113. Chapter 113 111 Eavesdropping

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  Chapter 113 111. Eavesdropping on the situation Wei
  Meisi looked around at his slightly shining eyes in the darkness:
  "Starting from you, each of you will count clockwise."

  "1." The first black-robed cultist counted.

  "2." The second black-robed cultist counted.

  "3." The wind chime in black robe announced the number.

  "4." The third black-robed cultist reported.

  "5." The fourth black-robed cultist reported.

  5 people? Vermes frowned slightly, as if he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

  Wasn't he originally going to meet four cultists?
  Oh yes, I almost forgot, he is one himself.


  So there were a total of 5 people participating in the party.

  Then the number of people reporting to him should be 5!
  The above inference is very logical. It was definitely not influenced by some mental suggestion that distorted his cognition.

  Five people and one ghost were crowded into the small men's toilet cubicle.

  It was slightly crowded in the darkness where the stench wafted.

  Fortunately, the ghost doesn't take up any space, otherwise it would definitely be more crowded.

  "The space has been sealed, right?" Vermouth asked another cultist.

  "The blockade is over." In the darkness, the cultist held up a metal magic ball, which was his magic weapon.

  Different magic weapons have different functions. For example, this metal magic ball can block the surrounding space, prevent others from eavesdropping, and use supernatural means to detect and detect.

  "Very good!" Vermouth praised, "As long as no one mixes among us, no one can eavesdrop on the content of our party."

  Wind Chime agreed:
  "Yes, yes, it is hidden here! No matter what we talk about, No one will know except the six of us."

  Six? Vermouth frowned, seeming to find something wrong again.

  He thought hard. There are 5 people reporting to him, so including himself, there are 6 people.

  Well, that’s right!
  Vermouth belongs to the quasi-senior group, and obviously has the highest status among the six people, but there is no qualitative gap between him and the other members. He cleared his throat and said:

  "Okay, let's start today's regular secret meeting of the Red Order of Chaos. Do you have any questions to ask before the formal meeting?" A

  cultist raised his hand and asked:

  "I have One problem is that we are cultists who make deals with the devil, and many people have signed contracts with the devil. "

  But I don't know why, subconsciously I always feel that the devil is chaotic evil, and the devil is lawful evil.

  "Shouldn't we make a deal and sign a contract with the devil?"

  The darkness fell into a long silence.

  Immediately there was a roar of complaints.

  "Is this the setting of "Dungeons and Dragons"?"

  "Don't bring the board game setting into reality."

  "You're playing dnd!"

  Vermouth has long been used to the unreliability of his colleagues, and he covered it up. He covered his face and interrupted the topic:

  "Are there any other questions? If not, we will officially start the meeting." ...

  Outside the toilet where the cultists gathered, and even outside the entire teaching building, deep in the quiet night, another building, the top rooftop of the Astronomy Building.

  Russell sat on a wooden chair, bathing in the cool night breeze, half-squinting his eyes, eavesdropping on the party through the shared vision and hearing of the wind chimes 180 meters away.

  Shared senses and spiritual communication rely on the connection between the psychic and the spirit being driven. In addition, the wind chime is also his contracted spirit, which means there is an additional layer of contractual connection compared to ordinary ghosts. This is not a detection probe from the outside world, which is not completely blocked by the space blockade in the bathroom stall.

  Unfortunately, that layer of blocking barrier still affects the signal to some extent.


  Russell put his finger on his temple and turned the signal to adjust the spiritual communication to keep the communication with the contracted spirit wind chime open.


  in the stench-filled darkness.

  Wei Meisi cleared her throat and asked,

  "How is everyone's downline development going?"

  Several cultists reported on their recent downline development in the college. Some have achieved certain results, while others have made no progress. .

  These offline people are all students in the academy. Due to various encounters, they have become the development goals of the devil believers. These off-line students formed the Wonton Club, the official association of the Red Order of Chaos in the academy.

  Feng Chime, like other cultists, reported:
  "Not long ago, I developed a student who has the potential to become a devil believer. But he has a big shortcoming, that is, his logic is unclear, and he likes to tell lies with open eyes and serious nonsense. Eight ways."

  During the telepathic communication, Feng Chime remembered that Russell was also monitoring her words, and quickly reported back to Russell: "You think I'm smart, just make up a non-existent person." Russell looked indifferent and praised perfunctorily: "Ah, you are

  really How clever. He describes a non-existent person and actually acts like it."

  In the bathroom, Vermouth endured the stuffy air and patiently listened to the summary of his colleagues.

  "Sigh, the quality of your offline development is average." He shook his head.

  Speaking of this, Vermouth showed full pride:

  "My side is going very smoothly. Not long ago, I cooperated with the Nocturne priest and found a particularly promising young man. He is simply a born devil priest. A demon in human skin!
  "I think he will definitely officially join our Red Order of Chaos within a few months, and he will definitely become an outstanding red priest in the future, with an unlimited future!"
  "I will show you something when I have time."

  After Fengchi heard this important information, he quickly contacted Russell through psychic communication:
  "Russell, Russell, it sounds like the devil believers have developed an extremely dangerous student as a downline. Is it necessary to go deeper? Dig this."

  "No need," Russell replied calmly, "The vermouth is talking about me." "


  At the same time, the meeting of the cultists was in full swing.

  After half an hour of boring and inexplicable discussions, and a lot of nonsense and worthless chatter, the meeting finally got to the point.

  Vermouth revealed a piece of breaking news:
  "Attention everyone! It has been confirmed above that the Demon King's seal is definitely in the academy! Everyone follows the plan and works hard undercover for a while, and we will be able to successfully find and break the seal and put the Demon King away." Release the king. At that time, the whole world will surrender to us." The

  legendary demon king is really sealed in the academy! When Russell heard this important news, his half-lidded eyes suddenly opened.

  Wind Chime scratched his head and sent a message to Russell through the telepathic communication:

  "Are the devil believers mistaken? You asked Professor Black Amber and she said that the Demon King was not sealed in the academy."

  Russell remained silent.

  Vermouth became more and more excited:
  "According to the information we know, the Demon King's seal is hidden in a hidden location in the academy and is guarded by three monsters - the dragon, the hydra and the sphinx! ”

  (End of chapter)

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