Chapter 287 The Great Arcana Mage Suktara

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  Chapter 287
  After the completion of the Arcane Wonder of the Arcane Mage Suktara Elemental Armor, Duke asked Xiaoyi to establish a new process, a research process for the telescope projection technology.

  At the same time, the research and development of the 3rd level arcane weapon - Arcane Weapon Armor was suspended and replaced with the sublimation of 1st level arcane weapon - Arcane Weapon Eye.

  He plans to add a recording function to the Eye of Arcana, so that all the information seen and felt by the clone can be recorded and submitted to Xiao Yi, expanding Xiao Yi's database, and using Xiao Yi's computing power to summarize Summarize.

  Otherwise, the clone shadow without Xiaoyi's assistance would be too restricted.

  Duke knows that.

  Most of his genius character comes from Xiao Yi's assistance. Without Xiao Yi, he may still have some talent.

  Technologies such as strong light technology, film and television technology, and optical storage technology that are developed based on the technology on the earth can still be realized, but it is absolutely impossible to successfully develop the Ring of Imprint and the Ring of Consonance on their own, as the computing power involved is too huge.

  "Perhaps I can design another supercomputer-type arcane device?" Duke suddenly thought, but quickly gave up the idea.

  Supercomputers on Earth are indeed powerful, but they also occupy a huge area.

  He once viewed the Tianhe-2 supercomputer through his mobile phone. It consists of 170 cabinets and covers an area of ​​720 square meters. It can be said to be as big as a villa. The key is that the structure of each cabinet is extremely complex and has many single components.

  Even ordinary supercomputers are still huge and complex in structure.

  If you want to improve such a large and complex equipment into an arcane weapon, it is estimated that the level will start at at least 8th level, or even close to 9th level.

  So it is unrealistic to think about super computing now. After all, Duke himself is only a third-level arcane mage.

  "Sir, there is a third-level arcane mage from out of town visiting you." Assistant Mulali knocked on the door and entered the office. "It is a third-level arcane mage who calls himself Kailic Gray Deer. He introduced himself as Ganoderma lucidum from the ridge area. City, I came especially to visit you, sir."

  "Lingzhi City in the Ridge Area?" Duke raised his eyebrows.

  The ridge domain is to the south of the wind domain, and the terrain is dominated by plateaus and mountains. Lingzhi City is located in a plateau valley.

  If you want to take an airship from Lingzhi City to Cuihai City, it will take at least half a month.

  In other words, as soon as he was added as a prophet, this Kelic Gray Deer had already set off, otherwise he would not have arrived so quickly.

  "Have you verified his magic card?"

  "Already verified."

  "Well, invite him over." Duke planned to meet him, because this is the first third-level arcane mage from the outer realm. Visit yourself.

  A while ago, many arcane mages from the Wind Breath Domain visited the Duke Sage Mage Tower.

  Even some great arcane mages went to Duke Sage Mage Tower to visit him.

  In a certain sense, prophets are equal to the stars. There are currently forty-eight stars in the Seven Towers Federation - there were originally forty-nine, and Michael has perished - but there are only twenty-seven prophets, which are even rarer than the stars.

  A moment later, under the guidance of Mulali, Kelic Gray Deer walked into Duke's office.

  He looked like a lean middle-aged man with a slight goatee. After seeing Duke, he immediately bowed and saluted.

  The tone was a little excited: "Kerich pays homage to Lord Prophet Duke!"

  "You're welcome, please sit down." Duke nodded, sat on the sofa chair, looked at the other person briefly, and then asked, "Listen to my assistant. He said, "You traveled thousands of miles to come to Cuihai City to visit me, so what is your purpose?"

  He didn't like red tape, so he skipped the polite content and went straight to the point.

  After Kailic sat down, he immediately responded: "I admire your knowledge, Lord Prophet, especially the ring of consonance you invented, which shocked me greatly! Just after I stopped at the third ring, I always wanted to study abroad, so I wanted to Study with me, my lord."

  "Study with me?"

  "Yes!" Kailic stood up again and replied respectfully, "Sir, your attainments in spiritual arcana have made great achievements throughout the ages. I really admire you so much. I just took the liberty to come and visit."

  Being praised by others is always a pleasure both physically and mentally.

  Duke was in a good mood and responded with a smile: "Duke Sage Mage Tower adopts a new education and research system and adheres to the principle of openness to the outside world. Therefore, I welcome any arcanist who wants to come to Duke Sage Mage Tower to study."

  " Ah, thank you for your acceptance, sir!" Kailic was overjoyed. He did not expect that things would go so smoothly. In just a few words, he got the qualification to stay in the Mage Tower.

  Duke didn't have any extra energy to deal with these arcane mages who came here for their fame.

  He was already a prophet and had everything to deal with every day, so he called Leovis directly: "Your Excellency Kelic, this associate professor Leovis is my assistant. You are working and studying in Duke Mage Tower, and he will take care of you next." Responsible for the arrangements."

  Kailic immediately bowed and saluted: "Excuse me, Mr. Leovis."

  Leovis also bowed and returned the salute with a calm smile: "From now on, we will all be colleagues, Mr. Kailic, there is no need to be polite."

  Then he said to him again. Duke said: "Sir, I will take Mr. Kailic down first." "

  Well, go ahead and prepare a banquet in the evening to honor Mr. Kailic." Duke waved his hand and let the two of them leave the office.

  The assistant immediately came forward and pinched his shoulders with onion-like fingers: "Sir, there are more and more Arcane mages in the tower." "More would be better. I originally planned to turn

  this mage tower into a new one." Build it into another holy place." Duke has great ambitions in his heart.

  He believed that there was a vast world west of Cuihai City.

  The stars in the Starry Dream and the corresponding tree kings are the best proof that there are so many unexplored places in this world.

  Cuihai City in the borderland is the frontier of entering the unknown world.

  "Fortunately, the castle has been completed. Otherwise, these Arcane Masters would have no place to live." Murali said with a smile.

  In addition to Kailic Gray Deer who just arrived today, several 1st and 2nd level Arcane mages have entered the tower in the past period, some from the local city, some from other cities, and they are all in Lingya Mountain for the time being. Settled in the castle.

  Unfortunately, the Duke Sage Mage Tower is still too small.

  If it were several thousand meters high like the Arcane Supreme Tower, many arcane mages could live directly in the tower, even for a lifetime.

  However, there are only two small springs in Lingya Mountain, and there is no way to expand them. This place is destined to be only suitable for research, and is not suitable for many arcane mages to live for a long time - the Arcane Supreme Tower can be lived in because of the spiritual river under the Whale Song Mirror Lake. .

  The surging spiritual river is enough to supply the daily spiritual needs of the entire Holy City of Aufa and the eighteen surrounding cities.

  "It's not enough to have Master Ao. I hope that as a prophet, I can attract more ordinary people to settle in Cuihai City." Duke thought happily.

  That night, after giving Kailic Gray Deer a clean slate, Duke Sage Mage Tower had a fourth professor.

  Duke, Suktara, Perish Black Jade and Kerich Gray Deer.

  By the next day, before Kailic Gray Deer had a chance to visit Cuihai City, he was assigned to the research and development team by Duke.

  "Lingxi projection technology is led by me and His Excellency Zidele Xingling. There is a huge research and development research team in the Holy City of Austria. Although our place is simple, we have the important responsibility of checking for leaks and filling in the gaps. Kailic, you specialize in research In the field of alchemy, you must adapt to the work of the group as soon as possible."

  Although Kailic Gray Deer specializes in the field of alchemy, he has not yet obtained the title of scholar. Of course, he is still young, only over eighty years old.

  With a lifespan of nearly 180 years for a 3rd level arcane mage, he still has a hundred years to work hard, and he will get the title of scholar sooner or later.

  "Sir, please rest assured that I will cherish this opportunity and devote myself to the R&D team!" Kailic nodded solemnly.

  He was deeply moved by being entrusted with important tasks when he first arrived.

  He also spoke highly of Duke's resolute work style in his heart: "No wonder the prophet can invent such great achievements. He does not compromise, does not drag around, and focuses on the spiritual arcana!" So after joining the research and development team

  ! After that, he immediately turned into a research madman and stayed in the laboratory for most of his food, drink and accommodation.

  But he found that Duke rarely appeared in the laboratory.

  "Master Prophet has to take care of both laboratories, so he is inevitably busy. It is normal not to see him in person." He understood this very well.


  There are only twenty-seven in the Seven Towers Federation, oh, including Duke, there are twenty-eight.

  On the shoulders of every prophet is the development of a field of spiritual arcana, and one can imagine how huge the workload is.

  But what Kailic didn't know was this.

  At this moment, Duke was fighting with Vivian, sweating profusely. They were both newly promoted level 2 fantasy beast knights. They needed to sharpen each other, increase the power of the blood sea, and become familiar with the fighting spirit after the qualitative change.

  "Hufufu..." After a moment, Vivian breathed heavily.

  Looking at Duke with blurred eyes, he was almost too tired to speak: "Sir, I can't do it anymore. You are getting better and better now." "


  Duke also gasped, but after calming down, he recovered again. In a lively state: "Your progress is not slow either."

  "Compared to you, my lord, it's far behind." Vivian shook her head, "My progress and that of Mimi are far behind that of you and Xiao Kabuto." Progress."

  "Fool, I have a fighting spirit increase, so my progress will naturally be fast, but you need to practice hard bit by bit, and you will definitely be slower than me." Duke rubbed the hair of the personal knight, "But as long as you persist, you will be promoted to the third level. There is great hope for high-level fantasy beast knights."

  As time went by, "Duke Feiyu" did not spread widely. In fact, this fighting spirit martial art was too complicated, and the knights simply did not have the talent to master it.

  However, "Duke's Leap" has spread with great fanfare. A large number of knights have mastered "Duke's Leap" throughout the Seven Towers Federation, and have greatly improved their combat effectiveness in actual combat, earning rave reviews.

  Therefore, these knights expressed their gratitude to Duke, and through the shadowy projection, Duke felt the wonderful taste of increased fighting spirit.

  Even if he is lying down, the fighting energy in his body is growing and solidifying all the time.

  With the help of the blood refining method, Duke transferred the power of Dou Qi amplification to Xiao Dou, helping the power in Xiao Dou's body to grow rapidly.

  Both of them are accumulating strength for the third ring.

  But the benefits brought by the increase in fighting spirit are not just the impact on the third level. Duke and Kabuto have already made mental preparations to prepare for the legendary fourth level dragon knight.

  "Actually, I am not that eager for the third ring." Vivian felt Duke's heartbeat and said slowly, "I am satisfied to be able to follow you, sir, but your steps are not It will stop, so Vivian must work hard!"

  She raised her head and looked at Duke, who was still young, with a hint of determination in her eyes: "I will definitely catch up with you, sir." "

  Don't be too harsh on yourself, Just let nature take its course," Duke comforted softly.

  After a pause, he added: "I have a good chat with Dean Dunn Dragonlance of the Knight Monastery and Vice Dean Godiva Storm Sword. They are both level 3 The advanced fantasy beast knight knows how to evolve the 2-level fantasy beast into the 3rd-level high-level fantasy beast, so I will help you and Mimi evolve."

  Contracted spirit beasts advance from level 1 to level 2, that is, from spirit beasts to fantasy beasts. The evolution of beasts is a qualitative change and a difficulty like a chasm.

  Countless 1st level great knights have fallen at this level, with no hope of becoming a 2nd level phantom beast knight.

  But if you pass this level, it will be much simpler and easier to train from the 2nd level Phantom Beast Knight to the 3rd level Advanced Phantom Beast Knight.

  Vivian nodded: "I believe you, sir."

  "Just believe me!" Duke smiled confidently, not to mention the various phantom beast training methods summarized by the Knight's Monastery.

  It was him himself, who still had a topic that needed urgent research - Blood Spirit Formation and Blood Spirit Crystal.

  Once the blood spirit formation is researched, the blood spirit crystals can be mass-produced, helping Vivian advance to the level 3 advanced fantasy beast knight with ease.

  take a break.

  Duke returned to his exclusive office and cast the Ring of Consonance at a certain point, condensing a clone shadow in Zidele's Crystal Palace.

  "Lord Duke."

  "Lord Prophet."

  The arcane mages who were busy in the laboratory greeted Duke one after another after seeing him.

  Duke just nodded in response and hurried into an office.

  Zidele Awakening, who was leading the experiment, was not here. As the 8th Circle Glowing Moon Arcane Instructor, he could not only focus on the prophet's work. He also needed to preside over the affairs of the stars. What's more, he was also the chief executive of the United Supreme Tower, and he really took care of everything.

  "Sir, you are here." There are several spiritual apprentices in the office, serving as clerks.

  "Bring me all the test materials from yesterday."

  "Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

  The clerks quickly moved a lot of materials over, and Duke carefully selected a few that he thought were more important. information, reading records.

  Half an hour passed quickly.

  With a regretful sigh, Duke's clone disappeared in pieces, and his mind returned to reality. He immediately communicated with Xiao Yi and provided Xiao Yi with some of the information he had read.

  "Alas, there is so little information that can be remembered!"

  However, even if it is a small amount of information, as long as it contains key data, the rest can be left to Xiaoyi to derive calculations.

  Then Xiaoyi formulated an experimental procedure for him.

  He got up and walked out of the office, came to his R&D team's laboratory, and called over the person in charge of the work, Boris Black Jade: "This is the experimental process I just summarized. You can arrange it as soon as possible. Kailic is new, Please take him with you."

  Boris Black Jade respectfully responded: "Yes, sir."

  In the past, Bernoulli was aloof, but now the Black Jade family has completely crawled at Duke's feet.

  Including Bernoulli himself, he often came to Sanhai University in Lingya Mountain to teach.

  So another peaceful day passed. Duke used the Ring of Resonance step by step every morning, and went to Zidele Xingling's Crystal Palace laboratory to check the information, or take time to inspect the progress of the experiment.

  Until mid-March.

  He came to Zidele's Crystal Palace again and found that someone was waiting for him.

  "Duke, let me introduce to you. This is the chief director of Offa Tower, Ms. Theia Yingzhu." Zidele Xingling introduced a young lady to Duke.

  However, when he heard the other person's name, Duke knew that this young lady could be his grandmother's grandmother.

  Theia Yingzhu, the 7th-level Morning Star Arcane Instructor.

  Together with Muse, the chief director of the Star Tower, they are known as the twin sisters of the Holy City. They were extremely graceful when they were young, and now they are the best among the stars.

  However, the Muse is an astrological sage and a prophet in the field of astrology.

  Theia Yingzhu took the route of an arcanist. She fought in many places when she was young, and even led the Arcane Aid Corps. She fought abroad for many years and participated in countless pioneering wars. The 9-ring sub-dragon head she wielded can be stacked. Get out of a Beijing view.

  However, as she grew older, Theia Yingzhu finally returned to the Holy City of Offa, got married and had children, and assumed the position of chief director of Offa Tower.

  Offa Tower is basically the territory of the prophets, and the chief director is more of a nominal person.

  "I've met Chief Director Theia Yingzhu." Duke saluted the other party.

  Although the prophet's status is high, he is on the same level as the stars, and the other party is a grandmother-level senior, so naturally Duke takes the initiative to salute him.

  However, Theia Yingzhu is good at keeping her appearance. Even though she is two or three hundred years old, she still looks and smiles like a young woman: "You're welcome, Prophet Duke." Zidele Xingling pointed

  at the girl next to Theia Yingzhu. , smiled and said: "This is the great-granddaughter of Ms. Theia. She is sixteen years old this year and has just been promoted to an arcane mage." The

  girl has a vague resemblance to Theia Yingzhu, but her face is rounder and her figure has not yet grown. Tall and thin.

  After Zidele introduced her identity, she immediately bowed to Duke and saluted: "Winona Yingzhu, hello to you, Prophet Duke." "Hello,

  Winona." Duke responded with a smile.

  The sixteen-year-old arcane mage seemed to be a beautiful girl.

  Zidele said: "Ms. Theia Yingzhu, I hope her great-granddaughter can go to your Duke Sage Mage Tower to study." "Come to my Mage Tower to study?"

  Duke was surprised.

  The Duke Sage Mage Tower is already famous throughout the Wind Breathing Domain and has become an ideal place for many arcane mages.

  But compared to many crystal palaces in the Holy City of Arcane, the Duke Sage Mage Tower is too shabby. Even if it is renamed the Duke Prophet Mage Tower, it is still not qualified - many of the owners of the Crystal Palace in the Holy City of Arcane are both stars and prophets.

  Theia Yingzhu smiled and said: "Prophet Duke, you are the future of the Seven Towers Federation. I hope Winona can learn from you and make a difference in the spiritual era of Dongwei in the future." With Duke's rise,

  he The era of Dongwei spirituality that we once boasted about creating is becoming more and more accepted by people.

  When he was just an ordinary sage, the spiritual era of Dongwei was at best a joke after dinner.

  After he invented the Ring of Branding, there was gradually more discussion about the spiritual era of Dongwei.

  When he invented the Ring of Resonance again and was added as a prophet, such an unstoppable gesture forced everyone to pay attention to the spiritual era of Dongwei.

  More and more people believe that Duke can usher in a new era.

  After all, there is no doubt whether Duke can rise to stardom. A star can live for at least three hundred years. Duke is only twenty-three years old, and he still has three hundred years to continue changing the world. You can even activate the Will of the Stars two or three more times.

  Creating an era is almost certain.

  Regarding the compliment in Theia Yingzhu's words, Duke smiled and nodded: "If Winona herself is willing, I welcome her to come to study at any time. In addition, I reiterate again, Duke Sage Mage Tower upholds the principle of external relations With the principle of openness, anyone can come and learn."

  Even if there is no recommendation from Zidele Xingling, Duke will accept Winona Yingzhu, but if someone greets her, he will definitely pay more attention to Winona Yingzhu.

  Theia Yingzhu smiled: "I have read your report on the reform of the Mage Tower. The integration of industry, academia and research, as well as more professional education, are all refreshing... We are already old and cannot keep up with the changes of the times. , just waiting to see you young people change."

  Without wasting much time on Duke, it was agreed that Winona Yingzhu would immediately set off for Duke's Sage Mage Tower after completing the reorganization of the meditation method.

  Theia Yingzhu left the office with her granddaughter Winona Yingzhu.

  Zidele Xingling said with emotion: "You have now become the future trend of the Seven Towers Federation. Many people will gather around you to create a greater trend for you. Winona Yingzhu is just the beginning." "I understand

  . ."

  "I hope you will not forget your original intention, grasp the ship of the Seven Towers Federation in the future, and strive to move forward toward the other shore in the true spiritual sea." The other shore


  It is somewhat similar to the so-called other shore in Buddhism. The other shore of the true spiritual sea is the realm of transcendence from spiritual mysteries.

  Arcane mages revere spiritual arcana, but they also want to transcend spiritual arcana.

  Whether it is on the top of a mountain or on the other side of the sea, it is the arcane mages' expectation for the future, to control the boundless world with their small bodies.

  "Your Excellency Qidele, do you think there is another shore?" Duke suddenly asked.

  Zidele Xingling was startled, then said calmly: "Why not? You have seen the goddess Nyx in the dream of stars. Maybe she is our other side." "But the goddess

  Nyx has...corrupted."

  "She is still there. It can give you enlightenment, so how can it say that it has become corrupted? No matter how majestic an existence it is, it is in the past tense after all. We have to look forward." Regarding the information that Duke brought back when he activated the will of the stars last time, Zidele Xingling said, Not frustrated.

  Perhaps the goddess Nyx is the god of the previous civilization and has decayed with the previous civilization, but what does it have to do with the present?

  Not just him, but all the stars believe that the Seven Towers Federation is on the right track.

  It will never be destroyed like the previous civilization.

  "Spirituality will guide us to climb the peak of the spiritual arcana and sail to the other side of the spiritual sea. There is no doubt about this, Your Excellency Duke." "

  Okay." Duke nodded.

  Since everyone is so confident, he can feel relieved. If the sky falls and there are still tall people holding it up, what should he be afraid of?

  But wait until the clone's shadow disperses and disappears.

  Returning to the sofa chair in reality, he suddenly thought of something: "It seems that after a few decades or a hundred years, I will be the tallest one!" Damn it


  Duke became nervous again: "It is my duty to change the trajectory of the world's development and become the savior of this civilization!" "

  Sir, Ms. Kilia is here." Assistant Murali reported back.

  "Kilia is here, please invite her in." Duke shook the collar of his clothes, and soon he and Kiriya hugged each other.

  The time of joy is always short.

  Things like the savior can be done a little later.

  Another two months passed like this, and it was already at the end of May in an instant. The first Lingxi projection instrument was officially born in the Holy City of Aofa.

  Duke personally tested the effect and condensed a telepathic projection clone, which lasted for about five minutes.

  "It has roughly the same effect as the arcane projection clone!" Zidel Xingling sighed while stroking his beard. "It can be officially announced to the public that the Lingxi projection technology has been conquered. The next step is to replace the Lingxi projection equipment in the five towers in major cities. ."

  "His Excellency Qi Dele led the experiment, and his hard work has paid off." Duke flattered him.

  Qi Dele smiled and praised: "After conquering the Lingxi Projection technology, the Ring of Lingxi is destined to be even more brilliant. Prophet Duke, it's my turn to congratulate you." "Haha, we are all happy." Duke was in a good mood, although he was in the process of conquering the Lingxi


  . Technically, he didn't contribute much, after all, the clone couldn't do much work in half an hour.

  But on the one hand, it stabilized the value of the Ring of Consonance, and on the other hand, it was the first time since he added the Prophet that he had led the development of a major technology.

  Inside and out, he reaped huge benefits.

  As the two prophets complimented each other, Duke dispersed his shadow and waited for his mind to return to his office.

  Soon I was shocked by another surprise: "Xiao Lili, are you saying that the teacher has successfully been promoted to the fourth level of Arcane Earth Mage?" Please

  (End of this chapter)

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