Chapter 11 11 is bigger than Hydra

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  Chapter 11 11. Greater than Hydra

  Russell and Subway's dream.

  The two finally saw the Hydra guarding the golden apple, and fought with the Hydra with weapons in hand.

  Compared with the previous dragon, Hydra was undoubtedly much weaker. The two people who had been strengthened in the dream fought equally with Hydra.

  "Try this."

  Subway easily chopped off one of Hydra's heads with the sharp sword that the king had just given.

  "It's useless." The eight-headed snake laughed, and two more heads grew out of the blood-red fracture.

  The ten-headed snake taunted: "Don't waste your efforts."

  At the same time, Russell also used his own sharp blade to chop off the head of the ten-headed snake, causing the hydra to let out a cry of pain.

  But immediately, the eleven-headed snake launched a more violent attack on the two people:
  "Don't you understand? Your attacks will only make me stronger."

  Because there are two more heads than at the beginning, the eleven-headed snake's The offensive is undoubtedly more rapid.

  During the fierce battle, Subway dodged the attack and turned to Russell:

  "Russell, I thought of a mental problem.

  "Our mission is to defeat Hydra. If we defeat the eleven-headed snake, then do we defeat the hydra? Russell

  deflected the eleven-headed snake's blow and thought seriously for half a second:

  "I think it's okay." Although the legend of Hydra is spread around the world, in most languages, the name Hydra does not contain the number '9', just like the number '5' is not included in the medium-rare steak. "

  Subway was relieved.

  Faced with the violent attacks of the eleven snakes, the two fought and retreated, trying to fight back. But every time a head was cut off, two more heads would grow.

  " Do not overestimate your own capabilities. "Looking at the two humans who were becoming increasingly unsupportable, the thirteen-headed snake laughed, knowing that its victory was only a matter of time.

  Russell tried his best, grabbed the loophole and used two swords to chop off the monster's two heads. Shout:
  "Pause! I have a question! "

  What? " "Eleven-Headed Snake asked.

  "Dear Eleven-Headed Snake, may I ask if there will be any negative effects on you if more heads grow back after being chopped off? For example, it consumes a lot of physical energy, shortens lifespan, or is very painful.

  "Of course not, stupid human being. " This is the kind of damage I can recover from in the blink of an eye. "The Thirteen-Headed Snake sneered.

  "Then the extra heads you grew, more than nine extra heads, can they exist permanently or last for a relatively long time? Or do they only exist for a minute? "Russell asked again.

  After hearing Russell's series of questions, the thirteen-headed snake felt that its head was itching and it was about to grow a brain. "More than nine extra heads can last at least one day, and then they will slowly wither. So there is no use delaying. The fifteen-headed snake thought for a moment and replied, "What exactly do you want to say, human being?" "

  Okay. " "Russell took two steps back, inserted his sword into the ground, and spread his hands:
  "Then I don't understand, since you will grow more heads and become stronger after being attacked. And the damage you take will be healed quickly due to the regeneration ability.

  "Then why are you like the boss of online games, waiting for us to attack you, and then adding buffs to yourself when you are hit.

  "Obviously, nine heads is not your strongest state. You can obviously bite off your own head in advance and make yourself grow hundreds of heads, making this super-enhanced mode your normal state. "

  The fifteen-headed snake fell into deep thought.

  What should we do?
  What this human said seems to make sense.

  "Okay, human, uh, I may have to admit that your suggestion has some merit. No, no, I definitely don’t mean to praise you for being smart. "The fifteen-headed snake stepped back a little.

  "In that case, let me try your suggestion. "

  After that, the fifteen-headed snake bit the snake's head with its head, biting off three of its own heads.

  "But don't expect me to let you off the hook for this. I will only become stronger and more difficult to deal with, and I can tear both of you dolls to pieces in a second. "The Twelve-Headed Snake said.


  In the office,

  the teachers looked at each other.

  "So, why doesn't the Hydra take the initiative to bite off its own head so that it can grow more heads? "A teacher asked.

  The three giant beasts usually sleep in the secret room and are responsible for guarding an extremely secret seal in the academy. Even most of the teachers in the academy have never had much contact with the three giant beasts before, and their understanding is very limited.

  “I think it’s because Hydra isn’t smart enough. But in the dream, because it established a spiritual connection with the candidates, its intelligence was raised to a level close to that of humans, and it was finally able to understand this suggestion. "Professor Opal explained.

  "What about the future? I mean, after waking up from the dream, will this hydra remember this idea?

  "I think so. " "Professor Opal said.

  The prostrate black cat Black Amber on the desk was full of worry:

  "This is a good thing, but...

  " Will this help Russell and Subway pass the customs?

  "Then they will face nine things. The head snake will only be stronger and more troublesome!

  (End of chapter)

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