Chapter 95 93 The date of joining the club agreed with Nocturne

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  Chapter 95 93.

  Nearly two months passed in the blink of an eye. The day agreed with Nocturne for joining the club.

  The time has come to February 1st, five months have passed since the start of the school year, and the school year is already halfway over.

  And the April date agreed with Nocturne has also arrived.

  Nocturne has made an appointment with Russell for the time and place of tonight's gathering, and promised that Russell can successfully join the association behind Nocturne as long as he passes tonight's assessment!

  In the dormitory in the afternoon, Russell sat at the table, turned on his phone, and checked the messages under the horror movie.

  During this period, in addition to daily spiritual practice and classes, he also borrowed existing resources to simply shoot a few horror short films and posted them online.

  The main actors are the female ghost Feng Ling and her split soul.

  Russell did not reveal that his ghost film was shot by a real female ghost, so it did not violate the confidentiality agreement of the wizarding world.

  This kind of thing is very common in the magic world -

  for example, many evil and cunning supernatural beings appear to be magicians, but in fact they know nothing about magic. They didn't use any magic tricks during their performances, they used real magic.

  The transformation of a living person is to really transport people in and out of the box; the card clairvoyance magic is to really use the clairvoyant eyes; the human body cutting magic is to really cut the human body and close it again.

  When Russell learned about this shameless practice of cheating the audience, he righteously stated that he must learn it too!
  During the video shooting, Feng Chi used magic to change his facial features, but retained his pure white hair color.

  The first reason for changing the appearance was to match the character of the short film; secondly, Russell was worried that Feng Chime would be noticed by her murderer - if she died of murder instead of an accident, so she did not want Feng Chime to appear in public.

  Costumes, makeup and simple props are replaced by disguise illusions; special effects are replaced by small magic by ghosts to create supernatural phenomena.

  With the illusion of disguise, it is very convenient to change clothes and faces. One ghost and three or four ghosts can be used as more than a dozen actors. I just finished playing the spirit boy's separated soul, and now I can play the corpse in the next scene.

  As for the bloody writing on the wall, a bunch of hair floating out of the toilet and strangling the neck, and the female ghost passing through the ceiling and floating in the air, they were all shot in real time without any special effects!
  For example, the scene of hair floating out of the toilet was shot in the bathroom of the teaching building; there is also a scene that imitates "Midnight Chimes", where a wind chime comes out of a mobile phone. It has a very scary effect, but in fact Russell himself sees it at least every day. I've been to similar scenes several times.

  Russell scrolled through the audience’s comments on his phone.

  The wind chime that originally lived in the phone suddenly appeared on the screen like a desktop pet. It also turned around and looked at the comments with interest.

  "Wind chimes, please give in, don't block me." Russell was helpless to the wind chimes on his phone.

  Wind Chime could only move away.

  Generally speaking, except for a few trolls, it has received rave reviews, but some reviewers will objectively point out the shortcomings.

  "How can I put it, the special effects are very careful. It really scared me until the female ghost came out and made me laugh." "

  I watched the shot of the female ghost rushing out of the phone in the middle of the night. I was really scared and screamed. The special effects were awesome, so smooth! But when the camera turned to the female ghost’s face, I suddenly wasn’t scared anymore. Is it my problem?” “Yes, yes,

  that white haired one ” The female ghost's temperament is really too silly and cute. She has no ghost temperament at all. She looks like a two-dimensional cosplayer who ran into the wrong set. It feels like she is trying her best to scare you, but she uses too much force.

  " It's perfect. That palace costume must have cost a lot of money. Thumbs up! But there is still room for improvement in casting and acting skills. Next time, let's find an actor who can act like a ghost." "..." Russell patiently flipped through the


  . After reading the comments, I feel that the result is very different from what I expected. Except that the female ghost lacks the temperament of a female ghost, there are not many flaws.

  Feng Chime was extremely disappointed and jumped up and down in anger on the phone screen:
  "I obviously tried hard to use illusions to disguise myself into a scary look, but how could I not scare people?"

  Russell patiently explained:
  "This is normal, disguise illusions can do it Even if you change your appearance, the kind, peaceful, and joyful temperament that naturally appears in your words and deeds is difficult to hide." The wind chime on the screen stopped jumping, and he scratched his head, thinking about

  Russell The meaning of the words.

  Russell then advised: "Wind Chime, you don't have to be so disappointed. You have worked very hard. During this period, you can read the useful information I sent you and learn how to play a female ghost well." "But I

  originally He's already a ghost." Feng Ling always felt that Russell's suggestion was strange. Russell shook his head and said meaningfully: "Novel, animation, film and television, these entertainment works presented in the form of stories are all clever deceptions. The important thing is not to show the true appearance of a thing, but to show the audience who they are. What I hope to see."

  Feng Ling felt that Russell's words were particularly philosophical and logical, and he was almost fooled.

  "Wind Chime, there's no need to shoot these days. Thank you for your hard work. I'll get you something delicious."

  Hearing these words, Feng Ling threw away the unhappiness he had felt just now.

  In the past two months, Russell borrowed a book "Effective Spirit Body Manager" from Professor Black Amber, which provided many feasible ideas for ghost raising work. For example, destroy the ghost's self-confidence from time to time and make the ghost believe that he is not doing well enough; compare the shortcomings of one ghost with the strengths of another ghost; emphasize his own hard work so that the ghost can always be grateful to the person who raises the ghost, etc.

  It is mentioned in it that appropriately rewarding contract spirits is crucial to optimizing the human-spiritual relationship of psychics!
  At the beginning, when the wind chime was greedy, Russell rewarded her with delicious food by letting the wind chime possess her. Then, he went to various restaurants in the college to enjoy delicious food.

  The more times he rewarded the wind chimes, Russell himself gained a lot of weight.

  Although it was very hard, troublesome, and faced the risk of weight gain, Russell silently endured the pain for the sake of raising ghosts.

  After a while, Feng Chi finally realized that there was something wrong with this way of reward.

  The senses shared through possession, as if separated by a hazy veil, are still quite different from tasting them in person, and the taste of many delicacies will change.

  The most important thing is that there is still a feeling of jealousy, watching Russell eat what he doesn’t eat!

  Fortunately, Russell and Subway later discussed a new method that would allow the ghost wind chimes to taste the full flavor of food just like humans!

  Time returns to the present.

  Russell opened the cabinet and took out several large bags of newly bought snacks.

  He went outside, found an open space and burned several large bags of snacks. While burning, he announced that he would send them to the wind chimes.

  This is an ancient magic originating from the East. It was taught to Russell by Subway from a family of alchemists. It can send the material in the world to ghosts.

  After Russell finished burning the snacks, several large bags of spirit snacks fell from the top of the wind chime on the phone screen, and her eyes lit up.

  "I'm a little worried, will the ghost get fat? What if one day you are fed too fat and can't fly." Russell laughed.

  "I don't know." The sound of wind chimes came from the mobile phone.

  "Be careful. If the ghost is too fat to fly and passes through solid matter, it will fall to the center of the earth." Russell continued.

  "And even if the ghost just flies slower than before, it is still very dangerous. If you can't keep up with the taxi, when I take the taxi, as soon as you, the ghost, get out of the magic weapon, you will be unable to follow. At the speed of getting on the car, it passed through the trunk of the car and fell on the road."

  Feng Ling believed that there must be something wrong with Russell's nonsense theory!
  But I can’t think of how to refute it, so I’ll just eat potato chips.

  Click, click, click.

  Russell no longer paid attention to the wind chimes feasting on the phone screen, raised his head, and looked at the dusk in Sihe.

  He followed the map and walked towards a tree-lined area south of the college.

  That's where he and Nocturne agreed to meet.


  Russell was walking on the quiet tree-lined path, not noticing the stalker in the distance.

  On the quiet forest meadow, a miniature stalker followed Russell like a shadow.

  The boss of the White Wolf Club, Arctic Wolf!

  (End of chapter)

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