Chapter 322 CD

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  Chapter 322 CD
  Sheshou Town was renamed Sheshou County.

  This happened in March of Storm Calendar 4425, and Sheshou County was still building a city wall on the outskirts of the county.

  The city wall is mixed with spiritual gold materials and spiritual beast spiritual materials, and can resist attacks by spiritual beasts below level 4.

  Moreover, these city walls will also be equipped with 4-ring light shields and 4-ring lightsabers developed by Duke Sage Mage Tower and produced by the Giant of Light Group in the future. This is the result of Lidman's team's efforts to research lightsaber technology, and it is also the result of Duke's help with calculations based on Xiaoyi's supercomputer.

  In the era without supercomputers, it would be difficult for even an arcane instructor to find the most suitable one from countless sequences.

  Therefore, the Leadman lightsaber team is far ahead in the development and application of lightsaber technology.

  Now it is the first to develop 4-ring lightsaber technology.

  Lightsaber technology is just a general term. This technology can create any shape. Among them, the 4-ring light shield is the best city defense weapon. If the city wall can be covered with 4-ring light shield, it will be difficult for land beasts to break through the city wall defense. .

  Coupled with the attack power of a 4-ring lightsaber, it can be said that the invasion of spiritual beasts will hardly cause harm.

  However, before the Black Snake family built the city wall, they had pruned the central area of ​​the county, in front of the original Duke's former residence on Second Vertical Street, into a small square.

  In the center of the square, an eleven-meter-high full-length statue of Duke was erected.

  The entire body is made of a kind of spiritual gold called orichalcum. The color of this orichalcum is somewhat dull, but it works very well when used on character statues, giving it a special thick texture.

  "From now on, this will be Duke Square, the most important cultural activity center in Sheshou County." Mulander Black Snake put his hands on his back and looked up at the newly completed Duke orichalcopper statue, "4 rings of earth arcane mage, 4 rings of dragon Knight, 3-ring Great Elf Envoy, 11 rings in total, corresponding to a height of 11 meters, perfect!" "It is

  indeed perfect." Muhans Black Snake was wearing a large cloak, and his momentum had vaguely surpassed Mulander Black Snake.

  Nothing else.

  Now Muhans Black Snake has obtained a batch of beast blood pills in advance through his daughter, so that his second-ring fantasy beast-the flaming python can swallow it.

  This phantom beast named Fire King was able to live up to its expectations and win a glimmer of hope, evolving into a third-level high-level phantom beast.

  In other words, Muhans Black Snake is now a third-level advanced fantasy beast knight, and the strongest person in the entire Black Snake family. The title of Baron Black Snake was firmly placed on his head, and his identity as the family patriarch was further consolidated, with the right to speak surpassing that of the high priest Mulander Black Snake.

  "Muhans." Mulander Black Snake suddenly sighed.

  "Second uncle, please tell me."

  "I plan to completely retire and cultivate flowers and fish. From now on, I will leave it to you to take full control of the path that the Black Snake family will take."

  If it were in the past, Muhans Black Snake would not have the confidence to do so. Can carry the future of the family.

  But now as a high-level fantasy beast knight with two 3-ring lightsabers on his waist, Muhans Black Snake has enough confidence to face all challenges.

  He nodded calmly: "That's fine. Second uncle, you have worked hard for the family all your life, and now it's time to enjoy it." "Before I

  leave, I still have to tell you a few words, don't be annoyed." "

  Second uncle, you Said."

  "Our Black Snake family can establish a foothold in the Black Dragon River and develop vigorously. The descendants of the Black Snake are becoming more and more prosperous and developed. The root of all this comes from the fact that we were the first to embrace the thigh of the Prophet. And hug him the tightest."

  "I know."

  "You will be the master of the family from now on. I don't care how you want to plan the family, but you must not forget to hug the prophet's thigh tightly!"

  Muhans Black Snake nodded in agreement. Said: "Second uncle, don't worry, I will hug Prophet Duke's thigh with a vassal attitude. From now on, the Black Snake family will give priority to the interests of Prophet Duke, even the interests of the family must be put second."

  "It's good that you have this understanding." Mulander Black Snake took a souvenir glance at the greatly changed county town and left slowly, "Hold the prophet's thigh tightly, the Black Snake family will be prosperous for at least three years. One hundred years, no, four hundred years!"

  8 The theoretical lifespan of Huanyue Arcane Master is about 450 years.

  In Mulland Black Snake's view, it is inevitable that Duke will be promoted to the 8th Ring of Radiant Moon Arcane Instructor.

  Instead of letting Muhans Black Snake see him off, Mulander Black Snake took two old followers and walked alone through the streets of the county town towards the Black Snake Manor.

  On the street, a group of knights riding tall horses passed through the street in an orderly manner.

  In response to Cuihai City's security operations in the past few years, the Black Snake family also made great efforts to reorganize the security knights and patrol knights. These knights not only have good discipline, but also do no harm to the people, and have become a sight on the streets.

  Every knight has a lightsaber that looks like a flashlight on his waist.

  In fact, in the eyes of Mulande Black Snake, this era should not be called the era of boiling beast blood, but the era of lightsabers.

  This small lightsaber is an important factor that truly changes the knight's status. With the lightsaber, the knight has the capital to compete with arcane mages of the same level. Using lightsabers to break arcane spells has become a compulsory course for knights.

  Unfortunately, there are only three levels of light sabers that can be held: 1, 2, and 3. A 4-ring lightsaber is no longer something that anyone can carry.

  Even a 3-ring lightsaber is as thick as a water bottle and requires a knight to hold it with both hands.


  The captain of the knight team recognized Mulander Black Snake strolling along the street, and immediately led the team to dismount and salute: "High Priest." "Well

  , I'm busy with you, so don't worry about me." Mulander Black Snake waved. He waved and quickly disappeared into the crowd on the street.

  The older he gets, the less he enjoys being surrounded by people. Instead, he likes to mingle among ordinary people and enjoy the quietness that ordinary people only have.

  "Biles joins hands with Zold to once again contribute to the love of the screen. "Shen Jiao Holiday" is shocking and will have its world premiere on March 11!" A brand new huge poster was posted in front of the gate of the Phantom Opera House. A man and woman ride on a bicycle.

  The background is clearly Shenjiao City.

  There is no doubt that this is a phantom blockbuster produced by DreamWorks. Perhaps it was influenced by Duke. Most of the phantom movies shot by DreamWorks like to set the background of the story in two cities in the Black River. Shen Jiao City and Cuihai City.

  After the continuous promotion of DreamWorks Fantasy films, Shenjiao City and Cuihai City may not be as charming as the Holy City of Aofa, but they are still two entertainment cities.

  I don’t know how many people want to come here to pursue their dreams.

  Chasing the dream of the increasingly prosperous entertainment industry and the dream of building a new city in Cuihai City. In short, the increasing number of immigrants is the best proof.

  By the way, Sheshou County also benefited, and its population exceeded 200,000.

  "Sir, do you want to go in and see the Phantom?" The attendant saw Mulander Black Snake's gaze lingering on the Phantom poster for a long time and couldn't help but ask.

  Mulander Black Snake shook his head and said, "I remember Dzold, the phantom star who came out of Sheshou County, right?"

  "Yes." One of the attendants said, "I have met his parents, who lived in the original No. 1 Heng Street. But now they have moved to Shenjiao City." DreamWorks Film and Television Company, undoubtedly,

  praised A large number of actors in the Black Dragon River became famous.

  "Write it down for me. If you have time, invite Dold to Black Snake Manor as a guest and have dinner together." Mulander Black Snake ordered.

  He then continued to move along the street, but instead of returning to Black Snake Manor, he came to the rail platform in the north of the city.

  The whirring rail train, carrying more than a dozen carriages of goods, stopped at the platform, and a large group of workers immediately stepped forward to unload the goods. On the other track, the passenger train also stopped. A group of passengers got off and a group of passengers got on, in an orderly manner.

  The emergence of rail trains has completely changed the way people travel.

  The black centipede cars and black beetle cars in the past have gradually become short-distance means of transportation and no longer travel between cities. Even airships were once affected by rail trains. After all, airships have no advantage in terms of speed.

  There is a large screen on the platform, which is an outdoor light television machine. It is playing the local Heijiaohe light television program.

  Some passengers waiting for the train were watching the program with their heads raised.

  There was a light phone booth not far away, and several passengers were queuing up to insert their cards and make light phone calls to report to their families that they were safe.

  "The changes are so great." Mulande Black Snake put his hands behind his back and sighed with emotion. "In just a few years, it seems that an entire era has passed." The entourage echoed: "Master, an era has really crossed

  . Originally, when we were young, we were in the great era of arcane magic, but now the Fourth Ring Prophet, the Great Master, has led us into the era of cave subtle spirituality." Another follower also smiled and sighed: "Sometimes,

  Sheshou County changes too much. It's so big, so fast, I feel like I'm in a dream."

  Mulander Black Snake nodded and said: "It seems that the biggest change is brought about by the Ring of Light. The Prophet uses light to connect the entire world. . We people who live far apart now live in the same small town!" "

  Yes, my grandson was promoted by your master and studied at the Knight Monastery in Cuihai City. I miss him so much. If you say that, you can see your grandson!"

  "Isn't it? Now that I go shopping with you every day, I like to watch light vision. I can see news in other fields. It's amazing." "

  So. Ah, I must be grateful to the Prophet." Mulander Black Snake clasped his hands together and bowed in the direction of Cuihai City.

  The two attendants quickly followed suit, clasped their hands and bowed in the air, saying, "Thank you, Master Prophet!"

  In the past, people called Duke the same as they called other arcane mages, and they liked to call them Master Prophet.

  But as Duke's achievements have grown, he has become a living saint, even surpassing Abbotts to become the greatest saint.

  Many people gradually called Duke the prophet.

  After paying homage to Duke, Mulander Black Snake took his two elderly followers and wandered around the county town like a lion patrolling his territory before returning to Black Snake Manor to rest.


  the other side.

  The breeze of early spring blew by, and in the canopy of the ancestor of the oak tree, dark brown acorns looked like naughty children, playing hide and seek with the air.

  They bloomed last fall, and by this spring, in half a year, these acorns are finally ripe.

  Duke picked off an acorn and took it into the tree house to study it carefully. When the hand of the arcane weapon was pierced into it, all the information was clear at a glance.

  "It's not mature yet, the energy hasn't been conceived yet." Duke threw the acorn on the table.

  He has been waiting for the acorns to mature and researching the factors that can give the acorn man power. He temporarily calls this power the power of woodification.

  Just like in his spiritual sea, he understood the secret of the ancestor of the oak tree and gained the power of acorn and wood transformation.

  In other words, Duke himself has the power to turn into wood, but this power is obtained through the mysterious vision of the Tree King. It is elusive and difficult to find and difficult to study directly.

  "We have to wait a few more days." Duke pushed open the door, returned to Duke's Sage Mage Tower, and walked into his own exclusive laboratory.

  Today's Duke Sage Mage Tower is full of talents.

  There are more than 20 professors at the 3rd level of Austrian Master, leading different research groups and researching day and night. There are even four senior professors at the level of fourth-level arcane earth mage, not counting Suktala.

  These four arcane earth mages have all recently joined the Duke Sage Mage Tower.

  In the past, few Grand Arcana mages were willing to join other people's mage towers. After all, those who could be promoted to Grand Arcana mages must have great talents, have certain attainments in their respective fields, and have obtained one or two scholar titles. It would be difficult to follow others.

  Therefore. There are many Da'ao mages who come to Duke Sage Mage Tower for academic visits, but very few are willing to stay and lead the research team to do research.

  However, as more and more Earth Arcana mages stow away on the Lingxi Road, Earth Arcana mages gradually become worthless - some Arcana mages even proposed to remove stowaways from the Arcana mages class and establish a new class separately.

  For example, it is called Lingxi Arcana Mage.

  In short, some smuggled earth arcane mages can't even maintain their own mage towers, so they are naturally willing to work for others.

  The four arcane earth mages who stayed in Duke Sage Mage Tower all came from the Lingxi Road by smuggling.

  But even if they are stowaways, even if they are reduced to Lingxi Arcane Mage, their strength cannot be underestimated, so Duke added the title of senior professor on top of professor.

  The front foot just walked in the door.

  Assistant Ibuprofen walked in with a pile of information: "Sir, this is the backup information collected from various research groups today." "Put it down."

  Duke waved his hand, and the Hand of Arcane Weapon and the Hand of Arcane Weapon were The eye manifests itself.

  Then the Arcana Hand turned over the information, the Arcana Eye looked at the information, and he quickly expanded the database for Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi summarized and organized it.

  Duke himself did not intend to waste his time on reading these materials. After all, they were all spiritual and arcane contents with no freshness.

  For example, the Ring of Phantasmal Beasts team led by Paliska, the Lightsaber team led by Lidman, the Ring of Light team led by Kairich Gray Deer, and others such as the film and television team, the Branded Ring team, and the Consonance Team. Ring team and more.

  These are all topics pioneered by Duke. No matter how hard you study them, you won't be able to come up with many new tricks.

  "Sir, I have to take a few days off. My brother is getting married soon, and I have to go over and help." Ibuprofen suddenly said.

  Duke was surprised: "That boy Bullock, are you going to get married so soon?"

  It was said that it was that boy. In fact, the Bullock siblings were as old as Duke, and they were both twenty-nine years old now.

  "My brother is so dull. If a female arcane mage can fall in love with him, he has to get married and tied up quickly." Ibuprofen joked, "Lest the other party regrets it later. My brother is getting older and older, and there is no female arcana mage." The mage can take a liking to him."

  "He's only twenty-nine years old, so old." Duke said.

  Ibuprofen sighed: "For you, sir, of course you are not old. Sooner or later you will be able to ascend to the stars and your lifespan will be infinite. But for us ordinary arcane mages, that is not necessarily the case. I have not been promoted to the second level yet. Woolen cloth."

  Promoted to Arcane Mage at the age of twenty-two, and now at the age of twenty-nine, the Ibuprofen brother and sister have stayed in the first ring for seven years.

  Duke smiled and said: "Don't blame yourself, it's only been seven years. I remember that I broke the record for the fastest promotion to the second level Arcane Mage. The previous holder took six years and seven months... It usually took ten years. It only takes time to advance to level 2."

  The promotion time of arcane mage is actually not taken seriously.

  Even if each link takes countless years, as long as you can continue to expand your understanding of the spiritual arcana, there is hope for promotion.

  The reason why Duke's previous record-breaking was so sensational was entirely because he raised the record to an incredible level.

  It took two and a half years to advance to the second level, another three years to the third level, and another four years to the fourth level.

  That adds up to less than ten years.

  At the same time, arcane mages were still at level 1, but he had cleared away the fog of spiritual arcane magic and became a level 4 earth arcane mage.

  Therefore, the record caused a sensation because it was crazily broken by Duke, not because Duke broke the record.

  "Oops." Ibuprofen smiled coquettishly, "I've been following you, sir, for so long that I forgot that your records can't be used as a reference." "Okay, I've approved your leave.

  Go help your brother prepare for the wedding. Oh, by the way, you go find Pheasant Yu yourself and choose a gift from the castle's warehouse as a gift from me to your brother." Duke had no intention of attending the wedding.

  With his current status, there is really no wedding that he can attend - except for himself.

  Pass the ibuprofen.

  Duke began to arrange his own new experiment. This experiment should be regarded as another reference to Earth's technology.


  Duke started operating on the test bench, using the sensitive operation ability given by the arcane hand to process this special piece of spiritual material.

  Some are similar to the card materials required to make spiritual cards, but optical signals can be stored in them by changing the medium.

  Duke has his own exclusive Phantom film screening room. Every time a new Phantom masterpiece is released, he will have someone bring a Phantom card to show it and enjoy it. However, after years of development, the phantom card roll is still very large and has poor storage effect.

  Some longer phantom films with higher-definition drawings may even require several phantom cartridges to be shared together.

  So he thought of the disc on Earth.

  I want to use the spiritual arcane method to copy the disc in the Seven Towers Federation to store information more conveniently.

  In fact, there is no need for Duke to conduct research himself. He only needs to provide an idea and then hand it over to the experimental team to overcome it. But Duke had nothing to do now. He happened to be waiting for the acorns to mature, so he took action on his own.

  A few days later.

  The acorns were about to mature, and Duke was making huge progress in conquering optical disc technology.

  "Xiaoyi, have you noticed that optical disc technology actually has a lot of potential?" Duke studied while making semi-finished optical discs.

  The optical disk on the earth uses lasers with different reflectivities in different media to burn pits with different reflectivities, thereby reading the signals of 0 and 1, and then converting these 0 and 1 signals into real information through equipment conversion.

  But Duke couldn't copy it, for the simple reason that there was no equipment to read the so-called 0 and 1 signals.

  However, his solution is also very simple. He directly stores the information in a ring structure and then burns it on the spiritual material.

  Countless small ring structures stacked on top of each other can store countless amounts of information.

  What is more troublesome is that ensuring the stability and readability of these ring structures at the same time requires very high requirements for the material itself and the recording technology.

  "Master, the algorithm of the disc ring structure can be further optimized to improve the information storage capacity of the ring structure." Through calculations, Xiaoyi continuously optimized the storage effect of the ring structure and developed a complete recording technology.

  Next, as long as the materials are in place, the optical disc technology will be ready.


  Duke controlled the hand of the arcane weapon and repeatedly alchemized the spiritual materials. Finally, one day at the end of March, he obtained the extremely flexible card material he wanted.

  The recording equipment is also ready. A modified Lingka imprinting instrument, with the help of the increasingly developed imprinting ring and the psionic stance technology of the steady-state ring level instrument, can convert optical images and sounds. Integrate into ring structure.

  "Let's call it CD Burner." Duke randomly named it.


  The optical disc burner started working, and the ring-shaped disc continued to record images and sounds in the psychic position.

  The burning speed is not very fast.

  About ten minutes later, "Shen Jiao Holiday", which had just been released, was burned to the disc, using about one-tenth of the capacity of the ring structure.

  "Hmm, not bad, not bad!" Duke was very satisfied with this. ""Holiday" is a blockbuster released by DreamWorks. The idea came from "Roman Holiday" I provided. The scenes are exquisite and grand, and it requires four Phantom cards. It can only be accommodated by the volume!"

  It can be seen that the storage capacity of the optical disc is much greater than that of the phantom card.

  And this is still the first generation of optical discs. As it continues to be optimized in the future, the storage effect of optical discs will be even more terrifying.

  After burning a disc, Duke quickly took out the disc and put in another instrument he had modified himself - a disc projector.

  You only need to use an ordinary Phantom card reel projector with slight modifications to read the signal stored in the optical disc.

  As the disc projector started, a piece of beautiful music sounded, and the DreamWorks logo animation slowly unfolded.

  The picture is clear and stable, no worse than the effect of the Phantom card.

  "Very good!" Duke is quite satisfied with this. The fact is that when the knowledge given to him by the earth collides with the spiritual arcane system, wonderful sparks can be produced - in addition to the ring of consonance and the ring of phantom beasts, his This is true for many inventions.

  Snap your fingers.

  Duke began to call: "Ibuprofen."

  "Sir." Another assistant walked in. It was not Ibuprofen, but a female spiritual apprentice from the assistant team. "The director of Ibuprofen has taken leave and has not come back yet."

  "Yes, her brother is getting married." Duke remembered.

  The main reason is that his development of optical discs has progressed so fast that only a few days have passed and Bullock's wedding has not even been held yet.

  After thinking about it, he ordered: "Go and call Winona Yingzhu over." "

  Yes, sir."

  A moment later, Winona Yingzhu, wearing a floral dress, looked like a dancing bird. Butterfly walked in with brisk steps.

  "Tutor, are you looking for me?"

  "Tomorrow, April 1st, you will hold an academic conference for me and broadcast the optical disc technology I invented."

  Duke does not plan to broadcast the academic conference in person. In his opinion, optical disc technology is indeed Yes, but that’s all, and not worthy of being broadcast live as a prophet.

  In order to maintain the style of the Four-ring Prophet and Six-Sage, in the future he will only hold press conferences in person with ring-level technologies, or technologies close to the ring-level.

  "Ah, me?" Winona Yingzhu exclaimed.

  Then he asked with surprise and trepidation: "Instructor, can I do it? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with optical disc technology and I might make mistakes." "It doesn't matter, there is

  still time, I will explain the optical disc technology to you carefully." Du Ke motioned Winona Yingzhu to sit down, "I thought about it for a moment, didn't you intend to be my assistant? That's just right. You can be my academic assistant and publish academic papers for me from now on." His status,

  so All they are exposed to are high-end spiritual and arcane content, and it is difficult for ordinary people to be qualified for the role of assistant.

  Currently, I only have Ibuprofen as an arcane mage assistant, which is obviously not enough, so I might as well hire Winona Yingzhu as an assistant. In addition, he also plans to hire Agnes Ice Crown as an assistant to handle knightly matters for him.

  In the future, we will recruit an arcane mage with dual cultivation of spirit sea and air sea to handle matters related to the way of elves for him.


  Other prophets, stars, and even great arcane mages helped run errands, and Duke was no exception. He needed to form a team of assistants composed of arcane mages.

  After Winona Yingzhu listened, she thought carefully and nodded solemnly: "Tutor, don't worry, I will do my job as an academic assistant and I won't let you down!" Please vote

  ( End of this chapter)

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