Chapter 98 Wolf Tijuana

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  Chapter 98 The bonfire at the Wolf

  Tiwana camp was burning brightly. On a big tree not far away, Duke had already grasped the sand eagle and aimed at everyone in the camp.

  Through the magnification of the scope, he could clearly see the group of mercenaries.

  There are several wolf head patterns clustered together on the tent, which is the symbol of the wolf pack mercenary group and a symbol registered at the mercenary mission center.

  "As expected, it's a pack of wolves!"

  The mercenaries looking at the wolves gathered around the campfire to prepare dinner.

  Under the moonlight, Duke's face was expressionless, but his heart was already beating powerfully, pumping boiling blood throughout his body.

  "You came to steal my spiritual plant, and now you want to take revenge on me. You... deserve to be damned!"

  Through the scope, he found the leader of the wolf pack, a 1st-level knight named Tijuana, who was drinking heavily.

  This man is a one-eyed dragon, with a slanted eye patch covering his one eye. There are criss-cross scars on his face, as if he had been bitten by some animal. These scars and black eyepatch make him look as fierce as a vicious wolf.

  In fact, his nickname is indeed the Wolf.

  Tijuana the wolf.

  "Five tents, about thirty people, the full wolf pack seems to be more than fifty people, but they committed a crime and lost credibility, so a lot of people should have left." Duke observed and analyzed, "When they start eating , I'll take action again."

  Only thirty people.

  According to his current marksmanship, he only needs to reload three times to wipe out the wolf pack mercenary group.


  In the small river ditch in the distance, toads were screaming. The dinner at the camp was ready. The evil wolf Tijuana tore off a rabbit leg and chewed it.

  "Everyone is here." Duke on the big tree took a deep breath.

  Then he aimed at the evil wolf Tijuana without hesitation, then quickly pulled the trigger, and an inaudible gunshot sounded.

  By the campfire on the ground.

  A ball of blood burst out from the forehead of the evil wolf Tijuana. His life was frozen in the action of biting the rabbit's leg, and his body fell backwards.

  Before the mercenaries nearby could react, they saw blood bursting from the heads or chests of several other mercenaries. Some even had half of their heads smashed, and there were bloody holes in their chests - Sha Ying The bullets are too powerful.

  "Enemy attack!"

  "The leader is dead!"

  Only then did the mercenaries of the wolf pack react, looking for bunkers or activating the card machines on their arms.

  But this has no effect. Even if it activates a defense like the 1st-level arcane card - aura shield, it will still be penetrated by Sand Eagle's bullets.

  At the 1st level, the power of Sand Eagle bullets surpassed everything else.

  Puff, puff, puff...

  A magazine was filled with nine bullets, taking away the lives of nine mercenaries. Duke quickly changed the ammunition, and then continued to kill the mercenaries.

  He's up there, he's out there.

  The sound of gunfire was so subtle that the employees could not find his location for a while.

  So after Duke finished his second magazine and shot eight more mercenaries, someone finally determined Duke's location through the wounds of the dead mercenaries.

  "On the big tree over there!"

  "Kill it!"

  "Step on the fire and you're exposed!"

  "Send the card, send the card, send the card quickly!"

  Most of the mercenaries are knights and have not mastered several long-range fighting skills. If you don't have Duke's location, you can only rely on the card issuing machine to activate the spirit card.

  Ice cones, fireballs, and lightning shot towards the big tree one after another.

  Duke calculated in his mind: "Nine plus eight equals seventeen. There are still thirteen mercenaries. Go down and do it!"

  Then he jumped down from the big tree.

  Quickly rushing towards the camp, the campfire was stamped out by the surviving mercenaries, and the camp was already dark. But the next moment, Duke turned on the Sand Eagle's tactical light, and the strong light illuminated the entire camp into daylight.

  For a while, the mercenaries couldn't adapt to such bright light, and they raised their hands to cover it, or turned over to avoid it.

  Faint gunshots rang out one after another.

  Duke also activated a spiritual light shield. The shield composed of spiritual energy protected him. He rushed into the camp without fear and fired at anyone he saw. His rhythm was as smooth as Dove's.

  "Go to hell!" A mercenary rushed out from the corner, his sword glowing.

  The head of the bag was chopped on the spiritual light shield.

  Being blocked by the spiritual light shield, it failed to harm Duke at all. Duke's expressionless face only glanced at the other party.

  Then he fired a shot, and the bullet hit the mercenary between the eyebrows.



  A big bloody hole appeared in his head.

  After finishing the third magazine, seven more mercenaries were killed, and now only the last six mercenaries were left in the camp.

  Unload the magazine and change bullets.

  During this gap, lightning struck him, but Duke had activated three 1-level arcane cards - aura shield in time when he was changing the magazine.

  The three covers are stacked together, and even 2-level arcane spells are not afraid.

  What's more, 2-level arcane cards are valuable resources for any mercenary group and need to be kept strictly. These mercenaries were unprepared and had no time to take out 2-level arcane cards. They could only deal with 1-level arcane cards, which could not break Duke's defense.

  After Duke changed the bullets, he fired one after another, killing three mercenaries in a row.


  "You are the devil!" A mercenary went crazy when he saw his companion falling to the ground like mowing grass in the blink of an eye.

  Duke showed no mercy at all. If the wolves dared to trouble him, he had already sentenced him to death.

  Gunshots were fired, and the crazy mercenary was freed.

  Now there were only the last two mercenaries left in the camp. These two mercenaries no longer dared to resist and ran away without looking back.

  I want to use the night to escape.

  But Duke adjusted the focus of the tactical light and quickly locked onto one of the mercenaries. The scope came in handy, and he fired three shots in succession with anticipation.

  Puff puff!

  Only one of the three bullets hit the mercenary on the buttocks, but the bullet was powerful enough to penetrate the mercenary's buttocks, causing him to fall to the ground and twitch.

  He fired several consecutive shots and died suddenly.

  As for another mercenary, he was suddenly hit by a huge long hedgehog while he was escaping.


  He screamed and fell to the ground.

  Duke turned his gun, whistled, transformed into a long hedgehog's pocket, and jumped away. Then there were several more gunshots, and the last mercenary was shot to death randomly.

  All mercenaries in the wolf pack were confirmed to be eliminated.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, comforted himself as if talking to himself, and strengthened his belief: "There are so many resources in the forest. Instead of looking for them, I just stared at a farmer like me gathering wool... What a bullshit mercenary group, they deserved their death!" "

  Touch the corpse once and take away all the spirit cards.

  Duke directly set fire to the five tents, and dragged the corpses to the pile of tents one by one, burning with the flames. Without gasoline, it may not be possible to burn the body clean, but scavengers in the forest will take care of the remaining rotten flesh.

  "It's time to go!" Duke disappeared quietly into the darkness.

  Xiaoyi's "Rainfall Breathing Method" that he hung up on the phone helped him avoid all possible dangers and helped him return to the villa safely.

   The third update ends today. From now on, there will be three updates every day~
  (End of this chapter)

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