Chapter 338 Big Rage

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  Chapter 338 Too Violent

  The Chairman of the Standing Meeting of the Seven Towers Federation and the Supreme Tower, that is, the Speaker Andrei Yuencao, passed away.

  The lively and joyful New Year atmosphere is instantly reduced to freezing point.

  After announcing the death of Andre Evening Primrose, the United Supreme Tower signed a document declaring that for the next seven days, all people would mourn and no entertainment activities would be allowed.

  Let this Chinese New Year completely lose its flavor.

  "The return of the Speaker to Linghai is a huge loss to our Seven Towers Federation. But as the old saying goes, a country cannot live without a king for a day, and the Seven Towers Federation cannot live without a leader for a day." Lower Speaker Zambro The Tower hosts the meeting of the stars.

  Andre Evening Primrose's body has been incinerated and refined, leaving only a pile of ashes.

  Now it is placed in the Evening Primrose Crystal Palace, waiting for the funeral.

  Zambrotta continued: "So after you go back, think carefully and decide in your mind the candidate you want to choose as the head of state. Among the eight Huiyue... no, there are only seven Huiyue left now, everyone should be careful Choose."

  The voice was slightly lowered for a while.

  Gianluca Zambrotta regained his composure: "Next, we, the stars, will make every effort to prepare for the star burial ceremony of Speaker Andrei Evening Primrose. After the star burial ceremony is over, various regions will take turns convening enlarged meetings to recommend candidates for the head of state. "

  After saying that, Gianluca Zambrotta immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting.

  Duke's earth clone also left the United Tower after the meeting. Before the clone's duration ended, he quickly went to the Awakening Crystal Palace.

  The Awakening Crystal Palace is the mage tower of Zidele Awakening, the prophet of Radiant Moon.

  In the Holy City of Arcane, the mage Tado is named after his surname, which is passed down from generation to generation in the family. After all, every inch of land in the Holy City of Arcane is worth every turnip and hole.

  "Prophet Duke, all the intermediate copy ring information you want is here." In the Xingling Crystal Palace Laboratory, the person who presided over the experiment was not Zidele Xingling, but another prophet in the alchemy field, one of the few outside the stars. Douglass the Prophet.

  "Okay, thank you, Prophet Douglas."

  "You're welcome, these materials are all expanded materials based on the research of the brand ring you invented." Douglas responded politely, treating Du Ke, He even used the honorific "you" to show respect.

  The Seven Sages of the Five-ring Prophet, the first sage in the world, Duke's reputation is not only deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but also deeply rooted in the hearts of the arcane mages.

  Although Dougs was selected as the chief sage of the Tower of Offa, he did not have the status of a star after all. He was just a 6-ring sky arcane mage.

  Therefore, it is natural to address Duke with "you".

  "There's no need to be modest as Seer Dougs. I just provided some ideas that can overcome the intermediate copy ring and allow level 2 arcane mages to cast the Ring of Consonance. Seer Dougs is indispensable. All arcane mages in the world will share your gratitude." ."

  Everyone carried the sedan chair. Douglas respected Duke, and Duke didn't mind complimenting Douglas.

  Although the exchange between the two was brief, the atmosphere was very good.

  After leaving Douglas, Duke found a quiet lounge in the Awakening Crystal Palace and carefully read the information on the intermediate copy ring.

  The Eye of Arcane Artifact floats on the shoulder, recording all the information of the data.

  After a while.

  The duration of the earth clone ended, and it scattered a little fluorescent light in the lounge, leaving only a piece of information on the table.

  His consciousness returned to his true form, and Duke quickly communicated with Xiao Yi: "Xiao Yi, receive the data from the Eye of Arcana, and then design my intermediate copy ring." "Okay master,

  Xiao Yi is receiving the data quickly... The data reception is completed, Establish a new process and develop an intermediate replication ring."

  Leave it to Xiaoyi to develop.

  Duke himself thought about the content of the meeting of stars: " Huiyue Arcane Masters are all qualified to serve as the upper speaker... The lower speaker Gianluca Zambrotta has the highest qualifications, but he took the arcanist route. And he was not selected as the Chief Sage of Offa Tower..."

  The Speaker of the Seven Towers Federation is the position of the head of state.

  It is not that Arcanists cannot hold this position, but in the unwritten rule, the person who holds the position of Head of State must be the Stars and Seers.

  It has been recognized since ancient times that only those who have reached the pinnacle of spiritual cultivation and academics on the path of spiritual arcana can correctly lead the progress of the Seven Towers Federation - the lack of both cultivation and academic means the knowledge of spiritual arcana. There is a shortage.

  As an arcanist, Zambrotta did not have many academic achievements in the elemental field.

  Currently, the only prophet in the elemental realm is Timirasu Wind God.

  Therefore, because of his lack of knowledge of spiritual arcana, even Hui Yue, the oldest person under Andre Primrose, would find it difficult to be elected as the Speaker of the Senate.

  "Sarilang, Timirasu Fengshen, Sylvester, Selsus, Zidele Awakening, Lambert Raven... Basically, among these six Huiyue, choose one Serve as Speaker of the Senate." Duke actually already had a choice in his heart.

  Among the six Huiyue, the one with whom he has the best relationship is Selsus.

  Even if Selsus is a little older, he is still willing to choose Selsus: "All six Huiyue are qualified, why not choose the one with the best relationship with me?"


  There are still some little ones in his heart. Selsus is the oldest, and he will probably abdicate in a few decades.

  At that time, he estimated that he should also be promoted to the stars and attack Huiyue.

  As the first sage of mankind, there is no doubt that he is the most qualified to take over the position of speaker and become the head of the Seven Towers Federation.

  "Let Siras transition and buy me some development time... perfect!" Duke made the decision. Next, he should use his influence to mobilize the members of the enlarged conference and let the expanded conferences in various places recommend Sirsas as the leader. Head of state.

  The members of the enlarged meeting include all earth arcane mages and sages.

  Because of the influence of the Ring of Consonance, the entire Seven Towers Federation has at least 700 more secretly smuggled earth mages.

  Although some arcane mages believe that these stowaways should be called "Lingxi Arcane Mages" to distinguish them from regular earth arcana mages.

  But no matter what, the Lingxi Arcane Masters obtained the expanded membership quota and gained valuable voting qualifications.

  As long as Duke showed his attitude in public, these consonant arcane mages would more or less accept Duke's love - without Duke inventing the consonance ring, they would probably have been just unknown third-level arcane mages in their lives.

  "With my support, Selsus should be stable!" Duke smiled confidently.

  He will not overestimate his influence, but he will not underestimate himself either. Over the past ten years, he has stamped his name on this new era of change.

  The next day.

  Duke continued to the Holy City of Offa, the Primrose Crystal Palace, to participate in the star burial ceremony being held here.

  The Seven Towers Light Vision Station broadcast the entire star funeral ceremony live. This is also the first star to pass away since the release of the Ring of Light. In the live broadcast footage, the urn carrying Andre Evening Primrose was lifted into the sky with a special aircraft.

  Perhaps this aircraft can be described as a rocket, flying higher and higher, passing through the clouds, until it is no longer visible to the naked eye.

  The camera is still looking up at the sky.

  Finally, after more than ten minutes, a ball of light suddenly flashed in the sky, like a star suddenly blooming.

  "The arcane magic returns to the stars, and the spirituality returns to the spiritual sea." Gianluca Zambrotta shouted loudly.

  "The arcane magic returns to the stars, and the spirituality returns to the spiritual sea!" The stars in the Evening Primrose Crystal Palace followed suit, and Duke was no exception.

  Gianluca Zambrotta continued to shout: "André Evening Primrose, see you on the other side of the sea of ​​true spirituality!" "

  Andre Evening Primrose, see you on the other side of the sea of ​​true spirituality!" The stars continued to shout. , everyone looked solemn, as if they were not repeating a simple ritual, but really talking to the soul of Andre Evening Primrose.

  Duke finished shouting and looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky.

  He knew that it was the fire caused by the explosion of the aircraft carrying the urn when it passed through the strong wind layer, rather than a real rising star.

  Soon, the star went out, and there was no more vision in the blue sky and white clouds.

  The brief star burial ceremony ended, and the stars dispersed one after another after expressing their condolences to the soul of Andre Evening Primrose.

  As soon as Duke walked out of the Evening Primrose Crystal Palace, he was stopped by a reporter from the Seven Towers Optical Television Station: "Sir Duke, can you accept our live interview?" "

  Okay." Duke paused.

  When the reporter got a positive answer, he was so excited that he waved to the distance, and the live broadcast truck dragging a long optical cable quickly drove over.

  The photographer carried the live broadcast equipment and pointed it at Duke and reporters.

  "The audience in front of the optical machine, now we invite Lord Duke, a member of the Council of Stars and the chief sage of the Tower of Offa, to accept our interview." The reporter read an introduction first, and then began to ask formal questions, "Andre Lord Evening Primrose, your soul has returned to the real spiritual sea, then..."

  The reporter asked some pointed questions right away: "What kind of existence do you think the real spiritual sea is, and does it really exist on the other side?" "

  Through my understanding of the spiritual mystery, The cognition of Dharma, the true spiritual sea is everywhere, but we can’t notice it when we are in it..." Duke thought for a moment, then quickly responded, "As for the other shore, maybe we have to wait until someone successfully attacks the 9th Ring Sun to find it. "

  Now that everyone recognizes you as the incarnation of spirituality, do you have the confidence to hit the 9th Ring Sun?" the reporter continued to ask.

  The atmosphere of the Seven Towers Federation is relatively open, so the questions asked by reporters are relatively sharp.

  Duke smiled and said: "I don't think I am the embodiment of spirituality. I can only see further by standing on the shoulders of giants. As for the impact of the 9th Ring Sun, I think every star has this idea, but for As far as I am concerned, it is too early to say."

  "Now that the position of Speaker of the Standing Committee of the Union Tower is vacant, who do you think is more suitable to hold such an important position of head of state?" "The

  seven Huiyue all have outstanding leadership, who do I think It's possible. Of course, I hope that the future head of state can better promote the development of natural history." Duke expressed his selection tactfully, "The era of spirituality requires the participation of the entire society." "Okay

  , Thank you very much, Mr. Duke, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to accept our interview."

  "You're welcome."


  After the star burial ceremony, the Seven Towers Federation began to transition in an orderly manner, with frequent expansion meetings held in various places.

  Firstly, to nominate candidates for the Speaker, and secondly to prepare for the change of new charter.

  Ever since Andre Evening Primrose failed to attack the 9th ring on the sun, and his whole body was sometimes sober and sometimes confused, the top management of the Seven Towers Federation was ready for the transfer of power.

  Therefore, although the atmosphere is cold this New Year, there is no chaos in the order of the Seven Towers Federation, and everything is being handed over step by step.

  "Will such straightforward support for Lord Selsus arouse the dissatisfaction of the other six Lords of Huiyue?" Kyria Furious asked slightly worriedly while lying in Duke's arms.

  Although there are many forces involved in the Seven Towers Optical Observation Station, most of the power is still in the hands of Kiriya Furious Waves.

  In other words, it is controlled by Duke, Selsus, Lambert Raven, Loren Sankagome and other small groups of stars.

  During the day, the reporter's interview at the Seven Towers Optical Observation Station was arranged personally by Kiliya Nutao so that Duke could exert his influence and influence the election results of the enlarged meeting.

  "It doesn't matter. Since we are competing for the position of head of state, we naturally have to show our talents." Duke smiled, "I have a tacit understanding with Selsus. Lambert Raven also supports Selsus. Several others If Huiyue is dissatisfied, then they will show their methods."

  The stars are not monolithic, and Huiyue each has his or her own thoughts.

  Everyone has a different understanding of the spiritual arcana, and they all want to guide the spiritual arcana and follow their own path.

  So we have to fight if we have to.

  "Just keep it in mind."

  "Kilia, you now control DreamWorks and the Seven Towers Observatory. Although I need you to represent me in all aspects of the game, you should not participate in some unimportant occasions. Work hard to improve yourself. With the strength, I will be promoted to the 3rd level arcane mage as soon as possible." Duke did not want Kilia Furious Wave to delay her training to take care of these general affairs.

  He continued: "I have been developing an intermediate copy ring. When it is cast, I will put it at the Knight's Monastery. Winona still needs to accumulate knowledge. She will not enter the Seven Towers Optical Observation Deck for the time being. I will let Yanis Enter the optical observation platform to help you."

  Kilia Nutao nodded: "I understand, I will try my best to arrange my training and work reasonably, and strive to hit the third ring in the next twenty years." "

  Yes." Duke lit the bedside lamp The lamp, "Go to sleep."


  The night is getting darker and snowflakes are still falling outside the window. This belated winter snow has been falling for several days and nights, covering Cuihai City with a thick layer of silver. .

  It's still dark.

  Duke woke up dimly from his sleep and looked at the window. It was still dark outside the semi-transparent curtains.

  "It's still early, let's sleep a little longer." Thinking this, Duke turned over, took away Kylia Raging Waves' lotus-like arms, and found a comfortable position to continue sleeping.

  It was only hazy for a short while, but when I opened my eyes again, it was already bright outside.

  Kilia Furious Wave was still sleeping, so he quietly got out of bed, walked to the window and opened a corner, ready to check the weather today.

  The next moment, reality and fiction are intertwined.

  Outside is not the scenery of Oak Tooth Mountain, nor can we see Cuihai City in the distance, but the busy city streets, large trucks, buses, Didi sports cars, countless battery cars crossing the road, and crowded crowds... …

  This is clearly Duke’s hometown on Earth, and it is also his image hidden deep in the portal of the Twisted Ring.

  The daze only lasted for a moment, and then Duke frowned and stared at the earth scene outside the window. Behind all the scenes, there was faint black smoke steaming.


  He showed a joyful smile: "Good guy, nightmare invades!"

  "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, I know the Sinking Demon. Please wait until I defeat the Sinking Demon's clones before executing the arrest. I must not let any of the Sinking Demon's clones go!" There are no surprises or surprises, just like the last nightmare. Same as invasion.

  When the clone of the Sinking Demon invaded Duke's spiritual sea to create a nightmare space with the help of spiritual projection, it had already fallen under Xiaoyi's surveillance.

  As a creature of the 9th Ring, Xiaoyi cannot materialize in the real world, but within Duke's spiritual sea, Xiaoyi can control everything.

  It's just a nightmare clone, and it can't shake Duke's spiritual sea at all.

  "The aura of decayed spirituality, the familiar smell..." Duke turned and walked to the bedside. Kilia Furious Wave was not awakened and was still sleeping peacefully.

  Even though he knew that the creations in the nightmare space were all false, this scene was still so real that it couldn't be more real.

  Only spiritual projection can realize such a real scene.

  "Go on to sleep, I'm going to play with the Sinking Demon clone." Duke snapped his fingers, and then the big green-skinned frog jumped out.

  It was the chick who had been promoted to the third level of Great Elf. The frog rolled his eyes and said, "What's going on, Duke? If you don't want to sleep with your blond boob girl so early in the morning, come find me." Bang


  Two big brown butterflies also appeared. They were Oak Spirit and Ogham: "Master Duke, what do you want from us?" "Let's

  talk about the union." Duke was too lazy to talk nonsense.

  Stretching out three fingers, Oak Spirit and Ogham took the fingers in their mouths obediently, turning into two pools of brown liquid and blending into Duke's palm.

  Only the chicken was reluctant.

  Fortunately, after Duke glared, it finally took his finger and turned into a pool of green liquid.

  The power was surging, and Duke's body suddenly expanded, turning into a five-meter-tall slender giant, which looked like a combination of Avatar and Elf. The energy, spiritual energy, and fighting energy of all things expanded like a balloon. .

  "Level 5 Elf Qi Master, Level 4 Earth Arcane Mage, Level 4 Dragon Knight...this is my current level of practice." Duke

  looked at his hands. The Elf incarnation was very strong, but he could still merge with Kabuto. , entering the true dragon incarnation form.


  Little Kabuto lives in the Dragon Garden of Oak Tooth Mountain and is not in the Sea of ​​Blood, so Duke cannot call him in the nightmare space formed by spiritual projection.

  But Duke didn't care.

  The Arcane Eye, Arcane Armor, Arcane Hand, Arcane Shield, and Arcane Hand appear and are quickly combined into the Arcane Heaven.

  At this time, there are countless green vines wrapped around the arcane weapon Tongtian. This is the power of the guardian vine of mystery.

  The incarnation of the elf, the arcane weapon reaching the sky, and the guardian vine of mystery, Duke had three layers of armor in an instant. This is not over yet, the fighting spirit armor instantly covered the arcane weapon Tongtian, and a fourth layer of armor was added. Then he took out the Translucent Dragon Spear and Thunder Sword from the exclusive starry sky.

  As he was stacking his armor, black smoke suddenly erupted from the entire room.

  The scene of the earth outside the window also quickly collapsed, and billowing black smoke enveloped the whole world, and quickly swept towards the location of Duke's room.

  "You're not pretending anymore, are you?" Duke chuckled.

  As the black smoke swept across, the room began to collapse, and Kiria Fury, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, also shattered into black smoke.

  In an instant, the whole world was left with only billowing black smoke, and Duke was in it, nothing but darkness.

  "Little trick!"

  Duke thought and began to stack the last layer of armor.

  A big gray hand suddenly stretched out from the black smoke. This was the 7-ring forbidden technique - the Immortal Grip. The Immortal Grip, which should have been dark, was no longer so black against the backdrop of the billowing black smoke. It is a gray color that looks pale and powerless.

  Hiding in the fist of the Immortal Grip, Duke's sense of security doubled.

  Suddenly, the penetrating dragon spear flew out from the hand of the arcane weapon and pierced the place in front of the billowing black smoke. He held the thunder sword in his right hand and stabbed after him.


  Something in the smoke was stabbed, making a harsh and awkward howl.

  Then black smoke was seen spinning like a tornado, and flying out of it was a monster covered in black smoke, but with a sinister white frame. In the eye sockets of this monster's head, there were two green will-o'-the-wisps, like human eyes. Staring at Duke.

  The fallen demon clone.

  Duke was unafraid. When he was still weak, he killed three clones of the Sinking Demon. What's more, now that he has perfected his magical skills, he is already the number one among the stars.

  "Ouch!" The green will-o'-the-wisp flashed in the eyes of the Sinking Demon clone.

  Rolling black smoke flew out of its hand, and in the next moment, countless huge pale hands stretched out from the black smoke, which was particularly eye-catching against the dark background.

  "You have used the Pale Hand to perfection!" Duke still wanted to admire the arcane attainments of the Sinking Demon's clone.

  Stay calm in the face of danger and use your energy to control your sword.

  The translucent dragon spear and the thunder sword crushed countless black smoke in the darkness, cutting off the pale hands one by one.

  The arcane hand snapped its fingers, and there were also countless 4-ring compound arcana-pale hands, protruding from the black smoke and grabbing the fallen demon clone.

  But the next moment, more pale hands shattered the pale hand cast by Duke, turning into big white hands that filled the sky, blasting towards Duke's immortal grasp from all directions. Even though the Grasp of Immortality is a forbidden technique, it was shaken by the blast.

  Immediately afterwards there were more green will-o'-the-wisps, and a penetrating green light emitted from the black smoke.

  That was the appearance of the clones of the Sinking Demon.

  Duke was not afraid at all, but became more and more excited: "One, two, three... a total of seven Sinking Demon clones, I am going to make a big fortune!" The Sinking Demon clones, and the arcane

  mage The clones are almost the same.

  It's just a coordinate that uses the copy ring as a projection, and a coordinate that uses decadent spirituality as a projection, condensing different clones.

  At the same time, the clone strength of the star-level Sinking Demon is basically divided into sky clone, ocean clone, and earth clone, that is, three levels: 4th ring, 5th ring, and 6th ring.

  Duke didn't know what level the seven fallen demon clones around him were, but it didn't matter what level they were.

  "I wanted to play with you slowly and compete with each other's arcane attainments, but you suddenly started fighting in groups without practicing martial ethics, so don't blame me for not practicing martial ethics." He chuckled, and used his full strength unscrupulously in this nightmare space .

  The three-ring sand eagle suddenly appeared.

  The left hand holds the shield, the right hand holds the gun, the arcane hand is responsible for controlling the sword with energy, and the arcane hand is responsible for arcane bombardment, with full firepower.

  Boom boom boom!
  Explosions are everywhere.

  The three-ring sand eagle has almost been improved to the limit of the spell model. The power of the terminal bullet is comparable to that of a 5th or even 6th level arcane spell. With the help of the violent rate of fire, the power of the bullet's instantaneous explosion is constantly superimposed, and it can break through almost any defense.

  The entire battle scene was lackluster.

  The seven fallen demon clones continued to cast spells, but they were unable to resist the bombing of the three-ring sand eagle, not to mention Duke and the arcane hand were also casting spells.

  Even if the Grasp of Immortality is destroyed, a second Grasp of Immortality can be cast instantly to ensure that Duke can stand unmoving in the black smoke and use a spell turret to fight against the clones of the Sinking Demon to see who can compete. The firepower is more intense.

  It turns out that Duke has more firepower, and his three-ring Sand Eagle is ahead of an era.

  The higher the arcane level, the longer the casting time, but the three-ring sand eagle's bullets can blast out hundreds of rounds in an instant.

  "One..." Duke closed his eyes.

  The densely packed eyes on the arcane weapon Tongtian replaced his eyes, allowing him to understand everything in the surrounding black smoke. He clearly saw that a Sinking Demon clone could not withstand the bombing and was blown into a pile of broken bones.

  Then, another Sinking Demon clone exploded.

  Three, four, five. In just a moment of fighting, five of the Sinking Demon clones were shattered and fell to the muzzle of the three-ring sand eagle.

  "I haven't exerted enough force yet!" Duke was high-spirited, rarely able to fire unscrupulously. "When my three-ring sand eagle is sublimated into a four-ring sand eagle, or even a five-ring sand eagle, or a six-ring sand eagle... who in this world can still fire?" Can you block my shot?"

  Aim and shoot.

  The violent rate of fire combined with the terminal bullet made the instant explosion the only subject in the nightmare space, and the sixth Sinking Demon clone exploded without any surprise.

  Only the last clone of the Sinking Demon was left, standing in the black smoke and trying to resist.

  The green eyes were like will-o'-the-wisps, trembling and trembling, as if they couldn't understand all of this. It was clearly the spiritual sea of ​​a fourth-level arcane earth mage who was invading. Why was such a small arcane mage more violent than the stars? .

  "Gululu..." The mandible of the Sinking Devil's white-headed skull was inexplicably loose, as if he wanted to say something.

  But the next second, the terminal bullet broke through the arcane defense and exploded instantly on its head.

  The last Sinking Demon clone exploded, and the entire nightmare space of billowing black smoke disappeared in an instant.

   Please vote~
  (End of this chapter)

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