Chapter 89 87 Arctic Wolf’s Pretending Time

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  Chapter 89 87. Arctic Wolf's Pretending Time

  "You have successfully angered me. After I regain my sight without the need to maintain the summons, I can stop you all... in just 10 seconds!" The

  man in red robe did not have time. After he finished speaking, Russell, Subway, and Violet ran out of the large equipment room without even listening to him.

  Even Osprey, who was seriously injured and unconscious, was carried by the female ghost wind chime.

  The man ran forward and caught up, so fast that he left an afterimage behind him.

  He rushed out the door and stepped into the vast gymnasium, where he saw three people running in different directions.

  The man in red robe did not hesitate and tapped the ground three times with the black iron scepter again.

  Three emerald green acid balls condensed in the air and expanded rapidly. In an instant, the diameter exceeded 1 meter. Each acid ball locked on one of the targets.


  The man in red robe discovered that in the stadium, in the rich night illuminated by the silver moonlight, there was another man who had never appeared before.

  This man has beautiful silver-white hair, wears leather shoes, fashionable white clothes, and sunglasses, with his hands in his pockets. He looks handsome but has a strong murderous aura. He is difficult to deal with at first sight.

  On his chest was a golden badge.

  Gold badge?

  Fourth grader?
  The proud son of the college!
  The man in red robe had been undercover in the college for many years, and he recognized this famous figure in the college at a glance.

  One of the only four fourth-year students in the college and the boss of the White Wolf Club, Arctic Wolf!

  Sweat was already dripping from his forehead under the demon mask.

  Why did the arctic wolf suddenly appear in the junior high school?
  Men in red robes can run rampant in the junior college, but looking at the third-year students, they are only the weakest group and it is impossible to challenge the fourth-year students.

  No, it must be fake. The man in red robe immediately changed his mind.

  It must be another disguise illusion!

  "Don't use the same illusion trick twice. Do you think I will believe you if you disguise yourself as an Arctic wolf?" The

  man in red robe smiled and placed the sapphire mirror at the eye hole of his mask.

  The next moment, the smile under the devil mask of the man in red robe solidified.

  "You, you, you, are actually the Arctic wolf?"

  Under the moonlight, the Arctic wolf confronting him was also frightened and tried hard to control his facial expression.

  Two minutes ago, he left the tower, found a place to release the "change appearance" spell, changed another set of clothes, and changed from "Husky" back to the famous "Arctic Wolf".

  Afterwards, Arctic Wolf came to the gym, planning to find the female ghost Feng Chime and Russell to help the giant bear get back the Blazing Sun Talisman.

  Who knew, as soon as he entered the gymnasium, he saw the golden light as bright as the rising sun, heard the violent explosions, and realized that a war seemed to be happening here.

  Then he ran into a cultist wearing a dark red robe and a devil mask.

  Just when Arctic Wolf was thinking about whether he should say "spare me" first or "I'm just passing by and it's none of my business", he realized that the red-robed cultist was more frightened than him, so he turned around and ran away.

  "I didn't expect that the demon believers of Chaos Red, the elites in red robes, are just cowards." The Arctic Wolf sneered with his hands in his pockets, showing no intention of chasing after him.

  The man in red robe ran towards the outside of the gymnasium, raising the black iron scepter as he ran, thinking about summoning some demon with the ability to fly at high speed and suitable for riding, so that he could escape easily. He rushed to the stadium door.

  Outside the door, an elegant black cat stood in the silvery moonlight, its amber eyes glowing.

  Academy Professor, Black Amber!


  Soon, the matter was resolved.

  Professor Black Amber, who received the news reported by Russell using his spiritual body "Hidden One", rushed to the scene quickly and started a battle with the red-robed cultists.

  Professor Black Amber had the strength of the early fourth grade and easily defeated the injured demon believer.

  Within the next 10 minutes, several more teachers arrived and escorted the man in red robe away.

  A teacher who was proficient in runes began to analyze the leyline array on the wall of the equipment room, trying to study the function of the array and analyze what the devil worshipers of the Red Order of Chaos wanted to do.


  the rising sun rises in the east.

  The white clouds are like sheep, gathering and dispersing in the blue and vast sky pasture.

  In the school hospital.

  In an interior dominated by pure white, Osprey, Violet and Wind Chime have all received treatment and are resting on the hospital bed.

  A school doctor took the examination report and said to Feng Ling, whose body was illusory and translucent, lying on the hospital bed with messy white hair: "
  You must be the female ghost named Feng Ling. The examination results are out. It's nothing serious. It's mainly due to overwork. The soul body has a high degree of depletion.

  "There are traces of burns from the holy water on the intestines and stomach. You should avoid eating anything that is too spicy for a week." Of course, if you are a female ghost who doesn’t eat in the first place, then don’t worry about it. The school

  doctor turned his head and said to Russell who was waiting in front of the hospital bed:
  "You are the contract owner of this ghost, right? You can take her for a proper walk in the past two days." If you are still worried, you can take her for a gastroscopy later. "

  It's like being in a pet hospital...Russell had a strange association.

  It's easy to perform a gastroscopy on a female ghost. You just need to insert the equipment directly from the abdomen. Anyway, she can penetrate solid objects. Thinking of

  this, Russell turned around The head asked the wind chime:
  "I have always had a question, under what circumstances can a ghost like you come into contact with physical matter? "

  The wind chime recalled the details of life and replied:
  "When I deliberately want to move an object or pretend to be a living person, if I stay focused and solidify my soul, I can exert force on the object or wrap the object in my body. However, this is a bit like some mysterious force field in the spirit pushing the object, which seems different from real touch?

  "Is it more like some mysterious force field pushing the object? " Russell frowned slightly, "But when we living people hold objects in our hands, electromagnetic force is essentially acting." Is there any difference between the two? "

  Violet, who was in the hospital bed next door, heard Russell's question and was also lost in thought. She felt that this issue was worthy of further study.

  "Yeah, I almost forgot, even if it's just a trolley, electromagnetic force is at work. "

  Just thinking about this question, Violet felt that her understanding of elements and energy was deeper, her spirituality was stirring, and her level was rising, as if she had an opportunity to be promoted to the second grade. On the hospital bed farther away, Osprey couldn't understand what they were saying at all

  . What to say.

  After expressing his gratitude to Russell and Subway, Osprey turned to the Arctic Wolf in the corner of the ward and expressed his admiration with tears in his eyes:

  "Boss, my boss, you actually came to the junior college! I heard that when everyone was being hunted, you came like a hero and scared the cultists away. Unfortunately, I was unconscious at the time and could not witness the heroic appearance of the boss."

  ( End of this chapter)

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