Chapter 9 9 Ways to Defeat the Dragon

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  Chapter 9 9. How to Defeat the Dragon

  In the office.

  "Professor Opal, I've been wanting to ask since just now, why is the dragon in the dream so... strange? It seems that he has a lot of strange knowledge." One of the teachers asked.

  "Because in this exam, the monsters that students face are not fabricated out of thin air in dreams, but creatures trapped in dreams like the candidates! Naturally, they also contain some knowledge from outside dreams." Opal He explained with a smile.

  "Are they the three guarding the seal?" asked the serious female teacher whose pseudonym was Agate and who wore gold-rimmed glasses on her nose.

  Opal nodded.

  Agate understood.

  "You should design some normal assessment methods in the future." Agate muttered dissatisfied.

  "I know." Opal just smiled.


  In a dream.

  Russell realized that the dragon had misunderstood his question.

  In fact, what I want to ask is, why do you, a giant dragon, want to occupy a large amount of assets? Do you have any consumption needs?

  But it doesn't matter, it's just buying time anyway.

  Russell continued to expand on this topic:
  "Mr. Julong, do you really think your current asset allocation is perfect?

  ​​"Have you ever thought about diversifying your investments?
  "There is a saying that goes well, don't put all your eggs in one basket..."

  The dragon frowned, lying in front of Russell and listening patiently.

  At the same time, Subway had sneaked into the dragon's lair and was quickly putting gold into bags.

  "What did Russell say to the dragon, or did he cast some magic on it? Why did the dragon become so quiet all of a sudden?" Subway couldn't figure out the situation.

  Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway, just steal the gold.

  Suddenly, Subway heard the thunderous roar of a dragon from behind:

  "Russell, what do you mean?"

  Have you been discovered? Subway's heart was in his throat.

  "Eleven out of ten managers of fund companies are liars!" the dragon roared again.

  Weird, what on earth were Russell and the dragon talking about? Subway looked confused.

  Tens of seconds later.

  Subway filled a bag of gold, slipped out of the lair, and tied the bag of gold to his horse.

  He went back and found Russell, and found that Russell and the dragon were still chatting, and they were in harmony.

  "Hey, Russell, we're leaving." Subway poked Russell on the ground.

  "Okay." Russell stood up and was about to leave with Subway.

  "Wait a minute, don't leave yet!" The dragon shouted, "I have a different view on the causes of the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis." Russell was too lazy to pay attention to the dragon, riding a horse with Subway, and was about to leave .

  "Wait a minute, you are Russell's partner, right? Did you take the gold from my lair while I was chatting!" The

  dragon said sharply, looking directly at Subway.

  There are also bulging bags on horseback!
  The dragon's wings spread out, and a terrifying strong wind struck.

  "What should we do, Russell? We've been discovered." Subway was so frightened that he lost his mind.

  Russell's face was expressionless.

  "If you want the gold in my lair, just take more. I don't need it anyway." The dragon said, turning around and flying back to the lair.

  ah? Subway was a little confused, and while riding his horse, he asked Russell:

  "What exactly did you say to the dragon just now?
  " "Did you convince it to give up its large reserves of gold as a safe-haven asset?"

  "No, even if it doesn't reserve gold, it won't let the gold be stolen by us."

  Russell replied calmly: "I just told Mr. Dragon that we were in a dream. So the gold in the dream does not matter to us." It's meaningless."

  "How did you convince it to believe... Wait, wait, am I dreaming?"

  Subway suddenly realized, and it took him a while to barely remember that he was taking an exam and was deep in a dream.

  Russell replied unhurriedly:
  "I told the dragon that even if the gold mined around the world were made into a ball, the radius would only be ten meters.

  "There is so much gold in the lair, covering the caves and piled into hills. Being able to have a giant dragon sleep on it is like a movie scene purely designed to shock the audience.

  "Not to mention, how could a fucking medieval dragon discuss the financial crisis with me.

  "And our sacks are really strong. There is no magic, but they can easily carry gold the size of a person. I don't know. Linen combined with some alien technology.

  "All signs indicate that this is just a ridiculous dream designed for the exam."


  In the office.

  "This Russell is a bit incredible. He can actually understand the fact that he is in a dream." Opal commented.

  This dream is maintained by a teacher who specializes in the "Psychic and Illusion Department". Normally, it will not be seen through by the candidates. Not to mention admissions candidates and first-year regular students, even second-year top students find it difficult to stay awake in their dreams!
  "It seems that his mental resistance is quite high, perhaps even comparable to that of third-grade super geniuses." Black Amber on the desk also commented.

  In her opinion, it was natural that a prophesied hero would be gifted in some way.


   Thank you very much to all the good brothers and sisters who have read this far.

    Reading new books is the most important thing!

    Thank you all again.

  (End of chapter)

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