. His companion, the girl with a gloomy temperament and bangs covering the upper half of her face, is only a first-year student and cannot make any trouble. ……Maybe?

  Seeing that the Arctic wolf was about to break free from the cobweb, Nocturne chuckled softly on the lower half of her face that was not covered by her bangs.

  The silver-bell-like laughter was layered and ethereal, mixed with chilling fear:
  "It's a strange intruder. It's really impolite to peek at our party." She gently raised a finger and pointed. An arctic wolf in gigantic form.


  A deep dark ray shot out from Nocturne's fingers, hitting the arctic wolf's back. The cuticles and fur on his body that were used for defense seemed useless against this pitch-black ray.

  Arctic Wolf felt that almost all the strength in his body was drained away at this moment. Even in the gigantic state, his strength is much greater than normal.

  The Arctic Wolf was as tired as if he had been exercising vigorously for several hours. His sore muscles complained to him, wishing he could stop and rest as soon as possible, and it became difficult to even move forward.

  He remembered in an instant that this was one of the several types of black magic that the Black Magic Glove could use, the "ray of exhaustion." Moreover, the exhaustion ray released by Nocturne seems to be much more powerful than that released by the gloves.

  A strong third grader?
  Even among various secret societies and large witchcraft families, he is still at the top!

  Arctic Wolf, who had seen a truly powerful third-year spellcaster take action in the High School, was reminded of this fear for the first time.

  That girl with a gloomy temperament is a third-year student pretending to be a first-year student?

  "What kind of people have I messed with?"

  the Arctic Wolf gasped. He had become extremely tired and could not break free from the sticky spider web.

  He simply stopped "turning into a giant" and raised his right hand.

  On his right hand, he wore a glove as dark as the deepest night.


  Russell, who pretended to be hypnotized, squinted his eyes and watched the whole battle.

  The hypnotized student does not really fall into a complete sleep, so it is normal to have half-closed eyes.

  When he saw the Arctic wolf becoming huge, and his clothes, belt, waist bag, and the potion bottle wrapped around the belt all became larger, Russell complained crazily in his heart.

  "What Husky used should be the giant-enhancing technique used by Wolf Spider before.

  "Like most movies and TV animations, in the giant state, it is necessary to keep clothes and other personal belongings enlarged together, otherwise it will not be suitable for children.

  "When the alchemy potion bottle wrapped around your waist becomes larger, will the amount of potion increase?

  "But there shouldn't be such a bug. I guess it's just that the potion has been diluted?

  "But if the alchemy potion is diluted, will it still have the original effect?

  "After concentrated sulfuric acid is diluted, it becomes dilute sulfuric acid. The physical properties have changed. Will it change from being unable to corrode steel to being able to corrode steel? "
  And if it is diluted, more water will still increase out of thin air!
  "What if the base solvent is not water, but other liquids?"

  In the blink of an eye, Russell seemed to have thoughts churning in the brain of a programmer, but he had to suppress his desire to complain and couldn't go up and ask the Arctic Wolf directly.

  At this time, he saw through the slits of his squinted eyes that the Arctic Wolf raised his right hand.

  Russell recognized it immediately, and this glove made a deep impression on him.

  The extraordinary item that the Emerald Cat used on Clara!

  Why is it in the hands of Huskies?

  Russell knew that although this extraordinary item had serious side effects, it was of high value. Maybe the Huskies could turn defeat into victory by using it?
  Come on, Husky!
  The Arctic Wolf raised his right hand, trying to activate the glove in his hand that was as dark as a lightless night.

  He is ready to use his first trump card and fight to the death!
  Uh, I guess I can't beat it even if I use it. Arctic Wolf then thought about it.

  Forget it, just use the second trump card.

  "Please brothers and sisters, please let me go. I just happened to be passing by. I didn't mean to spy on you. I don't know which club you belong to or what club activities you are holding, and I don't care. You can continue. "I'm really just passing by!"

  The Arctic wolf returned to normal size and begged for mercy in the spider web.

  ah? The wind chime that possessed Russell was speechless for a while.

  Vermouth and Nocturne looked at each other.

  "What to do?" Vermouth asked.

  "Let's control this guy first." Nocturne's tone was cold.


  the arctic wolf was tied up with iron chains by Vermouth.

  Nocturne ordered the pale and blurred Sleep Demon, and spent some time to put the Arctic Wolf into a half-dream and half-awake hypnotic state, and threw it aside.

  "It's just a small interlude during the performance of beautiful piano music." Nocturne didn't care, looking at the group of sleepy freshmen on the lawn, "Next, we just need to follow the predetermined steps. Vermouth."

  (End of chapter)

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