Chapter 336 The Uncrowned King

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  Chapter 336
  The Arcane Hand of the Uncrowned King!

  The 5-ring level arcane weapon is also the most complex auxiliary type arcane weapon designed and cast by Duke and Xiaoyi.


  Classify it as an offensive weapon, and that's fine too.

  In front of the Water Mirror Technique, Duke freely admired his own cool appearance, or in other words, admired the cool appearance of the arcane weapon.

  His entire body has been completely covered by the arcane weapon Tongtian, and his eyes, ears, mouth and nose are also covered by a special mask. However, his vision was not blocked in any way, because the densely opened and closed eyes on the arcane weapon Tongtian could sense everything around him.

  "At this time, it's time to get a weapon." Duke grinned.

  The next moment, mind communication is exclusive to the starry sky.

  A three-meter sword flashing with electric sparks appeared in his right hand. From the hilt to the blade, everything was shrouded in electric sparks.

  "The Thunder Long Sword is made of the essence of the 9-ring Yalong - Diamond Thunder Dragon, and many Yalong auxiliary materials." This is a Yalong weapon that Duke took the time to forge himself after returning to Cuihai City. His second personal Wurm weapon.

  Possessing the ability of a 4th-level dragon knight to control the sword with energy, the more weapons he has in his hands, the greater the power he can exert.

  Therefore, two sub-dragon weapons were not enough. He planned to hunt dragons when he had the chance, and then forge sub-dragon weapons one after another.

  At least ten should be cast.

  "It's a pity that the 4-ring lightsaber is the limit of how I can control the sword with my energy. The 5-ring lightsaber just released is too big and difficult to control." Duke does not have a special preference for Yaron weapons, he still loves his own light more Sword, but the upper limit of lightsaber is limited.

  The special attributes of the Yaron weapon determine that the stronger the user, the higher the upper limit of the Yaron weapon.

  The lightsaber is different. The level and power are fixed. The upper limit has been fixed, and there is not much room for play.


  If the 5-ring lightsaber was compressed to a size where the sword could be controlled with air, then there would probably be no room for a sub-dragon weapon.

  "That is to say, I can control the sword with Qi. Ordinary knights, even advanced fantasy beast knights, can only use 3-ring lightsabers at most... 4-ring and above lightsabers are strategic weapons and need to be installed on city walls or airships. Use."

  His mind wandered a little, and then, Duke's other sub-dragon weapon, the Translucent Dragon Spear, appeared in the arcane hand on his left shoulder.

  So far.

  He holds a shield in his left hand, a spear in his arcane hand, and a sword in his right hand. Only his arcane hand is free.

  "Little Kabuto, come out and work!" Duke called, and Little Kabuto quickly flew out of the air sea, and the bloody light bloomed, turning into a Kabuto-armored mongoose dragon beast.

  Duke jumped up and jumped onto the groove behind Xiaodou's neck.

  One person and one dragon have the same mind. Accompanied by Xiao Kabuto's dragon roar, he flaps his wings and flies over the forest, soaring close to the forest.

  at this time.

  The empty arcane hand suddenly snapped its fingers, and what came out along with the snap was the third-level arcane spell - the rushing wind.

  Kabuto's already fast speed was greatly increased in an instant, his flying speed doubled, and like a black stream of light, it passed over the forest. The birds that were approaching the tree crown didn't even see clearly what they were just now, and they flew over in a swish.

  Snap your fingers again, and release the 5-ring compound arcana - Stormfall.

  Strong winds rose in the entire forest, countless big trees were uprooted, and many low-level spiritual beasts were swept up into the sky by the storm. It was a scene of doomsday.

  "Not bad, Xiaoyi, well done!" Duke looked back at the trembling forest under the fifth-level arcane spell, extremely satisfied.

  Xiao Yi responded: "These are the basic operations Xiao Yi completed under the guidance of your wise master, Shenwu." "

  Haha, Xiao Yi, your language talent has improved, and your pretentious style has been inherited from me. ”

  Compliment each other.

  Duke then ordered: "Next, challenge the limit, Xiaoyi, cast the 6-ring compound arcane spell - Wind on the Scene!" "Okay,

  master, as you wish."

  The arcane hand on the right shoulder , raised high, instead of snapping his fingers, he opened his fingers, and the arcane luster flowed on the fingertips.

  Xiao Dou is still flying at high speed, while Xiao Yi is constantly brewing and sketching arcane magic.

  Finally, three seconds later, arcane light bloomed from the arcane hand, and for a moment the whole world seemed to be echoing the arcane hand. Countless strong winds were like steel knives, blowing out from any corner of the surrounding space, roaring and crushing everything.

  6-ring compound arcana-Wind is released on the spot.

  Sand and dust spread all over the sky, and the wind howled like a group of evil ghosts from hell wailing, which stung Duke's eardrums.

  The forest has disappeared, leaving only torn wood chips and leaves, stirred with sand and gravel by the ubiquitous strong wind.

  The field of view inside is no more than one meter.

  However, Duke was riding Kabuto, suspended in the air outside the Mathematical Olympiad. He could see that the entire forest within a kilometer was shrouded in gray. Like a huge bubble, only grayish yellow is stirring.

  "This is the power of the 6-ring compound arcana..." Duke sighed in his heart.

  By the time the aftermath of the arcane spell subsided, the forest within a kilometer had disappeared, leaving only a thick layer of yellow sand.

  The originally vibrant forest was completely annihilated in just a few breaths.

  The power of arcane magic can destroy heaven and earth.

  However, Duke did not express too much emotion about the power of arcane magic. Instead, he turned to look at his arcane hand and laughed loudly: "With the fifth-level arcane hand, with this arcane weapon, I can release any arcane weapon." Skill, wonderful, really wonderful!"

  It seemed that he was in compliance with Duke's wishes.

  The arcane hand quickly detached from the arcane weapon Tongtian, suspended in front of Duke, and then began to decompose, turning into countless crystals with a slight red luster, arranged like bricks, and combined into various shapes and structures. .

  "Any kind of arcana is a stack of ring structures." Xiao Yi's voice sounded in his mind.

  "Based on the existing ring structure model in the database, perform mimicry calculations, then input signals in sequence, and simulate and reorganize with the help of arcane hands, you can create any kind of arcane ring. After activating the ring, the arcane magic will take shape. ."

  The principle of Arcane Hand is actually like a calculator.

  Set up the calculation formula, then enter the numbers to calculate the result.

  Similarly, there is a ring structure simulation module inside the Arcane Hand. By inputting the decomposition serial number of each arcane spell, the simulation can be reorganized.


  The calculation amount of this set of arcane simulation and reorganization is so huge that it is beyond the capabilities of ordinary arcane weapons.

  Only Xiaoyi can complete the calculations of simulated reorganization with its huge database and powerful computing power.

  In other words.

  The hand of arcane magic is left to Duke's control, and it cannot exert its power at all. It may take a long time to calculate even the release of a level of arcane magic.

  This is true even if the stars, the 7-ring Morning Star and the 8-ring Glowing Moon, get the hands of arcane magic.

  The human brain is good at creation, but when it comes to specific calculations, the human brain is far from a match for supercomputing. Let alone supercomputing, it cannot even compete with a calculator.

  "Unfortunately, forbidden arts require the linkage of miracles. It is not just a simple stacking of several arcane spells that can lead to the release of forbidden arts. Otherwise, I can cast a few more arcane hands, release arcane spells at the same time, and then summon the forbidden arts. ..."

  Now that he has gained Long, he returns to Shu.

  Just now he was praising the powerful power of the 6-ring compound arcane spell, but now Duke has begun to admire the power of the forbidden spell.

  Shake his head.

  He looked at the ever-changing shape of the arcane hand in front of him and said to himself: "Don't worry, let Xiaoyi calculate slowly, and you can always find a way to quickly release the forbidden spell. When the time comes, I will cast another one Hand of Forbidden Magic!"

  At this point, Duke has completely figured out the combination of the arcane weapon Tongtian.

  With a thought, all the arcane weapons except the arcane armor were recovered into the spiritual sea, and the arcane armor was transformed into an arcane robe again.

  "Hoar?" Xiao Kabuto turned his head and glanced at Duke.

  "Don't worry, let's blow some more wind." Duke didn't want to go back yet. He quickly materialized the three-ring sand eagle, held the three-ring sand eagle, aimed and shot at will.

  Before time travel, he was a senior member of the shooting club, and he usually loved shooting.

  Although the arcane magic in the wild world is wonderful, he still prefers the simple and violent output mode of firearms.

  "Let's go down."


  One person and one dragon fell into the forest that has turned into rolling yellow sand. Fortunately, the yellow sand area is only one kilometer in radius. It won't take long for the place to be covered with green plants again. occupy.

  This is a supernatural world with spirituality.

  Plants are very powerful and it is difficult for humans to destroy them. Especially near the habitat, hunting in summer and winter must be carried out frequently, otherwise the habitat will soon be occupied by animals and plants.

  This is also the reason why human beings can only live near the spiritual spring. With the current strength of human beings, they can only protect a small habitat near the spiritual spring.


  With the birth of the Ring of Phantom Beasts and the Ring of Qi Refining, the strength of the bottom human race will skyrocket, and the range of habitats it can occupy will continue to expand. The larger the habitat, the larger the population it can accommodate. The larger the population, the stronger it is and can occupy a larger habitat.

  All in all, human beings have entered a virtuous cycle of expansion and can form a tug-of-war with more animals and plants.

  "Birth, death..."

  Walking on the yellow sand, Duke looked at the dense forest in the distance and the delicate gray-yellow soil under his feet, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of realization in his heart.

  He could see that the energy of all things in this area disappeared with the arcane blow.

  However, in the forest in the distance, there is a thin air of all things spreading here, quickly seeping into the gray-yellow soil underfoot.

  Then the energy of all things that had been defeated by arcane magic seemed to be resurrected, returning to its original state.

  "No... although it is still the Qi of all things, it has changed from the Qi of life and all things to the Qi of death and all things, and its nature has changed." As a fourth-level elf Qi refining master, Duke's perception of the Qi of all things Quite keenly, "These dead spirits of all things are waiting for something. They seem to want to turn into natural spirits."

  The next moment.

  He discovered that the energy of death and all things had formed about five or six small whirlpools in the ruins within a kilometer.

  He walked to the edge of one of the whirlpools, felt it carefully, and then realized its contents: "These are natural spirits that have not yet formed... The spiritual beasts and spiritual plants that were destroyed by arcane magic left a trace of spirituality behind. Light attracts the condensed energy of death and all things."

  When the condensation is successful, the energy of death and all things merges with the light of spirituality, and a new natural spirit will be generated.

  "So, the way of the soul... what is the soul?"

  Duke was in a trance and fell into an epiphany. Looking at the vortex formed by the air of death and all things, his understanding became more and more profound: "The soul is not what I thought... ...thinking spirits and the like...the soul is more like a 'spiritual body'."

  In his opinion.

  The human body, the body of animals, and even the bodies of flowers, plants and trees are all material bodies, and this body is fixed. Therefore, people, animals, flowers, plants and trees will all grow according to the shape of the body, and eventually grow into what they should be.

  And whether people, animals, flowers, plants, trees, and all tangible and qualitative things, they also have spiritual bodies. It's just that the spirit is too loose compared to the material, so there is the concept of body death and Tao disappearance.

  But if the Tao of cultivation is so strong that the spiritual body will not dissipate in a short period of time, then it means that the spiritual light is left behind.

  Then the energy of death and all things will condense along the "body" shape of the spiritual light, fill the body again, and become the spirit of nature.

  "The so-called inheritance of the spirit of nature is actually nothing more than the knowledge, memory and other intangible information contained in the spiritual body. The physical body is composed of matter, and the spiritual body is composed of these invisible information... that is, the soul." In an instant


  Duke woke up from his epiphany. At the same time, a barrier in his body seemed to be suddenly broken, and more energy of all things poured in from the outside world.

  It doesn’t matter whether it is the energy of life and all things, or the energy of death and all things.

  "Phew, it turns out this is an opportunity... I have now been promoted to a fifth-level Elf Qi Refining Master!" A smile appeared on Duke's lips.

  But soon he frowned again: "The energy of all things in the Wilderness Continent is too thin, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain the next stage of cultivation... Fortunately, I can pass through the Vajra Oak at any time and go to the Whirlwind Forest to practice... ...The power of wilderness."

  In the Wilderness Continent, this power has been named the Qi of All Things by him.

  In the Whirlwind Forest, it is still called the Power of the Wilderness.

  "But ordinary Qi refining practitioners, facing the thin Qi of all things, may not be able to practice to the fifth environment realm in this life... let alone a Qi refining master." After sighing, Duke felt relieved: "This is another story with me

  . What does it matter? I let the spiritual planters break the ceiling of the first level and gave them the follow-up path of practice, which is great enough!" Just like when he was

  promoted to the fourth level dragon knight.

  Although it will be difficult for anyone to follow his path in the future, at least he has pointed the way for future generations and will no longer be confused.

  With a slight gunshot, the three-ringed sand eagle accurately killed a spirit beast that curiously stepped into the yellow sand range. This 2-environment spirit beast exploded on the spot without leaving any residue.

  "Xiaoyi, how long do you think it will take for the three-ring sand eagle to reach the limit of the magic model?" Duke asked quickly.

  Since being sublimated into a 3-ring arcane weapon, the Sand Eagle has been dismantled into four modules - mode module, bullet module, auxiliary module and control module.

  Every improvement is optimizing the structure of each module and pursuing stronger and smoother combat effectiveness.

  "Reporting to the master, it will take about half a year to improve with the current 25% power, and it can be optimized to the structural limit of the three-ring sand eagle's spell model."

  "Half a year is too long. Cut efficiency from other processes and get 50% efficiency for Sand Eagle optimization." Duke ordered.

  There is not much progress in Xiaoyi nowadays.

  The exclusive meditation method and breathing method are unbeatable processes. The others are basically the construction of arcane wonders, the development and design of arcane weapons, and the improvement of the three-ring sand eagle.

  In addition to these five permanent processes, the blood refining method also requires Xiaoyi to take time to complete every day.

  In addition, various experiments require Xiaoyi to coordinate and direct, or consume power to conduct in-depth research. As for interactive programs such as the Dou Qi holographic screen and human-computer interaction, they only require 1% of power to maintain and do not take up much computing power.

  "Okay master, we have redistributed the computing power for you, and the sand eagle has been optimized and improved to 50% power."


  The whistle of the battleship Three Rings sounded over the Blue Whale Bay City Flight Station, and then, under the guidance of the staff, it rowed into the designated berth.

  The hatch opened, and the escort knights headed by Hersas quickly walked down surrounded by an earth replica ring.

  "Captain Herdos, welcome." Among the team that came to pick up the plane, a fourth-level arcane earth mage slowly stepped forward. "I am the director of Duke's chief sage office. My name is Saston. I received the call. Notice from the boss, come and hand over the Earth Replication Ring."

  "Hello, Mr. Thaston." Herdos greeted politely.

  He is Duke's guard knight captain. He was a second-level fantasy beast knight in his early years. Now he has been promoted to a third-level advanced fantasy beast knight with the help of the beast blood pill.

  This trip was ordered to escort Duke's Earth Replica Ring to the Holy City of Offa.

  Everyone checked the procedures with each other, and then, under the leadership of Saston, they sat in several large shuttles surrounded by the Earth Replica Ring.

  The large shuttle quickly took off, entered the Holy City of Offa along the long white jade bridge, and then flew all the way to the parking lot of the Offa High Tower.

  Then transport the earth copy ring and arrive at Duke's chief sage's office above the clouds.

  "Director Saston, you are back." Assistant Director Cannipos Cloud Falcon came out and said, "The advanced replication ring has been packed."

  Saston nodded and said, "Did the boss give you any orders?"

  "No, The boss just went to the Union Tower to attend the meeting of stars, and then asked someone to pack the advanced copy ring." "Okay

  , I understand." After listening, Thaston turned around and introduced, "This is the boss's guard Captain Herdos, the knight captain, will escort the boss's earth replica ring to replace the high-level replica ring. Please go through the procedures." "

  Hello, Captain Herdos, I heard the boss mentioned you." Kannipos · Yun Falcon stretched out his hand and shook hands with Herdos.

  "Hello, Assistant Director Cannipos." Heldos greeted him and then asked, "Where is the Earth Replica Ring placed?" "

  This way."


  Most of the knights behind him were still there. It was the Great Knight of the 1st Ring. He quickly carried the Earth Copy Ring into the office and placed it in the designated location.

  After a lot of work, the formalities were completed.

  Herdos didn't stay long, so he put on the advanced replication ring, said goodbye and left. He was led by the office director, Saston, and quickly headed to the Blue Whale Bay City Flight Station.

  Take the battleship No. 3 Ring and begin the return journey amidst the sound of the whistle.

  Watching the battleship Three Rings leave, Saston smiled slightly and said to himself: "The boss's earth copy ring has been delivered, and then he can fully participate in the meeting of stars... It is unimaginable that the meeting of stars would make an exception and let a person A new star joins...the boss is awesome!"

  He was Duke's chief of staff at Offa's High Tower, a position Duke had only recently created to assist him with the Oracle's chores.

  Originally there was no need for a chief of staff. Duke could complete most of the prophetic work himself, and the remaining trivial matters could be shared with a team of assistants.

  But after the release of the Ring of Qi, at a regular meeting of the stars, some stars proposed to recruit Duke as a formal member of the meeting of stars.

  Then, eight Hui Yue and thirty-two Morning Stars approved the proposal with almost unanimous votes.

  So Duke became a formal member of the Council of Stars and the only non-Star Councilor in history.

  Duke was happy to take office.

  However, in this way, the half hour of clone time every day in the advanced copy ring is completely insufficient. So Duke planned to replace the advanced replication ring with the earth replication ring, so that the earth clone for more than an hour and a quarter every day was barely enough.

  But someone needs to share some of the chores for him, and the assistant team is obviously not suitable, and their cultivation level is too low.


  Duke recruited two 4th-ring arcane earth mages. One served as the director of Duke's Chief Sage Office and was in charge of prophetic affairs; the other served as the director of Duke's Star Councilor Office, assisting him in handling many affairs of the Star Council.

  This is how Thaston came to power.

  As for Duke's Earth Replica Ring, it is placed in the Offa Tower when meetings are held at the Offa Tower; when meetings are held at the Stars Conference, it is moved to the Union Tower.

  Taking the shuttle back to the Arcane Tower, Saston saw the earth replica ring humming in operation, and Duke's earth clone, half lying and half sitting on the sofa chair, was talking.

  Not daring to disturb, Thaston stood at the door and waited.

  However, the voice coming from the optical phone allowed him to quickly recognize the identity of the other party - the boss's assistant director at the Knight's Monastery, Agnes Ice Crown, a 2nd level arcanist and 2nd level magician. Beast Knight is said to be one of the boss's confidante.

  He had met Agnes Ice Crown once before, when it was Agnes Ice Crown who came to ask Duke about fighting qi cultivation.

  After waiting for a moment, Duke hung up.

  Saston immediately stepped forward: "Boss, Captain Herdos and his party have escorted your advanced replication ring back." "Is it

  so fast? This Herdos, I'll let him take a look around here, he You have to rush back in such a hurry."

  "Captain Herdos may think that boss you are anxious to use the advanced replication ring." "

  There is no rush." ​​Duke shook his head, "By the way, how is the research going on with Prophet Zidele? I heard that the most difficult level has been overcome?" "

  Yes, the 2-ring Arcane Mage uses the ring of contract to locate the real spiritual sea. The most difficult level is that the projection effect is weak and the spiritual interference is too great. The Zidel Prophet team uses a special drop-down method. Noise technology has successfully filtered out spiritual interference and achieved precise positioning."

  "Well, in this way, we will soon be able to cast intermediate replication rings." "

  Yes, boss."

  "That's gratifying." Duke is serious. Glad, there is an intermediate copy ring, and there are more ways to contact you anytime and anywhere.

  He has it all planned out.

  The earth copy ring is placed in the Holy City of Arcane and is responsible for handling official affairs; the high-level copy ring is left at the Duke Sage Mage Tower for easy contact after going out; the ocean copy ring has been promised to be sent to the Snowshirt Palace to play with Princess Tiffany at any time.

  The sky replica ring is placed in the battleship No. 3 Ring. Following the trajectory of the battleship, it travels to various parts of the world for investigation and research.

  As for the intermediate replica ring that is about to be cast, it will be sent to the Knight Monastery to guide Agnes Ice Crown in her fighting spirit training.

  It is also a backup clone, used as a supplement when the Earth Replication Ring is short of time.

  "I don't know how long the intermediate replication ring can last." Duke touched his chin. "The advanced replication ring only lasted half an hour, and the intermediate replication ring probably lasted a quarter of an hour at most." A quarter of an hour


  It's just like making a video chat, which is better than nothing.

  Just as he was about to chat with Saston about the arrangement of the Earth Replication Ring, there was a knock on the door, and then Cannipos Cloud Falcon led a female arcane mage in: "Boss, Virginia, the secretary of Franny Sanduck Prophet. Visiting."

  "Hello, Lord Duke." Virginia Merganser bowed in greeting.

  She is a descendant of Franny Merganser's family and has been Franny Merganser's secretary. When Duke worked with Franny Merganser, he often saw Virginia Merganser.

  "Sit down, is it Dean Franny who is looking for me?"

  "Yes, Mr. Duke, the boss is being troubled by some Qi Refiners' practice issues. Let me see if you are here. If you are here, I can ask you for advice. These questions," Virginia Merganser said, pulling out a list of questions.

  Duke took it casually, looked at it, and asked, "Did Dean Franny's Moon Phase Chapter go smoothly?" "

  According to the boss, it went smoothly."

  "That's good.

  " Duke is also very concerned about whether Lanie Merganser can complete the Moon Phase Chapter and be promoted to the 8th Ring Arcane Master.

  If the other party is really promoted, 90% of the credit should belong to Duke.

  It is conceivable that in the future, all the stars will worship him, just to seek the path to the Chapter of the Moon.

  By then, he will be the uncrowned king among the stars!

   Please vote~
  (End of this chapter)

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